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Appalling - Basically a Promo for Greggs
11 January 2024
Advertised as a hard hitting documentary. Reality is it's a thinly veiled, pointless promo for Greggs, that involves a "food critic" telling us how fabulous and tasty a cheapo sausage roll costing a quid is. Grace Dent presents as an instagram wanna be and convinces no one that a bland chicken in white sauce bake is the best thing she's ever tasted.

Essentially a means of advertising junk food by getting around the advertising laws by portraying this drivel as a factual documentary. If it was fact, she'd report that essentially Greggs products are full of garbage. No one cares they are and everyone knows. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to grab a steak bake....
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Weak and prompted a change in the Bond Franchise
17 October 2023
This Bond instalment was effectively the climax in the decline of the Brosnan films which started brilliantly with Golden Eye and got progressively worse. This film ultimately prompted a change in the direction of Bond.

Over budgeted and under developed, Die Another Day is an entertaining but frankly ridiculous outing with James Bond. For a Bond film to be great it has to have the high tech stuff but a gritty, believable story to go with it. This gets the balance totally wrong - the gadgets are almost as ridiculous as the story itself and feel like (especially in the case of the cars) they were developed purely to fit a daft and unbelievable chase scene, which of course they were - it all adds up to the unrealistic feel of the whole film.

Next up, product placement - another key factor in bond films but it's overkill here - ok Ford, we get it, you supply the vehicles...

Then of course we get to the acting. Brosnan is of course as good as ever but Halle Berry is dreadful - playing a weak and disappointing American agent - Her wooden acting aside, the character has a pathetic feel to her and is neither sexy nor exciting and after around 5 minutes becomes just plain irritating. I'm not sure which producer Madonna humped to be granted her woeful cameo appearance either. Only the beautiful Rosamund Pike gets it right with her delightfully straight laced and down right evil role as one of the villains, the rest of characters are either gross caricatures or weak in every sense.

I suppose the one good thing to come of this messy attempt is the change it prompted in the series, getting back to no nonsense spy thrillers rather than Hollywood trash.
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Onward (I) (2020)
This really rather good film deserves far more recognition than it gets
11 October 2023
A really smart and at times, moving film but not without its faults. As with all Pixar developed films Onwards has some lovely underlying messages and moving moments delivered with visual brilliance and comedy.

Faults? Well, some of the characters are underdeveloped and somewhat tacked on in places. The story struggles to flow at times and feels a little rushed at the end. But perhaps the biggest shame though with this film through no fault of its own, is it's rather unfortunate release date that just happened to coincide with a global pandemic that at the time was an unknown quantity - it therefore has almost become the forgotten Disney film failing to gain any traction in cinemas Or being heavily promoted. But to forget about this film would be a terrible thing - it's a highly watchable, entertaining movie with real thought and feeling in places. Personally I believe this to be much better effort from Pixar than some others of late - the decent enough but somewhat average Elemental being one of them.
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Alan Partridge Live: Stratagem (2022 TV Special)
Partridge meets standup that doesn't really work
15 February 2023
I had high hopes for this and all I can say is I'm glad I didn't make the effort to go and see it live (something I very nearly did)

It's hard to provide a synopsis of the show as it's just so odd and confusing. One thing though is abundantly clear, with this and indeed any other modern Partridge stuff, and that is it lacks the input of Armando Iannucci. Neil and Rob Gibbons are fans first and directors/script writers second and as with all geeky fans the concept and character has become far too deep and detailed in all the wrong ways. They seemed to have evolved Alan Partridge into a quasi cool, reformed success. You do see glimmers of the old Alan we know and find hilarious peppering the show and the little pre recorded snippets with the fabulous Felicity Montague as Alan's long suffering PA, Lynn Benfield are amusing. Unfortunately for the most part though, the show is weird, disjointed, confusing and rather sadly, simply not funny.

The first half of the show is palatable if not particularly amusing but the second half of the show is genuinely awkward and almost desperate in its execution. The singing doesn't work, the narrative is weak and the entire show makes you cringe but not in the way Alan Partridge should.

It's a sad demise and the combination of Neil and Rob Gibbon's weak abilities and Steve Coogan's complete loss of focus for the character and dare I say it arrogance, has led to this being a complete train wreck of a show. Perhaps the saddest element of this is they've dragged the character of Alan Partridge down with them.

It really needs to be watched to appreciate how poor it is - you'll be left gob smacked I promise you...
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Potter (1979–1983)
The best sitcom you've never heard of
26 April 2022
Only just discovered Potter and I'd say its one of the most underrated comedies of its time. Make no mistake it's not perfect and the premise is slightly weak and predictable but there is just something about Arthur Lowe that really endears you to the series.

It's not ground breaking but it is entertaining and actually really quite witty in places. Redfers (Lowe) was delightfully archaic even back in 1982 but today he borders on prehistoric in his views of the world.

It's delightfully period in places yet still feels quite fresh and there is no doubting the consummate skill of Lowe as an actor - worth a watch just go expecting fawlty towers.
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Encanto (2021)
A visual treat but my god is it tedious
11 March 2022
A distinctly average offering from Disney. The colours used are fairly stunning but this twee attempt at an animate musical in the mould of traditional Disney neither captivates nor entertains children or adults alike. It's not a total dud but sit back and watch it fade in to obscurity fairly quickly - soon to be forgotten I suspect.
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Superworm (2021 TV Movie)
Not one of their best
29 January 2022
Given the excellent track record of magic light with release like the lovely room on the broom and the highway rat, expectations were high for super worm. Whilst the book is good this misses the mark. Matt Smith irritates as the main character (perhaps through no fault of his own) and the characters just don't seem that likeable. Rob Bryson's exceptional talent is wasted in the crow and the whole thing begins to drag as it goes on. It's not a dud by any stretch of the imagine but it disappoints -perhaps thanks to the high standards set by their other productions.
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After Life (2019–2022)
Classic Gervais but not without its issues
23 January 2022
There is a lot to like about this series. Any fan of Ricky Gervais will struggle to at least not be entertained by it. Self indulgent? Yes, a little. A touch repetitive? Maybe. But it's hard to ignore the brilliance of the writing, the emotion and as with all his projects the brilliant supporting cast. Series 1 struck a great balance of humour, reflection and emotion. Series 2 however became almost desperately sad in places, dominating the viewing experience to its detriment. Series 3 sees the balance return but is perhaps a touch short on story. That said, the short episodes of just under 30mins work well in a world where everything is an hour long. It will undoubtedly be considered a classic piece of small screen entertainment and it would be hard for anyone not to feel a little moved by it and not recommend it.
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Absolute Drivel
1 December 2021
Over budgeted and under scripted. The weak story is teamed up with equally weak acting and combines to make a boring, unpleasant film with little interest for kids or adults. Irritating characters, plenty of Disney brand animal cruelty, crap CGI and dreadful songs de-rail this train wreck of a Christmas film.
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The Return of Jafar (1994 Video)
Grotty animation and poor directing make this a weak sequel to a classic
13 October 2021
I can't quite put my finger on this one - there is nothing essentially wrong with it and Dan Castelaneta does a valiant job of picking up the character of the genie but there is a Saturday morning cartoonesque feel to whole thing, the animation is grotty and the writing and directing a bit wooden - I get that it was a straight to video release and consequently didn't have such a big budget but it feels cheap and slapdash compared to the original.
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GoldenEye (1995)
Gets the "Bond Balance" just right
20 September 2021
This was Pierce Brosnan's first outing as Bond and is a real success. It managed to keep the quintessential Bond attributes yet brings the franchise bang up to date in the absence of the Cold War. Brosnan puts in a stellar performance as Bond and the supporting cast including the gritty Sean Bean as the double crossing villain and just the right amount comedy in Joe Don Baker as Jack Wade and Robbie Coltrane as Valentine Zukovsky. Nice nods to the past in the use of the Aston DB5 and mentions of M's predecessors. Even the soundtrack suits the film nicely. There is enough grit and spy content to please the Dalton fans and enough quips and craziness to please the Moore fans. Misses are few and far between - the product placement of the flaccid BMW 1.9 Z3 is poor - it so obviously Un-Bondlike that even the production crew realise and the below par motor barely features in the film at all. This aside, it's great Bond movie, one of the best infact and well worth a watch.
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Bit of an over-produced mess
9 August 2021
There is essentially nothing wrong with the information detailed in the series and of course it's an interesting story with some great old footage but oh my god, stop over-producing the darned thing - irritating music, overly stylised screen shots, it meanders meaninglessly between parts of the story. Jumping from shot to shot the whole thing becomes a confusing mess to watch. Constant artistic camera angle changes when interviewing someone, a stupid "old film" look applied to all the footage of DeLorean and no real structure become aggravating after just 15 or so minutes. Anything that has an intro that lasts over 5minutes is self indulgent nonsense. It's a great concept but just dreadfully produced - doesn't need all this artistic crap, the story is interesting enough not to need it.
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Justin's House (2011– )
Another hit from Justin Fletcher for kids
9 July 2021
Let's be honest, if you're going to criticise this type of show for being cringy or silly then you need to get out more. Aimed squarely at kids it's a sort of zany kid's sitcom with running sight gags, catchphrases and overall silliness. Kids love it and Justin Fletcher has boundless energy. It's a great show for kids, utterly silly and pure entertainment for them in a way that Justin Fletcher knows so, so well.
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Peter Rabbit (2012–2016)
Weak and tedious
9 July 2021
I'd describe this cartoon as a bit lame. The premise is the same tedious plot in each episode with the "heroic" yet mischievous Peter carrying out some sort of vegetable heist with his dim-witted companion Benjamin and the resourceful Lily using his dead fathers "journal" he left him full of plans and ideas. A selection of hopeless "baddies" try and stop them and well, eat them along the way. Naturally they never do succeed and the irritating trio never fail to achieve their effective theft. That said, my son seems to like it and that's all that matters really right?
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Bluey (2018– )
How a family should be
9 July 2021
This is a lovely and entertaining cartoon and it's underlying message is that families should have fun together. The dad in particular is a lovely role model and the kids love for him is heartwarming. Naturally in the real world things are different but it highlights fun with our children really is one of life's joys - the voice actors are great and the animation easy on the eye - it might be over rated somewhat on here but either way it's a fantastic cartoon.
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Just a fabulously entertaining but also fascinating insight into the world of farming
30 June 2021
Given how hard Jeremy Clarkson has worked to make programmes like TopGear and the Grand Tour a success you just know this is going to be good. As a fan of Jeremy from the earliest days of TopGear and articles in car mags and papers I knew this would be good, but I didn't know it would be this good, the program takes the humour and eloquence of Clarkson but adds a layer or emotion and honesty I simply wasn't expecting. It could have been stupid, immature and indulgent but it isn't, it gets the balance of funny fails and sheer determination and passion to make it work just right. This is one of the best series I've seen in ages and ages. The cast are immediately likeable and charming, every episode is entertaining and I was genuinely sad when I got to the end of the series.

I defy anyone to watch this and not either like it or at the very least learn something from it.
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A nostalgic romp into 70's British films
29 June 2021
This was never going to win any oscars nor was it going to ever provoke thought or emotions. The comedy, smuttiness and sheer predictability of it all is classic 70s British cinema in the mould of the carry on films. The film itself is largely daft, the script is weak and the storyline non existent but I somehow still loved watching it. If nothing else it's a great reminder of how we were back then and how simple holidays were. I actually went to Pontins in Prestatyn where this was filmed around 15years after the film was made and it was an absolute dump of a place even in the eighties so it's nice to see it was once a thriving place for families to enjoy themselves. If you want nostalgia and slapstick gags then give it a crack, if you want slick scripts, emotional excitement and gritty action then look elsewhere - Holiday on the buses doesn't pretend to be anything it isn't and you have to love it for that.
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Fawlty Towers (1975–1979)
A Work of Unbridled Genius and A Once In a Generation Classic
27 June 2021
What can you say that hasn't been said already?

This is John Cleese at his absolute best and the script he and Connie Booth put together just ooozes brilliance. You can see the sheer effort, blood sweat and tears they wove into this series and it's one of, if not THE all time great sitcom. The crap sets, the ad-Libs, the energy from the actors all make this just fabulous. The humour, the wit, the characters, the length of the series. All perfect. Perfection is not a word to use lightly and nothing or no one is perfect, but Fawlty Towers runs very, very close to absolute perfection.
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Dad's Army (1968–1977)
Not as entertaining as the dewy eyed nostalgia trips would have you believe
27 June 2021
A distinctly average comedy for middle of the road Britain. There is nothing essentially wrong with Dad's army, it's by no means bad and it does have several endearing elements, but the comedy is far from ground breaking, predictable and ultimately not especially funny. Many episodes lack originality and follow the same tired old gags and catchphrases over and over again. Time had done the series no favours either, if anything it feels even more staid and predictable than it did way back then. If you compare it to other classic BBC sitcoms, infact you could name many, Fawlty Towers. The Good Life, Reggie Perrin, Open All Hours, etc, all of them feel funnier than this and some are still as ground breaking as they were back then. Dads Army falls short of the mark in too many areas. I'm sure if you want a nostalgia trip or you like twee, middle of the road humour, this and last of the summer wine will be a hoot for you but otherwise it's an average relic that doesn't deserve the reputation it got.
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The mistake was calling it "The Italian Job"
27 June 2021
Naming this movie after a classic and taking certain elements and characters from it was essentially a mistake as it turned off lots of people from what is actually a really tight, well cast and entertaining action movie. The movie has about as much to do with the original movie as Mary Poppins does. They chuck in some flannel about a failed job in Italy at the start to justify the name and that's about it. But as a stand alone movie, the script has humour and the cast gel together well, the Minis used don't really add anything but the action is exciting and entertaining - I really like it and it's worth a watch, just don't go comparing it to the 60's original and you'll come away satisfied.
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I Liked It - There I said it....
27 June 2021
I caught this on a plane over to Thailand and having seen the trailer I was drawn in with the pop culture in it. Yes, it's not exactly ground breaking, yes, there is loads of eighties pop culture references, yes, it's very Speilbergy in its presentation, but it was damn entertaining and very enjoyable to watch. I'm not going to heap critical acclaim on it, I'm not going to pretend it's clever or packed with soul searching deepness because it isn't. Not all films need to have these attributes to be worth watching and This falls in to the purely entertaining with out having to think too hard about it. It's also worth noting the casting is solid and Tye Sheridan puts in a good leading role performance. Def one to watch, just don't go into it thinking it's going to blow your mind.
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Could have been so much more than it is
1 June 2021
The concept of this show is sound and it was an opportunity for Richard Hammond to not play the childish oaf and actually show the serious side to him. He's clearly an intelligent and resourceful man and could have pulled off a genuine ray mears-ish type survival programme where they practice actual survival techniques etc but sadly not. It quickly drops into classic scripted childishness and the whole thing smacks of self indulgence and silliness. I'm sure if you're 8 it's a lot of fun, but for most other people it's prob best avoided. His counter parts from the grand tour, Clarkson and May's solo projects have come together far better than this. It's not offensive, it's not boring but I know Richard Hammond is capable of much better things and I suspect he'll look back on this series with disappointment. To read his first book is to see the real Richard Hammond, and THIS is who should have portrayed in this series.
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Ghostbusters (1984)
Undoubted Classic - A must see eighties gem
7 March 2021
Ghostbusters really needs no introduction and is one of THE defining films of the eighties, big budget, good names and those special effects. Of course it feels dreadfully dated now but it doesn't detract from the entertainment value. It features genuine talent in Ackroyd, Ramis, Weaver and Moranis but Bill Murray takes the film to the next level - this is him at his absolute best creating a good chemistry between the actors. Of course it's not perfect, it's never going to win any oscars but the script is solid, the casting tight and the storyline actually pretty decent besides all else it sheer entertainment and a must watch
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Inside Out (I) (2015)
Outstandingly well made
1 March 2021
I'm not going to lie, I'm a Pixar fan so natural bias has probably crept in here but regardless of this I still maintain this is an outstandingly well made film and a beautiful attempt to visually represent how our mind works. Inside Out is not slick and funny like Monsters inc. or as ground breaking as Toy Story but it's very possibly my favourite Pixar film, it's just so smart and beautifully executed. The characters in particular have clever little floors in their personalities to make them seem altogether more real and the messages the film puts across around our emotions are truly relatable. Anyone who doesn't understand this film I suspect has questionable emotional intelligence as it truly is a masterpiece for all ages
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Staid, somewhat self indulgent and simply not funny
1 March 2021
Baron Cohen is an intelligent guy and his previous work has often been groundbreaking if somewhat short lived. Borat was a novel character when first developed if very much a stereotype. Unfortunately like most of his characters, Borat became boring pretty quickly. This new film proves this with alarming cringeworthyness. The film is tired, over the top, politically biased and just not that funny. It aims to offend and shock but at the expense of entertainment. There is a Tom Greenish quality to the film where Baron Cohen indulges himself in his own opinions and beliefs where it ends up trying way too hard. If you like the over the top and not especially funny shock factor in films like Freddy got fingered then this is for you. For the rest of world possessing even a modicum of decency or intelligence then avoid this like the plague. The biggest joke here is the film itself.
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