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Holes (2003)
A kid's movie that adults might enjoy.
28 April 2004
I saw this movie primarily because I had read the book a few years ago for a children's literature class (and enjoyed it). The movie did not disappoint.

The whole plot hinges on a series of bizarre coincidences that land our (innocent) hero in a juvie detention center in the dead middle of nowhere in the desert, laboring to dig holes. Sigourney Weaver is the very sketchy warden, and does a fine job of being the sort of disciplinarian you'd never ever wants your kids under.

The important thing that I was pleased to see carry over into the movie from the book is the fact that the boys, every one, really *are* in danger, mortal danger. (Unlike in many kids' movies where the kids think they're in danger but really aren't, in this one, you understand that little Stanley Yelnats really is in danger, and that he's willing to sacrifice a lot to remove his friends from that danger.)

Not a dark film at all, and one I highly recommend for both adults and children above the age of ten.
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A review from someone who has never seen the original
23 March 2004
Yep, I never saw the original.

With that in mind, I liked it. I like zombie movies as a general rule; if you don't, you won't like this one either.

If you do, you'll enjoy watching this one. Will you like it? Maybe, maybe not. You'll jump a few times, and you'll want to know what's going to happen next.

Excellent performances by Mekhi Phifer and Michael Kelly. Gorier than 28 Days Later, and with better gore than most horror movies. Keep your ears ready for a bizarre version of The Disturbed's "Down With the Sickness", which has been slowed to almost lullabye speed. I didn't recognize it til I wondered why everyone in the theatre was laughing.

I gave it 8/10; that means I'll buy the DVD, but probably won't ever consider it to have been an especially brilliant movie. Final advice: Go see it if you like horror flicks. Don't bother if you don't like horror or if you're squeamish.
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Fallen (1998)
More people need to rent this.
22 June 2001
This is one of the best scary movies ever. It is not especially gory, but it is absolutely frightening, and Denzel Washington does an absolutely amazing job of presenting himself as the cop who finds himself in a bizarre situation. I can only guess that the reason this movie isn't ranked higher is because not enough people have seen go rent it!
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Jack Frost (1997 Video)
Pretty good for a horror film
22 June 2001
Ok so it's got choppy shots and a silly plot. Who cares? It has a mutant killer snowman! The snowman runs around stalking a small, isolated town during a snowstorm. It's filled with lame jokes that are somehow appropriate and therefore amusing, it's not especially scary, and although there are some scenes not appropriate for children under 15, there's plenty of goofy goodness for everyone else. I don't know why this movie is rated so low, considering that it wasn't intended to be a classic. It's just a horror comedy flick, done with no-name actors and a clearly limited budget. It's great, considering what they had to work with!
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Heinous. Absolutely heinous.
22 June 2001
This movie was heinous. It has nothing to do with the first ones or subsequent ones. Now I see why it came free packaged with Halloween II. They had too many copies in the warehouse and just had to give them away free. There is no reason to see this movie. Even for those of you who like to go watch all the movies in a series, there is still no reason to waste two hours of your life that you will never get back on this movie.
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13 June 1999
I watched all of the Godfather movies in one night and never made a peep of complaint, even though I hate gangster movies. I have seen Robin Hood about six hundred times because my father likes it, and never have I begun to detest it. I even suffered through the Horse Whisperer and hated it fiercely, but didn't want to drag it down with a negative review on IMDB.

But this movie was so bad it made me mad. Very Bad Things?? Very Bad Movie. Might as well have tag-lined it "Rent it for 3 bucks and feel ill within the first half-hour! Guaranteed!".

Let's go through the plot: Men have drunken, drug-filled lascivious bachelor party. Prostitute shows up. Man accidentally kills prostitute during sex. Slater murders guard, convinces others to cut both bodies up and bury them in the desert. Then, all the others slowly crack apart and are slowly murdered. None are suicides, although they're not all killed by the same character. Two survive, I won't say who. (Like it matters. All the characters are unlikeable, and they're not even COOL unlikeable, except for Cameron Diaz.)

I think this movie was supposed to be funny in a dark way. And it was. I laughed my butt off during the last, say, minute and a half, when I could no longer stand my horror and disbelief and alternate boredom.

I think it was a brave try by all. The acting performances were all great, for the record. The plot might have worked. But there was too much gore and not enough genuine guilt to make the whole 'falling apart from guilt' bit fly. Also, I am irritated that Slater's character was supposed to be so funny. It was hard to take him seriously as a big bad dude once I'd seen him goofing off with his buddies.

All in all, this movie sucked. It was needlessly gory and the wit we've all come to expect from Slater and um. the other guy..the one who played the Michael character wasn't present. And poor Cameron Diaz was so annoying I was kind of hoping that someone would shoot her character, too.
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A feel-good film of the first order
13 June 1999
I walked away from this film with an incredibly good feeling; it was great. It features four young boys on the day of their graduation. They had made a childhood pact to leave their tiny town right after graduation. The audience watches as family interests and friends conflict with hopes, dreams, and practicality. For the record, I'd like to add that this is a great film to see even just for the performances of Breckin Meyer and Ethan Embry. Meyer is the story's dubious hero; he's self-centered but so good-natured and hopeful that you can't help but like him. Embry's character is dirt-poor and has a drunk for a father, but he's so incredibly goofy and sweet that at the end of the movie, you find yourself cheering for him. I recommend this movie to pretty much anyone. There's no sex, no violence, and only a tiny amount of cursing. An especially good movie to watch in groups.
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Bad Girls (1994)
Silly but cute...
29 April 1999
This movie is pretty silly. The plot is laughably obvious, although there is a bit of interest at the end. It's cute though because the female outlaws are so perky. The leading ladies are ex-prostitutes who want to run their own ranch. One of them has a deed to some land, but en route to where they're going, they get involved accidentally with a robbery. The plot gets more unbelievable from there. This is a good movie if you're looking for a grin. Don't expect high action or compelling drama.
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Young Guns II (1990)
Even better than the original...
29 April 1999
This one is even better than the original. This one shows what happened to the gang after the first movie, and it tells how they finally ended up. Not as funny as the first one, it is nevertheless a good movie for other reasons. This movie does an even better job than the first one of portraying outlaws as young heroes, and I dare anyone to see it through to the end with dry eyes.
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Laugh, laugh, laugh!
29 April 1999
This is probably the movie performance for which Christian Slater will be remembered forever. Already a cult classic, Pump Up the Volume is a great film about a shy teenager in a new town who comes alive at night to broadcast music he loves (which is totally new to the area) and DJ on a shortwave radio. Samantha Mathis plays the girl who discovers who Happy Harry Hard On really is, and there is of course the expected romantic plot there. This movie is hilarious, but more than that, it's a great movie for teens because of its Free Speech and uncensoring (and uncensored!) messages. I have watched this movie once a year since I was fourteen, and I have loved it each time. (Although the older I get, the more I mostly love it for nostalgic purposes). Talk hard, and don't see this movie with your parents if you are at all shy--he gets pretty graphic at times.
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One of those movies that I recommend everyone see at least once.
29 April 1999
Since this movie came out, it has gone on to become one of those movies that everyone loves. Males and females of all ages are captivated by this tale of young private school boys who learn to appreciate English because of one English teacher who cares enough to make them actually think about the ideas behind poetry, rather than just the poems themselves. There is one famous scene in this movie that sticks with everyone who sees it. I think that the greatest movies are made up of lines and scenes like this one. It's the divisional point between a good movie and a great one, and this movie's continuing popularity with viewers is a testimony to how moving this film is. I gave it a 10.
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Young Guns (1988)
Who can resist handsome outlaws?
29 April 1999
I loved this movie for a variety of reasons. #1, I love westerns. #2, who can resist a cast of cute actors like this? #3, it was surprisingly funny. There are scenes and lines that will make you roll with laughter. Keifer Sutherland does a great job in one of the few roles as a good guy that he plays, and he has some of the funniest lines directed at Emilio Estevez that I've heard in a movie. Filled with action, intrigue, and humor, this is a great movie.
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A quirky horror movie not without its humorous moments
29 April 1999
The plot is so silly that it makes it actually kinda funny, although the premise, that of machines coming to life and killing humans, is scary in and of itself. Mack trucks that mow down humans, coke machines that shoot cans, electric knives that leap at people. This movie has it all. It's not the strongest horror movie out there, but it's pretty cool.
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Another great Brat Pack film
29 April 1999
In the tradition of the Brat Pack films of the 80s, this one fits the bill. The six characters are involved in a series of weird love entanglements, and most of the characters are neurotic enough to make anyone laugh. As these old college buddies move through life, we watch them grow and change, and eventually hurt each other beyond repair...except that friendship triumphs in the end, and all is forgiven. It's a feel good movie about close friends. Not exactly a chick flick, but not too far from it, I still recommend it to anyone who likes 80s movies.
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The Outsiders (1983)
Another of the movies that everyone should see...
29 April 1999
Having never read the book, I have to say that I think this movie is incredible. (I know the book is usually better than the movie though). It's a feel good movie with tearjerking scenes as we watch the group of poor, underdog boys stick it out for themselves against the rich kids. In another director's hands, this story could have been trite and simplistic, but Coppola did such a great job with the film that anyone who watches it cannot help but cheer for the poor boys and feel each injustice done to them with anger as though it had been done to them. I highly recommend this film to everyone.
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The Jack Bull (1999 TV Movie)
A great Western in the tradition of John Wayne
28 April 1999
If you like John Wayne westerns, you'll love this movie. Cusack plays a man wronged by his rich neighbors, and begins his quest for justice. Heart-rending at times, John Goodman gives a stellar performance as Judge Toliver, who will brook no injustices in his courtroom or in his life. I don't think I've ever seen Goodman give a more powerful performance, and this movie is a triumph for HBO movie studios. But don't be mistaken; it IS a western, and if you don't like them, don't bother to see this one. I give it a 9.
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A movie for those with patience and a DEEP love of movies...
28 April 1999
This is not a movie for the impatient or the weak of stomach. It is slow paced, and dragged down by the cameo appearances of many stars. There is no way to really summarize it; it's about a young man whose search for truth and meaning in life elude him til the very end. I saw at least ten people walk out on this movie in the first thirty minutes, and my own sister asked me if we were in the right theater...I enjoyed the movie, but the meaning of the movie eluded me as well til the very end. It's a serious drama with almost no comic relief, but despite its many drawbacks, it is still powerful enough that those of us who remained to watch it all the way through were silent at the end, tears streaming. I've never left a theater with a quieter group of people. This movie will make you think...if you can stay awake long enough to see it all the way through.
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This movie is both good and bad...
28 April 1999
This is not one of Cusack's best movies. The acting is great; the dialogue is snappy and funny; the plot is confusing and at times, it drags. Cusack is a journalist who unwittingly is present for a murder which throws Savannah into upheaval, and Cusack searches to find out the truth. The ending is a surprise, but for those who like fast-paced movies, I warn you that this is not one. A good movie, but not a great one, I give it a 7.
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Not a movie for everyone...
28 April 1999
This movie doesn't have appeal for everyone, considering the lead character is a hit man (John Cusack) with a heart of gold. However, if you can find humor in that, then you will love this story. Cusack's character goes to his hometown for a high school reunion and is reunited with his high school sweetheart. As luck would have it, she finds out that he's a hit man and then Cusack must prove to her and explain himself in such a was as to win her back. Minnie Driver does an excellent job of acting the jilted prom date and conscientious would-be girlfriend of Cusack. With plenty of high action scenes, this is a love story for men and women.
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Con Air (1997)
Prisoners take over an airplane...and it's up to Cage and Cusack to save innocent lives...
28 April 1999
Here's my chance to defend my choice of this movie as my all time favorite. John Malkovich plays the ingenious leader of a group of cons who manage to take over a federal airplane during a prisoner transfer. Nic Cage is a good guy, a prisoner who's being flown out to be released. He's got to save the day, because his friend is on board, along with several innocent prison guards. Thwarted at every turn, John Cusack plays a federal marshal who sees Cage as his chance to save the innocent people on board. Jam-packed with one liners and various other lengthier bits of humor, this movie has it all: drama, action, love story, loyalty to friends, and honor. Steve Buscemi and David Chappelle have some of the funniest lines I've ever encountered in a movie and this is one that should be seen if for no other reason than to hear Buscemi explain what 'irony' is.
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Say Anything (1989)
The best love story of the 80s
28 April 1999
Say Anything is probably the best love story of the 1980s. Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) is the boy that every girl wants to fall in love with, and Ione Skye is too good to be true, except she really is. The plot itself involves an unlikely love story and a father who would keep them apart, but there are scenes in this movie that are mentioned over and over by people who have seen this movie. Everyone who sees it remembers the scene with the radio (which is all I can say, so as not to spoil it for others.) This is THE movie for anyone who has ever broken up not because the two weren't in love, but because other people thought it'd be the best thing for them.
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Stand by Me (1986)
28 April 1999
Stand by Me is probably the only Stephen King movie that surpassed the original story. I'm usually not impressed by the movies that result from books in general, but in this case, see the movie. From the cast of young talent to the narration of Richard Dreyfuss, who has the voice of Everyman (or Woman), this movie highlights what it was like to be a kid. I didn't grow up in the time frame of this movie, but I still felt a nostalgia for small-town life in the fifties. If I had to recommend one movie for everyone to see at least once, this would be the movie. And for anyone who thinks this is a movie about kids finding a dead body, think again: instead, this is a movie about kids finding out about themselves and the adults who have made differences, good and bad, in their lives.
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Hilarious from start to finish!
28 April 1999
This movie is a classic in the Savage Steve Holland arena of movies. John Cusack plays a character whose luck can't seem to get any worse...and then it does, repeatedly. Unrealistic plot twists involve walking dinners, exploding parents, and a father whose attempt to 'speak the lingo of his son' falls flat short on meaning and long on funny. This is the theme movie for anyone who thinks that failed suicide attempts really CAN be funny, and the cast of characters includes plenty of kids we remember from high school, as well as nightmare parents that make us all realize how great our own parents were!
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A must-see for anyone who grew up in the 80s
28 April 1999
Sixteen Candles is one of those brat pack movies that anyone who grew up during the 80s should see at least once. Molly Ringwald touches hearts as the downtrodden poor girl with enough self-respect to keep herself from falling for fools, but then she foolishly falls in love with a rich boy. Their first date is hilarious, and the scene in the gym with her friend is hilarious. I've seen this movie at least ten times, and I still cry at the end. It's a chick flick in many ways, but in the standard 80s fashion there are enough viewpoints from the male perspective that males can enjoy this movie and identify with the leading men as much as females can identify with Molly's character.
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