
56 Reviews
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17 December 2023
One of the worst movies, i have ever seen. Totally confusing. Here is this family wanting to adopt children. Its later on that everything goes haywire. The girl^s parents don't want her to be mixing with boy[$]. A little violence going on , in a typical AMERICAN school. Not a good advertisement for american syste. Of education. And then it goes on & on. Like a stuck record LP at the speed of 78 RPM. REALLY dysfunctional. Unstable dysfunctional family. Court case. Stumbing. Fumbling. Motor mouthing of dialogues. Long windedness. I wonder if the paying public would actually sit for that long long and waste time.
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30 August 2023
The problem is , sycophancy exists e erwhere. Even in tbe good ol" USA. When you are building on a franchise, you have to have a good, solid script. Well, this one does 'nt have a script. A single mom and kid2 .ove to a small town. Into their grandfather's whatever. Then they start discovering thingz which the never imagined. All kinds of things start happening when the " GHOSTS" appear. A little bit of screaming and yelpin g. Noting much is happening onscreen, visually or storywise. Except darkness and light of course the same vehicle reappears mowing through fields,and hills.oh, and a lady is dri ving. Now we are at a diner. Suddenly we are in an adult world. The Director/writer is confused. Don't waste your time or money on this one.
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5 February 2023
A young man has a truck which is actually driven by an animal. He also has a girl friend. Now they get stuck at the other end of townsfolk , the company, and the police. After a few stunts,there is the chase. Which is really interesting and thrilling. With the young man and his girlfriend managing to dodge three chasers and the policeman , thanks to the stunts and fins of the animal, hanging on to the walls of buildings and then driving on the roofs of shops and houses. But they do get caught,albeit for a short while. They are helped by a geologist , who helps them escape. And a scrapyard manager who is wheelchair bound, to refurbish 2 more trucks. They fuel up and make good their escape, again being chased by the bad guys. And the cop also helps them. All in a good movie to pass the time with children. It is well directed.
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25 January 2023
It feels like so natural, that he two stars are being themselves, Josh Hutcherson and Camilie, are themselves, and meet during a Karate class, where they find each other as partners. And so they have a series of meetings, between Rosemary and Josh. She also comes to his house,unexpectedly for his mother. And his mother also goes out, so they are left They are left home alone, practising Kung Fu,with the music of Enter The Dragon , playing in the background. The story is kept simple, and they do some reading of the newspapers. She does look a bit mature for him, but its all innocent. Now the boy's father also meets her. What a fairy tale ! They look so natural, together. Puppy - love. Made for each other !
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Hellboy (2019)
22 January 2023
Hellboy has been a series going on for a long time. I am not too comforrable with the fact that it keeps going back and forth between different time zones and eras. This happens 5-6 times, hence it becomes very difficult to follow and settle to watch. From World War II to modern, present day, from Medieval Crusade times, to flash forwarding to present era, the action is there, but its not making sense. Its jarring to the viewer, this going back-and-forth. A child in the crib turns out to be a monster, when Hellboy moves a horse-shoe near it. It just goes on and jumping from one scene to another. The earlier "Hellboys" were much more sensible and coherent.
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18 January 2023
Considering its set in 1969. It is too long made. The two main characters don't jave much to do, but mouth a few dialogues to each other. A few female characters are thrown in, and " Margot Robbie" as Sharon Tate is a cinch. But showing the houses of Polanski, and that they have shifted,when they have a visitor, is confusing. On the script front Tarantino has failed. And there was no need to show the great Bruce Lee's character being thrown by Pitt's character against a car. What is Tarantino trying to prove here ? Its really demeani g and downright i sulting the memory of the now dead star. Will anybody remember Tarantino after he dies? I don't think so !

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Hotel Translyvania 3: Summer Vacation
10 January 2023
The Vampire go on a vacation on HUGE what else cruise ship. What follows is a roller- coaster. The animals are also following and having fun, with accompanying music,. The graphics and art work are stupendous. The skeleton at the banquet table tilts the table towards himself, and most of the dishes fall off,and a fish gets stuck in his mouth. The normal people are also thinking what's going on. They are saying ' Dracula' and getting upset. All the creatures are having fun and dancing. And singing. Only problem is, everything is going very fast. The audience must get time to absorb, and the only way is to slow down the speed-of-things. Enjoy !
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Uncharted (2022)
16 November 2022
When there is Mark Warlberg and a much younger Tom Holland, looking for treasure long lost, for about 500 years, it should be entertaining. But a whole ship being carted away by a heavy chopper is something unbelievable. But then that's what this movie is all about. And the ship "Magellan" sinks again ! That's a bit far fetched. But Tom's character manages to carry away some of the treasure,in his pocket, nicely surprsing Mark's character, who is piloting the lifter-chopper, and they fly away into the sunset. They did manage to get from the villians , who were looking for them, without any fisticuffs, or action. I'd give movie a miss. Time waste.
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Beverley Hills Chihuahua
6 November 2022
You ever seen a movie which you liked. And then you hated it . This one is it. In this dogs talk. The plot is really thin. The characters spaced out. The dogs are quarrelsome. And of course there are villians. The dogs frighten them. The villian is of course the Doberman, and the rest of the boys are fighting him. And the humans are helpful. And it all turns well in the end. And we have a happy ending. But the Alsatian and chihuahua are having a chit-chat. And the Alsatian ,is, of course, a Police Dog. And Jamie Lee Curtis turns up at the wrong time, towards the end. But she does like the chihuahua. So that's that.
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7 October 2022
Uh oh. No its actually PARADISE. Take a constantly squabbling couple living in some city. They were divorced x number of years. Their daughter is graduating from college. Now both have attend the graduation ceremony. & both catch the same plane [**GOOF**] to her vacation, which is in Bali. But first they attend the graduation & [**AGAIN**] get seats alongside each other. Its not funny at all. Taking potshots at each other in public is ridiculous. And embarassing. But these are multi-millionaire STARS. So this becomes a billboard for BALI. A tourist's heave. And seaweed farming. But first we have the daughter and her friend swimming. And we have "Love at 1st sight". A waste of time !
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Counting Cars (2012– )
21 September 2022
Counting Cars is of the Reality TV genre, featuring Danny Koker and his crew of 5-6 body painting enthusiasts. In India we are lucky to watch the episodes on History channel every Monday-Friday 6.00 p.m. - 6.30 p.m. Danny has some great, creative people working for him including Ryan, who is mainly the artist, Big, Kevin, Scott Jones, and a 5-6 others. Whether its a well-maintained Ford-T, or a Mustang, a Cadillac, or El Dorado, a Toyota or Nissan, or any other vehicle, Danny and hard working crew can restore almost any vehicle how so ever old, derelict, rusted or useless it might be and make them almost new, of course , for a price. Worth watching.
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Trouble with the Curve.
15 September 2022
When there is a film which has Clint Eastwood, Amy Adams, Justin Timberlake, and John Goodman, you expect something to happen. A baseball scout is looking for new recruits,and is accompanied with his daughter, with whom he doesn't have a comfortable relationship, because of something that happend in the past. Considering that Mr. Eastwood is 82, but he doesn't look it. This one is not directed by Eastwood, but it holds together. The bar room scene is really telling, where Eastwood loses his temper. A few baseball scenes are also there. This one has Eastwood smoking a cigarillo too. Perhaps father and daughter come closer, with a romantic interest thrown in for the daughter.
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3 September 2022
The music is catchy, that much I'll say. When we have Lindsey Lohan and Megan Fox in the same movie we expect both will have large roles. But Megan's is almost minuscule. The romance is there in the end. Lindsey Lohan did a string of similar roles, teenage school, romantic-comedies. But how come Megan Fox did not have a larger role. I wonder how come she agreed to do this movie. And there are no sidey characters, who could have fleshed out the storyline. This is where the scriptwriters have erred. A few minor stunts and gags would have helped the plot along. In the end tbe movie tur ed out to be too tame. And the ending too simple.
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Deck the Halls
30 August 2022
Two neihbours (Matt Broderick) and (Danny De Devito) are spending Chritmas with their families. And keep running into each other. Danny gets fired from his car salesman job, and Danny decides to gift his neighbour a new car, from the showroom. Tbrow in a ice skating race and a few Christmas fair hijinks and throwball a snowball at the puppets. And then Matt decides to burn down Danny 's house which has especially lit up so that it can be seen from space. But due to some hilarious goof-ups he ends up burning his own house due to slipping on his icy, slanted roof. So it ultimately Danny's house is visible, as it is lit up beautifully.
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Ghostbusters (1984)
29 August 2022
With a story like this, you cannot fail with the formula. And an ensemble starcast as Dan Akroyd, Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, Sigourney Weaver and a hit music score , we have an engrossing picture to watch. It starts in the court room, and carries on and tbeir is a child too. So Sig Weaver takes the baby to Dan's house, to get away from-the-ghost-in-the-bathroom, in Sig's house. And we also have a scene in which Sig comes out after a bath. Then the dark room in which photos are developed catches fire. So three of them go to sewer ghost hunting and Dan goes for a din er date with Sig. A sewer full of frightening faces.
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21 August 2022
Considering that its been directed by Warren Beatty, who is a star, the cast is not that famous or popular. It all depends on the story,music, and how your characters flesh out . Amythical story based on Howard Hughes and his romance, the feel is very 60sish. A time-pass movie.
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Charlie's Angels
19 August 2022
The action is quite engrossing, considring that its coming from 3 female stars. And that Dan Akroyd is their 'supposedly' mysterious boss. The pace keeps moving, the music is energetic, the stunts breath-taking. All in all a must-visit thriller.
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2012 (I) (2009)
15 August 2022
Well, that was10 years as we write this. A writer is trying to save his little daughter (Morgan Lily) , when she was much younger. A lot of stunt work, planes, and special effects go into this R. Em.erich directed flic, which is a bit-of-edge-of-the-seat stuff. A good time-pass movie.
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Taken 3 (2014)
7 August 2022
The action is good I must say. Its the third part of a sequence,well written and directed.its about a man being framed and an unseen enemy. Worth watching. Have fun !
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The Unholy (2021)
28 July 2022
When you have a greek director amd a losers script, it is bound to fail. Trying to make a horror film is not easy. The surroundings and music are are very important. Having a raw & young actress is another liability. This just won"t jell with the audience. Stretching a TV series from 1988 -2021 indeed.
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24 July 2022
Style is not everything. Especially with youngsters. When you are jerking the camera around, it becomes jarring for the audience. And a real pain to watch. A group of young people are trying to escape. They have some clues. Since most of the scenes are at night time, the villian seems diabolical. If you have some time, then watch.
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23 July 2022
I f you are making " The Sound Of Music" 50 years too late, then obviously , you are wasting the studio"$ money. Basically there is no story & music. Set in rural England, this humdinger is worse than cricket & tennis. Seems that the script-writers ran out of ideas. Give this one a miss.
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Casino Royale (2006)
22 July 2022
The opening sequence is long and good. Engrossing. Well directed. The rest of the movie continues in the same vein. Catching a suicide bomber, and how many have been caught in real life any way. Enjoy the flic.
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21 July 2022
Snakes as a phallic symbol are old hats as the Bible, Adam & Eve. But when it happens in the abysmally poverty stricken Appallachian mountains, espcially to a Pastor's daughter, the God help us. Religion is bound to confuse as everything started with black magic. Mystery in a box, rural setting, women. Proselytising.
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Hotel Translyvania
17 July 2022
Its not everyday that you can watch 2 of the same on two different cable TV channels. One was showing "The Addams Family" , the other "Hotel Translyvania", which is more funny, has children and animals. The vampire is there, very funny and the girl, and assorted creatures.
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