
19 Reviews
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The Pilgrim (1923)
Unsympathetic Chaplin character spoiled it for me.
26 April 2024
I like many Chaplin movies, but this one was not interesting, not original, and not really entertaining. I could see the gags coming, and the gags would be repeated so that I felt they were sometimes used as filler, so I got bored. My husband liked the film slightly more than I did, so he watched until the end and I read. One good thing-it is short, at only 39 minutes.

I feel that my main issue with this film is that Chaplin's character is unsympathetic; I never wanted him to succeed in any of his misadventures. I can't think of any Chaplin, Lloyd, or Keaton film where I disliked the lead, other than "The Pilgrim."

We followed this movie with "Dr. Jack" starring Harold Lloyd, and we almost never stopped laughing during it.
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Dr. Jack (1922)
Winning Turn for a Smiling Harold Lloyd
26 April 2024
Such a fun movie! This is the first time we liked his co-star Mildred Davis; maybe she gets more screen time in this film. Lots of wackiness right from the start, and as another reviewer notes, there are almost no title cards to get in the way of the fun. Harold Lloyd is always great, but this time his character has charm and confidence, and he smiles. The pace picks up as the movie goes along, and the supporting cast is mostly above average for silent films. Don't read too many reviews because you don't want to find out what's coming. Just be glad that you have another chance to spend time with Harold Lloyd.
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Unsympathetic Joseph Cotten in a film about "The American Dream"
27 March 2024
I was surprised to see how many other reviewers rooted for Joseph Cotten's character to "get away with it" in this film. We found him completely unsympathetic, possibly because while a bank assistant manager's job at a large bank in Los Angeles (pre-climate-disaster-ridden and crime-ridden Southern California!) in 1952 may not be glamorous and may even be dull, it was a stable, middle class career with a secure future for someone who describes himself in the movie as a man who started as an assistant teller and who could ultimately look forward to eventually becoming the bank manager.

Add to that a glowingly gorgeous middle-aged Teresa Wright as his happy, stay-at-home wife, throw in a chipper and sweet young daughter, and my husband and I were thinking,"What in the world does he have to be unsatisfied with here?" George Bailey in "It's a Wonderful Life" sacrificed for his family and community through many years before he became fed up with his life. I saw no evidence that Cotten's character ever broke a sweat to help another person.

The other problem is that, if you are planning a big score, you take some time to PLAN IT, which this knucklehead failed to do.

I'll grant you that the last 20 minutes were much more interesting than we had any reason to expect. So, go ahead and watch the film, and even cheer for him if you must.
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In Person (1935)
Such a fun movie for Ginger Rogers fan!
22 March 2024
This movie deserves a rating of 7.3, so I gave it a 7. It's really not quite up to an 8. There are so many fun moments, but I won't give them away. Ginger is very good throughout, and so is George Brent. Just when you think you know where it's going, the plot throws in a funny twist. Not always, but often very clever dialogue adds to the fun of seeing Ginger be Ginger without Fred-she gets to dance and sing, etc. We liked the plot and the supporting cast. You may remember Alan Mowbray from many other movies; he is very funny in this movie, more than for instance in "My Man Godfrey," where really anyone could have played the part. Here, Mowbray shows great comic flare. Modern viewers may find it patriarchal at times, but consider how long ago it was made, and also look for the many times the film pulls patriarchy's nose. Highly recommended.
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Blind Chance (1987)
Don't read any reviews before viewing this film! Great, complex film.
7 March 2024
My advice is don't trust that anyone's review of this film will be safe to read before watching it. I will be very careful, but my best advice is, if you admire European films for their depth and complexity, then you should watch this film.

It was filmed in 1981, so keep in mind the context of 1981 Communist Poland, long before the Berlin Wall fell. You don't have to understand everything that happens in the first 20 minutes; my husband and I found that we could ultimately understand more as the movie progressed. And you will have lots to talk about after it's over. Give the movie a chance to speak to you. I highly recommend this movie.
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Seven Chances (1925)
Fabulous movie silliness!
2 March 2024
I won't give anything away here, because part of the hilarity of the film lies in its piling-on of craziness as the movie progresses. The pace increases exponentially in the second half, and I never stopped laughing. It is 56 minutes long, not bad for a 1925 silent. We had planned to watch a Chaplin movie afterwards, but decided that nothing else could be truly appreciated right after the riotous second half of "Seven Chances."

You know how sometimes in silent films the supporting actors are not so good? That is not true of this movie. The two other male actors are very good, and most of the supporting women characters are good, even though most of them have very small roles. Keaton's love interest here is in my opinion a better, more natural actress than Chaplin's favorite love interest.

So there it is, I believe you will love the movie if you either, 1) have watched and enjoyed at least one silent movie before, or 2) are willing to sit through the first 10 minutes so that you are rewarded with the mayhem that follows.
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Good Morning (1959)
Infantile, not in a good way. Don't bother to watch.
20 January 2024
This movie falls far short of the many wonderful Japanese movies we have been watching on TCM recently. It made me realize that another title for this movie is "Cursed Village of the Boys." So tedious with unending fart jokes, really, up until the final scene. Out of the entire cast of characters, three are sympathetic. The others, especially the boys, are unsympathetic and annoying, but not funny. Perhaps out of 90 minutes, a maximum of 12 minutes were enjoyable, and only in the loosest sense of the word. The actors are all talented, it is the script that fails. At points the movie feels like a pointless exercise in futility, and a sense of hopelessness hangs over it.
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Funny, quirky movie
20 June 2023
Stay with this movie through the first 15-20 minutes because Bob Hope becomes both funnier and more likeable after Hedy LaMarr arrives on the scene. Yes, there is a great deal of nonsense going on throughout, but there are some very funny scenes! Hedy LaMarr was actually more intelligent than she was beautiful, which is saying a lot. Her character in this film is intriguing (in both senses) and strong-minded.

One nice thing about this movie is that Bing is not here to double-cross Bob, as he always does in the Road movies.

Bob made a movie that is similar to this one called "The Lemon Drop Kid" which we like to watch every few years at Christmas time.
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Go for Broke! (1951)
Go for Broke! or should it be titled Ganbatte!
10 June 2023
Excellent but now overlooked movie about WWII that shows the history of the Japanese-American segregated Army units who fought in Europe in WWII. From today's perspective, a viewer will note the careful line the producers walked between portraying the racism in the US and making a movie that would still be palatable to white Americans.

I mention "Ganbatte" above because that is the word I learned when living in Japan that kept coming into my mind as I watched this movie. Here is an excerpt I found at the yabai website that explains: "Ganbatte", along with its many variations, is a word dearly loved by the Japanese community. Its essence revolves around the concept of never giving up no matter how hard the challenges may be. This general idea of perseverance is ingrained in almost every individual in Japan practically from the day they are born and lives within them until their last breath."

Not being Japanese, I cannot say whether this phrase was used in the Nisei community in Hawaii and California, but it seems to fit perfectly the attitude of the men of the 100th/442nd.

I recommend reading about the 100th/442nd after watching the film so that you can understand the controversies that surrounded its treatment by the Army beginning with the context after Pearl Harbor, its formation, its leadership, its performance under fire, and its casualty levels.

The history of the 100th/442nd deserves a new film that can more openly portray their struggles, but don't miss your chance to see this film, which I highly recommend.
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Beautiful color film makes Japan irresistible
25 May 2023
We viewed this excellent film for the first time tonight. Intense, absorbing, compelling, dramatic, Don't read too many reviews ahead of time because you want to be surprised by every twist and development of the plot. Samurai I will tempt you to repeat viewings. Japan itself is a major character in the film; I long to visit it again and roam the wild and beautiful countryside with native Japanese who love their islands. All acting is strong--the actors seem completely absorbed into their roles. Mifune, the lead actor, is so talented and charismatic, especially when he is trying to keep from breaking out into a frenzy. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Enjoy!
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Much better than expected, and oh so creepy!
29 September 2020
Fortunately, we watched this movie. Legosi is good (though campy), but it's the supporting actors who play his evil team who add delicious creepiness to the movie. We also liked the actress playing the reporter. We highly recommend this for a good, old-fashioned scary movie from the forties. Cinematography is great, too.
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Fun at first, but much too long...
29 February 2020
We enjoyed the first half, especially the two lead actors. However, the movie became an endless chase, which became tedious. I recommend this film if you want to see where Spielberg stole ideas for Raiders of the Lost Ark. Another movie obviously borrowing from this one is Romancing the Stone. The first half of this movie is worth watching, just be ready to speed-watch the later chase scenes.
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The River (1951)
Beautiful film, full of depth
25 May 2019
I enjoyed this movie, but my husband was not so happy with it; we each were influenced in our opinions by the mood and the characters, who were all Indian and/or British, except for one American veteran. My husband was mostly unhappy with the ending, but I thought the ending was appropriate. Jean Renoir created a visual feast that must have been entrancing on the big screen. The movie flows along rather like the river in the film. You should watch it on a day you are not in the mood for action or film noir because this movie brims over with real people and real life.
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Funny, old-fashioned romantic comedy
26 January 2019
We enjoyed this movie very much! I think you will like this movie if you generally like movies from the 1930s or if you like the actress Jean Arthur. It was a lot of fun to watch. When you consider the outrageous corporate-executive behavior exposed recently by the #MeToo movement, you won't say that the movie is dated. This movie takes a funny look at some of the consequences of that behavior.
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Funny romantic comedy!
2 July 2018
If you like 1930s romantic comedies, you will probably enjoy this movie. I almost didn't watch it because of a few negative comments on this website, but I'm glad I decided to give it a try. The dialogue reflects Groucho Marx's style. The performances by Joan Blondell and Fernand Gravet give the movie a warmer, more personable, romantic feeling than Groucho is known for. If you don't set your expectations too high after seeing Groucho's name associated with the movie, you will enjoy the movie very much. I certainly did, and I'd like to watch it again with my husband.
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Dunkirk (2017)
The British soldiers who fought their way out of France deserve a better movie than this one -- Not Recommended
17 August 2017
Twenty excellent movies could have been made about Dunkirk in WWII. This movie, however, is not excellent; it's not even very good. Two major reasons why:

(1) For the important roles of British soldiers, men who in reality fought their way out of France, sacrificing many in combat and enduring tremendous privation, injury, terror, and hardship, the director chose to focus on soldiers who think only of their own survival--certainly there were some men like that in WWII, but it is simply a waste of wonderful and compelling raw material to produce this movie out of all the possible scenarios the director could have chosen.

(2) This movie skimped terribly on sets. It was embarrassing to watch a few hundred men on the beach, one or two Royal Navy ships in the water, two British planes in the air, and a handful of civilian boats. This movie does not give an accurate picture of the beaches or the mole.

This movie simply does not do justice to the hell on earth that was Dunkirk. I have to wonder why they bothered. I had looked forward to this movie and was very disappointed.
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Excellent underrated triple romance
21 February 2017
My husband and I watched this movie last night and really enjoyed it. The plot was intriguing and the acting was surprisingly superb, especially Janet Gaynor, Constance Bennett and Alan Mowbray as the magician. These three actors aren't as well known to modern audiences as Loretta Young, Tyrone Power and Paul Lukas; however, their performances in this film carry the film and give much greater depth and subtlety to the movie.

We couldn't believe we had never heard of this movie before. I've read some of the more negative reviews on this website, and I don't agree with them. I recommend that you give this movie a try. It is most definitely NOT a screwball comedy or lightweight film like "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire." One reviewer mentioned the "European" feel of the film. It is set in Budapest, Hungary and it is true to the mores of the place and time. An excellent movie! If for no other reason, please watch it so that you can better appreciate Alan Mowbray, who is so underused in "My Man Godfrey" and is not remembered much for his great supporting role as the butler in "Merrily We Live."
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Leslie Howard's performance is dynamite!
29 January 2017
We loved watching this movie! If after seeing Gone with the Wind, you wondered why Leslie Howard was a popular actor, then you must watch It's Love I'm After. He is so good and he radiates such positive energy and spirit in this film, that I thought it couldn't be the same person who two years later plays the terminally dull and uninteresting Ashley Wilkes. It seems such a shame that he ever was signed for GWTW. But anyway, don't worry about that, just watch this terrifically funny and often goofy movie and enjoy yourself tremendously. All the actors play their parts well, especially Bette Davis (who really seems to bring out the best in Leslie Howard), Olivia de Havilland, and Eric Blore. The only part that was not well-written (overdone) was that played by the young Bonita Granville, who was perfect as the younger daughter in "Merrily We Live" one year later. In this movie, her part was poorly written and the director obviously was at fault for having her overplay a bratty teenager. Everyone else gives a fine performance. We highly recommend this movie.
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Painfully slow movie, can't recommend it
29 January 2017
This movie is the dark side of "The Quiet Man," except that John Wayne's role is very small here. First, there are about a dozen actors in this movie who later were in supporting roles in The Quiet Man. However, John Ford had not figured out what to do with these wonderful character actors to make them shine in this film. In this movie he has them overplay their parts to the cringe point for the audience. Perhaps it played better in 1940, but I think that Ford just got it wrong here. Consider how excellently acted "Stagecoach" was, and that was 1939, the year prior to this movie. While there are a few good moments here (Ward Bond has a terrific scene, as does Ian Hunter), this movie is painfully slow. We debated turning it off a few times, but thought that it must get better because it had such good reviews on IMDb. Wrong! Finally, we fast-forwarded it on the DVR, and that was the right speed to watch the end. We don't recommend it, unless you insist on seeing all the actors from "The Quiet Man" when they were 12 years younger.
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