
42 Reviews
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Night Sky (2022)
An interesting idea wasted on bad writing
29 January 2023
There's some interesting ideas and a few instances of engaging visual storytelling in Night Sky. And the acting talent certainly isn't bad.

But the writers seem to think the audience can't think for itself and treat the characters like mindless puppets to play out their plot, instead of giving them a personality and motivation. It's grating and you're just being strung along from episode to episode, with the story dragging its feet for no good reason, and the characters seem as frustrated by it as the audience.

On top of that, the scifi is backed by complete bunk 'science' or just plain old magic, even for very basic stuff it's just wrong and impossible. I gave up after 4 episodes.
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Barbarian (2022)
A mixed bag
22 October 2022
Barbarian gets a lot right, but it also flubs a lot. But my main issue with it is that a lot of what it does is ultimately pointless, other than being there as fan service or because the creators wanted to put in a quote or reference for the sake of putting it in.

The characters are nicely set up, and can keep you guessing for a bit as to their motivations, but ultimately that tension doesn't contribute to the story - and unsatisfyingly resolves for many of them. Many of the characters take complete u-turns in terms of motivation or personality and although that in itself could be considered a bit of a trope for some of them, it just doesn't do anything for the movie.

Similarly, there are some really strong and well-executed style choices that evoke movies like Candyman or Parents, while more obviously referencing stuff like Don't Breathe and Hostel. But they seem to be in there just for the sake of being in there.

You could say that the character setups, the style choices, etc. Are all there to set an expectation to then subvert that expectation. But my problem is that the makers require us to know all these tropes and styles to be affected in that way, but if you are that kind of person, the effect in the end is quite weak because you won't be that surprised.

I'm sorry to say that it all feels like not particularly clever people trying to come off as clever. But perhaps that's just the aging cynic in me, perhaps this movie is not for 47-year old cinema veterans, but for the new wave of teenage movie lovers that know just enough to get most of the references, while not having seen something like Barbarian executed before.
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Prisoners (2013)
Not what it seems, and then it is
21 January 2022
This movie is very good, even though most of the characters are thoroughly unlikeable and it paints a grim and unforgiving picture of suburban America and its denizens. Initially the story seems somewhat straightforward, but as the characters find their way through the plot, it comes together in a way that will have you glued to the screen, if you can get over your dislike for them.

The casting and acting is on point and the cinematography tells the story and contributes to the mystery in a very clever way - I missed the movie when it came out and only came to it because of the name the director has made for himself since. But this one confirms my love for Denis Villeneuve and shows that he doesn't just shine in big fantastical pieces, but can also manage to keep it really small. The score by Johannsson is also great, if a bit more understated than what I'm used to from him.

It's not a masterpiece though - the finale is not bad, but I found it a bit too easy and forgiving, given how grim and confrontational the movie was leading up to it. I would have preferred for the movie to be even longer, or for a little bit more thought and attention to have gone to the various stages of resolution.

But it's no disappointment overall and in fact I would strongly recommend it, if you like material like True Detective, or even Se7en, though Prisoners is far more muted and believably dark.
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Far from perfect, but above OK
14 January 2022
I've read several of the reviews here and I feel that the scathing ones are trying to make points that have very little to do with the movie, and a lot with the actors or unfair and rather superficial comparisons to other movies. Having three actors of such prominence play these roles is perhaps a bit risky - but then again, if these had been relative unknowns, the movie may not have been where it is.

There are a few points of criticism that make it 'just above OK' instead of anything better. The casting gives away the plot, I never like that in a crime movie. I see the benefit of having a seasoned actor play the villain, but it removes the mystery to a large degree. This movie gets around that in a certain way - explaining how so would be a spoiler, but in the end I still feel the casting and build-up wasn't optimal here.

The other main thing, and more of an issue, is Malek's character's arc. The problem is that it's not really an arc at all, but more of a dogleg. Sure, there is some foreshadowing of character traits that will prove crucial. And if you decode Denzel's character, you can see where things will be going - but even though the movie guides the viewer towards it, it still feels like there's fairly little basis to it all. Why is Malek's character like that? How does he manage to hide that perfectly from everyone important in his life, and how does that even work, if everyone appears more surprised at him than anything?

I feel the first three quarters of the movie are quite good, but there's a series of decisions and interactions towards the end that make sense plot-wise, but still feel like deus ex machine considering the main characters - specifically Malek's character, although Leto's character makes you wonder if he could have really gotten where he apparently is today in a world with a functioning police apparatus.

Still enjoyable, not a bad movie - I'd even call it good in places, but it's far from perfect.
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Unknown (I) (2011)
This type of film has to be one of two things
6 January 2022
Either the action in a film like this makes you forgiving of the plot holes, or the plot has to be solid, and clever. Sadly, this film succeeds on neither front.

The action is bland in most places, and apart from a car chase or two that work to a point, it's not worth watching the movie for. Don't expect Jason Bourne or Ronin, or anything even close. Most of the action feels like it belongs in a B-movie.

The plot however is worse. There's an endless series of decisions by characters and chains of cause and effect that only make sense if you don't stop to think about them for a second. Discussing them would be a major spoiler, but at least three major characters could have easily avoided their own deaths on separate occasions, if they had just avoided doing the one thing they didn't have to, which was almost certainly going to get them killed.

The basic premise of the plot is sort of believable, but the main character becomes less believable as his story unravels. This movie is somewhat entertaining for as long as you believe it can still be salvaged - but in the end it's a waste of time.
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Boss Level (2020)
Not bad but...
26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's certainly not bad and if you've never seen Groundhog Day, Edge of Tomorrow or recent action / revenge movies, you'll be very entertained.

It's well done and it looks good in most places. The story unfolds at a decent tempo, but the main issue is that it doesn't really add all that much. It does the same thing that's been done before in a bunch of movies and even though it does it well, it fails to add something, which makes you wonder if you should watch it if you've seen any of the material it's based on.

Another issue is that the world feels very much like it has computer game logic. For a large part of the movie I felt the main character was stuck in a computer game. The styling of the titles certainly works hard to make you believe that. But if this really is a game, it's a very unsatisfying one and you're better off watching Free Guy.

It seems however that it isn't, in spite of its zany assassins, game references and generic plot, which makes me miss the ending I was hoping for - that would put it all into context and make this a good movie instead of just an OK & fun one.
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Polar (I) (2019)
It's clear what it wants to be, but it never will
27 June 2021
I'm sure Mads Mikkelsen would have been able to play a pretty good John Wick. But Jonas Åkerlund is no Quentin Tarantino or Guy Ritchie, or even a Chad Stahelski. You'll probably remember the first two, maybe Stahelski will go on to make enough of a name for himself as well, but Jonas Åkerlund will have to make something actually worth watching to deserve being remembered for feature films instead of music videos.

The style of Nicolas Winding Refn is so cool because it's wrapped around something truly dark and gritty or menacing. The violence in Tarantino's movies is palatable because it is an accessory in great story-telling with unparalleled dialog. The twists in Guy Ritchie's successes work because you're invested in the setting and the characters. And Stahelski gets a script by Derek Kolstad to work with, who understands what is needed to embed an anti-hero like John Wick, without getting in the way of hyper-stylized action. Polar has none of that, it's all 6/10 form without substance.

Which is not to say it's not well-made and it has its moments. But the terrible casting, the complete lack of a plot worth caring about and the genericity of the action scenes ruin enough of it not to want to recommend it. I hope Åkerlund gets over himself and starts putting his talents to work to make something original, instead of failing to emulate his (or perhaps his audience's) idols without a chance in hell of exceeding them.
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The Old Guard (2020)
There's potential here
2 May 2021
The actors aren't the problem. The basic concept isn't the problem. The storytelling isn't the problem, although it could do with a bit more depth. The problem here is a lot of the small stuff. The soundtrack and score could have been a lot better. The villains were laughable, even though the base motivation made sense. The action isn't bad at times, but at other times it falls a bit flat - not every movie like this has to be John Wick, but a bit more more so would go a long way.

I enjoyed this one, but mainly because I can see how the sequel could be a lot better in the right hands. And the cast seems up to it, as is the premise, so what's needed here is a a good writer and director. Here's hoping, give this one a shot to see what everyone is thinking.
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Sputnik (2020)
Entertaining, well-paced, looks great, sounds great, not a waste of your time.
11 April 2021
You might say Sputnik is something like Arrival meets Chernobyl, but that would be ignoring the fact that Sputnik is more of a monster movie of sorts, and perhaps has a bit less to say in the way of grand ideas. Just calling it a monster movie isn't fair either though, because it's far more thoughtful and consistent than the average Hollywood fare we normally classify as that.
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Undergods (2020)
Darkly comic, uncomfortably familiar
11 April 2021
A series of vignettes, connected in weird and unsuspected ways, painting the picture of a dystopia that reminds us of daily life more often than is comfortable. Powerful imagery and intriguing stories, though it perhaps lacks purpose and direction at times. Worth watching if you enjoy movies like About Endlessness but prefer a bit more grit.
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The Lobster (2015)
Engaging, if not very exciting
11 April 2021
Although the setting of the story makes you wonder about the broader world it might be part of, the story and its characters are sufficiently engaging not to dwell on it. Not to be taken too seriously, it deals with serious existential questions and has you wonder about how to love and why we even do it. Comic in parts, though I wouldn't call it a comedy and a very bleak one if you do. The movie sets you up for reflection, on the characters as well as love lives in general.
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Derivative and lazy
4 March 2021
Batman Begins was a thrill and The Dark Knight mostly carried the same feeling, making all the fans hope for a strong trilogy. What The Dark Knight lacked in power compared to part 1 was made up for in spade by Ledger's performance as the Joker.

But the Dark Knight Rises throws all that potential away. With a star-studded cast, it is at times boring with its lazy writing, endlessly milked gimmicks (yes, yes, the wheels of the motorcycle roll sideways, wow), tensionless drawn-out action scenes (someone seemed to think that missiles chasing a helicopter for over a minute makes sense) and horribly flat acting at times. Sound design is all over the place and enough has been said about Bane's silly voice effects.

There's a few good things. The score isn't bad, the environment is good in places, but Nolan's heart clearly wasn't in it anymore. What most surprised me is how bad the direction was. I'd love to believe that Nolan somehow got a bad deal, was forced to work with bad writers, had the misfortune of being saddled with bad actors, anything. But Nolan made something derivative of his previous work and extremely lazy - the whole thing feels phoned in.

I love Nolan's work and the first two Batman movies he directed are easily the best two ever made, but the final to the trilogy cheapens and diminishes the whole. Still worth a watch and after watching part 1 and 2 you'll want more - but this isn't it.
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26 December 2020
This movie in one word: silly. The only worthwhile 80's reference here is that this movie should have gone straight to VHS.

The only reasons this isn't a complete turd are that it has some interesting choreography in some of the CGI-laden action scenes and that some of the insanely melodramatic scenes are so over the top that they have camp potential.

But don't waste your money on this otherrwise useless movie. If Wonder Woman 1984 was supposed to save cinema, cinema is dead.
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Won't be a classic, but not all bad
10 October 2020
Some really nice effects and ideas, strung together by an average story and a messy screenplay. The suspense of disbelief is out the window again and again, which reduces the impact of the otherwise excellent horror and terror scenes.
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Tenet (2020)
Don't listen to the nay-sayers
22 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You're best off not reading too many reviews - Tenet is best unspoilt. Sure, like any "time travel" movie (air quotes needed here) it's not always easy to follow and Tenet does a real job on you. I feel some of the reviewer hate is really just anger at not getting it on the first 'third movie I watched today' viewing. And no, I don't think I'm spoiling anything by telling you it's a time-travelish mind bender, because you're tolled in the first scenes going in.

There's definitely some flaws here - I didn't particularly like the innocent mother and child motivation of the protagonist, although I feel the kid might turn out to be more important in a sequel. Then again, Tenet is finished and I hope it doesn't get a sequel. It does a good job of exploring a really interesting sci-fi fantasy idea and I think it'll be on lists of 'favourite time travel movies' for decades to come.

And like any time-travelley movie, there's some glaring plot holes and paradoxes that aren't really dealt with in a satisfying way. Then again, there's already more than enough exposure here and these kinds of movies are partly fun because of the figuring out you have to do after you walk out the theatre. Most of the holes, I could find some explanation for, but it would have been nice if there had been more subtle clues leading to those explanations. Perhaps upon a second or third viewing, which I'm likely to go for.

If you're going in for an uncomplicated broody action romp, expecting the next Dark Knight, you may be disappointed. If you expect a mind bender with the clean simplicity of Memento, you may be a bit overwhelmed by Tenet. But Nolan delivers another movie that fits his oeuvre well and I think it's extremely enjoyable, although it may have a bit more cult appeal than blockbuster potential, which may be surprising given the budget and Nolan's director superstar status by now.
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Exceedingly dumb
7 November 2019
There is nothing here that makes sense. I love fantasy and scifi and am willing to suspend my disbelief quite far, but this film has me rolling my eyes from scene to scene. What a waste of resources and time.

And even if you're accepting the silly premise and unexplainable events, the characters are all over the place and no actor could have saved them - these certainly don't.

It's just a really bad movie that looks pretty in places.
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Too many ingredients, no plan
4 October 2019
With this many stars, so much collected experience and such an easy canvas (everybody instantly knows what to expect of the zombie apocalypse), I was very disappointed with the overall bland result. Funny at times, with some cute ideas and a good setup, but ultimately a nothingburger.

The 5 stars are for the small things and cute shots and references that would have made a good movie great. Instead they make a bad movie palatable.
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Still better than most, but unworthy of the Boogeyman
21 September 2019
Where Chapters 1 and 2 both felt like they were building towards something and did a great job of both slowly building the world John Wick inhabits, as slowly tearing down the man that is (or was) John Wick, Chapter 3 seems to ignore what was going on and just becomes generic good-looking action fodder.

Because Parabellum does look good and Reeves keeps going through the motions well enough, but with a plot that's all over the place and more full of holes than his victims, there's only so much Reeves and some of the extras can do.

In chapters 1 and 2 we were led to believe that Wick's sheer force of will and drive were what made him special. A Cassian came close in chapter 2, but ultimately didn't stand a chance, in spite of a history with Wick. But now we find ourselves in a world where many people appear to match his skill and New York alone appears overrun with assassins that are a match for Wick.

With the hero no longer being special, everybody and their dog in on the game, allegiances in the wind and Wick surviving as much through luck and whim as anything else, there are no stakes and Parabellum falls flat. Deeply unsatisfying.
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The Fairness
17 June 2019
The overall idea isn't bad and when you see the obvious spoiler of a scene from the trailer only about 40 minutes in, what you may have been expecting for a while becomes reality - but then you realise the movie isn't even half over.

From there on out, slowing down again would be hard, but it would have made for a better movie - instead the movie hardly slows down at all and expects us to believe a series of wild plot directions and character reveals that are simply asking too much from the actors. The writing and dialogue isn't up to the task.

But I feel this is also one of those cases where people just love to hate the movie. It's not *that* bad, just don't expect something as intellectually satisfying (or outrageous) as Mother, or as deeply disturbing as an Audition, or as clever and modern as Get Out.

The Perfection belies its title in simply being The Average.

All involved can try again and I'm looking forward to giving them new chances to shine, because there's a lot of talent here. Perhaps Richard Shepard should leave the writing up to others though...
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A waste of your time
26 May 2019
Derivative writing, mediocre acting, third rate special effects. There really is nothing here you haven't seen before and when you did, it was a lot better than this weak copy. Give this one a pass unless reasonable overall production value is your thing.
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Highly entertaining movie that makes no sense
2 May 2019
There are no spoilers needed to back up the statement that 'Endgame' is the Swiss cheese of the bunch as far as plot holes and internal contradictions are concerned. Emotionally strong and visually impressive, it's one of the most entertaining movies in the MCU and cannot be missed by anyone who watched most of the others.

But unless you are already deeply invested in the MCU or simply have to know "what's next" after the (actually far better) 'Inifity War', or you're just here for the fights, tear jerks and explosions, this movie is entirely missable. You will be passing up the opportunity to endlessly pick it apart with your geek friends though, who will spend the next decade trying to come up with excuses to make this movie work.

It *is* after all the culmination of a decade of storytelling and it deserves credit for pulling that off. It's a shame that a movie that does such a good job of connecting everything, making it look so good, with so much star power, ends up being a plot mess and honestly lazy.
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Hereditary (2018)
Reminds you of the classics...
15 April 2019
And that's a good thing, if you like the classics like Rosemary's Baby, The Exorcist or The Omen. It has all the modern updates in terms of visuals, sound design and technology, but it uses the latter in moderation, to its credit. But as a story, in its themes and execution, it's timeless and if you loved those three movies, you're likely to think this one is great as well.

If, on the other hand, you grew up on a diet of Saw, Ring and Paranormal Activity, it's probably a bad thing. I've read the negative comments and reviews of many viewers that seem to have a problem with its pace, themes and the type of storytelling that dominated horror in the 70's up to the 00's.

There's a number of things in this movie that, if you're used to getting everything served in bite-sized chunks (typically literally), may seem out of place or wrong - but they work very well if you accept the movie for what it is.

I think it would be hard to make this movie any better, but I'm sticking with 8/10 because the one valid criticism here is that it *has* all been done before - often. The strong suggestion of a psychological history and the suspense of wondering whether it's all in their heads, the flow of time that leaves out all the mundane and only gets you in the main characters' head space, the supernatural tropes (I won't go into, because that's just spoiling and it's obvious when you see it).

The story is well-told, I think the acting is on point, at least as I understand the characters and the movie looks and sounds amazing. Recommended for horror fans that don't want to stick with modern tropes alone.
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A good movie that could become great if it is followed by a worthy sequel
21 February 2019
It's telling that I wanted to see the sequel the second the movie ended. In part it's because the movie really misses a final act to give you the satisfaction it is building towards, but primarily it is because the movie has built a world and characters worth caring about and that makes you wonder.

I can see this story going places and the movie worth every dollar the tickets costs you to see it in the cinema. The visuals are ground-breaking, the acting on point and the beats of the story keep the movie moving forward.

It could have done with a bit more layering, a bit more meat to hint at the history or philosophy of the people that went before, considering that this movie is set 500 years in the future. And the story is very straightforward. In a way I feel that this makes this movie an excellent movie for all ages, but the violence is probably a bit too much for that in places, even though the truly graphic is avoided through clever shooting and the fact that we're watching cyborgs most of the time.

It's an 8 out of 10 because to be more, it would have to be a good movie all by itself. As it stands, I sincerely hope the 'foreign' (i.e. non-US) market likes it better, because I'd love to see the same team take the story forward and make an even better sequel.
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First Man (2018)
Not the right stuff
18 February 2019
I'm sure many were hoping for the right stuff: another epic celebration of the one of the great victories of the USA, nay, mankind. But this movie puts the story of man going to the moon in another perspective.

It's Neil Armstrong's experience of it, not as the flight nut he certainly was, but the father and man that a terrible gauntlet of loss and grief could have made him. And yet he finds catharsis and in a way, it's an important part of the miraculous achievement of these explorers who risked it all.

It's Neil that has the right perspective, both of the importance of the mission, as of the dreadful cost to the people involved. Meanwhile, the world isn't exactly waiting breathlessly for the US to pull off its trick - there is opposition, competition and doubt. But when the moment is there, it is transformative. And that is what the movie is about.

I'm sure more movies will be made and surely some will sing the heroic praises and spin the drama, like so many seemed to be hoping for. But First Man remains a strong film all the same - though not perfect either, so 8/10 it is.
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The Conjuring (2013)
Effective and good looking, but nothing new
7 February 2019
The characters are likeable and the movie establishes itself pretty quickly, with some very effective scares and spooks. For anyone who like the typical 'family moves into haunted house' type movie, The Conjuring will be an enjoyable watch.

But many movies like it have been made and The Conjuring doesn't add that much we haven't seen before. The one aspect I did like is how the psychics that get involved really get involved and the stakes are raised considerably during the movie.

But like others have said, it's set in the 70's to make it work the way it does and this is mainly because horror movie writers and directors will need to get creative to make horror for the current age. Setting it in the 70's allows for all the familiar tropes and makes for a nostalgic horror environment. Asian movies like Ring show that there is room for something new and modern, so I don't agree that setting it in the 80's or 70's is a requirement for the genre.

A niggle I had with The Conjuring is that the tone shifts quite a lot. After some considerable buildup, the movie loses a lot of steam and even though it does build up after that, it's a lot slower and I felt it never quite achieved the atmosphere it has about a third in.
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