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Best incarnation of the tmnt to date
5 September 2023
And I say this as a fan of franchise since the 80s. (watched their cartoons, collected the comics, toys, video games)

First of: the animation style works absolutely great! While it might feel like trying to do what they did with the spiderverse cartoons, we should celebrate that 3d animation is exploring these more comic-book like styles, and for this movie it works great! Especially if you like the work of Kevin Eastman (one of the tmnt founders, who's style has a magnificent edgy, gritty and raw quality about it). Never have I seen an animated tmnt that does justice to his work the way this movie does.

And apart from the visual style, the actual animation is top notch! Great work from their animators!

In terms of design they took a great amount of liberties, but I think all the characters are better for it!

Secondly; character writing and casting is spot on. For the first time these teenage turtles actually come across as teenagers. And that is reflected in their writing as well. While previous incarnations might have behaved immature and had 'teenage'-like motivation, they never actually convinced as teenagers. Here they do, with their stupid behaviors and short attention spans, and it makes the whole viewing experience soooo much better. They are endearing, funny, convincingly naive and their chemistry just works without going overboard on the broody or moody as it often did in previous movies. (And while I cannot stand Seth Rogen, his voice for Bebop is just the perfect match.)

As for the story; I reckon many folks would be disappointed that Shredder is not featured. I also came across complaints that they altered the origin story. These were risky creative calls perhaps, but they pay off. It is refreshing to see a different villain for a change, and the origin is brought in a far more entertaining fashion than I've seen so far. There are some cliche's in there, perhaps some plot holes or questionable choices, but the whole thing is entertaining from start to end. Even the big showdown at the end didn't bore (and showdowns at the end of movies tend to be the most boring part of all).

All in all, very glad to see this production has been made!
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Arcane (2021–2024)
incredible done!
5 July 2022
I generally have low expectations of series accompanying video games, and I'm not a league player, so I had no real interest in this show, but I had a bored moment and this thing popped up on netflix, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Zero expectations.

But wow, this blew me away. Story-wise it is alright (It is a bit predictable, doesn't feel too original, but doesn't hold it's punches which is a good thing... but in terms of visuals, this is truly spectacular! Very reminiscent of the game Transistor actually. Very well voice acted, animated, paced and just altogether a feast for eyes and senses. Clearly a work of passion.
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The Requin (2022)
because jaws didn't do enough damage already?
28 January 2022
I'd like the film makers to get eaten by sharks, but that is very unlikely to happen, because sharks aren't nearly as dangerous as film makers would like us believe. It is far more likely to happen that many sharks will meet untimely deaths due to films of this nature (shark populations declined over 70% over the last half decade, and 30% of their species are endangered, and films like Jaws have not helped in how we treat these animals).
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Bridgerton (2020– )
costume drama for kiddies
20 January 2022
I honestly don't see why people get excited about this show. Terrible writing, terrible acting, and the sets?... Well, consider that displays of candle lights are obviously displays of electrical (Christmas) lights, and you'd have the gist of the vibe.

I reckon a show like this digests well for someone coming home from high-school and thirsty for pulp... but if you want some quality television for your evening, I recommend to steer clear of this.
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Great effects, but poor acting and terrible (and slow) storytelling
27 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I could rant about pretty much every detail here, but the bottom line is that this is just really poorly written. I honestly cannot blame the actors for doing a poor job conveying it, because these non-progressing-dialogues and stale one-dimensional characters just don't work. They work for maybe the first episode, and then you evolve the characters and subject matters, make them do some investigation of themselves and what they're saying - make things dynamic - but instead they just repeat the same stuff throughout the entire season while the plot just creeps on ever so slowly.

We have to endure Sheldon's mental struggle (which also gets old really fast, but seems to never end) as we inch towards how they get their powers, and when they finally get to that point, it's just bleh. I cannot think of another word to describe this massive arc completion point: it is cliche, boring, predictable, flat. There is no narrative substance to it. I've seen Star Trek original series episodes that were paced faster than this with more intricate and interesting conclusions (and that show was slow!)

Then at the end we get the big twist for which there was not a single piece of groundwork laid in the story so far (well, with some stretching you could say there are 'indicators', but really not to justify the direction they suddenly take things). I guess to set us up for a second season, but that feels a bit pointless as the twist you *can* see coming from halfway season 1 is that there never will be a season 2.
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Reminiscence (2021)
12 September 2021
Sci-fi, mystery, romance, with some familiar names, sounds good on paper.

Unfortunately this movie is nothing more than a slow-moving unoriginal (very unoriginal) detective story with a hint of 'noir'.

A first red flag is when Hugh Jackman shows up in the first scene picking up a card out of cg water with a ripple effect from the 90's. Then follows 90 minutes of narrated cliche after cliche reminiscent (no pun intended) of every narrated detective movie or show you've ever seen. The characters are one-dimensional and utterly boring. The scenes are dry and lack 'presence' (no one is putting any feeling in any of it). And the story is painfully predictable (you can see the next thing coming 5 minutes before it does, while the thing just drags on and on).

The premise of the movie itself (being able to relive memories) leans on a few assumptions about the human mind which contradict science (might not bother everyone, but it bothers me, since I like science fiction not to straightly contradict established science too blatantly).

Dull. Boring. Predictable. The only thing I found amusing is that the woman central to the story had a Jessica Rabbit thing going on in one of her first scenes, but 'Who Framed Roger Rabbit' was a far better detective flick than this.
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Vivo (I) (2021)
'the Heights'; the cartoon
8 August 2021
If you enjoyed The Heights, you might enjoy this. If you didn't because of the music, you won't enjoy this.

I don't mind musical cartoons; I love Moana, Trolls (first one), Sing and plenty of Disney Classics. But what this Lin-Manual Miranda does with this hip-hop-telling-the-story-through-endless-and-repetitive-song-that-there-are-just-way-too-many-off doesn't work for me at all.

And it is unfortunate, because from what I've seen, Sony Animation studios did a wonderful job once again. (From what I've seen, because for the first time in decades I couldn't actually finish this one, it was just too much). Great colorful backdrops and well crafted characters. The story-telling is very childish unfortunately; the way actors in theater for kids aren't actually trying to embody a persona, as much as they are just trying to be likeable and/or entertaining for the toddlers in front of them. I never felt like I was watching personalities and their struggles the way I would with say Moana. And the excessive singing is part of the problem there; everything just feels like setting the stage for the next song. A showcase. Not a story.
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Lacks focus, and the songs are too high strung
14 June 2021
For some reason Moana kept popping to mind while watching this movie. If you've seen Moana, you might appreciate the clear narrative purpose of it's songs, their dosing and simply their composition. 'In the Heights' fails on these points though.

So this is just my opinion, but for a movie or musical, a good song has a clear message and narrative purpose. Be it to make clear a characters intent or state of mind, or to unveil a specific plot twist or something of the sorts. In 'In the Heights' however, songs jump from subject to subject; from a persons background to the situation another person finds themselves in, to romantic aspirations, to life beyond The Heights, etc. They tried to cover to much content in most songs, and it just leaves the senses overloaded.

Not helping those senses is that most songs are just too high strung; they have a constant high energy and intensity as if every line is the highlight of both the song and the movie. There is no pacing or ease, no breaks or just a moment where they shut up and give the music a moment to breathe, which makes the watching experience rather exhausting.

The acting itself is good, the story is cute, but the movie aims to be a musical and in that it just fails.
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Over the Moon (2020)
Excellent design and animation, but tries way to hard to be a disney movie
14 March 2021
Too many songs, and they go on for too long. Story is generic and mundane. Characters are cliche's and mostly annoying. I love animated movies, and this one did pretty good on the animation and visual design department, but falls utterly short in terms of story, characters and depth. I bet they've got fun merchandise lined up though.
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Dumbo (2019)
total rewrite of the original, and such a shame it is... and really: why?
8 July 2019
The original movie was about an elephant and a mouse, and rather cute in many ways. The story was well-written, paced in excellent fashion, having great drama without the need for real villains. Even by today's standards it works well!

This movie was a total rewrite at the hands of one of the writers for the Bay Transformers series and Directed by someone with a flair for dark fairy-tales (but rather bad at cute and endearing) leaving very little of the original intact. The mouse is no more and the elephant became an extension to a story about a family of single father and young children and the circus owner. Broken families and villains, the latter being rather telling: if a story works without villains, why put them in? Because clearly the story no longer works...

The result is basically much like one of those transformer movies: flat characters developed through cliche's with a lot of bombastic CGI and dramatic music to give us the superficial sensation of something engaging, even though this movie fails to actually engage. This is ego at work. Writers and directors and such thinking they can improve upon a successful piece, do better, or, like a friend of mine calls such creative territorial behavior: 'have a pee on it'. Now, unfortunately, this movie definitely got a stink to it.
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Feels like they're not even trying anymore
21 September 2017
Yeah, wow... Never have I have seen so little happen in so much time. Obviously these movies are about the special effects only anyway, but that said; I wish they stop with these sparkly rock concert 'explosions'. And it would also be nice if actors would 'respond' to the cg stuff happening around them. Mark; that was a 15 feet sword coming at your face and barely missing you, and you didn't even flinch. Obviously because it was never there, but isn't the point to at least pretend it was?
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Logan (2017)
not a superhero movie
28 June 2017
I don't know about you, but when I watch a superhero movie, I expect a colorful carefully crafted universe with cool characters, cool bad guys, lame superhero jokes and stunning visual effects. Guardians of the Galaxy would be the perfect example of that. Loved it! In the end I want that 'aw yeah!' feeling. I don't mind some serious issues here and there and some sad moments, but the overall experience of a superhero movie should be an uplifting and energizing one.

This was not that. This movie was dark and grim. And depressing. Just depressing. No memorable bad guys, no impressive epic sceneries, no superhero humor. Just a lot of misery and death.
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Domino (2005)
Clever movie
6 February 2007
If you want a movie with a worn-out plot line going from A to B in a straight line full of people you'd want in your living room, well then skip this one. You might find the story too confusing, the plot hard to piece together and certainly not agree with the main characters.

But the story is there, as are the plots that craft this movie together, but they're woven together in an unusual pace. And I found it a quite fast one actually. When I noticed it was a 2 hour movie I wasn't sure whether I was in the mood for something that long, but after seeing it I wouldn't mind it going on a bit longer.

The characters might not be the most likable, but there's something real about them. And there is an incredible lot going on all the time, in looks, gestures, words not spoken, unveiling to us depth in these characters of a real and raw human kind.

Then there is the way in which this movie is shot. Some effects could have been done less with. In general however, the whole thing is presented really powerful. The sense of chaos that is often felt in the movie, and which might seem confusing, is loyal to that feeling of confusion when things actually do turn into chaos. You don't get to see things in better focus than the ones in these situations do. You don't get to understand anything that they don't. You'll have to see things on their level.

It's a clever movie, more clever than I expected having read some of the reviews this movie got, but then, kindness is rarely received for what is not understood.
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The Final Cut (2004)
Put together nicely, but no foundation...
26 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Rarely do I come across a movie that holds together as loosely as this. Where to start? (Warning, mayor spoilers ahead, don't read this if you plan to watch the movie)

First of all there is the premise: To be able to record memories of people so their lives can be stored after their deaths. This is what justifies the practice of these so called cutters, and the counter-argument that is voices that this is an invasion of privacy, and that God alone is to see through the eyes of others. Well, in fact there is more to it. In any ethical society, these devices can never be implemented without consent of the carrier. The invasion of privacy is reason enough for this. We all have our secrets we don't need anyone to see, especially after our deaths when we aren't around to defend ourselves against misinterpretation. Would in fact such technology ever be deviced and implemented, there would have to be an exit option: an option to have these devices removed. Instead, in the movie it requires electromagnetic tattoos to disable these devices from further recording.

This alone makes no sense. There being no agreement of consent of the carrier to be signed, nor active tracking of carriers to make sure they are informed of their implant and sign an agreement after all (which would have made the main characters situation quite the different one) makes absolutely no sense if this technology were developed in a society of western ethics (not saying other world ethics wouldn't dictate the same, but this movie is all about the typical ethical dilemma's of the direction the western world is taking). Yet, the plot revolves around exposing a scandal which should change the way we'd view such technology, namely that the man behind the corporation owning the technology abused his daughter... ??? How cheap is that? Why not stick to the moral dilemma of the technology itself, which would be way more interesting to explore. No, instead they go for old fashion discredit to something that should incite moral outrage. That people are to be killed to get the evidence for this seems no obstacle. I could go on about this 'ethical' foundation, but let's get to the next part.

Which is the technology. Here you have recordings of half a million hours, and they are edited by single individuals, with occasionally an assistant? Even if we cut out 60% in sleeping hours and boredom, they still have to go trough over 200.000 hours on their own? Impossible. Tasks like this you'd need huge teams for, judging material on relevance, doing research, editing the thing together. Plus of course you'd need boards of privacy protection and whathaveyounot regulating information and clearance, a vast system of security realising these regulations, etc. The idea that a single person is doing this at home is absurd.

And that makes one of the crucial points in the plot totally uncalled for, which is where the girl takes a shot at the cutting system, destroying the memory implant which the hoodlums are after, and which will eventually get the main character killed. See, it's already unimaginable that Alan (Robin) would be doing this job at home, but even if we accept this under the notion that we do a lot of work at home too these days on our company laptops: We have passwords on our laptops!! Here you have a computer system with the most sensitive information possible, and there is not a single password needed to activate it? No key or pass that needs to be inserted? No single way of keeping out those without clearance?? How extremely unlikely once again.. Companies protect information far less sensitive than this. Of course, would this device had been protected, the girlfriend wouldn't have been able to view her ex-boyfriends memory-card (what was it doing there anyway? Wasn't that guy dead already? Didn't the company have a storage room -lacking digital indexing btw- where they keep these cards in cardboard boxes so that they'd be exposed to the detrimental effects of the atmosphere?)

Another minor technical detail is the reading of memory of living people; "it can't be recorded"... yet it can be viewed on a monitor... meaning there is a feed, and any feed can be recorded.. what are we moviegoers taken for, total retards? For a movie pretending to have this intellectual dilemma theme about it, I find stuff like this quite the insult to our intelligence..

All of this makes the whole movie feel like a cheap setup, which it is for otherwise the plot couldn't have taken the turns it took, and which totally destroys any credibility.

The music was OK. The acting was mediocre. I liked the detail of Alan leaving the door open on purpose when interviewing the young girl, the face tattoo's those anti-folks walked around with looked OK, and the way the movie was shot wasn't half bad either. But that's not enough. A movie like this needs a foundation that actually compels the mind, and they should have worked with the ethical dilemmas the premise brought forth, not turn it into the cheap generic thriller it actually became..
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I, Robot (2004)
A travesty!!
7 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
What on earth has this movie to do with Isaac Asimov? I've read some of his stuff, but other than his three robot laws, I see no similarities between his work and this 115 minute commercial. Acting is poor, no better than in your average TV show, the dialogues are crap, either there to remind of us the stereotypical 'cop with a grudge' Smith is performing (you might forget that when he keeps talking about his vintage 2004 shoes)) or... I actually don't know why there is dialogue at all really.

Worse is: this movie revolves around a plot that is broken at the level of it's foundation. This plot is build on a 'logic' (which "you can't deny") that is simply false. Because (spoiler ahead) the whole idea is that this robots turn society into a fascist state to protect human kind from itself in order to uphold the first law which is 'not to allow harm to happen to human beings'. Yet: (a) they harm tons of human beings in the process of their revolution (and the law specifically states individual human beings, not human kind at large, so where did they get this utilitarian notion that it's OK to harm a whole bunch to protect a slightly bigger bunch?) and (b) harm comes not only through physical injury; it also comes through psychological injury, and massive oppression and containment does just this (which is why people rebelled against it then, and always will). This is well-known of course, we need the freedom to express ourselves and explore our social environments, we need a freedom to interact with- and challenge the world around us: it is in our human nature! This has nothing to do with the romantic babbling of free will that is being used in the movie; this is a matter of human psychology, and if the robot superbrain would have actually studied some of the many documents on psychology there already were in vintage year 2004 she would have come to this conclusion herself. Or hey, why not send in someone with understanding of human society and behavior to have a chat with this robot brain (which would have no doubt been open to such audience), or was the entire world suddenly comprised of tinheads like mr. Smith here who rather brings his point across using bullets?

Asimov took care of building a philosophical foundation for his works, have the dialogues bring out the mature personalities of his characters, have social and political developments actually make sense in a broader scheme... none of this can be found in the movie. Frankly, I find it a disgrace to see his name attached to a movie made by folks who I doubt even read any of his work.

If you're looking for a cheap action movie, this one fits the bill. If you're looking for thought-through science fiction, spare yourself this travesty. If the makers had spend as much time on the story (and it's underlying philosophy) as they did on product placement, it might have... well.. actually, no, I don't see how these folks could have ever made something out of this.
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A lot of unused potential
25 October 2005
Now I am a big Tim Burton fan, and quite fond of his favorite star, mr Depp, in pretty much all of his productions..

But perhaps that was just the problem; I had quite high expectations, and found myself rather disappointed in the end..

The movie is quite colorful and oddish, just the way I like it, but that's pretty much where the good stuff ends for me. Sure, there were some funny bits n pieces here and there, but in whole, the movie was rather boring.

The pace was quite predictable and tempered, clearly so kiddies won't lose track of what's going on; Johnny Depp, who is capable of performing quite amazing characters just didn't seem to really be in there.. as though he just grabbed together some elements of former roles - a bit of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas here, a bit of Finding Neverland there, with the typical 'what on earth are you babbling about?'-oddity that marks his style - and .. did his thing.

Actually, apart from the grandparents, I found all acting rather dull. The characters are put down very well, no doubt about that; very expressive in terms of their stereotypic roles.. but their responses to important (supposidly shocking) events lacked any of the animation you'd expect.. (perhaps because these events were to a large extend 3d-animations, giving the whole movie this blue-screen-movie feel)

They simply were not THERE. (For those of you who've seen 'Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow', and felt that the sense of presence by the actors was lacking know what I'm talking about..) Imagine a plane crashing into a school and the parents going like "oh my, thats not good, is it?" with only a mildly worried look upon their faces.. just no emotional congruence whatsoever..

Then the sound-track bored me, and the Oompa Loompa's just got on my nerves.

Basically, I felt there was a lot of unused potential in this movie, as though Tim Burton just wanted this thing finished asap, so he could tend to his other projects..
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Whoever directed this should reevaluate his standards of movie-making..
28 December 2004
I'm a great fan of fantasy and science fiction, and a sucker for romance, and here I thought I had a movie combining it all. Well it did, but the quality of which did not exceed that of an average action cartoon. Cast looked promising, and the apparently original stile seemed charming, but none of it lived up to it however.

Animations left some to be desired on certain fronts (for i felt it lacked a certain rawness), but it was certainly this movie's strongest front (it truly is a cartoon you're watching).

Story, however, is like an episode of one of them batman cartoons, simple, unlikely, uninteresting. There is no philosophy behind it - only the superficial motivation of the classic (and worn out) madman seeking to overthrow man kind (who, might i add, is not given any persona at all, thus never elevating him from this superficialness), and the development is completely linear. No intertwining of plots, no conflicts of interest, just straightforward going after the bad guy. The whole thing felt like a cheap attempt to capture the Indiana Jones vibe.. but then without vibrant characters and backstabbing and thrill.. Even the love-story bit you would actually have to remind yourself off, for even though there were obvious moments, there was no sense of tension going on (again, no more depth than in an average cartoon).

Then there is acting.. I already saw in some 'making off' that Jolie for example was only on the set for 1 day, and other actors told how hard it was to get into the story since the whole thing was shot in one big blue room.. well that showed! Image 2 people standing on a bridge a thousand miles high and this huge object comes crashing down about to pulverize this bridge, and the main character (standing on this bridge) says 'hurry' with the same emotional intensity as someone getting late for work... And the movie was drenched with this lack of intensity.

Personally I blame the director. After all, he was sitting next to the camera imagining what the end result should look like, and it seems his demands on acting where rather low. As though the moment these actors would just have said their line (thus formally progressing the story) and moved the right direction (so the material would fit the animations), he'd be content. The actors are mere props to the animated parts. A shame truly, because I've seen all of these actors done so many many times better than this.

So for all you fantasy sf animation fans out there: just wait till this thing gets broad-casted on TV some day, for its low standard will not satisfy your need for quality entertainment.
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Don't see why this was so popular
23 November 2004
Well, for some reason i really love romantic movies with that dash of comedy. U know, the kind of movies that leave u with a lump in your throat. But after having seen this movie I must say i've started to doubt this preference..

OK, so there are some funny developments, and I find Hugh Grant a rather amusing character, esp. when he has this immoral streak going on.. nevertheless, the development was predictable, the characters were rather stereotypical, dialogues where very very ... dull.. and the soundtrack was without exception the most horrible sequence of pep-tunes i have EVER heard..

yeh, i cant stress that enough: the soundtrack of this movie is horrible.. and since background music is able to make or break a scene, this might explain why scenes just lacked ambiance.. I actually had to turn of the sound to be able to keep watching certain scenes.. (now that cant be a good thing).. I don't know any names so i cant give examples, but rest assure that with its peppy and almost desperate selection of songs it stands out from any other romantic comedy in the most negative way.. it doesn't 'blend' the scenes.

About acting; other than Hugh Grant (who is actually a bit over the top) i find other characters very unconvincing and 'propish' (which includes this movie's good guy).. esp the 3 friends of Bridget, hanging around her throughout the movie as a soundboard for her romantic developments, really feel like being put there as filling.. plus they are annoying.. (i mean, please; 2 girls and the typical gay guy.. DO THEY COME ANY WORSE?)

so i advice all with a liking for the Hugh Grant, Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan etc kinda movies: avoid this one at all cost.
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Dune (2000)
(contains spoilers) Here is a series showing u how it should NOT be done..
22 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I've read 4 out of 6 books (still waiting for that summer i can dig in to the rest), played the video games, seen the movie (the David Lynch one that is), and so far I was never let down by this great mysterious world of dune.. .. till i watched the miniseries..

Where to start? Lets start with casting. The only characters I enjoyed, who actually had some kind of charisma going on, were Liet Kynes, the Bene Geserit Matriarch and the Emperors daughter (who was rather cute). The rest just did not at any point had the 'feel' of the characters they were suppose to portray. Jessica was way too uncertain of everything going on around her, much unlike the keen Bene Geserit one would expect her to be (she seemed an emotional wreck to me), Paul was too much of a 'pretty boy', Gurney lacked his old wise warrior charm (and was too fat for a weapons master), Duncan Idaho (a rather underlit character in this series anyway) would go totally unnoticed by anyone not aware of his role in the story, and about every character in there was just off. Only Harkonnen were somewhat convincing, but mainly due to the rest being so unconvincing in both appearance and acting.

Bringing me to the second part, the acting: it was like watching a stage play. But one rehearsed only like 2 days before. Lines were spoken out dry and hollow, as though they didn't even know what they would contribute to the storyline (which I doubt anyway). Lips moved, sounds could be heard, but the bodies hardly ever spoke (this is were the Harkonnen were the only ones seeming to understand their roles). Of course this has also to do with the directing, making me decide never to want to see anything of this director again. For in Dune (the books) their is often a sense of ritual and cultural depth through interactions.. now however we are confronted with cheap pretentious 'ritualized' actions and figurative acting (like the villagers and the fremen) which was absolutely horrendous.. actions made no sense, lacked coherency and almost everybody seemed uncomfortable performing them. And what bothered me most amidst all this were the accents! It seemed like every actor there was speaking with some strange fake accent which had somehow had to contribute to an offworld feel, but instead made acting even more unnatural and inarticulate (since already a lot of mumbling was going on).

Camera angles where plain, no use of interesting close ups (which is understandable if u consider most the faces to be highly uninteresting), fighting scenes where .. can I say 'pathetic'? All I was missing were those "whack" "dong" images from the old batman series flying over the screen to cover up the lack of spark and aggression.. Movements were slow and u could see the actors forcing themselves into a 'rythm' as tough they were performing a just learned dance (u know how people seem to stick forward their face and hold it their a few seconds waiting to get punched in it without any intention to avoid or block it, after which turning back that face in the same mode again without any sense of defensive attitude because he is to be punched in it again (usually they get hit 3 times that manner before falling on the ground).. as one would never ever see in real fighting and which these days should not be tolerated in filmed media, since we've seen by now -think matrix- there is no need for such poor choreography.) (Mind especially where angry mobs 'tear apart' beast raban and u see one villager thrusting his knife up and down in midair not at a single point actually hitting anything, apparently without the intention of ever doing so.. it greatly captured the fighting scene ambiance throughout the whole movie).

Next there is scenery... well what can i say? It is way too obvious we are looking at indoor action. About every scene is bluescreen, colors are often way too bright, and most scenes are highly overlit. Buildings etc. themselves looked like they were taken from some old Egyptian movie. Special effects where abominable: makes u think they hired some students who just discovered the special effects tool (like when young girls discover their mothers make up set), going at it without any sense of originality and refinement. Too bright, too standard, too obviously animated. (And whatever was that navigator alien suppose to be? ugh!) U could even see when to expect animated effects to appear in a scene, cuz the coloring would get somewhat grainy. Effects didn't blend at all, and were simply not realistic (like when the city of Arrakis had been attacked, which happens twice, for which both the exact same effects are being used, u see black smoke going straight up.. not going sideways, not dispersing -but just turning transparent-, not behaving in any way smoke behaves).. pathetic, truly.

But it gets worse: the costumes! It ain't enough to make deserts look like computer stills or indoor piles of sand, and have actors lacking every bit of "dune-ism", the costumes simply ridiculed every bit of cultural integrity we want to find in the Houses and populations. They obviously tried to create some sense of cultural integrity by throwing together elements of ancient Greek, china, France and medieval stories, but i had the feeling i was looking at a mix of some poor robin hood play mixed with alice in wonderland. Especially the Sardaukar, which not only -like most crew- were poorly cast (small nerdy men instead of the strong hardened tools of destruction their inhuman training should have made them), but they reminded me of those card-soldiers from alice in wonderland (fluffy hats? since when do the most feared soldiers wear fluffy hats?!). Costumes were too simply designed, plainly colored and lacking detail, not looking endurable at all; here again one has the feeling of looking at a stage-play, put together by the local acting club (from whom we don't expect too fancy clothes). People at fancy fairs look more impressive then what we are presented with here.

Storyline itself was poor. Details which one would expect are left out (as Duncan Idaho lacks any significance he should have, harkonnen cruelty is underlit, and the abrupt development in the 2nd and 3th part on behalf of fremen warfare feels like a lot is being left out), while other details are overlit (Pauls ability to see the future doesn't become really relevant till the 2nd and 3th book -book, not miniserie chapter-, and its relevance in no way is made clear in these miniseries) and even made up (what on earth is with the water falling down from Pauls balcony after he is recognized 'voice from outer world'??)

Music; just some Egyptian like tunes every now and then, nothing to rouse excitement or create tension. Not the slightest attempt to compensate for the sheer lack of ambiance that dominates the series.

I am a great dune fan, so I was looking forward to seeing these series.. but truly, and I'm sorry to say, i don't think a dune-fan can be let down any more than this.
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