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Lucy (I) (2014)
uses 80% of it's full potential
4 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This may or may not contain spoilers.

I just been through a few reviews and considering this film only has a 6.6 out of ten at the time of this review, I can tell this film was too complicated for some people.

It is a great piece of art, unique in many ways. Although it also has a lot of clichés, it was a pleasant film to watch. It's not often that I see a film of this genre where a woman plays the lead without having to get naked. It actually has a life lesson to teach us and it's not the lesson we are learning which seems to be that sex sells.

This film is trying to teach us that knowledge is power. Not the power that many people want i.e. the power to control others to benefit themselves, but the knowledge to grow, to get further in life.... together! To reach our full and true potentials.

Some scenes could have used more action, some of the dialogue could have been performed with more passion, but overall it was a good, clean and intelligent piece of work that I wouldn't have missed for the world.... but just as happily would have watched on blu-ray in the comfort of my own home.

SPOILER: well, kind of; if you're like me and sit through the credits in the hope of a teaser, there won't be one.
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16 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
91 minutes never passed so quickly while watching an animated film. This is such a great production! The voice actors were fantastic and perfect for their characters. This is a story about a vampire who's wife was murdered by humans. He decides to protect his daughter by keeping her as far away from them as possible. He takes drastic actions to make sure it stays that way for as long as he can. Then one day, by pure chance, a man of the human kind walks into their lives and to make matters worse; his daughter falls head over heals for this unwelcome guest. It is a really funny, heart warming and moving story that both young and old can enjoy. The jokes are subtle, perfectly timed and with the main two male characters being brilliant comedians, this was perfectly executed. Even the Dutch version is really funny. It is a film I can see over again.
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Believe (2014)
Very disappointing.
15 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This show could have been spectacular. The idea excited me and I could not wait for it to start, but as soon as I watched the first episode, I knew I was going to hate it. The girl (Bo) is such a whiny little brat and it was impossible for me to feel any compassion for her. In fact, I felt sorry for her clueless dad and I was rooting for the " bad guys " who made the series feel like the science fiction version of Stop The Pigeon. It was almost like the writers just didn't know where they were going and just made it up as they went along. Every time Bo opened her mouth, I rolled my eyes. She didn't come across as a smart, gifted and helpful girl, she came across as a spoiled know-it-all who just had to have her way in everything. Putting everyone who tried to protect her in the line of fire. I was hoping it would get better, but it didn't. The idea of a girl who was born with a unique gift, on the run from people who want to use her as a weapon, is good. Not unique, but interesting enough to see what they will do to make it different. It is a shame that they couldn't do a better job.
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The 4400 (2004–2007)
Definitely up there
15 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This was such an amazing show and I was completely gutted when it ended prematurely. This show did everything right and yet, didn't make it. As you (could) have read in the plot summary of the show, 4400 people who went missing over the course of several decades, reappear on the same day as they are emerged from a great ball of light hovering over water. They have not aged a day, have no recollection of what has happened and as they will soon discover; have super natural powers. Besides having to cope with everyone they knew having aged, or worse; died, the abductees will have to learn to control their powers. The writers had the balance between drama and humour down to a T. The characters were well written and each actor was perfect for their role. The special effects were fantastic and I was looking forward to seeing them taking it to the limit. Each character had their own heart warming, heart breaking and baffling story. I'm sure if they would come back now, they would be able to make it a massive hit. Shows like Believe and The 100 are just a massive rip off and not as well executed as The 4400 was. An absolute shame that this show didn't go as far as it could have and should have gone. Their intro is still the best and even though I have not seen this show in years, it still gets stuck in my head from time to time.

If you have not yet seen this show and you like science fiction, make sure that you do. You will not regret it.
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The best of three.
11 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
What a super fantastic super hero movie this is! THE best of the Iron Man Trilogy (assuming that this is the last Iron Man).

Ben Kingsley could not have done a better job with his role as Trevor Slattery. He was hilarious.

The film itself had many clichés and we can hardly pretend that we didn't know what was going to happen, it's a super hero movie after all. So what makes this different from any other comic book brought to life on the silver screen?

Robert Downey Jr.

He is the best choice for a role that I've come across in years. I truly cannot see anyone else filling his shoes as Tony Stark. Tony Stark is an arrogant rich bastard who you will want to hate, but can't. He is the kind of man you want to punch in the face… punch again… and then kiss it better. Or if you're a straight man, reach out your hand to help him up and pad him on the shoulder. His sarcasm is perfectly timed and executed and Robert Downey Jr. seems to just naturally have that. One of the key ingredients that makes this such a MARVELous film.

Pepper Pots never came across as a helpless, defenceless woman, but in this film she really gets to show how spicy she can be, throwing all kinds of emotions at you in a single scene towards the end.

There were several moments which were suggestive teasers for the upcoming Avengers movie; Age Of Ultron. I truly cannot wait!
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Gerry (2002)
Intensely boring
10 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I can not, for the life of me, fathom how this film received so many awards. The acting was none existing, the writers must have written the whole film in less seconds then the film has minutes and each of those 103 minutes felt like an hour. Apparently I missed the deep artistic meaning behind two men, who just so happen to share the same name, end up playing douche in an over sized sandpit and get lost. Watching two men walk around aimlessly in a desert without hardly saying a word is not enough to entertain me. I experience more excitement watching the sand in an hour glass fill the bottom half. The idea of the film doesn't interest me, the writers have done nothing to make it interesting and sitting through this whole film was torture. Instead of watching the whole film, I suggest you watch the trailer. You will have seen pretty much all of the dialogue and the highlights of the film.
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Still really enjoyable
10 July 2014
Just saw this film for the first time in 10 years and I still really enjoyed it. The characters are funny, the actors are perfect for the roles they were given and the story, as often as it has been told, was well executed. The three musketeers is a story I have grown up with. I've seen and read pretty much every version out there, but this is still one of the most enjoyable versions. It is a film that you can enjoy at any time of the day. It is not a popcorn kind of film and you don't have to pay endless amounts of attention either. It is not a brain teaser. Just kick back and enjoy. You will not regret watching it if you are looking for a light hearted comedy with a pinch of drama.
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Osmosis Jones (2001)
Very nice idea, poorly executed.
10 July 2014
When I first watched this film, I thought it was amazing. I have recently seen the film again and it was rather disappointing. The idea is still really good and if they'd re-film it, use more experienced people, I think it could be really good. Although the voice actors are people I really like, the performance was very poor. It all seemed to be too amateurish. Young kids, especially the boys, will still like it because it is rather disgusting. No really, it is absolutely disgusting. Under no circumstance watch this film if you are eating. It will take your appetite away.... at very least. The best thing in the film was Bill Murray, but it's a film he could have done without.
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Apollo 18 (2011)
I found it hard to stay awake
10 July 2014
This is not a summary of the film, this is a review.

Before I watched this, I believed 2002's Gerry was the most boring film ever made. It took Hollywood 9 years to free Gerry from that title. Apollo is the most stretched out cliché story ever and without a climax to make it worth your time. The story is supposed to grab you and you are supposed to feel for the characters, but I felt nothing and people call me over sensitive. I am sure the actors are wonderful, but they did not get the chance to show their potential talents in this film. One can only hope that they'll get another chance to prove themselves because with this film on their résumé, they won't impress anyone any time soon. The only reason we watched the entire film is because a friend recommended the film to us and we were hoping the film would pick up at some point... it did not.

Spare yourself the disappointment and the realisation that you wasted 86 minutes of your life which could have been spent doing something more exciting.... like watching paint dry.
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Rambo (2008)
Rape and death
10 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers

Not sure what you can spoil about this film considering it basically is just death and rape, but there you go.

A group of idiots who think a bible and dental care is going to make a difference in a "war zone" where people are raped, tortured and killed in the most horrible ways imaginable, are taken by these charming gentlemen.

It is up to Rambo and a small group of soldiers to get them out of the mess they got themselves into. As a result a lot more people get hurt and killed.

Of course Rambo saves the day by going in guns blazing. It's a very deep and moving story, really.

It's a Rambo film and if Rambo was a word, the definition would be "blood, flying guts and death" so don't expect anything else.
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