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This true masterpiece is too easy to misunderstand...
28 February 2000
First I saw this film when I was 11 or 12 years old, but I guess? at that age I simply couldn't estimate the power of this Pier Paolo Pasolini's work of art, I just watched this masterpiece as a porno film and I am ashamed to admit this. But even at that age I was shocked by the sincerity of the director. Not a long time ago, I got this movie (it was hard enough to find it in Russia, but I got it and copied it. Anyway, I watched this movie again and was shocked again but this time by it's message to spectators about inhuman and cruel nature of Fascism. The critics, who call this masterpiece 'garbage', 'violence and torture propaganda' actually need to see this film again and again. They pay attention only to physical surface of the film without thinking about this deep and significant topic. This film is not for entertainment or pleasure, it contains cruel violent and other scenes, which you won't see in any other motion picture. But Salo's images will stay with you reminding about how horrible and guiltless human being can be. I cannot imagine this film to be made in Hollywood just because this masterpiece is too frank and sincere for this "factory of dreams".
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Bravo, Janusz Kaminski, nothing new, Mr. Spielberg!
1 December 1999
Mr. Spielberg, I LOVED your holocaust masterpiece Schindler's List most of all modern Hollywood films. This one is just another blockbuster made just for money and fame. He (Spielberg) took the First (to mention) Representor Hollywood - Tom Hanks... Bad decision. Tom Hanks is so "positive" in Hollywood - no doubht - he and only he should play Capitain Miller - our world hero! The choice of Matt Damon was not your best idea either. All your film is just showing-off, American Dream? George Washington, silly stuff like that. But please, understand? that no one in the world (exept USA) cares about this Ryan and Washington... Awful and stupid plot combines with superb directing and as a result the script fails the whole feature. But I can say that you SHOULD watch it because of the WONDERFUL cinematography by Janusz Kaminski. Mr. Kaminski - you are the best! You're a magician!
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Shocking, magnificent work of art
1 December 1999
This is the best war film about the Holocaust I have ever seen. It depicts the horrors of the Holocaust and war, the tragedy of Jewish nation, and I know, this film could be directed by a Jew, who keeps these horrible times and crimes against humanity in his heart. The tagline says "Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire". And this film shows us that no human life can be replaced by another one, and that there is nothing more valuable than HUMAN LIFE. I have not seen a film of such a power in my life. Superbly directed by Steven Spielberg, magnificently photographed in black-and-white by Janusz Kaminski (one of the best directors of photography in modern Hollywood, so to say), perfect performances by Liam Neeson and Ben Kingsley, and, especially, John Williams' beautiful, brilliant score, brings the whole horror and tragedy, cruelty of Nazism, Holocaust and War. This is Spielberg's Triumph. Congratulations!
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Bitter Moon (1992)
A masterpiece
1 December 1999
This film is directed by Roman Polanski (Which certainly means, that's a work of art). This film tells us a story which happened on the board of the ship during the cruise around the Mediterranean. British couple Nigel and Fiona meet american writer Oscar (who is disabled) and his wife. Pretty soon Oscar (Peter Coyote) starts telling Nigel (Hugh Grant) stories about his wife's and his' sexual relationship... The film has a very powerful ending - it's just couldn't be better. Perfect work of leading actors, supereb directing by R.Polanski and excellent music, cinematography by Tonino Delli Colli make this film an unforgettable tragic masterpiece.
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8MM (1999)
Thrilling, grabbing, well done motion picture
30 November 1999
Frankly saying, when i was gonna buy this movie, i did not expect too much from it just because it happened to me to read a review of it in a magazine. But i was surprised. On the whole it is a very god movie, by the way, far better than David Fincher's "Se7en", which is just a dark and boring, predictable film. But from the very beginning, 8mm is a gripping and shocking movie (but a little bit too long), very well photographed by Robert Elswit (The Hand That Rocks The Cradle). So, Joel Schumaher and Nicholas Cage manage to create an outstanding and scary movie.
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Leprechaun 4: In Space (1996 Video)
My mind is merry-go-rounding...
12 November 1999
Well, let's be sincere: the first part of Leprechaun was rather original and interesting, the second one was funny and dull, the third one was dreadfully stupid and annoying, but this one... Well, has been directed by the same person - Brian Trenchard-Smith. And everything seems like he has fallen in love with this dwarf and doesn't want to stop - he is just about to shoot the 5th part! Mr. Brian Trenchard-Smith, I'M TIRED OF YOUR LEPRECHAUN! He doesn't have anything in common with an original one. He just dreadfully laughs all the time and performs series of cheap and grotesque make-up effects (by Gabe Bartalos, who have designed the make-up of the first Leprechaun). This part is stuffed with horrible directing, acting, cheesy special effects, especially the scenes of computer modeled-and-animated space ship, which is actually the worst visual effects sequence I have ever seen... This movie sucks so much, it is so hopeless and primitive, that I would certainly like to get my money and my time, which has been spent on a crap like this.
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Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad. Too bad to be taken seriously
23 July 1999
No doubt, the worst part of Clive Barker's Hellraiser, which was shamelessly explored 3 times already. Bad story, bad directing by "Alan Smithee", but good make-up effects by Kevin Yagher (Freddy Krueger). You know ,this story with Hellraiser actually has a lot in common with Leprechaun. Exactly like this movie, Hellraiser gets worse and worse with every part. There we do also have Leprechaun in space, and believe me, it's as bad.
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Certainly the best mini-series ever created.
23 July 1999
When I first have seen these Tv-series in Russia, I didn't have an opportunity to see it from the beginning, but I was surprised. It's the best TV-film I have ever seen, and it's Kidman's best performance. KEN Cameron did a great job. So does Grame Revell's fantastic, brilliant score. It grips you so much, you are nervous, it's so WONDERFULLY and realstically acted and directed, you even forget that you're in front of your TV set. By the way, the scenes of Nicole Kidman's redemption were borrowed later by Frank Darabont in his adaptation of Stephen King's "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption". It's such a pity that this movie was not taken too seriously and it passed by too quickly, and at the same time we have ridiculous bad acted features like Titanic. By the way, I managed to buy a video with these series, and I'm so HAPPY!
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Playroom (1990)
A very good and thrilling movie
20 July 1999
Well, I really can say only good things about this movie: It's a high-quality psychological thriller with few holes in the script, good performances and director's work. I liked the idea of putting the action and characters in an old mysterious monastery in Serbia, where the tragedy have happened.
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Titanic (1997)
Good Lord! I have seen this movie about 10 years ago!
19 July 1999
Being perfectly frank, the posters made me gag. "Nothing on earth could come between them" rise. Oh, please! Well, it's not "Gone With the Wind" and it doesn't star anyone who looks remotely like Clark Gable, but this is definitely the summer's thinking person's action flick. That is just a waste of your money and time!
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Skinner (1993)
That's really sick!
19 July 1999
That's the most disgusting and gruesome movie I have ever seen, and it is really sick. Here we have a maniac, who skins hookers (He's last name is Skinner - does that tell you anything?). Then we have his victim Heidi, a hooker too (performed by a pornstar Tracy Lords), who wants to take a revenge on him. And then we have an awful and predictable script, horrible directing, annoying music by Contagion, which sounds like wind in wild woods, and bloody Special Make-Up Effects by KNB EFX Group, but they don't make any sense. This poor low-budget production has the only advantage - it makes some really bad movies look better.
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The worst King's adaptation ever... Don't waste your time
19 July 1999
What could you expect of a 3-hour TV adaptation produced by Konigsberg/Sanitsky Company and helplessly directed by John Power? Right: a total failure. All the writer's characterizations have been killed by Lawrence D. Cohen, who populated his script with cheesy cardboard characters and cheap visual effects. John Power seems to be satisfied with the first result of each episode, because, possibly he thinks that he is a wonderful director. Not at all. I feel like I have been cheated by producers: I have wasted 3 hours of my time watching these Sleepwalker-like (check the movie "Sleepwalkers", by Stephen King too) aliens, who live in a cheap miniature of a spaceship, deep under the ground. I promise, you won't miss a lot if you just skip that movie.
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May be that's really ENOUGH?!
17 July 1999
Oh, my God! When are they going to send these annoying Aliens to hell? I have seen all the parts. The first one was very good, the second was wonderful, the third was thrilling, but this one can't be called only ridiculous and annoying! And they're making the 5th part! Stop it, please! Sigourney Weaver, think about this part! That part of the film is just nothing but a total failure, which relies only on grotesque and boring special effects.
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Money Train (1995)
That's a good entertaining movie
17 July 1999
Why everyone is so mad about this movie! It's not that bad! I'm sure, the actors and the director Joseph Ruben (He's one of my favorite ones) do a good job, especially Jennifer Lopez (She's so hot!). Well, of course that film had to borrow a lot from Andrei Konchalovsky's masterpiece Runaway Train, but anyway, that's a good action thriller.
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What a nightmare! A waste of money!
9 July 1999
I LIKED Nikita Michalkov's previous films, but this is such a CRAP! It's so HOLLYWOOD! Basically, that's a Russian version of "Titanic" which is in no way better. This film depicts a tourist Russia: caviar, vodka, russian sildiers, Tzar Alexander (Awfully played by maestro - on a white horse), etc. But all this things are not necessary attributes of Russia. Mikhalkov laughs at Russian culture and he works for Hollywood here. What a disappointment!
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Cupid (1997)
That reminds me something...
9 July 1999
Of course, it does! Stepfather, brilliantly performed by Terry O'Quinn. Here we have almost the same story: he can't live without love and respect (luckily he can live without family with children). Here Eric Rhodes (Galligan) kills his girlfriends if they are "strange". By the way, there are some scenes familiar to me too. For example the episode when Galligan struggles Laurence's ex-boyfriend with a telephone cord (not exactly like in Stepfather 2). Then he takes him to the hotel and he hangs him and types a short letter in Notebook. No doubt, they have borrowed this scene from Stepfather, part two. And in general that's an average thriller, which contains some promise and well-done performances.
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Leprechaun 2 (1994)
Dreadful hilarity
9 July 1999
An awful sequel to a good black humor movie. Where's the Leprechaun, I wonder? Now we have a nasty dwarf who is no more interested in his gold and who performs a gallery of cheap special-make-up-effects murders.
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A good mystery movie with an unexpected final
9 July 1999
Why everyone is SO mad about this movie? It's not THAT BAD. Come on! This is a well-directed and acted feature. Bruce Willis is wonderful as Doctor Capa, and I think it is one of his best performances. He just proved here that he can act normal characters, and not only Die-Hard macho idiots. Jane March is very hot as Rose and the mystery of her apperances and disappearances sticks the spectator to the screen. Love and murder scenes do a very good job too, Dominic Frontiere's music is charming and thrilling and Dietrich Lohmann's cinematography is magnificent. Frankly saying, I liked it even more than The Silence Of The Lambs. I don't know why...
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A masterpiece...Far better than Schindler's List!
9 July 1999
Andrei Konchalovsky have always been my favorite russian director, but this is his best film. It tells us about a national tragedy: Stalin tirany. Some wonderful forgein actors also add to the success of the film. They are Tom Hulce, Lolita Davidovich (Indictment: The McMartin Trial (HBO:1995)), Bess Meyer is wonderful as the Jweish girl Katya. The scene of Stalin's funeral is so shocking and touching when Katya is trying to get close to the coffin with Stalin and Ivan (Tom Hulce) is holding her because she could got killed. The most horrible thing about Katya's thoughts is that she is so devoted to comrade Stalin, she says that it's just because of her she is an educated person, she lives okay (really horrible), but 'twas Stalin who arrested her parents only because they're Jewish people. She says: What profession can I get - I am a Jew, you know. That shocks. There's no a thind more horrible than when since his or hers childhood a preson thinks that he/she is worse than the others... Thank you, Andrei Sergeevich for this wonderful and touching masterpiece
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The Vineyard (1989)
Now, that's a waste of tape!
9 July 1999
My Gooooood! I'm just tired to repeat this eternal question: Why was this movie ever made? This is worse than Troll 2, worse than Witchery and Crawlers, it sucks. All the characters and "actors" (they're unique, they have done only this feature)are involved in this story only because they will be victims. This movie just hurts. Zombie make up is cheap and acting and script are hopeless... Total failure!
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This movie really had to be named S**t-Eating Mothers
9 July 1999
I don't understand: isn't everyone tired here of Z-grade cheap horror movies with Halloween make up effects and horrid scripts? That is one of the worst movies in the world's history, in this "production" are involved so-called actors. Since the beginning we see that's an Z-grade production because producers and directors and screenwriters suddenly begin to edit the film and to shoot it (cinematographer). The was an extra-hilarious moment when mom poured a HALF glass milk for her sonny then suddenly we see a glass FULL of milk! Oh, what a crap!
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This is surprisingly OK.
9 July 1999
I was really surprised. What could you expect of a movie named "the Naked Cage", produced by Cannon Group and Golan-Globus Company? I myself was expecting crap, but it was fine. This film depicts prison for women and terrible things happening there. Michelle is falsely accused in a bank robbery, and goes to prison where she faces a lot of cruelty and horrible things. Worth watching this movie.
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Leprechaun (1992)
An Irish Freddy Krueger with an interesting black sense of humor
1 July 1999
Here we are! We are offered a common, but promising popcorn movie from the director Mark Jones, who seems to be a fond of elfs (Rumpelstilskin). Here we met Leprechaun, who is well performed by Warwick Davis. Other actors do a good job too. Special f/x are okay, they're common. Leprechaun's make-up seems to be taken right from Freddy Krueger. Everything fine, but this Warwick Davis pathetic and annoying phrase "Where's my gold?!". This horror movie is actually a black comedy, it's just funny to see, when this elf is chasing Jennifer Aniston in a wheelchair, or singing childish songs. Well, it's rather exciting, but it's not a horror version of an Irish legend. Then I watched the other parts of this movie and they are awful! Leprechaun seems to be losing his sense of humor.
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An awfully poor remake of Hitchcock's greatest film
1 July 1999
Oh, no, another italian low-budget saga! This movie is awful. The Director Rene Cardona Jr. has no idea how to work with his own script and these so-called "actors". The characters are unbelivably cardboard, the plot is weak, this movie is probably the worst remake ever made!
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One of the best made-for-TV-movies I have ever seen
30 June 1999
Believe me, folks, Schindler's List is nothing comparing it to this movie. Although that's a HBO television production, it's excellent. James Woods is marvelous as Danny Davis, Ray Buckey's defense attorney at The McMartin Trial. Other roles are wonderful too. There is no bad performance in this film. Music, cinematography, editing and script are at a very high level too. This film is unique, because that is the only film telling us about The McMartin Preschool Trial, the biggest and the most expensive child-abuse trial in the world's history and a tragedy, which tore apart a McMartin-Buckey family and a nation.
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