
13 Reviews
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Sweet 15 (1990 TV Movie)
Kind of coming back to me now.
22 January 2005
I vaguely remember a leg shaving mishap, milk poured down a drain as an excuse to go to the store, and recycled dresses at a party. Yes, I think I saw this one.

While it wasn't particularly moving or filled with outstanding performances, it did hold my attention from start to finish. Either that, or the remote control was out of reach. Regardless, it was a nice little film, all things considered. It had the typical afterschool special feel to it, which I'd grown up with. That could be why I held off on switching channels. Also, I didn't realize that was 1990. Seemed very much earlier to me, but then it was all so many years ago.

Really though, it wasn't so bad. Teen angst and a happy ending.

Sure, why not?
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That's So Raven (2003–2007)
Ok, I took a peek... not bad actually.
13 September 2003
I knew I wasn't going to be able to sit through an entire episode, primarily because I'd passed the target audience demographic about 3 times over, but I wanted to see what the little one from Cosby show was up to. Looks like she's having a ball! Cute, harmless kid show. Nothing wrong with that.

It is pleasing to see ordinary looking young folks cast in the lead roles. Thanks Disney, for not creating yet another program full of miniature Miss Americas. Must say though, the wardrobe is absolutely frightening. I don't know too many kids who go to school in feather boas. That aside, I think they'll do alright.
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The Ring (2002)
Well... the horse was cool
20 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
***small spoilers***

Take a bunch of freaked out teens, a creepy kid, and a bizarre myth that turns out to be true, and what you have is Urban Legend, Sixth Sense, Nightmare on Elm St, and many others we've already seen. However, if you add a psychotic horse... well now you have my attention! I'm not a sadistic animal hater, please believe, but the mad horse on the ferry was AWESOME! I'm sure every necessary precaution was taken to to safegard the horses well being.

The perpetually dismal, rainy setting was a nice touch too, but beyond that, the movie was nothing new. The false ending was an interesting move, however, it made you expect more from the actual ending, and THAT'S where you got disappointed. It's almost as if they weren't sure how to wrap it up.

Just watch the horse a few times. You won't be sorry. Also, freeze frame on the teen girls face after she opens her bedroom door and sees the tv. One of the best scenes, and it's on screen for all of one nanosecond.
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Star Trek: Voyager (1995–2001)
Folks... relax. It's just a show.
22 February 2003
If IMDB had a way of getting a blood pressure reading on some of the users making comments for this show, the results would be frightening. There's no reason to EVER get that worked up over a program!

I've never been able to understand why a person would watch an entire seven year series, hating it all the way. Option: Turn the channel. You've got nothing to lose. It's not like in the theater where one might sit through a tepid movie because they paid admission. Voyager was free. Take it or leave it.

Personally, I enjoyed the show. I liked the plot, the cast, and most of the storylines. I appreciated the mix of drama and action. Voyager, in my opinion, was a very good program. Had I not felt good about it... I would have turned it off. Problem solved.

Not every series is going to be a masterpiece. Not everyone is going to like every show. If it's your cup of tea, drink it. If not, put the cup down.
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The Real World (1992– )
Sorry to harp on the "what ever happened to" issue, but...
6 February 2003
Like previous posters, I too am curious. What on earth happened to the show this used to be? What happened to putting together seven strangers of all different shapes and sizes, from all different walks of life, the good, the bad, and yes... even the ugly, just to see how things turn out? What happened to letting them fend for themselves instead of giving them money, jobs, and projects to keep them occupied? Where did the individualism, the goals and the character go?

Is it just me, or does anyone else miss the med students, business entrepreneurs, artists, musicians, race car drivers... heck, even a cop! Was it fair to replace them with a bunch of "pretty people" with six pack abs, and teeny waists who's only goal appears to be who can "hook up" with who first? Some may say that the former doesn't fairly represent most of today's youth, but the latter certainly doesn't either!

I think it's just run it's course. When a show has run it's course, the creators resort to pathetic tactics in an effort to pull ratings and hold interest. What they end up doing is creating a machine that churns out the same trash year after year. A winning streak can only last for so long. You have to know when to fold the cards.
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Office Space (1999)
They hit the nail on the head!
14 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
For anyone who has ever worked as an underling in an office. Watch this movie, and know that you're not alone.

**teeny tiny spoilers**

Everything from the phony corporate pep talks, to the hypocritical birthday parties. From arriving at work disheveled after a half mile dash from the parking lot and watching your boss stroll in cool as a cucumber because he parks just outside the building. The lump that grows in your throat when a circle of whispering big-wigs are nodding in your direction, and the unsettling coincidence that everyone over you (men and women alike) are all named Bob.

Rent it on a Friday, after a particularly harsh week at work. Put your feet up, watch it, and know that others "feel your pain"
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The Big Blue Marble (1974–1983)
"The earth's a big blue marble when you see it from out there..."
24 November 2002
What happened to this kind of programming? I loved this show as a child! If you happened to be a kid, stuck at home with a cold, and all the cartoons went off about 9am (pre-cable, pre-cartoon network) you could always flip to PBS and find shows like this one. The Big Blue Marble was an excellent educational program filled with stories about children all over the world. There was also the occasional serial that was so interesting that you hoped to be able to stay home the next day to see how it turned out (pre-vcr). It would be so delightful if PBS could run some of these old programs. Good entertainment and learning is never outdated. I'm sure that children could get as much from this show today as we did years ago.
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The Others (2001)
not too impressed
18 July 2002
This movie wasn't as good as I'd hoped it would be. It did all the things I don't like a movie to do. The first 30 minutes were full of false scares and unfulfilled suspense. In the middle, there was a VERY long patch where not much of anything was going on. Finally, an eight year old could have predicted the "big exciting TWIST" at the end.

One good point: The creators didn't use a lot of gore to make up for the lack of imagination. I've always believed that what you don't see can be far scarier than what you do see (example, Blair Witch).

Sorry to say I cannot recommend this one.
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Gideon's Crossing (2000–2001)
Give it a try... it's good
18 November 2000
I would advise anyone to give this show a viewing. It's interesting, intelligent, and no.. it's not your typical medical show. True, it's "dark", but anyone who's ever spent a considerable amount of time in a hospital knows that there are not always happy endings. People don't always get well in one hour. Sometimes folks die. Please also try to understand that not all shows are comedies. The serious tone of the show just adds to the realism. If anyone is disappointed because Dr Gideon has not slapped over a full bed pan or tickled a nurse in the supply room, perhaps they're watching the wrong show.
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fun, lighthearted, and silly... that's ALL folks!!
16 July 2000
I was a little surprised to see how many people are stressing themselves out by over-analyzing this movie. It was just not MEANT to be all that deep. Drop Dead Fred is simply a cute little film, with a funny/silly plot. Turn it on, watch it, have a chuckle or two, then turn it off and get on with your lives for goodness sake!
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The Facts of Life (1979–1988)
One of my all time favorites.
9 April 2000
This show aired when I was just entering my teens, and I can't think of a better time to have had such a wonderful show to watch. It was as if someone had asked my little-girl imagination what it's dream show would be, and then made it just for me. I've enjoyed the re-runs on USA, but can't quite understand why they never show the earliest episodes from 1979. Observant fans will remember those as the ones with the girls living in the dorm, prior to working in the cafeteria. Those were my favorites, and it seems like they never show them. Please get a clue USA. That's when the show was at it's best!
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Hardly worth all the raves...
1 April 2000
This is a classic case of excessive hype building the viewers up for a let down. I'm not saying this was a bad movie... just terribly over-rated. The ending was raise-one-eyebrow "interesting", but hardly a shocking twist. Rent Primal Fear if you want a jaw-dropping TWIST! The movie was ok, but I could have watched it on tv. I'm sour enough over the $4.00 spent on the rental, but would have been in a REAL bad mood, had I plunked down $8.00 to drag through it in the theater. To summarize: With the exception of the child, it was moderately acted. Unoriginal plot. Horribly slow paced. Sadly un-scary. Terribly over-rated.
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great film... with one small exception
30 October 1999
Poetic justice was a good film, and well acted, with one exception. To me, Janet Jackson simply wasn't convincing in her role. Through no fault of her own. I believe the problem was that she is too big an entertainment personality to be able to play anyone besides herself. It's difficult for the audience to get past the fact that it's "Janet Jackson" on the screen and see the character. Similar to when Madonna tried to portray Evita Peron. A strong character, and a good story, but you couldn't help seeing "Madonna" every time you look at the screen. I realize big names are intended to boost box office sales, and I respect that too. After all, show business is BUSINESS. Still, I think it would be good if casting directors would hire good actors instead of known celebrities and respect the integrity of the writing, as well as the audience.
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