
9 Reviews
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Manchild (2002–2003)
Interesting variation on familiar themes
18 April 2002
Think HBO's Sex in the City transposed to England and the four females transformed into four men facing age 50. As with the HBO show, virtually all they think or talk about is sex. some of this is very amusing. some not at all.

A focus on characters well out of the advertising industry's favored demographic is refreshing in and of itself. The acting is very good. The show will live or die on the basis of writing. These characters and their libidinous fixations could become tedious before long.

For fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, be warned, the character Anthony Head plays says and does some very, very un-Gileslike things.
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Cautionary tale about the unnerving consequences of taking small children on a long trip in a car without air conditioning.
5 July 2001
Yes, the Vanishing came to mind. But in that brilliant film we were slowly provided with character motivation. Not here. This is more like a boring French version of the Wonder Boys because of the writer's block subplot. Execept, again, here we have unappealing characters, no drugs, lackluster dialog and pacing, and those whining children. This is one family vacation best left alone.
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Run Lola Run (1998)
Fine, tight little movie.
5 February 2001
But let's not go overboard. The plot and pacing brought the movie Go to mind immediately. But "Lola" is a bit undernourished in the plot department. "Go" had more plot, more panache, and more humor. Not that I should take anything away from Run Lola Run, but it is far from the epic some here make it out to be.
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Truly unique; no other film like it.
20 November 2000
Bruce Lee meets Jane Austen. I'm told that is how Ang Lee pitched this movie. If that's what he was aiming for, he succeeded spectacularly. The film is beautiful to look at; with incredible shots of the Gobi Dessert. The martial arts scences are sometimes dizzying and convey a certain majesty. There is mysticism galore. And a little gore. There is unexpected humor. But what carries the day amidst all this flash are the human stories. Two. maybe three (depending how you feel about the Jade Fox subplot), love stories are played out around the action plot. That action plot, which involves a missing mystical sword and a few revenge motiffs is nothing special. But its intertwining with the love stories really lift this movie into a special category. This especially is the movie to cajole, entreat, beg you friends who would not be caught dead going to a "king fu" movie to go see.
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Dreary life in a small Canadian town and hockey.
22 August 2000
The movie isn't very good at any level. But it does have a nifty shower scene with Dullea and Ashley. To show how far Canadian movies have come, try seeing this and The Sweet Hereafter back to back. That is if you can get through this one.
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Dynamite, bandits, bad accents, Sergio Leone
9 May 2000
Oh how many delicious treats there are in this movie. When I saw it in its initial release there were scenes obviously out of order but it didn't matter. All the great leone elements are here: humor, brilliantly drawn (albeit one dimensional characters), grand passions, gore, explosions, dirt, sweat, etc. The plot makes little sense, but who cares. The accent Steiger affects in this movie is truly a bizzare concoction (Mexican? Spanish? Chinese? Spanglais? Blade Runner?). Enjoy the tale and let the sweep of Leone's story telling mastery carry you along.
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New York City bohemia circa 1942 and the meaning of art
4 April 2000
I hated this movie. Yes, Ian Holm is a treasure generally but he overacts in this one. The slice of bohemia aspect never comes to the fore. Nor does the erstwhile theme of artistic exploration. Tucci accomplished all he hoped to accomplish here in The Big Night. In that film we had a visceral appreciation for the joy of "creating," in that case great meals. And there were aspects of the interaction of art and commerce there were explored. Here, Tucci returns to some of those themes, but the return is a mess. Why does Gould not write? Why does Tucci's character ultimately stop writing? What does this tell us about the creative process? Beats me.
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Update of the Sleeping Beauty story
1 March 2000
It has been more than a quarter century since I saw this movie. it is not a good movie. It is, however, one of the more bizarre films you will ever see. It has stayed in my memory all these years while other clunkers are gone. Richard Pryor's turn as a wino-philosopher and Zalman King as a jazz musician-prince defy description. And its has a nuns dancing scene with Carol White. Because of the cast and treatment, this truly may be a one of a kind experience.
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Last Night (I) (1998)
world ends in six hours and everyone has had months to prepare
15 February 2000
One of the best movies of the year. More fully realized "little moments" than any movie I have seen in a long time. Great cast. Great writing. And a couple of neat touches, such as set decoration and color/look of the film.
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