
113 Reviews
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Fun Lego Spin-Off
16 May 2020
This is a short, 22-minute LEGO spin-off of Guardians of the Galaxy. The Guardians have stolen a build stone from the Ravagers, who have stolen the stone from Thanos. Thanos tries to take the build stone back so he can build a "BLT" - A Big Laser Thingy so he can accomplish his dream of wiping out half the universe's population. The animators have captured the personalities of the Guardians but reproduced them in a LEGO format, complete with LEGO-movie style humour. It's fun, it's straight to the point, with simple plot and some laughs along the way. Great fun for the family. 7/10.
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Bombshell (2016 TV Movie)
Little known film; deserves more recognition
13 May 2020
This little known film is about the little known true story of the Rainbow Warrior Greenpeace ship, which was bombed and sunk in 1985, killing one crew member off the coast of New Zealand. The movie is creatively filmed, interspersed with actual historical footage and brilliant acting. I ended up enjoying it more than I thought I would and I'm surprised it hasn't gotten more recognition. A great historical feature that highlights the power imbalance between the state and ordinary people and asks the question of whether a government can truly get away with murder. Although the focus is on Greenpeace, the film doesn't try to push a political agenda, instead focusing on the tragedy of the Rainbow Warrior. 7/10.
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I felt bad for the actors
10 April 2020
The only redeeming quality of this movie is the acting. There are some great actors / actresses in this movie and they seem to have been mistakenly sucked into doing this terrible film about being lost in a haunted grass field. Or is it haunted? We never really find out what's the driving force behind this mysterious grass field in the middle of nowhere. The plot is nonsensical and has every element of random, gross themes thrown in just to mess with you but adds nothing of substance to the movie. I'm disappointed because I thought this had potential being based on a Stephen King novella and I generally love horror. But this was just bad all around and if it wasn't for the acting, I would give this a 1/10 star (zero not being an option).
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AC fan or not, this was a great action flick
9 January 2017
I'm admittedly not a huge gamer, but watched Assassin's Creed just because it seemed to be the best option out of the available selection, and I wanted to use my free movie tickets I got for Christmas over the holiday break. I went into the movie with no backstory, knowing nothing and had zero expectations. I had heard that the movie doesn't do the games justice, but again, this had no bearing on my judgment as I knew nothing about the games to begin with.

Assassin's Creed, evaluated on its own, is a great action feature. The action is intense, will keep you at the edge of your seat. CGI is well done. Props, setting, cinematography - all excellent. The plot was easy and straightforward to understand, considering that I'm sure in the video games it is much more complex. Again, as someone who's never played the games before, I feel like I understood everything and the concepts were relatively easy to grasp.

Fight scenes were excellent. Chase scenes were anxiety inducing but excellent. Overall, really good. I had zero expectations, and walked out quite impressed.

If you're looking for a good action movie in general, I'd recommend this movie. Even if you are a huge AC fan, I think it's also worth checking out to compare with the games, and to enjoy just as a movie overall.
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Keeps you on your toes, well done psychological thriller
7 January 2017
Iris is stuck between a rock and a hard place. She is faced with crippling debt from her sickly brother's hospital bills, and there doesn't seem to be any way for him to get better unless he is able to get a transplant, and who knows when that will be. She took a break from school to come back to her hometown to care of him after her parents died in a fatal car accident. She is unable to find a job and desperately needs money to help her brother and herself.

She is invited to a dinner party, where all you have to do is play a game at the end and whoever wins gets enough money to help them out with their situation. A wealthy, shady aristocrat is the host. She initially is hesitant about the offer, but after being rejected from a waitressing job, she accepts.

What follows is a deadly game of "Would You Rather." The players have to make tough decisions. There is seemingly no way to win. It's a question of morals, ethics, of what of two evils is the lesser evil. There is some gore that is not for the faint of heart, but it carries the message well. Very simply constructed with great character development. The heart of the movie takes place in one dinner room.

I really like that the film drives the message home that everybody has a price at which their morals will falter. Really makes you think what would you rather do in that situation.

I won't spoil too much, but although a lot of people might disagree with the ending, I find it perfectly ironic and goes well with the theme of the movie.

Surprisingly very good! Worth a watch if you like these kind of psychological thrillers.
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Hilarious, if you watch it in increments
5 January 2017
This movie is better suited to a YouTube mini series or a Vine-style comedy. It is hilarious, but only if you don't actually watch the whole thing in one sitting.

I watched this movie during study breaks at about 10-20 minute increments at a time. It is definitely cringe-worthy and there are some scenes where the humour is really grasping at straws.

But one thing the film has going for it, is that it really follows the original 50 Shades to a T, and when it pokes fun at it, it's really spot on. I personally hated 50 Shades of Grey, and enjoyed spending my breaks entertaining myself with senseless humour every so often.

I can't imagine actually sitting through the whole 1 hour and a half of it in one sitting, but I did appreciate the laughs this movie gave me.

Best enjoyed in increments - Probably not the best compliment a movie could have, but it does enhance the watching experience in my opinion.
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Intense action-animated feature
4 January 2017
Batman: The Killing Joke is an intense animated feature reminiscent of older times, when superheroes were only cartoons on screen. I enjoyed the animation of this film, and the plot was full of action and generally enjoyable to watch.

I found the film erred on the side of misogyny and over-sexualized Batgirl, but at the same time, if you look at the flip side of the coin, she is still a strong female character despite her hyper-sexuality. It is an unfortunate truth of most female comic strip characters, so we can just be thankful that she isn't a weak female protagonist. Although I didn't appreciate her being hysterical over her rocky relationship with Batman - that was an atypical response that was somewhat frustrating.

The Joker is excellent in this feature. He's absolutely insane all the way through to the end. We get a glimpse into his backstory, which makes you feel some empathy for him and his descent into madness. Once again, you see the parallels between the Joker and Batman - they are both isolated and violent characters on opposite sides of the same coin.

Besides some minor setbacks, I quite enjoyed this animated feature. Be forewarned: although it's a cartoon, it is quite violent and disturbing. View at your own discretion.
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Barely tolerable
3 January 2017
This movie had the potential to be good, and in this day and age when love (if it really exists), is such a complicated topic, this movie's story is relevant. Especially to the tinder-culture that has developed around our notions of love and hookups.

But the characters in this movie were simply... stupid for the most part. Rebel Wilson's character, Robin (or as I like to call her "Ratchet Mc Ratchet") , was just the definition of a hot mess. I don't know if she should be insulted for being cast as a promiscuous plus size dumb blonde in almost every movie she's in. In either case, she is exactly that in this movie and it's painful to watch.

Dakota Johnson's character, Alice, was just making the same mistakes over and over again. She's the typical girl who can't stay single for long. She's your best friend that always needs to have a boyfriend. And yes, she's just as annoying as that best friend of yours.

Alison Brie plays Lucy, a girl who won't settle until she finds the perfect, and I mean PERFECT man. She is annoying in the beginning, but comes to her senses eventually.

And lastly, there's Leslie Mann, who plays Meg. She plays a character who is probably the most level-headed out of all the bunch and is somewhat of a saving grace in this movie. Meg is a doctor who is too busy for relationships, but yearns to be a mother. She eventually meets someone and runs into complications when she faces having to tell him she is pregnant.

Overall, this movie isn't terrible. It's just annoying. Don't go into this expecting to seek some revelation or deep insight into the single life. Besides some tolerable characters, it's generally a hot mess.
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A tragedy
1 January 2017
I agree with another review I read here - that this is more tragedy than horror. If you judge this as a horror movie, then yes, it's not that scary. It has the occasional jump scares here and there and the occasional creepy looking ghost/spirit woman but other than that, it's not scary. But it is tragic, and if you look at the story-line, it's very relatable.

A mother loses her child in a car accident and blames herself for it. She learns of an ancient ritual to contact him, locking herself up in an old temple to do so. She is warned not to open the door at any time, no matter what she hears. But of course, in her desperation to see her lost son, she does open the door.

This is about coping with a loss and the consequences that come from playing with the other world. It's not a brand new and novel idea, but the way it is portrayed is quite convincing. It's in a beautiful backdrop of a remote part of India as well, which gives the film an ethereal kind of feeling.

8/10, honestly for me.
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Daddy's Home (2015)
Funny, amusing, one-time comedy
31 December 2016
Daddy's Home is not classic comedy, it's one of those one-time, watch on an airplane movie just to pass the time. Will Ferrell plays the stepfather who's always wanted to be a father, clearly a wimpy kid in his childhood that grew up to be a pushover adult that lives for other people. Dusty Mayron played by Mark Wahlberg, a tough guy, no strings attached kind of dad who is still living and reliving his adventure years instead of facing his own responsibilities.

It has its moments, Will Ferrell has his typical outbursts and the stark contrast between the two father figures is enough amusement on its own.

It has its corny moments (especially near the end, although I won't say what to avoid spoiling anything) that are almost cringe-worthy, but otherwise I would say it's quite an enjoyable film, although good for just the one-time watch only.
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The Boy (2016)
An intense thriller
30 December 2016
This is a very well executed psychological thriller, with a little plot twist at the end that you might not suspect. The plot really did not disappoint. The acting was great, characters were well developed and genuinely likable.

Although one goof was that the house is not typical of an English countryside manor, the atmosphere actually went very well with the movie. There is an excellent mood that is set, more reminiscent of American 18th century horror, but it nonetheless works.

As I alluded to before, this film is less horror and more psychological thriller. It works much better in the latter category, so if you're expecting to a good horror, this might disappoint. But as a thriller, "The Boy" is excellent.
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The Darkness (I) (2016)
Generic, laughable really
29 December 2016
I'm not even going to see this film had potential because it really didn't. This story-line borders on cultural appropriation. A wealthy white family go on vacation in the grand canyon. The autistic son (a source of tension in the family) finds stones that awaken evil spirits. Said son takes them home. "Creepy" things ensue.

It's the usual jump scares, in the usual predictable places. There are some awful attempts at CGI by the end, which I won't go too much into detail, but you can probably predict that it's going to happen. None of the characters are very likable, and as I said, the premise of the film is bordering on cultural appropriation and hard to really get "scared" by.

It's sad really, the more recent horror movies I watch, the worse and worse they become.
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Striking the balance between a good story-line and all-out "chaos"
28 December 2016
With 2016 bearing the year of face-offs, as it seems, Captain America: Civil War promised to be good competition for Batman vs. Superman.

Personally, Civil War had potential to be the perfect face-off-film, but there were just too many characters and side-story lines that it got complicated. The essential premise of the conflict is easy - one side is pro Super Heroes Registration, one side is pro-vigilante justice, the old fashioned way. But so many characters get thrown in, and besides the gush of seeing so many super heroes all in one movie fighting off against each other, Marvel is veering more so on the mayhem side than on the character and plot development side.

I don't see much development in Civil War. I see a rift happen for the sake of a rift happening, characters being introduced just for the heck of it. Yes, maybe this is the way it goes in the comic, but it doesn't make much for a story for me.

I'm not saying Civil War was terrible by any means, no. But it was just meh. Another superhero movie. Some new characters, but just more of the same.
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Eat Pray Love (2010)
Barely scratches the surface of the book
6 November 2016
A book like "Eat Pray Love" is not easy to make a screenplay out of, and I understand that in evaluating this adaptation. However, there are so many nuances to the book, that I felt were important and were not properly captured in the film adaptation. At face value, watching this movie, all you really see is a spoiled, 30-something year old woman, who has everything, but her husband doesn't excite her anymore and then boom she leaves him after he says he wants a master's degree and that's not what she wants anymore.

Then she proceeds on a journey of binge-eating, praying(ish), and then oh, dare I say, it, she finds another man (and a Brazilian man, nonetheless oh lala)...

This barely scratches the surface of the book.

In the book, Elizabeth Gilbert details her struggle with depression, with realizing that she might have everything, but at the same time it doesn't make her happy. The book goes more into depth about her time in Italy, even her little mini adventure to Sicily. In India, where she finds herself through prayer, admittedly, this section does seem to be more of a never-ending stream of consciousness than the other sections, but nonetheless, there is a rhyme to the reason. And lastly, in Bali, we see Liz really teeter on the fence about whether she wants a new relationship or not, and when she goes for it, how much she immerses herself in it.

I don't expect for a movie adaptation to capture all of the essence of the book, it's not possible. However, this movie adaptation didn't even meet the threshold minimum in my standard. Without reading the book, you would just think that Liz Gilbert is a superficial privileged white woman not pleased with her current romance, so she throws herself into the next one. Eat Pray Love isn't about that. I encourage people who have only watched the movie to read the book - at the least you'll gain a better understanding of Liz's character through the book than you did through the movie.
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Piper (2016)
The perfect prelude to Finding Dory
8 October 2016
I saw this short in the theatres right before they played Finding Dory. In short, it was perfect. An adorable little piper learns how to forage for food and has to overcome its fears in the process. This short teaches the importance of perseverance and how sometimes you just have to be a little creative with the solutions to life's problems. It definitely preps the heartstrings for what is to come in Finding Dory... and cuteness factor aside, the animation is beautifully done. The water and feather detail on the birds are gorgeous just from an animation perspective. Really well done, and perfect with Finding Dory. I'd love to see Piper have his/her own film, to be honest. I would definitely pay to see the Adventures of Piper.
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Finding Dory (2016)
Had me in tears
4 September 2016
Finding Dory had me in tears, and not just me, but several others in the theatres as well. Dory is a character that steals your heart without meaning to. In the first Finding Nemo, she is purely comic relief, but in Finding Dory, you really get to know her story. From her innocent upbringing with her family, to her separation from them, and her persistence in finding them. Dory isn't perfect, yes she is extremely naive, yes she is happy go lucky, and as one other reviewer describes, "bumbles along," but she faces fears and anxiety just like everyone else. Does she like her predicament? No. Does it frustrate her? Yes. You see this time and time again in the movie.

But there is hope, and this is where the tearjerkers happen. Despite all the struggle, there is hope. Dory has friends, and somewhere out there she has family. It's a fun adventure from beginning to end, and it's fun for all ages. You also don't necessarily need to see Finding Nemo first to watch Finding Dory, although it does help, as there are some references to the first movie and some plot holes from the first movie that get filled in this one.

Loved Finding Dory. One of my all time favourite Disney films. 10/10.
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Deadpool (2016)
If it wasn't for Ryan Reynolds...
15 July 2016
I honestly think that if it wasn't for Ryan Reynolds, this movie would not have received the high average rating it got on here. Ladies, (and gents), let's face it: if Deadpool was played by some average schmuck would you really be giving this movie 10 stars, keeping in mind that he delivers the same lines the same way?

Yes, this is a snarky movie and it's supposedly true to the original series, but as a movie on its own it's just cringe-worthy. The jokes are funny-ish, the beginning is loaded with unnecessary sex scenes and shots of Reynolds' a**, and towards the middle I was falling asleep because it just seemed like the movie was all over the place and not really going anywhere.

One of the most over-hyped movies this year. If you want a semi-love story, action, snarky remarks and cheesy one liners, and of course brief glimpses of Ryan Reynolds doing the nasty with a hot girl, yes go ahead and watch this.
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Don't be swayed by the trailer
6 July 2016
The trailer makes this film out to be scarier than it actually is. There are hardly any jump-scare moments, the "climax" of the film, is actually very anti-climactic in my opinion, and... not to spoil too much, but the movie is more about how the presence of the witch tears a family apart, rather than the actual witch itself.

In New England, a family is cast out from their plantation community for being too "prideful" - it is unclear what exactly their crime is, but it's something along the lines of they are being too devout for their own good. And you can see it as the film develops, the family is extremely Christian... and unfortunately, it is out there, in the woods, that bad things start to happen to them, nothing that even their prayers can save them from.

The entire dialogue is in an older form of English (I believe this was set sometime in the 16th century?), which some may find hard to understand. I certainly did at times, but it's very interesting and adds to the "creepiness" of the film, and if you're a history buff, adds a little grain of authenticity to the tale.

However, as a horror movie, it doesn't deliver as how it's marketed to be. Maybe this could pass as a historical drama, or a thriller, but at the same time not really. There were a few moments of great acting, and other moments that were just plain laughable. Overall, this movie was kind of creepy, but was certainly not scary. The plot was anti-climactic and the trailer hyped it up way more than it deserved.
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Inception (2010)
23 June 2016
Inception - somewhere in a futuristic-ish world that's not too far off from our own, high class robbers infiltrate the mind to steal ideas. But what if you were to plant an idea instead? The simplest idea - just one simple thought - and you could change everything?

Inception is a classic, even after watching it 6 years after its initial release for the second time, this movie still gets me. This is one of those films you can watch multiple times and get different interpretations out of it each time, which is amazing. Nolan is truly gifted in what he does - paying close attention to minute details in his film-making to make viewers wonder what the significance of it all is. Leonardo DiCaprio is amazing as always, and it's a shame he didn't win an Oscar for his role in this movie. Truly a masterpiece, and it should go down as a classic. It's rare in the 21st century that original movies come out like this that aren't a remake or based on a novel of the same name. Truly one of my favourites. 10/10 all the way.
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Crimson Peak (2015)
Very pretty, but that's about it
8 April 2016
I was really excited to watch Crimson Peak because I've always had a fascination Gothic Romance/Victorian themes. The trailer really lured me in - Crimson Peak seemed like a beautiful, morbid and macabre film perfect for around Halloween time. Unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to see it around Halloween and only watched it last night.

Now, this is a very beautiful movie. The costumes absolutely blew me away - they were gorgeous and fantastic. Obviously not historically accurate, but beautiful nonetheless. Del Toro does a wonderful job of setting the scene and the use of colour is also powerful. Victorian Gothic mansion set amidst the backdrop of winter, in a rich red clay deposit, that's so old the walls seem to "bleed" from clay... or is it really clay?

So in summary, the movie is very pretty. But that's about it. The storyline was interesting and could have gone further, but the execution disappointed me. The first half of the movie was a slow development leading up to the climax, and then from then on, it seems that the story just gives up. The ending is rushed, there are obvious plot holes and it's all sort of rushed. Even the "scary" ghost scenes are just a minor jump-trick and nothing else - although the CGI is well done.

A gorgeous movie, although I wish I could find something similar with the same beautiful cinematography, but a better execution of the plot.
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28 March 2016
Batman vs. Superman is absolutely amazing. I've read some of the average/mixed reviews, and in my personal opinion, that is the fault of some over-hyped advertising. I'm not one to pay too much attention to commercials and social media, but it seems that this film was probably one of the most over-hyped movies to be released in 2016. I walked into this film without any pre-conceived notions of what it might be like, and left quite impressed.

First, Ben Affleck really surprised me as Batman. He's a wonderful actor, but I wasn't sure if he could at least rival Christian Bale's performance. I'm not saying he's better, but it was a pleasant surprise. Affleck's portrayal of Batman hit all the right benchmarks: angsty, angry, introverted, yet with a heart of gold.

The casting of Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman were good choices. Einsenberg delivers a creepy and psychotic performance as the calculating and maniacal Lex Luthor. Gal Gadot is absolutely gorgeous and bada** as Wonder Woman.

Also coming from the perspective of someone who watched Man of Steel and found it rather slow, I really enjoyed the pace of this movie. It didn't go so fast that I didn't know what was going on, and it wasn't overly slow. The fight scenes were great - not over done, not too long, and not too short. Just the right mix of action and storyline for my liking.

Overall, ignore the hype. Watch it for yourself and take this movie for what it is, and not the over-the-type advertising that went into it.
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Explicit, but not overdone
17 March 2016
As a North American, watching European movies can sometimes be a bit of a culture-shock for me since it's very liberal compared to even R-rated movies here. There is full frontal nudity in this movie - male & female genitalia and all. Although I wouldn't classify it as a porno, there are definitely some scenes that come close. The sex scenes are explicit, but it is not overdone. If you came to watch the hot sex scenes, that's great, but they only last may 20 seconds max and the point isn't really the sex as the movie title might imply, but the consequences of it. The sentiment attached to it and how lives can be interwoven unknowingly through this natural human desire, through lust. It's really a deep movie if you get past the skin-deep elements of it, and the cinematography, acting and script are quite beautiful. Another complex element of the film is the fine line between reality and fantasy, fact and fiction, and that's something else that draws the viewer in - what really happens in the story and what doesn't? What is an embellishment by the author and what is truth? Get past the sex, and you'll see Sex & Lucia is quite a deep film.
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Powerful and realistic
16 March 2016
Maria, Full of Grace is a powerful and realistic portrayal of the drug problem in Columbia during the early 2000's. Set at first in a small village apparently not far from Bogota, Maria Alvarez is a 17 year old girl who works in a flower plantation to support her mother, her grandmother, and her un-employed sister and her baby. She has a boyfriend, Juan, who seemingly is only interested in her for sex and is someone who she herself is not in love with. Maria looks towards the sky when she is intimate with Juan - probably because she knows that somewhere, there is a better life for her.

After an argument with her boss, and the realization that she herself is pregnant by Juan, Maria needs to find a new job. The charismatic and charming Felipe, whom she met at a social event, offers her a job as a drug mule swallowing cocaine pellets and smuggling them into New York City. Maria manages to swallow 62 pellets and get into the US, but once there, she realizes the magnitude of the risks she is facing.

Catalina Sandino Moreno does a wonderful job playing Maria - her facial expressions and mannerisms compliment well the words that Maria does say - although not a super talkative person, what she does say is powerful on its own, such as when she asks Juan why he would marry someone he doesn't love. The plot is simple, there are no added distractions that take away from the story itself and that is what helps makes this film so well executed. It draws you in and does what it is intended to do - show you the other side of drug trafficking that we in the West are not always exposed to - the people who decide to get involved in the first place.
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Fun for the entire family
10 February 2016
If you're a 90's kid, there is no way that you can continue to go on without seeing this movie. Mrs Doubtfire is a classic, lighthearted fun-filled comedy that will produce laughs for all ages (parental discretion is advised - there are some subtle sexual references and mild coarse language). Daniel Hillard is a recently divorced man, who cannot bear to go a single day without seeing his children. Out of desperation, he disguises himself as a 60 year old British nanny in order to see his children everyday. What follows is cross-dressing, multiple identities mishaps and good old Robin Williams (bless his soul) humour. Mrs Doubtfire will make you laugh and bring you almost to tears at the same time, because underneath all the fun and games there is a powerful message about family and love that transcends separation or divorce. It is also a movie about second chances, about how sometimes people are better for each other when they're apart, and about learning from mistakes. It's a simple plot that is not too complicated to follow and shouldn't be interpreted for more than its face value: a simple, light-hearted comedy that tugs just enough at the heart strings.
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Man of Steel (2013)
A bit on the slow side
5 February 2016
Man of Steel is the story of how Clark Kent, Superman, came to be. It runs at 2 hours and 30 minutes long, and features probably 3 intense action scenes. There are a lot of special effects, but it is obvious that they are special effects and there isn't any "wow" factor to this movie for a film made in 2013. The rest of the movie is quite long and drawn out. The back story is of course, crucial, and you know that Marvel is going to make another movie after this. However, I hope that Batman vs. Superman doesn't move as slowly as this movie does. One other thing that disappointed me was that there was hardly any chemistry between Lois Lane and Clark Kent. They do share a kiss and fall in love, but the scene feels so awkward and forced, and during the rest of the movie you'd be content to believe they were just friends and that there was no attraction at all. The one saving grace is that Henry Cavill is gorgeous and he makes for amazing eye candy. But as a superhero movie, it's quite slow and for how long it is, it can be a drag to get though.
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