
22 Reviews
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Shock, another United documentary that ends at 1999
4 June 2021
Firstly, I genuinely really liked this documentary. It was so much better than The United Way which has come out around the same time.

Not a United fan personally, but big fan of Sir Alex Ferguson. Very interesting to see about how he was brought up, early days as a player, manager of Aberdeen etc.

What is annoying as a football fan watching these documentaries is that, for the most part, they all end after the 1999 champions league final. Save for about 5/6 minutes at the end.

There's been tons of success in the following 20+ years, some great title & Cup wins including another UCL, still during the Ferguson years which could've been included.

Still, SAF what a great manager & man.
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Interesting story, poorly made
19 April 2020
Ronda Rousey has a very interesting story & should be an inspiration to most, rightly so.

However, this documentary is terribly executed & I found it quite boring despite the subject & topic.

I really hope someone makes a better Ronda Rousey documentary in the future, as this isn't it.
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Hitmen (2020–2021)
Lasted 11 minutes
13 April 2020
Not funny, or interesting. Just really bad. Trust me, don't bother with it, it isn't worth your, or anyone else's, time.
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Gemini Man (2019)
By the book
13 October 2019
This movie provides no surprises, you know exactly what you're going to get. If you don't get how this movie is going to go from the trailers then you'll figure it out within 15 mins (maximum). A few people are saying the CGI is a plus, but I found it super distracting. Young Will looks weird, I found the facial movements off-putting. Reminded me of Cavill's CGI'd moustache in Justice League.

I wasn't expecting big things to be honest, so I wasn't really disappointed. It just wasn't a good movie, it was ok at best.
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There isn't even a war
23 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The most misleading movie title that there has ever been.

There is an interesting action sequence at the beginning that may lead you to believe that there will be some good firefights etc. but that is not the case, what follows are long walking sequences, attempts at introducing humour & drawn-out sections of pretty boring dialogue. This movie is more like the Great EscAPE (Puns, I've got them.)

I was really excited for this but was ultimately disappointed.

Although I do have to give credit to Harrelson & Serkis for their performances & some of the visuals are pretty amazing.
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Best action film I've seen in ages...
26 May 2015
This film is non-stop action start to finish.

I have to admit, when I saw this at 9/10 I thought that would surely come down in the following weeks but it has barely shifted. & I have to say the score is justified.

I've not seen the original Mad Max films but I most definitely will now. I am a massive fan of Tom Hardy, although he doesn't speak too much in this it is still a top performance.

Even Nicholas Hoult, who I usually find annoying, was actually really good!

The visuals are great, the storyline is OK, it's massively OTT but that doesn't detract from anything. I can't wait to watch it again!
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Didn't reach the heights of LOTR
21 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to enjoy this movie more than I did. The CGI is perfect, as you'd expect (although Legolas jumping up falling rocks was a bit OTT), but I wanted the film to be darker. The acting is awesome, can't take anything away from that. However Bilbo is pretty much a side character in this instalment.

After the film I thought "wow, that was amazing" & then an hour or so later that all changed. There are so many unanswered questions that easily could have been tied up at the end.

1. What happened to all that gold? 2. What did Bard & his community do? 3. Did the Elf retrieve the jewels he was after? 4. Why did those giant worms turn up for 10 seconds & then not be seen again? 5. What happened to the Arkenstone?

I did really like the 45+ minute battle though, that was really good, but overall I didn't feel the peril &/or attachment I had to the character of the LOTR trilogy.

A generous 8/10 from me - but it missed the mark.
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The Interview (II) (2014)
All that fuss for nothing
9 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
All the fuss over this film for what is ultimately an awful comedy is unbelievable. Why NK got a bee in their bonnet about it I'll never understand, if anything James Franco & Seth Rogen (but mainly James Franco) make Americans almost too stupid to function.

There were some funny bits, granted, i.e. "honey dicking" but Francos character being unable to describe a tiger was just ridiculously daft & un-funny.

I have no doubt that the 7.2 rating of this film will drastically drop.

But, obviously, when we're all told it's going to be cancelled & we can't watch it - you're going to try your hardest to watch it as an act of solidarity or defiance or whatever. I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about, & I now wish I hadn't wasted the time. But that's besides the point.
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Fury (2014)
An instant favourite!
2 December 2014
I was blown away by this film, I thought the acting was on point (even from Shia, who I don't really like anymore since his "I am not famous anymore" stunt), Brad put in a brilliant performance & looked awesome. I didn't really rate Pena until seeing End of Watch & this, I was dubious at first.

Fury seems to have annoyed several historians, I don't know much about all that so my 9/10 rating takes none of that into account.

I loved how gritty it was, reminded me of Saving Private Ryan/Band of Brothers & depicted how brutal war can be & is.

Yes, okay, the final scenes might be a bit ridiculous & over- exaggerated but that takes nothing away from this film for me, I would recommend to anyone & everyone
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V/H/S (2012)
2 hours wasted
9 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this recommendation after a friend recommended it to me, & I then foolishly spent extra to buy the Blu-Ray version.

The main story is pointless, the 4 or 5 segments are ludicrous & the acting is annoying. In truth I couldn't wait for the characters to die so that the movie would come to an end.

Regarding the segments, found footage is supposed to have a believable backbone to it - why are they filming everything in the first place? you don't get that with V/H/S..."we're filming this because f*** you! thats why."

Nothing ties the segments together, & they're completely separate to the main plot (for which there is barely any).

I don't think I have ever watched a horror anthology before, I wish I had been recommended a better one. I won't be listening to that friend again haha.

I would rather listen to One Direction for 2, excruciating, hours than watch this film.
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Exactly what I hoped for
17 March 2014
As soon as they announced this was going to be released I was very excited, one of my personal highly anticipated releases. The film is a prequel into a sequel, which I liked, it explained a lot of things. The film isn't short on blood & guts, which I think you would expect after 300, & the slo-mo fighting scenes are back.

I liked Eva Green in Casino Royale & Jack O'Connell in various other ventures so I was happy to see them 2 added to the bill. I hadn't seen Sullivan Stapleton in anything else but I thought he made a pretty badass hero, like Butler in 300.

I am very happy that I went to see this film, & it looks like there may be an opening for a third installment, exciting!
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Blackfish (2013)
Best documentary I've ever seen
3 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This film explores the hidden (yet obvious) dangers of working with animals that belong in the wild, the context of my use of the word "hidden" is to portray the lengths SeaWorld go to to shield the public eye from what is actually happening to these animals, & when things have gone wrong.

When one of their most experienced trainers is killed working with one of the animals an enquiry is held into finding out what happened, a resulting court case follows, whereby SeaWorld always maintain that it is, in someway, the trainers fault.

What shocked me the most, other than the conditions these animals are housed in, is the lies - the fabrication of facts about these animals, the fake perception that the animals are happy in their surroundings, how they are housed with their families. All lies.

The footage of the incidents will genuinely shock you, you will feel angry & sad that this is happening &, like me, you will struggle to understand how this is still happening.

When you see Tilikum floating motionless in his holding tank you will realise just how wrong this is.

This film gave me genuine insight into what is going on & to what I would otherwise be ignorant to. Please watch this film.
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R.I.P.D. (2013)
MIB in Disguise
3 March 2014
Originally I was well against watching this, but a lazy Sunday provided a lifeline for R.I.P.D. I like Ryan Reynolds, & Jeff Bridges, but I prefer him when he does more serious parts (Safe House etc) although he is funny. Jeff Bridges' a bit of a hero in my eyes, but my gripe with this film is that I couldn't understand 75% of what he was saying; my only other gripe is Kevin Bacon, I cannot stand the chap ever since those stupidly annoying EE adverts (not his fault, I know).

Overall, if you swap monsters for aliens you basically have MIB with a less than satisfying cast, Will Smith beats Reynolds any day.

6/10 from me not blown away, more of a gentle breeze, but gives a bit of humour that is worth watching.
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Lone Survivor (2013)
for Modern Warfare lovers!
28 February 2014
I watched this film last night & I was blown away by it, I'm a big fan of modern warfare (I find the technology etc. fascinating) such as Black Hawk Down. There is an element of Behind Enemy Lines, Owen Wilson, about this film but without the corniness & irritation of Owen himself - Wahlberg & co. put on a captivating performance as Navy Seals, you really feel for them throughout the film.

I loved seeing the Apaches, Chinooks & the AC-130s in action, just amazing.

There is no attempt at propaganda, or anything like that, it is a fascinating portrayal of Operation Red Wings.

The film gradually intensifies & ends exceptionally well, you won't be disappointed if you go to see this movie, I promise you!
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Must watch!
21 February 2014
This has to be the best series I have ever seen, the sole reason I got Sky is so that I could watch it.

I started a bit later than everyone else but I must've watched series 1 & 2 in the space of 2 weeks in order to watch series 3 when it aired.

It is just brilliant, you can't afford to miss anything, all the little conversations that seem like time killers play a big part on what is going to happen later on in the series.

The acting is top drawer, from all involved, the plot twists & turns, & the character development is fantastic.

It's both beautiful & brutal, you cannot afford to miss it. GET IT WATCHED!
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In Time (2011)
Futuristic Robin Hood
21 February 2014
I put off watching this film for a long time, purely based on Justin Timberlake being the leading role but I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I found the concept of the film intriguing - time is money - if you want to take a bus ride or buy a coffee it will cost you time, time taken off your life. Once the clock runs down to 0, you're dead.

Of course there is then the separation between those who have a lot of time/money & those who don't - one man, JT, doesn't like this idea very much.

It turns into a Robin Hood type film, I won't say too much.

I would recommend watching this film. Solid 7/10 from me.
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Didn't disappoint
5 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say when I heard there was going to be a sequel I was a little on the fence, more often than not sequels are disappointing but this definitely did not disappoint. There were a few minor things that I didn't like i.e. the small Drake cameo (hate that guy) - but that is just my opinion ha!

The humour was exactly what I was hoping for, I was in stitches for 90% of the film. The re-occurrence of the best parts of the first films were brilliant especially the News Team vs. News Team brawl part 2, including some massive names.

The story line was good, I don't think anyone was expecting an in depth cinematic masterclass, but ultimately you go to see it to pee your pants with laughter & Anchorman 2 definitely delivers. Wet seats all around!
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Gravity (2013)
Believe the hype!
5 February 2014
The buzz around this film was phenomenal, everyone was saying this is a must see title & they would be correct. I came out of the cinema & exclaimed "that is the best film of the year!"

Essentially the film is based around Murphys Law - anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. The story line is clear, easy to follow, & brilliantly executed.

The different camera angles were excellent & worked perfectly in 3D, at points you do feel as though you are floating in space.

Bullock & Clooney have great chemistry throughout the film, Clooney differs from his usual "ladies man" role & does it without fault, Bullock provides a masterclass in acting, any Bullock fan will enjoy this movie.

I would recommend this film for the tension building & simplicity, it is simply brilliant.
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The Ricky Gervais Show (2010–2012)
Best thing on TV
3 February 2014
I cannot praise this show enough, the simplicity of cartoons sitting around a table discussing the weird & wonderful thinking's of Karl Pilkingon, the hero. Every episode is hilarious, & at point you may find yourself agreeing with KP, oddly, but don't admit that to your friends. Everyone has that one show that they have to watch when it's on, regardless of what you're doing, this is my one show; I have to make sure I see it. You'll continue to laugh when you discuss it with your pals in the pub, the banter between the 3 is classic; Stephen Merchant listens intensely & comes out with these brilliant one liners & Ricky Gervais plows in with unrelenting mockery. It is brilliant, comedy genius. Don't knock it until you've tried it.
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Riddick (2013)
Pitch Black Recycled
3 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I bought this film on Blu Ray as I enjoyed Pitch Black & The Chronicles of Riddick; Riddick being the ideal badass anti-hero throughout the franchise (until now). It starts off really well, Riddick being betrayed by the Necromongers under the pretense they will take him to Furya (it's worth noting at this point that although Karl Urban is high up the billing he is only in the film for 2 minutes). Riddick is instead taken to a desolate desert planet full of beasts that want to kill each other & Riddick, you later find out that things are going to get much worse once the rain engulfs the planet forcing all involved to find the displaced power nodes to she ships in order to escape from the planet (sound familiar?). In summary; Riddick raises a native puppy thing which inevitably dies later forcing him to shed a tear, too much talking, too little action - if you've seen Pitch Black then you've already seen this movie.
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This is fast becoming one of my favourite films!
17 January 2014
I initially went to see this at the cinema when it came out as i am a massive Tarantino fan, & I was not disappointed. I enjoyed Jamie Foxx's performances in The Kingdom & Law Abiding Citizen, but this was another level. I know little of Waltz apart from his part in Inglorious Basterds & it is clear that he is an outstanding actor, his dialogue keeps the viewer engaged. I also have to mention that Di Caprio was brilliant, as always, & Jackson's character was hilarious (I shan't say too much). I loved this film so much that i simply had to go & buy it the day it was on the shelves! Tarantino has smashed it again, never fails to impress, & loved the little cameo too. I can't get enough of this film, the best film I have seen in ages.
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Mama (I) (2013)
IMDb rating is far too high in my opinion
17 January 2014
My girlfriend & I bought this DVD to watch one evening & we both could not get to grips with it, the story is too far-fetched & lacked any aspect that could draw the viewer in, there are few "jumpy bits". The only merit of this film is that the character "Mama" is a real person where the only changes are that his hair is CGI. Upon seeing the film on the shelf I turned to IMDb, as I usually do to see what the ratings are, most modern horrors tend to score relatively low but this seemed to have a respectable score which I think is ill-considered. Another film where a potential good idea has been poorly executed, I would not recommend this film to anybody, extremely annoyed that I paid £7 to own this.
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