
13 Reviews
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Awesome, just awesome.
17 June 2000
After There's Something About Movie, a movie I wasn't crazy about, I was definitely ready for a new Farrelly Brothers movie, especially one involving Jim Carrey moving back to his comic roots. And I was certainly satisfied with this film. Plainly said, it's hilarious. 8 out of 10
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Quite Good Ensemble Drama
28 March 2000
I was very anxious to see this movie since it was filmed where I live, in the Lehigh Valley. It took a long time since it was filmed--about two years ago--to be released. And I must say I'm very happy with it. Great cast and it was a pretty involving story. The Florentine is mostly composed of short scenes between different pairs of actors, and it moves along at a pretty even pace, though it is perhaps a bit slow at times. Overall, I'd rate it a 7 out of 10.
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The Mummy (1999)
4 October 1999
This is an entertaining adventure movie with some horror elements shoved in there--but think how good it could have been, how much better it could have been if done as a serious horror movie. Get rid of Brendan Fraser shouting at the mummy and don't emphasize the CGI effects, and it could have been much better. From what I've heard, Clive Barker was originally asked to take part in this film, the screenwriting to be specific. That would have been great. But I can imagine it wouldn't have made as much money, and we all know that's what matters to the corporations. 7.5 out of 10
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What about H4 - 6?
20 September 1999
I'd say Halloween: H2O is a 2 and a 1/2 star movie--pretty good for a slasher movie, especially a slasher movie sequel. It is pretty scary and the characters are well-developed. What bugs me so much about this movie is the total disregard for the past three sequels. There was a pretty good running storyline in Halloween 4 through Halloween 6, and H2O just pretends the events that took place in those episodes didn't happen. Aside from that, I'd say H2O is better than Part 5, but definitely not better than Parts 4 or 6.
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What the Hell?
20 September 1999
Reasons Jason Goes to Hell is the worst in a pretty good series of slasher films:

1) Jason is not scary when he's on "American Casefiles" (I think that's what the "America's Most Wanted"-like TV show was called. The whole reason he was scary was because he was this backwoods, crazy type of character that was based soley in legend and newspaper writings. Putting him on TV sucks. So does having the FBI go after him.

2) He looks stupid in this one. That skin bubbling over the hockey mask is just dumb.

3) They try to put too much plot in it. Come on, it's a Friday the 13th movie (isn't it?)! Forget this body-hopping and "Hellbaby" garbage and get the hell back in the woods, Jason!
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Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Good, intense and unpredictable thriller
29 July 1999
"Deep Blue Sea" was surprisingly good for what looked in the previews like a "Jaws" clone. It was quite unpredictable and a good level of tension and suspense is created, especially towards the end. Just look past the hackneyed opening idea presented in the first scene.
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Big Daddy (1999)
A Perfect Role for Adam Sandler
27 June 1999
I did not like Adam Sandler's two most successful films, The Wedding Singer and The Waterboy. I was, however, a huge fan of his earlier movies (Airheads, Bulletproof, Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore), and what kind of fan would I be if I stopped going to his movies just because of two bad ones? I didn't have high hopes for Big Daddy (the trailers didn't make it look that good), but I was quite surprised. Sandler managed to do a very good job with the comedy and the emotional s**t towards the end.
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Aliens (1986)
Even better in DVD Special Edition
25 June 1999
If you haven't see "Aliens: Special Edition", you must as soon as possible. I just caught it on DVD (I know it was already available on laserdisc), and the extra scenes definitely add to the emotional aspects of the film, along with clearing the business of Ripley's daughter up (she mentions her to Newt). Check it out.
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Classic horror film
30 March 1999
I do not think "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" is the best horror film ever made. It certainly isn't as good as "Halloween" or even "A Nightmare on Elm St". But it does have some extremely good moments: Sally being pulled into the house, the swinging chainsaw at the end, etc, etc, etc. The overall atmosphere of the movie is great, and what is really (I think) the biggest achievement of the film is that many of the most frightening sequences occur in the middle of the day--not the dead of night. Definitely recommended.
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Demonic Toys (1992 Video)
9 February 1999
I expect more from Full Moon, one of the better direct-to-video companies. The toys LOOK like they have a hand in them controlling their movements and actions, and you can clearly see the cord attached to the delivery boy when he is "thrown" back by the goofy-looking bear-toy-monster. Not very good at all.
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Very good sixth entry
7 February 1999
"Curse of the Puppet Master" is a very good entry into the series. It takes time to develop its characters and provide some good suspense. The body count is fairly low too. It is truly a good horror movie, and that is why the abruptness of the ending is very shocking--you get into it, and then BAM, it's over. Still, a good movie.
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Jack Frost (1997 Video)
How does garbage like this get happy viewers?
6 February 1999
"Jack Frost" is an abomination. It gets a zero out of four stars as far as I'm concerned. Fortunately for the viewer, it's so bad it's actually kind of fun to laugh at. But that's it.
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RoboCop 3 (1993)
An Underrated Sequel
25 January 1999
Robocop 3 has been given a really bad rap that it doesn't deserve. I feel that this film surpasses Robocop 2, and while it isn't as clever or original as the first in the series, it is fun and entertaining. There are a few places where the low budget can be seen (i.e. the "flying Robocop" scene), but all in all, it's a pretty good action/sci-fi film.
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