IMDb Polls

Poll: YouTube Critic's Starter Pack: Most Referenced Films on IMDb

Money interests you, you want to be a YouTube cinema critic, but you don't know where to begin? We've got you covered. This is a list of the most referenced films. You can see which films get the most cited in YouTube videos. If you want to boost your credibility, name these films and throw in one of the generic commentaries associated with them, and you are sure to pass as a knowledgeable film critic. André Bazin and Roger Ebert are jealous.

These are IMDb's most referenced films. Which one is your favorite?

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  1. Vote!

    Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)

    6100 references

    This film is just so, so, so fun and mmm, perfect. You know Lucas did a fantastic job at bringing at making a big adventure of epic scope. And, Darth Vader really got that menacing , iconic presence
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    The Wizard of Oz (1939)

    3808 references

    I'm not usually a big fan of classic Hollywood, but this film is so iconic, I feel gotta watch it, the character are funny and compelling
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    Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

    2125 references

    Lucas really did a more mature film with this one and it pays off cause you can really see the stakes beginning to buildup, and the character getting more complex
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    The Godfather (1972)

    2036 references

    It is not without reason that this is called often called the best film of all time. There is a cast of all-time great performances from Brando, to Pacino. Really a hugely influential movie on gangster and American cinema overall
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    Jaws (1975)

    1859 references

    John Williams and Spielberg really did an amazing job at building tension. You never see the shark and yet it is so suspenseful. It proves Spielberg is a master.
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    The Terminator (1984)

    1679 references

    It is the film that started it all for Cameron. Arnold Schwarzenegger plays that invincible robot and so menacing. OMG
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    Casablanca (1942)

    1675 references

    I'm not a big fan of classic Hollywood. But this film is just classic, you must watch it. Everything is so great from the directing, the acting to the screenplay. You really understand why it is this timeless classic
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    Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)

    1671 references

    Spielberg created the greatest adventure film. It really is a great adventure. And, Harrison Ford is so charismatic in the leading role. Everybody did a killer job
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    Psycho (1960)

    1660 references

    I have just seen this film, and I understand why people say Hitchcock's an all-time great. The suspense he builds is amazing. It is not for nothing that he is called the "master of suspense
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    E.T. (1982)

    1622 references

    This film is my childhood, I have watched it a thousand times and every time it feels like my heart is warming up. I cry every time at the end. Spielberg is a master
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    Ghostbusters (1984)

    1592 references

    This film is so funny and an all-time great, but it used to scare me as a child.
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    Back to the Future (1985)

    1590 references

    Clearly the best time-travel film of all time. The Delorean is such a unique car.
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    Jurassic Park (1993)

    1454 references

    When I was young this film used to scare me, but now I see the craftmanship of Spielberg. The CGI still holdup to this day, it is incredible how he managed to bring back to life the dinosaurs. The newer films are terrible in comparison
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    The Shining (1980)

    1446 references

    I'm a big fan of Kubrick. He is one of the all-time great and The Shining just shows how he is able to create horror. I'm a grown-up, but I was scared by the scene with the twins
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    Gone with the Wind (1939)

    1341 references

    I'm not a big fan of classic Hollywood, but you gotta respect this film for its scope. It was totally the MCU of 1939.
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    Titanic (1997)

    1327 references
    This is the first film I watch in the theater with my first girlfriend and I will always remember it. It's got that really powerful romance, but it is a James Cameron film. I don't remember my girlfriend's first name, but I remember being awed by this film.
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    Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)

    1310 references

    This film put an end to one of my favorite childhood franchises along with Back to the Future and E.T.. I had grown up, it is the first Star Wars film I had seen in a theater. And, I remember Leia being my first crush, I haven't forgotten her bikini, when I was a teenager I had a picture of it in my closet.
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    The Matrix (1999)

    1298 references

    This film has been so influential in every action films that came after it. The bullet time is really a masterpiece of filmmaking. And, Keanu Reeves is such a big star.
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    Citizen Kane (1941)

    1278 references

    I saw this film for the first time yesterday. And, I must say I agree, it was so ahead of its time. I understand why it is named Top 1 by so many people. It is simply this groundbreaking film as per 1940s standard and Orson Welles as just 25 when he directed it
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    2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

    1232 references

    I have just seen this film yesterday and I must say I understand why it is considered an all-time great. It has been so influential on sci-fi we all love, and the VFX still holdup. Kubrick is now one of my favorite filmmakers
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    Alien (1979)

    1211 references

    I love how they managed to scare us s much without showing the creature at the same. And, the birth sequence was so scary, I did nightmares
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    King Kong (1933)

    1153 references

    It has aged a bit, but I love it, it has been influential on so many films. And the empire state building sequence is an amazing demonstration of practical effects
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    Pulp Fiction (1994)

    1149 references

    When it hit theaters we hadn't seen a film like it. I remember my cousin recommending it to me, and I rented it at the Video Rental Store, we watched it without our parents' permission. It was unlike anything I had watched before. Tarantino made gangsters compelling and funny. And, the non-linear storytelling is groundbreaking
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    Rocky (1976)

    1127 references

    Such a moving film. Probably the best sport film ever made. I mean the training montage is so good. And, Stallone's performance is so great. It deserved its Best Picture win.
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    Godzilla (1954)

    1097 references

    This isn't a great film, but it is so so much fun. Godzilla is destroying everything and it is all practical effects the new Godzilla films are terrible.
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    Die Hard (1988)

    1041 references

    This film made Bruce Willis a star, and he deserved it. Alan Rickman is also menacing as the villain. To me, this is the best Christmas film of all time because it embodies Christmas values, but it is mixed with amazing action scenes. They simply don't make action scenes like this anymore
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    The Exorcist (1973)

    1038 references

    People vomited when this film premiered. I remember the cover got me hooked when I saw it at the video rental store. My father wouldn't let me watch it I watched it in my twenties. And, it is still one of the scariest films ever made.
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    Apocalypse Now (1979)

    1022 references

    This film is like a descent into hell. I recommend it, but it isn't for everyone, it is a challenging film much like Saving Private Ryan. And, people go crazier and crazier. You wonder if you aren't getting crazy yourself. With The Godfather, this is probably Coppola's best.
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    The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)

    1019 references

    Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings is a perfect trilogy. And, this film started it all. The performances from the cast are all-star. It adapted faithfully Tolkien's masterpiece and kept the scope of it, the wonder of the fantasy world. It defined a new threshold for fantasy films. A true masterpiece. A perfect cinematic experience. Everything was so great about it, you can't even criticize it. I literally don't see any flaws

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