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Oh my god
15 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I really have nothing against softcore porn. If that's your thing then go for it, but attempting to pass it off as a low budget horror film makes one wonder what Redbox will have in store for the public in the future. This isn't a movie, it's a softcore porn production. Every actor and actress in this honestly looks like they came directly from Seduction Cinema. There is no story. The image and audio presentation of the live footage is quite possibly the worst I have ever seen or heard. My smart phone videos look like IMAX compared to this film. I guess the director (if that's what his job title is) thinks that the blurrier the picture or audio is the creepier the movie will be. The live footage scenes are captured by glasses that have swap meet quality cameras on them. The shock sequences (the ones that are not blurry) involve sex and running up to the camera to show the viewer their pale colored contact lenses.

Since this is just fluffy porn then I'll rate it as such..…the girls are hot. The hottest is the one locked up in the cell with the pretty legs. Second best would be the one watching her outside the cell.

Pure trash (which is a compliment if you're in the mood for sleaze).
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Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)
I finally seen it after all these years
9 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Years ago when this film was brand new I had numerous people tell me how awesome it was. They praised it big time. They recommended the hell out of it. I just never got around to seeing it until just now; I'm writing this review 2 hours after seeing it for the very first time. My dad purchased it at a swap meet for $1 in mint condition.

Considering the fact that Don Coscarelli was responsible for gracing us with Phantasm, one of the coolest low budget cult films ever made and one of my personal favorites, and the fact that Bruce Campbell was playing the lead, I guess I expected more than the initial delivery that came.

After all these years.................I haven't missed out on anything.

The movie seems to concentrate far too heavily on growing old, the loss of independence and dignity and as many colorful and complexed dirty jokes as possible that itself gets old extremely fast. There is a spooky mummy that is supposed to be the main center point of the scares but in fact it seems to be almost serving no purpose of any kind. It's billed as a horror/comedy and it is neither.

If you loved Phantasm and/or are a fan of Bruce Campbell then I strongly encourage you to avoid this because it will leave a bad taste in your mouth. It may very well infect your positivity of what you had respect for.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
All the hype steered me towards Sinister and YES it lived up to all of it!!!
26 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
On average most of the horror films that emerge, for me, seem to be redundant, cheaply made profit baggers constructed with little or no respect for either the horror film fans or the genre itself. I find myself hoping, with any horror film I come across, that the movie will be really good, legitimately creepy and unsettling with a crew of actors and a director that you can just feel did everything in their power to achieve something of style and substance. This is a very rare find and I have to admit, constantly looking for such a classy show wears me out and repeatedly lets me down. In an ironic way the constant let downs makes a masterpiece like Sinister all the more rewarding.

The director, Scott Derrickson, impressed me once before with The Exorcism Of Emily Rose. This is a director that seems to have a heart for the horror films he crafts, he knows that quality is what's important; mood, atmosphere, genuine non-stop suspense and tension. His direction is careful and precise which is what sets Sinister apart from other similar forgettable films. In short, this is how it's done.

As for Ethan Hawke, in my opinion, this is his finest work. Pay close attention, he dominates the entire movie with a performance that is flawless. Every emotion is displayed to perfection. The rest of the cast gives it their all as well.

I really don't want to spoil anything by saying any more. I'm sure you already know the main plot: A true crime writer moves his family into a new home with a vicious past to juice up his writing career. The discovery of a collection of 8 mm film rolls unravels some monstrous details.

The ending is chilling.

A must see for horror fans.
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A flat out borefest
25 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I rented this from Redbox basically going by what I read, the title and a picture of a girl possessed. Nothing, I mean NOTHING happens that is even remotely close to what was expected. You won't see any girl crawling, you'll see a guy sitting on his knees moaning and snarling while a priest exorcises him and it seems to drag out forever; in fact it drags so far that you'll start laughing. It's just growl, snarl, growl, snarl, growl, snarl, that's it. The title is Back From Hell, you won't see any hell let alone see anything come back. This is so teadious of a movie. The characters spend an enormous amount of time arguing about religion, demons, aliens or whatever. One of the girls is pregnant and it leads to something spoilerish.

I'll give you an idea of how scary this Italian hand held camera film is. They make an attempt to flee and very calmly check out the car batteries only to find them dead, why, because the lights were left on, which they state is impossible since they drove there in the daytime. This is a sure fire work of Satan. Something evil has turned on their headlights. Are you scared?

Do yourself a favor, if you are suffering from insomnia then go rent this. After a good 10 hour snooze you'll thank me later.
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I can't take more
16 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was never a solid fan of the Paranormal Activity series but after renting this "movie" for a dollar from Redbox I felt compelled to post a review on PA number 4. Here it is.....

I am speaking specifically to all of the hardcore PA fans. This series has now evolved into strictly a monetary gain game. If you're smart enough to see what is actually taking place here then you will not crack open your wallets again, for a fifth time around, by going to any theater an seeing number 5. A certain very wealthy studio is now taking advantage of you. There is no more concentration of any kind on creating anything of quality here. All of the other reviews have thoroughly covered how horrible this movie is in full detail and they're all correct.

I thought the first film was surprisingly original and genuinely frightening; I thought the second was almost as good as the first, as for the third, there seemed to be a lot of unnecessary scenes like mom and dad recording their action in bed was plain silly and the goofy buddy from daddy's job...?!?! The highest point of the third show was the two little girls, both of them were very good at portraying the young Katie and Kristi. I really didn't swallow the ending with grandma but, oh well.

And here we're graced with a different family, Katie across the street, being rushed to a hospital, a weird little boy who you think is Hunter, but really is not, Hunter apparently is the boy in our new family, web cam treatment to catch something, umm let's see what else did they conjure up.....oh yeah the girl levitates like Reagan in The Exorcist, there's a uh, cute cat that plays in front of the cameras, the lead blond delivers plenty of eye candy for the guys, the demon (or a demon) has a ball throwing people around, the girl is almost killed in the garage from carbon monoxide (....this is because a demon...THE demon...has started the car and is holding the garage door shut) but she still outsmarts the evil by breaking the car window and putting the car in reverse (I would imagine the evil could have simply held the gearshift in neutral).

I have never seen any one of these films in a theatre because as I said I'm not a hardcore fan but as a regular film goer I rented them and if I could I would carve my words in stone, THIS SERIES NEEDS TO STOP NOW! The pattern has now become: slap together a quick sequel with no care or value at all, ship it out and watch it rake in money.

Please people, when number five hits the theatres, and you know it will, don't go see it. This series has to stop, enough is enough. I personally wasted a dollar renting PA4. I'm hoping and praying that PA5 is one of the biggest flops in all of movie history. It's the only way this series will end.

Please don't be gullible, don't let the studio take advantage of you, spend your money on something else.

This series has reached its breaking point, LET IT DIE!
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The Echo Game (2009)
Am I really the first person to post a review for this film?
5 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Well, if this is the case, then hopefully this one review will spark some interest in people and compel them to see it. It most certainly deserves notice and praise.

Even though it isn't to original it does have its share of notable high points and delivers an array of quality that sets itself considerably higher than your average thin budget indie films. This one will surprise you with a terrific cast, marvelous acting, an engaging storyline even a wonderfully orchestrated musical score.

From what I understand, this is the product of a first time director who also co-wrote the screenplay; Brian Feeney. Having what seems to be an extensive background in editing also lends greater skill to this very well done piece of work.

The story seems to dwell more in the psychological thriller genre than say horror or ghost story involving, without giving anything away, a little girl (played beautifully by Melissa Lee) who possesses powerful psychic abilities channeled down from her real mother who was thought to have been dead for years. Both of her parents, Alisha Seaton and Jeannie Bolet (also superb) scramble to keep their daughter safe from a certain wicked woman who originated "The Echo Project" with the intent on using gifted people for evil doings.

There is a couple of nude scenes which doesn't really fit in with the pace and sharpness of the story but they don't decrease the momentum. As a whole the film is a small treasure.

Take note.
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Near Death (2004)
2 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If Mystery Science Theater 3000 was still on the air I would personally send this DVD directly to their studio door with a letter inside begging them to make an episode out of it. This movie was one of the outright funniest pieces of film crud that I've seen in decades. This one is like a newer take off of Manos: Hands Of Fate, a truly brilliant pile of hysterical digital stink. I mean gut busting funny. It's a riot. What more needs to be said.

If you're a fan of MST3K it's a must see. If not then be careful, you might need medical attention afterwards.

The director of this film may very well be the reincarnation of Ed Wood. The actors I don't think were even aware they were shooting a film. A ten year old could have made better special effects. The cost and feel of the production resembles soft core porn.

This is strictly for lovers of grade-Z cinema.
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Identity (2003)
A high voltage film with, sadly, a few low points
29 January 2013
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I just seen this yesterday and I HONESTLY thought it was dynamite but I also felt they should have given it a few extra touch ups. The performances by most of the cast was sizzling with a particularly unexpected chemistry between John Cusack and Ray Liotta that seemed to ignite the screenplay with gun powder. They should do more films together. I am not really that big of a fan of Cusack but this was an exception.

The movie is directed with precision, lensed with some superb cinematography and very cleverly edited. If you haven't seen it yet and you enjoy films that take you for a ride then it's a good bet that this will be rewarding.

The only real negative details; this is a spoiler: Pruitt Taylor Vince I felt was strangely miscast. They should have concentrated more on the casting of his character because he simply doesn't fit in with everyone else. He's a decent actor but here he does not belong. You're relatively electrified for the first three quarters going full speed, and then comes Pruitt and the whole film suddenly drops to a lower gear. I'm not referring to the plot twist which involves Pruitt, I thought that was razor sharp, I mean the choice of casting him for that part ruined the final impact. Kind of mirroring my thoughts of Apocalypse Now. It was outstanding, until Brando emerged.

I wasn't impressed with Amanda Peet either mainly because I don't think she's that seasoned of an actress.

Some plot holes and casting issues exhibited what clearly could have been a small masterpiece.

Still, absolutely worth seeing.
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Tomboy (2011)
A phenomenal showcase
22 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is very hard to find. It's almost non-existent. I came across it at a video store by accident. If you like to see films where the Director legitimately cared about what was being created then this by all means is one that is not to be missed. It isn't for everyone, I don't recommend it to the airheaded Battleship crowd, I definitely do recommend it to people who appreciate movies with heart and soul.

The story involves a new kid in town that, during summer vacation, tells all of her new friends she's a boy but the lie can't continue forever. School will eventually begin and the truth will have to emerge. Unfortunately she has exposed herself as Michael to a girl that has developed a big crush on "him".

The acting in this very small film is so precise that it could be used as a tool in college drama classes and I'm not only referring to the sensational lead actress (who delivers an Oscar caliber performance) but every other performer as well. I could rattle on for hours about this. A standout, in particular, is the actress playing her younger sister, she's remarkable. It's a triumph to see these two extremely young actresses trying to out-act each other when they're sharing screen time. The girl who plays Michael's admirer, the mother, the father, all the neighborhood kids, are all note perfect.

The lead is thoroughly convincing as a boy in both looks and persona as well as being quite brave in regards to fighting. Close to the end we see something that appears to be completely wrong when the mother forces her tomboy daughter to wear a dress and tell everyone the truth, especially her admirer. There is very little dialogue but the message is crystal clear.

I never seen the lead actress in anything else and all through the film including the ending when she is wearing a dress she simply looked like a boy and a boy wearing a dress. Afterwards I looked at her profile on this site and seen a beautiful girl. When someone drowns themselves that deep in character that is rather stunning.

A quiet, sweet and rewarding show.
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A great idea poorly executed for some quick cash
19 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There really is no way to discuss this film without exposing spoilers. The biggest spoiler in the film is (stop reading this right now if you don't want to know anything): it is not a horror film in any way shape or form. It isn't any more "horror" than I Am Legend was. Although before seeing it I was specifically intrigued by a little girl standing alone in the darkness. The scene is even on the DVD cover. I know what the main center point of the story is but I was thinking that something demonic or supernatural was intertwined within the script. I was wrong and even more let down by the fact that the girl does nothing?

The first half of this film is strikingly dominated by a mediocre script and ultra dull overacting. They clearly wrote absolutely ANYTHING to simply pass time. You'll find yourself saying things like "shut up", "get on with the film", "stop babbling and start the fricken movie already". The characters are so cardboard, like you're watching t.v. commercials. I realize this sounds like mindless bashing but boy do I mean this wholeheartedly.

This is yet another one of those good ideas that get conjured up and then very quickly thrown together and shipped out to the public. If they would stop thinking about money as their top priority and actually take the time in crafting a quality screenplay then we would have been graced with something special here.

The best scene in the movie is the little girl standing alone in the dark. Ironically, she does no more in the film than she does on the DVD cover. What you see on the box is what you'll see in the film?!

Maybe someone more talented that cares about constructing a decent horror film will remake this. I hope.
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Elf (2003)
Zooey was the highlight
8 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this mainly because of Zooey. She's beautiful and the scene where she's singing in the shower was the best scene in the film. The salute to the old classic puppetry animation Christmas specials near the beginning was superb. The snowball fight was pretty cool. There is quite a few scenes in this that had great potential. What's wrong with this film is simple. Casting Will Ferrell in the lead severely damaged what could have been a hysterical Christmas comedy. People are being overly nice to it because it's a holiday film. There is a lot of talent here; Zooey Deschanel, James Caan, Mary Steenburgen, even the kid is good. Unfortunately Will Ferrell wasn't any good. He isn't funny.

I guess Jim Carrey cost too much or something. He was brilliant in The Grinch and in A Christmas Carol. He even worked with Zooey in Yes Man and their chemistry was right on the money. This should have starred Jim. Jim Carrey in the lead would have made the film much better and definitely much funnier.

Anyway, to sum up, don't expect to laugh at Will unless your intent is to pass on sympathy for his unfunny performance since it is a holiday film.
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Bad Santa (2003)
The only person to blame is myself
7 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's Christmastime, the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Snow, candy canes, presents, peace on Earth, good will toward men. This is the time of year for doing things impulsively, it's the season of giving. There's joy and love showered all over homes everywhere you look with beautiful multi colored twinkling lights. The desire to preach the words, "Oh well, it's Christmas, I'm gonna go for it!" becomes imminent. You'll open up that wallet and feel like money is no object.

Since your soul is glowing with layers of religious passion you'll find yourself making some truly naive decisions, case in point: Bad Santa

I was walking around an electronics store and happened upon a bin of Blu-ray Christmas deals. There was actually some very good movies tossed in it. I came across Bad Santa, I had never seen it before but Billy Bob Thornton was the lead and I think he's a brilliant actor, Monster's Ball is one of my favorite films. I had no clue what to expect from Bad Santa but the holiday spirit was in me so I went for it. I paid five bucks for it, brand new.

I watched the BS (an ironic yet accurate acronym) swear at kids, break bottles, bang sleazy women, puke, fall down and even molest an under age girl who's playing a pinball machine.

Of all the holiday films I have ever seen in my whole life this was the absolute worst. I bought it before seeing it first. I can only blame myself.

After I watched it I threw it in the garbage.
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1 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Are you a fan of exorcism films? If the answer is yes then more than likely your interest in seeing this is strong. I don't want to give away anything for obvious reasons so I'm just gonna sum up.

The plot to this movie is undeniably original, so much so that it will keep you glued to the screen waiting eagerly to see what will happen next. The story involves a showboating preacher that has performed many "phony" exorcisms until a recent tragedy forces him to call it quits even though he really feels that he helps people like a holy, over the top psychiatrist.

He decides to perform one last show and invites a documentary filmmaking team to record it. This isn't a spoiler, this is the plot that the viewer is already aware of. The girl that he chooses to be his last is where the actual plot revolves. It's easy to see just how exciting this screenplay can be.

The actor playing the priest is great, very convincing, and the same can be said for the girl in question. They did a superb job with both characters. The suspense is very good. The film is finely constructed.

This is hard to put into words. This review I'm giving honestly is a good one not a bad one. I really, REALLY was waiting for all hell to break loose. It should have. I wanted more. This was way to well put together. Something was missing. I definitely recommend it, but something was missing. My final impact was like I only watched half of a movie, a damn good first half. There is a twist at the end that should have been left out and available as a special features alternate ending. It was unnecessary.

They should have concentrated solely on the girl.

This is a positive review with a rating of 5. Hopefully the sequel will bring everything to a sharper focus.
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It isn't scary, it isn't compelling, it's not what you're expecting
26 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am a huge fan of demonic possession films mostly because they seem to inhabit a genre all their own. Yes they're horror movies but to compare a contemporary slasher film (and there are many brilliant ones) such as Halloween to say The Exorcist it almost seems improper; they are both superb and they are both horror but The Exorcist delves deep down into the psyche. It sets up an almost impossible means of escape from evil. You're basically helpless against the supernatural. If given the right treatment an exorcism type film can be a vicious and riveting powerhouse. A legitimately terrifying experience. The Exorcism Of Emily Rose I thought was outstanding. Even the first Paranormal Activity delivered a sense of quiet and creepy chills. Then again if it's not properly treated the final impact can make you feel cheated.

I just seen The Devil Inside last night. This film had the potential to be one heck of a ride. Unfortunately it isn't. I have nothing against "real footage" movies, a Director's vision of a film as far as I'm concerned is his or her own choice. I've seen plenty of this style of movie making and some truly blew me away, although I don't see why it is so difficult to hold the camera steady. The acting was just o.k. Every single character explaining their issues directly to the camera is plain silly. The main character in the film is the young girl's mother locked up in an asylum who, even though is clearly brutally violent, is allowed to be visited by her daughter in her room alone?! The young girl sits in on a real exorcism given to a different person who is kept locked in a basement in her house?! One of the priests attempts to kill a baby in a church because he is possessed and just walks out and goes home?! Acts of multiple possession ensues everyone. The ending is corny.

This particular exorcism film will have you rolling your eyes.

The girl in the basement looked like she was from a human pretzel circus act. The girl's mother yelling and throwing people was quite funny. The baby killing priest was in bad taste and him just walking out of the church....whatever. The ending obviously pointed towards the Director saying, "What the's a wrap......everyone go home."

To say it kindly, if you're a fan of this genre then do not put your faith in this one.
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Superbly crafted spoof
19 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's difficult to actually come across consistently hilarious spoofs or comedies in general. My favorites in the genre are Airplane! and the Naked Gun series and this brilliant laughfest towers right up there next to them. There is so many razor sharp jokes spread out in this film that it's hard to decide which sequence is the funniest. In my opinion probably the Kung Fu practicing with his turkey Japs, that sequence really is pure dynamite. Some other negative reviews stated that Michael J. White is not funny and that is completely false, he's not just funny but one of the best performers of black comedy I've seen in decades (black comedy as in style not color).

Michael also wrote the film which is even more impressive. Hopefully we'll see more comedy from him in the future.


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Silent House (2011)
People are simply being unfair to this film
17 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very intelligently crafted psychological thriller. Whether or not it is "scary" really doesn't matter. The film focuses mainly on being simple, subtle and puzzling. It never at any time becomes unfocused because from start to finish it is completely clear in its storytelling. It doesn't ever reveal a traditional upfront plot twist. It isn't supposed to. What's happening is the audience is being let in on some very deep dark secrets, almost at a whispering sense, as if someone is telling you a quiet secret while they're pointing at a girl then you would here them tell you, "but don't tell anyone that I told you that."

This isn't a horror movie in the strictest sense. The title itself is not only dead on but it also mirrors the atmosphere of the entire film. When a title is so adequately chosen for a screenplay this should deliver a message right from the start. Yes the film is silent and that's exactly what you'll hear throughout. You'll hear silence and feel silence. When something traumatic occurs in someone's life they'll bury it very deep, way down into their soul.

If you have a chance much later on in life to face the pasts demons you might have to do it all alone, in the cold darkness, no matter how frightening it may be or how sad it will make you feel. Even if it calls for bolt locking doors and windows and forcing yourself to stay in the most horrifying place you've ever known in your life, which in this girl's case was her childhood home.

Silent House is a psychological horror/drama. It plays out on a level that is extremely close to reality cleverly editing together what seems to be approximately 10 minute sequences that are very hard to catch but the Director doesn't try to hide it. The edits are just as subtle as the film, like at the opening or closing of a door. The main key point is chilling claustrophobia for both the character and the audience. Olsen's performance again is precise, right on target.

What was crafted here was a small masterpiece of one girl's attempt at destroying her scars of heartbreak once and for all.

It's icy, realistic, haunting and completely original.
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A Misfire
16 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Steven Spielberg is my favorite film Director. He has brought to the screen some of the most spectacular films the world has ever seen. E.T., Raiders Of The Lost Ark and Poltergeist are among my top ten list but Spielberg's record is extensive; Duel, Close Encounters, Jaws, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Saving Private Ryan, A.I., Minority Report, even some more recent ones like War Horse and Tin Tin held their place among a high caliber. I always regarded Poltergeist as a groundbreaking powerhouse that is perfectly crafted from the very opening television sequence to the final rolling credits with the ghosts laughing in the background; and Heather O'Rourke was an unforgettable angel.

I'm saying all this because, I have to be honest, this version of War Of The Worlds seems to lack most of the signature Spielberg qualities in a rather blatantly large fashion. What I mean is everything is grand in scale yet there is literally NO substance. Which is for me, shocking, considering Spielberg's talent and his perfectionist drive. Even someone who isn't a regular moviegoer would roll their eyes at this mess.

Tom Cruise is unconvincing as a dock worker. Dakota Fanning is a wonderful actress but having her scream like a brat was unnecessary. The kid and daddy didn't get along, so..... Tom Cruise attempts to make peanut butter sandwiches because they'll need food on the road except he forgot that his daughter is allergic?! All the electricity is knocked out but not their van or the ferry or any of the military vehicles?! Tim Robbins is a great actor but here he is miscast and uninteresting. The cinematography was stunning even though the overall image was grainy. We see the ridiculous looking aliens in a basement as they're fascinated by a bicycle wheel?! The tripod's are actually scarier than the aliens?! All of these random sentences probably seems like an incomplete review, it is, that's because I'm trying to visualize a parallel between these words and this film. The film is exactly the same, incomplete.

I would never have imagined such a thing from Steven Spielberg.

Maybe. Could you? I mean. Yeah. Okay, no it isn't. Who are you? Huh??? WTF?! Oh yeah? That's it! What, How, When, Where.....Why? I Don't. Drugs? The horse. No more. Me, fine. The Ark. Ghosts?! NOT! Ellliiioot! Dogs can too. I love you. Death? Two more people. I said no. I wonder. Thanks! You're Peter Pan! O.K. Back, now are you? Quint?, No. But's just... Whatever... Barrryyyy! Everybody runs. Is it a game???
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Batman (1989)
The following review is a small story
8 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It was the year 1989. Advertised massively all around the world was Tim Burton's Batman. The whole world was experiencing grand scale anxiety attacks. Everyone everywhere had the itch; the itch to see Batman. I was one of them. When the movie finally was about to grace itself on the eager public I personally shelled out some serious money to be one of the first to view it. It was truly going to be an unforgettable experience. I stood in a line that wrapped around a twelve screen theater six times. I knew that it was gonna be good. Michael Keaton, Jack Nicholson and Kim Basinger was plastered on absolutely every magazine, poster, trailers, t.v. spots, talk show interviews, you name it, they were on it.

The theater seated 300 people. Every seat was filled with people from all walks of life, different nationalities, all shapes and sizes young an old alike literally screaming for the film to start. Nobody wanted to see any previews...just strictly BATMAN!

This was what they seen and what their reaction was. At the beginning Batman introduces himself to two thugs and the audience by saying who he is and raising his arms up to show off his Batwings under his arms and kicks a thug through a door. This is so scary that the one thug is in extreme shock (nobody in the audience responded at all).

Later on the audience meets Bruce Wayne as do the characters and Bruce's fancy artwork and other expensive collectibles is discussed inside his mansion (the audience shows no interest in these scenes).

At another point we meet the Joker who is learning that The Joker is him since he keeps flipping a Joker in a deck of cards (the audience is quiet).

At a factory where the Joker is conceived we see Batman kick a gun from a thug's hand and he also punches a thug from behind (the audience is waiting.....for something).

Back at the mansion Bruce Wayne and Vicki Vale are dining at a ridiculously long dining table. They are sitting at each end and Vicki says, "Can you pass the salt?". She has to yell because the distance makes it hard to hear. (the audience isn't laughing).

There is a sequence at an art gallery where the Joker and his thugs are vandalizing fancy art with paint. (the audience is disgusted).

These scenes and many more lead up to a grand finale between Batman and the Joker. (the audience has stuck it out to this point thinking that Tim Burton saved the best for last, they figured they were being teased). Suddenly the audience sees the Batplane and the music is building up. The Batplane rises up through the clouds and blocks out the moon, which of course is a reference to the Bat searchlight. (the audience now is screaming). The Batplane does a nose dive and Batman clicks every switch, turns knobs, lines up his targeting device and makes a B line for the Joker (the audience is awaiting some incredible action). Batman's targeting device is top of the line, zeroed in on the Joker. Batman fires and the stream of bullets blast on both sides of the Joker. (the audience cheering has now dropped down 50 percent....he missed?!). The Joker pulls out a small gun with a long nose (the audience knows that the Joker's gun is no match for such a pristinely built machine like the Batplane). The Joker shoots one bullet, the Batplane is crippled and starts to fall. It crashes and comes to rest on some building steps (the audience is now so stunned that they simply don't understand what they just seen, they all have a look of puzzlement on their faces, they're completely silent).

When the ending credits started to roll, nobody applauded and nobody was saying a word.

As I stated earlier the theater consisted of all different kinds of people and none of them liked it. Yet every time someone who seen it was asked how good it was by someone who had not seen it they would brag about how brilliant it was. They would, for whatever reason, lie about it. They would go as far as saying that it was one of the best movies they had ever seen. If not one person out of 300 unique individuals liked it then obviously it truly sucked. And still to this very day people go right on lying about it. I'll bet that if you were to go over to a home of one who praises it and tell them that you want to watch it if they have it and actually stick it in and play it that person would suddenly have some dishes to wash; they would need to mow their lawn; run some errands.

This film goes beyond being overrated. It has no good points at all and everybody knows it. Nobody will admit that Tim Burton played a practical joke on the world by making this intentionally boring superhero film. And he did it with a pathetic smile on his face. The public fell for his joke so hard that they pretended that they liked it, and they're still pretending.

This film should win a special award for the number one most publicly exaggerated film in history.

I would like to thank Christopher Nolan for the three Batman films he blessed us with. He understood that the Batman character was an important piece of our culture and should be respectively crafted and presented and not sickeningly insulted by the likes of one Tim Burton.
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Ritual (2002)
I just watched Ritual
3 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It was one of 8 films on a spooky movie collection on 2 discs. I never knew it existed until just now. After I watched it I visited this site and seen quite a lot of high scoring reviews. This puzzled me.

It's a horror movie about voodoo oriented zombies. Who could be responsible for such evil? Just how in the world could anyone be so cruel? ( might have something to do with it). There is two main stars. Both are hot babes. One is Jennifer Grey who plays the Doctor seeking answers, the other is a Jamaican Playboy bunny who may as well remain nameless (.....although it's questionable as to whether or not she's really Jamaican). Since it is Jamaica the blazing heat demands the least amount of clothing as humanly possible from both chicks.

I personally thought Jennifer was the hottest of the two since the biggest "spoiler" in the whole movie is that unlike her Jamaican co-star she proudly teases every male viewer with just panties and a tight shirt.

Now, back to the horror. There's lots 'n' lots of voodoo stuff going on that are all hallucinations like Jennifer being tied up and tortured by spiders crawling on her. A bunch of tree branches attacking some dude in a car. A ceiling caving in on a guy. Definitely sure fire acts of voodoo (.....or they're smokin' too much dope). Oh yeah, I almost forgot, every Jamaican carries a machete and stares at Jennifer with clearly the intent to KILL. All of them carrying a machete is verbally mentioned so of course you get the idea that it will be difficult to figure out who's responsible for the voodoo zombies.

The shocking elements that will be testing your courage as a horror movie fan so boldly displayed here climaxes sweetly with Jennifer getting married to the American guy that the film centered around that was voodooed.

My favorite scene that made me feel more relaxed because I was so scared was when Jennifer did her voodoo dance.
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Battleship (2012)
The following is words of warning
24 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I took a two week vacation from my job and in that time I visited the local Redbox and rented six films. The first five were in this order:

1.No Tell Motel 2.Dark Shadows 3.The Hunger Games 4.Elevator 5.The Haunting Of Whaley House

I watched every one all the way through with the best being The Hunger Games. Second best would be Dark Shadows, three would be Elevator then Whaley House then No Tell Motel.

None of these films have anything to do with Battleship. Although my experience while watching Battleship demanded me to reexamine my thoughts and views of the previous five films. No Tell Motel was a low budget cheap horror flick that was a mess from start to was BETTER than Battleship. The Haunting Of Whaley House was along the scale of The Innkeepers; silly, cheesy, unintentionally funny with a few o.k. was BETTER than Battleship. Elevator had no real pay off at was BETTER than Battleship. The other two, Dark Shadows and The Hunger Games, goes without saying.

This movie, Battleship, WOW! GOD ALMIGHTY! Half way through I got up off my couch, paused the DVD and walked out of the room to give my ears, my eyes, my brain and my stomach a break from the Earth shattering hell that I just put them through. I honestly was considering ejecting the disc and taking it back to Redbox without watching the rest. This review is truly a warning to anyone who is thinking of seeing it...proceed with extreme caution!

This one is gonna hurt. If Hollywood continues to make films this bad then they're gonna make audiences everywhere turn against films completely. They're gonna start losing a lot of money. It's the ticket sales by movie fans that keep their wallets fat. This is a perfect example of bad business practice.

Again, to the curious moviegoer, this is a word of warning, it wasn't that it was just bad and it's not that I'm a negative person because I'm not. The film actually made me angry.

I gave it one star, it doesn't deserve any.
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Elevator (V) (2012)
24 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I just checked out this movie. You may detect a spoiler here. A group of people enter an office building elevator and get stuck. One of them has a bomb. Pay close attention now, the suspense is definite. Luckily for the audience the bomber was nice enough to announce the presence of said bomb. If the bomber had not mentioned it then there of course would be no movie. It would just be "BOOM", end of story.

Nonetheless, the film is not suspenseful at all, it's also not scary. When the end credits begin to roll you'll feel like you just tuned in to a 90 minute news broadcast. Your reaction will be, "THAT'S IT!?!!?, THAT'S THE ENDING!?!!?"
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
I think Matt Reeves should stand in the corner of the theatre with a "dunce" cap on
3 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In 2008 a Swedish film called Let The Right One In emerged that could honestly be described as one of the most original and spellbinding vampire films the world has ever seen. I personally seen it for the first time by renting it. My reaction to it was difficult to put into words as I tried to describe it to people. It was beautiful, atmospheric, frightening, compelling...the list goes on and on. Unfortunately most of the world has trouble viewing true quality beyond Twilight. Since this is the case then a film like Let The Right One In will get easily missed. But for those who experienced it, they cherished it. I was one of them. The two leads, Lina Leandersson and Kare Hedebrant were superb as was the rest of the cast. The Director based the film off of the book and crafted a groundbreaking visual masterpiece of the story.

A couple of years went by. I was walking through a store and came across a familiar looking title and cover called Let Me In. They remade it. Okay, I wanted to check it out for obvious reasons. I assumed that in order to get the attention and money from the larger portion of America they of course whipped up a non-subtitled version and added an ample amount of CGI helmed by Matt "Cloverfield" Reeves.

I'm gonna say this as clearly as I possibly can but first it must be said that every actor in this remake is excellent. Elias Koteas is one of my favorites and Chloe Grace Moretz is mesmerizing. Now........

Is it good? Yes, very good.

Is it original? No, it's a carbon copy.

The Director did not base this off the book, he "based" it off of the other film. Movies are my number one favorite hobby so I am not going to try and sound rude instead I'll break it down for someone who doesn't know movies too well. Imagine you're a film Director and your task is to bring a beautiful vampire story to life on screen that has NOT been brought to life yet. You will have many different elements to consider whether or not you think something should be done a certain way, in other words it is your baby, for example......

Casting the right actor or actress

Deciding how quickly the film is paced

Working with the Cinematographer to decide how a scene should look

Working with the Composer to decide how the music should be

Working with the actors to decide how a scene should play out

.....just to name a few.....

More than likely your vision of the translated story would be very different than someone else's. The chances of your vision being EXACTLY the same as another Director's is impossible. If Matt Reeves tackled this brilliant piece of literature legitimately without the convenience of cheating off of a Swedish, lesser known, subtitled gem then I would be willing to bet that his results would not be this very good movie you have displayed before you. You're taught at a very early age in elementary school not to cheat, but to study and be creative and original.

It doesn't even need to be said but I'll say it anyway. Matt Reeves does not deserve one ounce of credit for this film. I give it the credit that it's due which is of course the performers.

It is supposedly "Written For The Screen And Directed By Matt Reeves". Matt you have some growing up to do.
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This seems to be a movie that was made in the wrong generation
18 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It's a cross between The Goonies and The Shining with a lead that looks like Martha Plimpton and has asthma like Sean Astin's character. The ghosts are simply corpses that do nothing except practice piano playing and stare and walk really slow. I just seen this last night and what I'm writing here is all it left me with. The best scene in the movie is when the lead shows her pretty legs one time.

I'm thinking this movie could have easily been released in the 80's when I was a teenager. And if it was the same lead, she would be all grown up now with kids. Strange. I feel as though I just watched a movie that's over 20 years old and the lead was an old teenage Hollywood crush type thing. As if I brought back memories or something.

The first two thirds of the film is legitimately a comedy. Not horror. Not unintentionally funny. It is comedy. In fact there is so much of it that it absolutely spoils any attempts to be spooky.
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Insidious (I) (2010)
This film was one that I honestly thought was going to be genuine...
3 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of all types of movies, especially very good ones. When I decided to check this one out I read quite a lot of reviews on this site about it beforehand and the majority was how frightening it was. Everybody not only said it was good but that it was the scariest film they had ever seen. To be fair the poster artwork is pristine, whoever was responsible for the poster definitely did a brilliant job. The boy standing in front of the house with the red shirt and demonic eyes looks amazing.

I put the movie in, started playing it, and seriously prepared myself.

I am not going to dump on anyone else's review. This will be straight forward.

The small portable intercom that conveniently picks up audio from another area has been done before people: instead of aliens it's a demon (Signs).

The woman being a piano player in general has been done before also: instead of a haunted house it's a haunted boy (The Orphanage).

And, oh yes, oh yes...the premise of a child being abducted by evil spirits that ultimately encompasses one of the parents having to cross the boundaries into the other world to rescue them, in case you forgot or are not aware, was already thoroughly covered in a spectacular 1982 Steven Spielberg film called Poltergeist: instead of a little girl it's a little boy. They even managed to steal the idea of the outside help who enter and examine their spooky home. Two men and one woman. Exactly the same scenario. Except that in Poltergeist the three characters delivered intelligent lines and dynamite performances; in Insidious their lines are incredibly flat and their acting, particularly the two guys, could rival any performance from a Japanese Godzilla film.

Now aside from the fact that this movie rips off from everything in sight, I'll focus on the level of the scare meter. The scares are equal to a fairgrounds haunted house. They involve a character dressed in very cheap makeup to go RRRAAARRR!!! right after the Director yells action; and then of course adding in post production a loud piece of music. That's silly filmmaking.

I have never said the following words in my whole life, but I mean this.........the poster art is misleading. It's so misleading in fact that the poster is more interesting to look at than watching this entire film.

I only mentioned a few films that this silly movie steals from but there is actually more.

If the storyline had some originality to it and the whole project was more respectfully constructed this could have been a memorable trip.

Every OTHER movie I mention here I highly recommend. Signs, The Orphanage, Poltergeist and of course The Exorcist are all excellent. Insidious is cartoon scares and dull thrills.

The following is a MASSIVE spoiler: The little boy. Even though you're expecting him to frighten the living hell out of you...he does absolutely nothing?! Reagan in The Exorcist lives up to all the hype, watch that instead.

I also want to say one more thing, if you open the "trivia" page on this site you'll see that the writer stated at a film festival that he wanted to avoid any movie clichés. I personally found that information to be shockingly hilarious. If you haven't seen this movie yet, check out the trivia first...then check the film out. If you're a regular movie goer who knows a ripoff when you see one then the trivia will have you rolling on the floor in laughter!
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Elizabeth Olsen's acting talent is remarkable!
17 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There very well may be spoilers here, but it's more along the lines of my own opinion of a razor sharp and meticulously crafted screenplay.

I do not think that Olsen's character ever really was a member of the cult. In fact, I don't think it ever really existed. The story seems to revolve around a young girl with some serious problems, so she, very creatively conjures up an imaginary alternate world. One that consists of supplying her with whatever she thinks she doesn't have in her real life. A feeling of acceptance, love, attention and so forth.

What separates this film from other psychological dramas is that it very cleverly does not give any specific plot twisting answer to the events that have taken place. The audience is left to decide for themselves if the events are true or are we just having the pleasure of spying inside of a window into this girl's mind. The latter being a voyeuristic trip. Whatever the case, the Director does a brilliant job of putting your brain in overdrive.

I also want to say that Elizabeth Olsen's acting is, and I honestly mean this, so stunning that she leaves the viewer literally begging for more when it's over. She damn near hypnotizes you. If her sisters (as everyone knows is the Olsen twins) possess the same gift for legitimately dramatic material then I would love to see what they're REALLY capable of.
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