
31 Reviews
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ah, Mamma Mia
25 September 2000
Just another example of how brilliant Italian cinema can really be.This is indeed a masterpiece in all respects.The writing, direction, and acting all come together to create a witty,sad,happy,(and above all), funny tale.Even after watching the abbreviated English version, the shine never seems to dim from this gem of a flick.
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make no mistake...
3 September 2000
this is strictly made for TV.However, having said that, one would have to put it up there among one of the finest that the tube has had to offer over the last 25 years or so.

Technically, there are some flaws in the directing.Flashback scenes are thrust upon the viewer without the slightest warning, which in parts, makes it confusing to distinguish past and present for a few moments.Yet, the positive far outweighs any small negatives.This little flick can captivate a person. The acting by all, especially by Holm, is commendable to say the least.Borgnine is Borgnine as usual.

Overall, aside from some glitches, it's well worth seeing. 7/10
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just plain BRILLIANT
31 August 2000
in an age where the norm is more garbage on the big screen than excellence, this film is truly a big breath of fresh air.For lack of a better word, this is a "masterpiece." It falls into the same camp as "Cinema Paradiso," which was released about ten years before this one.

Many of the opinions here seemed to be based on what the critics wrote at the time; that the first half is weak and blah blah blah- -nonsense ! The entire package is simply a work of genius.This is an emotional roller coaster- - enjoy the ride ! 10/10
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Lust, Betrayal, Money...
31 August 2000
the perfect ingredients for a film within this genre. Although I did not read the novel, I imagine it translated almost to perfection on the screen.I've seen this a number of times and it seems I enjoy it even more so each time.This must be MacMurry's best role.Stanwyck is excellent.Billy Wilder's direction is superb.This is indeed a classic and I'm happy to see that it hasn't been destroyed by some idiot(s) with their "sicko" process of turning great black and white films into color.Near perfect. 9/10
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Surprisingly good
28 August 2000
It's one of those stories that may be better in print or would have more impact on the stage, however this works suprisingly well on film. The superb acting allows it to be both effective as a drama and comedy.For those familiar with NYC in the late 40's, the setting is most believable.It's far from boring, but one must adapt to the slow pace of the movie, which in fact, proves to be an asset.All 'n all; well done. 7/10
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Wise Guys (1986)
Plenty of laughs and fun
27 August 2000
Danny DeVito is at the top of his game right here.His delivery of lines are perfect.The rest of the cast including Joe Piscopo help this small comedy along tremednously. The always surprisingly Capt.Lou Albano is tailor made for his role as "the fixer." The DePalma direction is perfect such as in the scene where the gang peeks from the door and through the blinds and make bets as they anticipate Mr. Costello's car to blow-up.It's the little things that all combine into one that makes this film work to perfection.
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When Trumpets Fade (1998 TV Movie)
action packed, but
26 August 2000
very one dimensional that lacks any significant sub plot.The characterization is not fully developed and it leaves one wondering exactly what makes these guys "tick"...besides wanting to stay alive. The acting done mostly by unknowns, aside from Frank Whaley (as Chamberlan), is commendable.Having never participated in war, I can only assume that this film comes about as close to reality as possible.The cinematography, insofar as war dramas go, can't get much better.This is far from the brilliance that is found in a film such as Das Boot ("The Boat")or the fully developed characters in Attack, yet for 95 minutes it's difficult to find any fault except for the obvious mentioned above.Good, but much more could have been done with this. 7/10 *By the way, I never saw Saving Private Ryan.
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A toothless dragon
17 August 2000
with no bite. This is probably the worse of the Monogram series. It is clumsy and boring. It is supposedly Mexico City, but it may as well be Omaha.Charlie and his "shadow" Insp. Carvero (there's never a scene without them together) bump around aimlessly trying to find the murderer who uses a silly lethal weapon.The story line throughout this film remains me, anyway. Once again, the character of Tommy Chan (Benson Fong) simply does not work well. Even the humour by Chattanooga (Willie Best) is flat.The best part is watching Sidney Tolar do the rumba, which as far is I know is a Cuban dance.Aside from diehard Chan fans, you can skip this one.
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Saint Jack (1979)
a good Bogdanovich film
16 August 2000
an interesting story that probably worked better in print than film.I did not read the novel.Good Singapore location shots. There's probably more depth to the character Jack Flowers than most Gazzara roles as we watch him roam the underbelly of Singapore soliciting women, and in one scene,a pair of transsexuals.Technically, it's well done with slightly above average acting and direction.Good performances by some unknown actors. Still, one walks away wishing there was a little more substance to the main character and the film overall.All 'n all, it is worth seeing although it lacks in certain areas.
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The Seven-Ups (1973)
gets better with time
13 August 2000
a compact crime drama with a good amount of action. The unique NYC location shots adds to this tough little film.Technically well done with good direction and acting. Needless to say,the wild car chase that seems to begin in downtown, extends through the upper west side, Washington Heights, across the George Washington Bridge and into NJ has to be one of the best ever on film.All around a fine flick that for me gets better with time.8 out of 10...easy
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Charlie does the "big apple"
13 August 2000
taking into consideration the Chan films that would follow, this isn't bad. Plenty of stereotypes beginning with the Black man in the beginning and when the police captain orders that "every Hindu in town" by rounded-up. A parade of stereotypical characters enter the scene including Shemp of the Three Stooges. Charlie seems to move quickly around the city going from Sutton Pl. to the W. Village in a flash.The ending is silly. An obvious toy airplane is used as it climbs through the sky and then nose dives. Ed Wood couldn't have done it better. The final scene is absurd as the murderer will obviously incriminate himself in his attempt to quiet the one person who knows his identity. Overall, it is worth watching.
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Charlie wins a Gold
11 August 2000
excellent in all respects.Probably one of the finest in the entire series. The setting is unique and it's a well done mystery. Documentary footage of the '36 Olympics and the Hindenberg are well situated in this drama. The political atmosphere of Germany during the mid-late 30's is, however, overlooked. Warner Oland again is at his best.This is a must see for Chan fans
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The Informant (1997)
A familiar plot
8 August 2000
we've seen this story before in different variations, however overall this isn't bad. Some good acting especially (and as usual ) by Dalton.One is able to identify easily with this version because it's the most recent, but still nothing can quite surpass the excellent 1935 film.All'n all, it's worth seeing.
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this relic needed more shine
30 July 2000
not by any means the best in this series.Warner Oland tries his best to work with a script that could have proved more interesting as his adventures take him to another exotic locale.Weak characterization is no help but, far from disastrous.It's a promising beginning, but the story fizzles into what can be described as a mediocre mystery.The outcome seems predictable.It's a must see for Chan fans, however it did not quite live up to my expectations.
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Nothing dim about this in the city of lights
25 July 2000
A Warner Oland classic that takes place in Paris.Excellent mystery in all respects.No doubt one of the best written Chan dramas and brought to fruition by some excellent acting. The one annoyance is the same drunken character that is seen in Charlie Chan in London is also seen here. Overall, however, it is a must see for any Chan enthusiast.
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No routine song 'n dance
19 July 2000
"excuse please," but this is a straight forward top notch mystery with no gimmicks involved. Much of the action takes place in the Hottentot Club and the only dance is of a tropical variety that is more reminiscent of Charlie Chan in Rio or Panama.Warner Oland is at the top of his game playing the famous Chinese detective. Keye Luke, as usual, is excellent. Harold Huber does a fine job as Inspector Nelson and proves less silly than we'd see in future films.This must be considered one of the best.
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full of bugs
16 July 2000
although not a bad movie, much time seems to be wasted on the relationship between Heston and Parker. An interesting theme,however.It was interesting to see how slim and fit the late William Conrad was at one time, but the phony accent wasn't much of a help here. I enjoyed this more as a kid watching it in the theatre. Mediocre
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Dark Alibi (1946)
no alibi needed here
16 July 2000
if you miss this one. It was evident this series was coming to an end (as was Toler's life) in this unrealistic mystery that was held aloft by gimmicks.The comedy of Birmingham Brown (Mantan Moreland) was the only bright spot which carried this movie through to it's conclusion.Although a credible actor,Benson Fong playing Tommy Chan, is just plain flat. Tommy and Birmingham seem to have a free reign in what appears to be a maximum security prison.Much ado here about nothing.
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murder takes a holiday
16 July 2000
in this well rounded mystery.An early Toler film, which should be seen by all Chan fans. A fine cast including Leo G. "Topper" Carroll as Prof.Gordon. A familiar formula, but well done in all aspects.The antics of Jimmy Chan (Victor Sen Young) work well here as usual.Although Toler moves through the movie sounding like he's suffering from a cold, he does one of his finest jobs here as Charlie Chan. A must see.
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Some entertaining acts under this big top
16 July 2000
but overall not by any means the best Oland movie.You have everything here from a phony ape,to real animals, and some delightful sideshow characters.An interesting setting,but only a mediocre mystery.To see the large Chan clan is a nice addition.Keye Luke as Lee Chan does an admirable job.Don't juggle your schedule for this one, but it is worth seeing even with all the "cotton candy" involved in the script.
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Turn the lights off on this one
7 July 2000
originally a play which fails to translate very well on the screen.It's lifeless.There's some light moments with Harold Huber as the inept Marcel, but his hamming it up is a bit too much. It is interesting to see Leo G. Carroll and Lon Chaney Jr. in this.The backdrop to the story proves more interesting as the world finds itself on the brink of WWII.Note the final words of Chan , which is an omen of things to come."Excuse please," but overall, this is not the most brilliant piece of Chan film history.
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a nice gem
6 July 2000
found in this "treasure island" starring Sydney Toler.It is a 20th Century production, which makes it all worthwhile.The spirit world and seances are the backdrop for this mystery.There is a cast of some familiar faces including Cesar Romero.This film is certainly one of the better ones with a surprise ending as to the identity of the killer/blackmailer,Dr.Zodiac. Worth watching.
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Not Exactly Carnival
5 July 2000
in Rio, but a really well thought out Chan film. A very interesting and familiar array of characters.One can almost feel the breeze coming in off the S.Atlantic.One of the better films for Jimmy Chan (Victor Sen Yung).It's easy to watch over again.
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2 July 2000
just an average passable Chan film with Warner Oland playing the famous detective.There's been better in this series.Keye Luke does a nice job here as he remains preoccupied on the telephone with his semi-pretty love interest.Oland just seems to be going through the motions in this one.There is, however, a nice surprise ending as to the identity of the real culprit.
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No London fog here....
2 July 2000
"Contradiction please." Warner Oland is clearly at the top of his game here as he attempts to save an innocent man from the gallows with only hours to spare.Truly one of the better films in this series with the Swedish actor.He is surrounded by a unique cast of English characters.There are a couple of amusing moments with Chan climbing through a window and crawling from beneath a desk in what otherwise is a serious "whodunit." Really well done and a must for a Chan fan.
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