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Hope & Faith (2003–2006)
Great chemistry
8 April 2005
I make time to watch one thing on Fridays and that is Hope and Faith (and I'm a 40 yr old guy). I think it's real funny. The chemistry between Faith and Kelly is perfect. You couldn't find a better partner for Kelly. To add to that you have a third person who fits right in with the two: Ted. He is also great. I like him better now than I did 20 years ago. Kelly is funny as hell. I think she's one of the funniest women in TV today. Her character is perfect for her and she knows how to whine and complain and showoff like no one. Her timing is great. She worked for Charlie in his dentist's office and she was a scream! She botched everything and pursued one of the younger patient's father (while the patient had a mold stuck in his mouth!). Ha! The show started off without many sexual innuendos which was a real nice change but this season the shows are full of them and I think that's kind of a shame. It's even funnier that they have brought in Kelly's husband and Regis and jokes are made about their real-life relationships. Show is way better than Bonnie Hunt's show which went off the air (although I watched that, too, and I think Bonnie and their crew were real talented). I think it is the funniest show on Friday nights. Oh, the writing is great! Please don't go off the air!
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Poor logic, bad actors, very surreal
7 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I suppose this is not a bad performance for Bjork's first movie. But it is a stupendously stupid movie because it takes turns that clearly go against anyone's common sense. Very, very predictable and anti-climactic. I had to force myself to sit through this. This was like a bad dress rehearsal or something. These are the worst actors in the history of the world!!! They are like zombies! They would have been great extras in the Night of the Living Dead! Where did they get these people? This movie is like living in a parallel universe where no one knows how to express themselves and everyone in the town kisses Bjork's ass for some unknown reason. It's like the actors were looking to Bjork to carry this whole movie. I think everyone was on LSD when they made this movie, it gets extremely surreal as it progresses yet the characters' lives stay consciously sober. It was like the Rocky Horror Picture Show. There is an extremely huge amount of editing in this movie. It's like the actors couldn't get through their lines or something. Bjork does somewhat of a poor job acting blind. No one in the movie can pick up that Bjork is going blind even though she doesn't know where anyone is!!! In the first five minutes her theatre coach says to someone, "her singing is a little funny". Some total retard stalks her every day after work and asks if she wants a ride home, it's plainly obvious that there's only one thing that he wants but Bjork seems like he's just being polite. (He later takes part in one of the songs and can't hold a tune to save his life). The singing is dubbed and some of the lip-synching is real bad. When she found out her life savings had been stolen out of her house she showed no emotion. I didn't understand the trial because she could have easily told the truth and been vindicated but she chose to lie for some reason which was never disclosed. The director changes film (a more colorful film) during all of the song sequences which I thought was neat. The song lyrics are almost unintelligible and the songs bordered on moronic. It was like The Sound of Music meets The Ford Motor Company. One song and dance takes place inside the tool factory where Bjork works. Another takes place on a freight train (she is walking home along the train tracks) and she and a bunch of carpenters and lumberjacks sing and dance and do twirls on one of the train flatbeds and she sings a song about "I've already seen everything, what's more left to see?" Some of the dialogue was sung which was extremely laughable. The strangest part of the movie had to be when she started singing a duet with a bloody corpse whom she had just bludgeoned to death and he picks up a paint brush and starts painting the kitchen. He got up and sang "Go before the police get here" and her son was outside singing "you did what you had to do". Strangest thing I have ever seen. She goes up to a pond and tries to dispose of her bloody sweater and a bloody satchel, it's so obvious that she misses the pond and the satchel gets thrown right into the grass leaving evidence (which is never found by anyone!) from the murder. Walking to her execution she breaks out into a cheery song with lyrics that count her steps down the hallway to the chamber. The last scene was an extreme tear-jerker. Bjork really acted like she was being executed, it was the most frightening thing I've seen. The last two songs are extremely beautiful-the one during the credits is the most beautiful song I think I ever heard (better than anything Celine Dion has ever done). They did Bjork wrong in this movie, the poor logic ruined this movie. In the end, I don't think less of Bjork. She's still fantastic in my eyes.
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Very complicated, totally unpredictable
4 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Story line and cinematography both very complicated. A lot of thought was put into the story and the cinematography. I've never had trouble following a movie with my eyes but this one challenged me to the limit. The camera moves so fast during the chasing/fighting scenes that the images are blurred, the cameras shake frequently (cameras mounted in the cars as they hit bumps or other cars or take turns at high speeds), the cameras aren't centered, the images are too close. Sometimes the film pans in 3-4 different directions/angles within 1-2 seconds. That's how rapid the camera is. The first thirty minutes of the movie I didn't know what was happening because there was so much information being thrown out and I was ready to not go any further. I couldn't piece together who was who. The CIA agents were talking so fast and soft that I couldn't understand them. Bourne has the CIA hunting him, Germans hunting him, and Russians hunting him. You have a Russian agent in Tangiers who tries to kill him, CIA agents killing each other and Bourne tracks an unknown agent in Germany and kills him. I didn't believe one fight scene where Damon loses his gun and picks up a rolled-up magazine and starts beating this agent to a pulp with it. Hollywood. And when Damon breaks into an apartment or hotel room he knows exactly where everything is: the circuit breaker, the gas line, computer hard drives, etc. (I suppose that's done to save time). Then things started making a little more sense. The film uses flashbacks to help piece together some of the unknowns. The car chase scenes are really fantastic in this movie (if only the editing was more discernible). There is a long tunnel chase/crash scene which is the best I've ever seen. (You literally have to grab something during this scene because the drivers are so close to killing themselves). The stunt drivers in this movie really earned their pay. There are a couple real clever twists that happen in this movie. The music is very well done, it accentuates the scenes very well: not over-powering but not boring, either. Matt Damon did a great job although his involvement was not as active as the first Bourne movie: much of the movie centered around the CIA. Damon can play tough guys without coming off too strong like a Stallone or a Sean Penn which is refreshing. The ending was really good. I suppose that's it for the Bourne series, he has been vindicated. If you are elderly and have trouble focusing your eyes you will not be able to follow this movie. Bourne #1 was a better movie because it was easier to follow but Bourne Supremacy is unlike so many other Hollywood movies that it's a must see.
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Surprised me
3 January 2005
I caught five minutes of this then decided to watch more of it and I was pleasantly surprised at what a superb actress Kirsten Dunst is! She is so natural and at ease in front of a camera. The chemistry between her and the boyfriend is the best you will ever see and that's why I watched this movie. I felt like I was eavesdropping in on two young teenagers throughout the whole movie. The story is very simple and just chronicles the life of these two high-schoolers who fall in love by pure chance (the romance is instigated by Dunst and she does a great job). I think everyone will be able to relate to the characters and story in this movie. These are real-life characters and they are not overly stereotyped which was surprising, as well. The leading actor did a fantastic job, too. There is zero shock value thrown into this movie to try and put you on the edge of your seat which is something you don't find in Hollywood movies and which was really nice. Mostly every scene involves Kirsten and her boyfriend and they pull it off. There aren't many actors that can say that they can do that. This movie is entertaining throughout and will keep your attention. Already I like Kirsten more than I ever liked Julia Roberts, Gwyneth Paltrow, Daryl Hannah, Winona Ryder, Chistine Ricci, Catherine Zeta Jones, Kate Winslet, Sharon Stone, or any of these younger female celebrities. The direction in this movie is very good. If you want a real nice relaxing evening and you don't want to watch something with a lot of hype, drama, violence, stereotypes, people pitting each other against one another, etc. then I recommend this movie. I will definitely look for more of Kirsten in the future.
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Dinner Rush (2000)
Too stereotypical
2 January 2005
Why does every ethnic movie have to be so stereotypical? You have the tough, old, street-wise, Italian restaurant owner who's paid his dues, the young, hard-nosed restaurant chef who thinks he is nothing short of god, the insulting restaurant customer who demands special treatment because he's waited 45 minutes, the young mob thugs who only know how to eat, curse and threaten, the bartender who knows every bit of trivia on the planet, the handsome guy sitting at the bar, the young gay maitre'de, the young waiters/waitresses with insecurity issues, etc. Nothing much going on in this movie, just the workings one night in a restaurant. Camera goes back and forth to the owner, the kitchen, the irate customer, the restaurant critic, the mob thugs, the bartender and back again and again without a great deal happening: the director is trying to create the feeling in the restaurant by clogging your head. We get the point. I thought something good was going to happen when a restaurant critic (Sandra Bernhardt) walked in and sat down and the chef had to shift into high gear, but Sandra just sat there and slopped her food up and didn't say much. One of the chefs is a gambler and has to listen to the game as he cooks. Right away you can see what is going to happen. He loses all his money and flips out. Original. There are some attempts to create tension and suspense but they fall short. One of the cooks sneaks outside for a break with one of the girl tablesitters and they decide to have sex with their clothes on up against a wall in sub-freezing temperatures. Boring. Nothing in this movie will grab you. Albeit, Danny Aiello is one of my favorite actors and he does a good job here.
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This is classic, classic, classic!
2 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Fantastic movie. Side-splitting almost all the way through. I have watched this every year for the past 25 years and I still laugh out loud. This is a great collage of the best comics of the time and of history. What other movie ever had a lineup like this? I don't know what these other reviewers are thinking! The acting is so real and the chemistry is so great it is unbelievable. The opening scene at the car accident is priceless as dying driver Jimmy Durante rambles about hidden dough to the five accident witnesses (Berle, Winters, Hackett, Rooney, Ceasar) that are standing by him. His thoughts become murky and calls Sid Ceasar his Aunt. Then Durante takes one last breath and kicks a bucket down the ravine. Jonathan Winters stands up and says, "That guy's dead!". Detective (Norman Fell) comes onto the scene and asks if Durante had anything to say before he died. (Silence). Then Fell asks if Durante was dead when the others arrived on the scene. The five men can't come up with words because they don't want to let the secret out of the bag. Then Buddy Hackett answers his question and says, "Practically". They team up a few miles later along the side of the road to figure out how to split the money up between them when they find it in Santa Rosita. Sid Ceasar proposes different ways to split the money up which are so hilariously unreasonable and ridiculous that it comes off like an Abbott & Costello routine. The others are completely confused and offended (especially Winters) and finally agree to "Every man for himself!!!". There are many stories in this movie that are hilarious! Mickey Rooney and Buddy Hackett stuck up in the air not knowing how to fly a plane (after pilot Backus is knocked out cold while mixing a drink in the cabin) and not knowing how to use the radio! The punch lines are a scream! Rooney (hysterical on the radio): "Hey, you on the ground! We're up here in the air! Benjy, say something...", Hackett: "Help!" Ceasar and his wife trying to charter a plane at an airport in the desert and end up with a broken-down 1920's biplane which has a maximum speed of about 50 mph. Ceasar with a hesitant look (to his wife): "They don't make 'em like this anymore! Tried and true!" (The woman starting the prop ends up blessing the plane before takeoff). Ethel Merman, Milton Berle in Terry Thomas' truck: Ethel Merman annoyed (to Terry Thomas): "Where'd you get that funny accent? From Harvard?" Thomas: "I'm from England". Merman: "Sounds so foreign". The auto garage scene is classic Jonathan Winters. Phil Silvers is great as a money-hungry con-artist who dupes Jonathan Winters but ends up getting duped himself as he tries to find a shortcut through the desert. He runs across an Indian who needs a lift to get some medication. Silvers eventually finds himself down some dirt road in the middle of nowhere and relies on a little boy who wants some money to get him back to the main road but he's led to a road which is buried by a river. Silvers portrays his frustration hilariously! Don Knotts puts in a small role as a nervous driver who picks up Phil Silvers on the side of the road. Sid Ceasar is in excellent form when he and his wife get locked in a hardware basement while they're looking for a pick and shovel. Then Ceasar destroys the hardware store with fireworks and a sledge hammer while trying to break out of the basement. Ethel Merman and Dick Shawn are great as a hysterical mother and son. Terry Thomas is hilarious. As for the sexist accusations: all of this was tongue in cheek, harmless and was standard in the 1960-1970's. (Making fun of the country's preoccupation with busoms can hardly be called discriminatory.) This movie is good clean fun no matter how you slice it. The great thing about this is that the secondary actors are big names (Jerry Lewis, Jack Benny, Jim Backus, The Three Stooges, Buster Keaton, Peter Faulk) and put in big jokes as well, they're not just standbys. The producers pulled out all the stops in this movie, the writing is fantastic. This is a non-stop journey and non-stop entertainment (but the ending was always a little slow for me). Nonetheless, if you are bored or had a bad day at work watch this and you will bust your gut. I defy anyone to find a movie like this today. It is the best homage to Hollywood comedy that's ever been done. This movie will last a long, long time.
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The Statement (2003)
30 December 2004
This is a weak movie which could have turned into something better. . It's surprising that this movie won awards for directing and cinematography. The story and the relationships between a few of the characters are somewhat interesting but the way it's told is boring and non-suspenseful. I think there was no chemistry in this movie whatsoever except for the scene 1/4 of the way through with Michael Caine and his ex-wife (Charlotte Rampling). This is when the movie started to come alive. The two seemed to have real good interaction but unfortunately she was never to be seen in the movie again. I'm surprised that Michael Caine took this movie. You're not going to get the Caine from The Eagle Has Landed, Hannah and Her Sisters or Educating Rita in this flick. I can think of a handful of other Caine suspense films that are 300% better than this one. The duty he had in this movie was to act feeble and act obsessed with religion which he did. Other than that there was nothing for him. His weeping and pleading for forgiveness in front of priests wasn't even believable. He has aged a lot and I don't know if his skills have diminished or not. Caine's character (one who was forced by Nazi's to execute jews) was chased from town to town and was never confronted face-to-face by his enemies. There was a lot of phone tag and no confrontation. The story doesn't do a good job explaining why these specific people are hunting him down. And the main thing I wanted to know was: Why have these people waited until he was 75 before they started hunting him down? That was never answered. I was also waiting for Caine's character to get real clever and outwit someone (which Caine is really good at) but there was nothing in the script resembling that. Caine's character was an extremely average man who depended only on some praying, a beer or some wine and that was it. The other characters were lost I thought. I thought they were acting like they were just reading the script for the first time especially the aged judges which took every bit of suspense out of this film. The judges and the clergy were the main keys in the movie and watching them was like watching dying whales on a beach. The young woman judge (who was one of the other main characters) spent every scene trying to get her image across as a tough, liberated, chain-smoking woman. The trouble lay in the fact that her script was completely hollow and her character never took any shape. When the camera was on her I spent my time staring at the smoke she blew out of her mouth instead of listening to what she had to say. The ending was a real let down, too. I thought there was going to be lots of struggling when Caine met his enemies face-to-face. Instead, when they finally caught up with him someone posing as a friend lured him into an alley and popped him point blank with a couple bullets with no struggle or exchange of words and that was it! Then I waited for a few last syllables from Caine but nothing happened! It seems that this movie was made for the sole purpose of honoring some french jews that were executed In WWII and nothing more. The best thing in this movie was the French scenery.
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