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A blessing for my heart
17 October 2022
After watching the first season I have to say I have never seen anything quite as beautiful on screen. For me this season was magical and perfect. Every single frameshot would make an exquisite painting.

There are not many words, but in their place there's wisdom, with its simplicity, simbolism and pause. It's not dialogue or action heavy (only 2/3 battle scenes), it has a sense of airiness, spaciousness, which I absolutely love, though I know it can be an acquired taste. I enjoy having the space to digest a scene before going into a new one, I find it wholesome and healthy somehow, it feels more fulfilling at the end, like the experience of watching seeps deeper inside me.

I loved everything they did visually (the shots, costumes, sets), the actors, the characters, the pace, music, the essence of each culture, with its particular beauty and limitations. It got me curious to read the Silmarillion, the book that inspired the script, and more about the LOTR lore.

For me this is a masterpiece that got woven into my being and I know I will watch it again and again, whenever I yearn for beauty. I hope they maintain their level of dedication, as every single person involved in creating this has been so far outstanding. I'm extremely grateful for their craftsmanship!
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The Rainmaker (1997)
Nuanced and simple in all the right places
27 September 2022
Balanced is the word that comes to mind to describe this movie, and that would not ordinarily make it a 9 star in my books but the balance that shows up in this movie is the one that would in an expertly cooked classic recipe. It has all the markings of an ordinary, down to earth, heart warming court room drama, yet every element of it is perfectly flavored so the result is unexpectedly extraordinary. There is nothing flashy in it or over the top, every performance brings its own subtle charm and they melt together beautifully. Even though the characters are based on stereotypes, they are believable and nuanced enough to make you feel the person inside that box.

I've never been a fan of Matt Damon, and yet he won me over with this one, which as I learned was his first big movie - maybe this juxtaposition of the character's greenness and eagerness in his new job and his own gave this performance an authenticity I haven't seen in him before. I also especially appreciated Danny De Vito's character and delivery, the short yet outstanding role of Roy Schneider as the cold-blooded CEO and the comical moments that seemed to be aligned with the pulse of the heroes.

It's not an intellectually challenging movie, you won't be on the edge of your seat (maybe once?) and it doesn't leave you in tears either. However, there are a few hearty laughs in it and this intense feel-good sense you get from seeing people be ordinarily extraordinary. I enjoyed it.
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A story told many times, but never quite like this
24 September 2022
Watching this movie after having it on my list for such a long while was a joyous experience. It surprised me in ways I had so dearly missed being surprised by a movie, with its heart, its bursting humor and the way it immersed me in the world portrayed. Every character is a jewel, as is every cast member, but the magic is in the relationships between them, how they mirror and spark or eclipse each other is brilliantly portrayed. I especially loved the chemistry between Maggie Smith and Dame Judi Dench. The movie is delightfully pure whilst not losing its realism in depicting the times and their customs. And while the story might be similar to many others the heaven is in the details with this one. Well worth watching, if only for basking in its warmth.
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State of the Union (2019– )
I was completely surprised by how MUCH I enjoyed it
28 November 2021
I found this series brilliant - refreshing, smartly written and presented, on point and dipped in the most delicious British humor.

It's the story of a couple who've hit a tough spot and start going to a therapist. We see their interaction in the 10 minutes before going in for their weekly sessions.

In the beginning I was extremely curious about what was going on in the therapist's office, hoping we would get a peak into what was being aired in there, but as the series evolved I felt more and more pulled in by the characters, their honesty and my appreciation for what we were being shown grew.

I started noticing and loving the fact that we only see what is actually relevant, the way in which the couple's rapport evolves in real life, in between sessions, family, work and all else. I felt like we were seeing what is actually most relevant, what these two people have to say to each other when it's just the two of them. Beyond the drama and the life they've built how do they actually connect to each other, communicate, miscommunicate, what do they feel about their lives together when all is said and done?

I loved the main characters, the actors' interpretation of them, the idea, the length of the episodes, the way they related to/mirrored the other couples coming out of the therapist's office.

This series showcases beautifully, humorously and matter-of-factly subtle personal, couple dynamics that we all use to cope with life's disappointments and unexpected turns. And it does so without wasting any time ;)
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The Fall (I) (2013–2016)
For a patient viewer who wants to get immersed in a dark series it's perfect
20 September 2021
I was looking for something to pull me in and unplug me from reality and this series definitely does that. Both of the main actors were brilliant, and while from Gillian Anderson I expected, Jamie Dornan came as a surprise. I don't know how he bounced back from playing this because you could tell he went deep into the mental state of the character, especially in the last season. The first 2 seasons are pretty similar in pace and style, in darkness and detail. The 3rd one changes all of this and although I did not perceive it as being slower as many have mentioned I did find it darker, more harrowing. Most of it is spent looking at the depth and origins of the killers actions, and in a way these feel more real than the murders themselves. Whilst his actions feel far removed from daily life the experiences that shaped him as they are revealed show how the human in him got broken and then when the finale comes it hits so much harder. It's been a roller-coaster, a captivating experience and I loved it, even if it left me shaken for a couple of hours afterwards.
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Look for the directors cut or don't watch it at all
10 August 2021
I gave the 7 stars rating to the normal out of respect for the scale of the movie, the beautiful imagery and the actors performances, but watching it was an unpleasant experience. As I learned afterwards the movie was designed to last around 3 hours but the studio assumed the public wont have the patience for it and made Ridley Scott shorten it, taking out 40 mins worth of bits and pieces out to make it more accessible. That made the whole film feel incomplete, incoherent, frustrating. The full movie released as the directors cut has a completely different flow and depth - it is beautiful, poetic and a joy to immerse in, it would deserve 9 stars. It is known to be the most different version of a movie ever released in a directors cut, so do yourself the favor of watching that one.
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Ignore the low rating, it's superb
31 July 2021
After watching it I was saddened by the low rating of the movie. It is a wonderful package, it's real, mature, naturally funny, relatable, easy-going and profound. It is a movie that really celebrates life with all its unexpected twists and I loved everything about it.
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It truly feels like an original, there's nothing like it
22 March 2021
I postponed watching this for a year or so thinking it will be a teenage version of yet another fluffy idiotic glorification of psychopaths. I was wrong. The series is dark, bleak enough to give me chills but it is brilliantly done so it kept me watching. It portrays vividly the inner worlds of its protagonists while they go through the gruesome, confusing process of figuring out who they are in the midst of extreme circumstances to say the least. The main characters are immensely well made and played, the plot is unexpected, interestingly paced and the writing is naturally humorous, it never feels like it's trying to be, it just it. What I loved about it is that it truly feels like an original, there is nothing like it, it doesn't look or sound like anything else I've seen. P. S. I found season 2 just as good as 1 and it wraps everything up nicely.
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Devs (2020)
It's... Something
13 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This series has something particular about it, like a personality of its own. I appreciated the music immensely, it felt like a character in the show, like it did more than set atmosphere... It spoke. My experience with the show was not very straightforward, I got bored at times, it didn't quite move me but I still found it interesting and more than that, in a way representative. While watching I knew that there is a quite big number of people, who are out of my bubble of interaction, who see this as a masterpiece and I felt like I am connecting with them through this. There are many themes in the series, predeterminism, free will, technology, multiverse, sacrifice etc, but what is unique about this work is the state it induces while you're watching as if you are in a simulation watching in on the real world. I know it sounds weird but if you watch it till the end it makes sense. It induces a sort of numbness, which is why I think they chose an actress who could portray emotions in a minimalist way to say so. I believe every decision on this series was made purpusefully to serve the themes they portrayed, so rather than liking or not liking watching this became an exercise in understanding, taking in this different way of perceiving and seeing what it says about this whole group of people whom I don't get to interact with and how they see the world, where they see I heading.
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Vividly disturbing and brilliant
26 January 2021
I found it an equally disturbing and brilliant picture. The main characters are brought to life painfully well by Woody Harrelson and Courtney Love. The madness, the drug addiction, their compulsions and progressing degradation are hard to watch because the actors display it so vividly and charismatically. I couldn't take my eyes off the screen, it was hypnotizing, like a slow-motion car crash with many parts involved. Reading about the reality that inspired the movie afterwards I found out the modicum of lucidity and respectability present in the film was pretty much added to create a stronger bond with the characters. The court scenes are used as a decorum to illustrate the state of the characters though, more than making Flynt a free speech hero I'd say, for me this movie was more a picture of human decay than a piece of law history, like I've read people expected it to be. In any case for me it was a fascinating, whilst admittedly emotionally draining, watch that I don't regret a minute of.
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A new classic with a geniusly balanced performance from Edward Noron
17 January 2021
This is a movie to be watched when you're in the mood for a new classic, when you're open to receive it because like most brilliant movies it demands something from its viewers, it doesn't just give, it's an exchange and you have to be up to get in it. Edward Norton as always elevates the material he approaches, he brings a whole new class to it, there is something in the way he puts on his characters till they live in his bones that is hypnotizing to watch. The whole cast plays beautifully, the music completes everything very sensually and it all comes together seamlessly. Even with all this going for it, I'd say this movies' strongest atribute is its tone - there is nothing loud or vulgar in it, it never screams for the viewers' attention, it simply evokes it, awakens it in you through its humanity, passion, humor and intelligence. For me this created a sense of connection, timelessness, a lack of gravity, like I had nowhere to go or be and the most natural thing was to just live in the movie. Safe to say I loved the experience of watching this movie. I'm always immensely grateful when I find something so beautifully done.
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Soul (2020)
Most probably the best movie of 2020
17 January 2021
In a year when people got to face themselves more than ever this movie sheds light on the miracle of living. It is a story of awakening to life's meaning and now more than ever it's important for us all to remember. I am overjoyed that this movie exists, that it got made at this time and I hope it reaches as many souls as possible. We all get lost in our experiences on this planet and having a lighthouse to help us remember why we came here to begin with is invaluable. Thank you so much for making this!
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25th Hour (2002)
A very good movie with a great ending
11 January 2021
Sadly it's rare feet in any type of artform for the ending to elevate a piece of work, but I believe it's true when it comes to this movie. The performances are nuanced and beautiful throughout, the sound - music, bird chirping, dog barks- sets the mood vividly and there is a monologue bit that is memorable. There is not much going against this movie and if you miss seeing a solid quality film like I did tonight, odds are this will scratch that itch.
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I hoped it was a poorly understood movie..
11 January 2021
It's not. The only explanation I can find for the way the movie ended up is bad editing. It feels like a mash-up of sequences from 5 different movies, each one on its own of decent quality but alltogether going nowhere. The characters emotions and their relationships to each other are the real mistery in this movie. Any sense of closeness, sadness, intimacy, motivation portrayed aptly by the actors seems out of place, you constantly feel like you must have missed something or some important information was left out - it simply doesn't add up. It's honestly not worth the time or even the curiosity, it's not spectacularly bad just strangely alienating.
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Des (2020)
A masterpiece of human horror
4 January 2021
I don't see what anyone could fault this film with. It looks at the ugliest humanity has to offer in such a comprehensive, clear, almost clinical way you couldn't help but be mesmerized. It is not emotional in a way, just shocking - it has none of the added drama, frills or explanations most series and films have accostumed us with. It is a horrifying story displayed perfectly and left to the audience to ponder, digest, interpret. It does none of the work for the viewer which I absolutely loved. There are some scenes with David Tennant's character walking away, we only see his back and his posture alone would be worthy of an Oscar. All the actors have been terrific in carrying their role in the story and showing a different face of the events. That being said, the level of embodiment of a character one needs to accomplish what Tennant has in this series is out of this world. I had goosebumps for the whole first episode (granted, I knew nothing of the story beforehand). This is truly a story masterfully told and acted from every point of view.
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Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
One of the most profound TV series ever made
24 October 2020
This show is so good I lost the review I had just finished writing and I am writing it again from memory.

I just finished balling over the finale, which is probably the most beautifully perfect ending of any series ever.

The only thing I remember thinking during it was how incredible it is that someone can create such characters that whilst being played by actors feel more alive than 80% of the actual people walking the streets.

That's what I would say is magic of this show, that no matter how lost each of the characters gets in their experiences, they never lose their soul, they come back to their essence, they keep on living, they don't give up on themselves. And the finale really showcased that.

I loved many things about this series: the fact that it went head in with death, such a present theme in all our lives that we try so hard to ignore, the humor, the way it showcases many different points of view on life, God, meaning etc and lets the viewer make up his own mind.

Even the one thing that bothered me was part of something I loved: at some point watching the characters repeat their patterns over and over again got heavy, difficult to watch, which is a tribute to how real they managed to make it.
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Glory (1989)
Denzel shows his genius in this beautifully sad movie
8 October 2020
I don't generally enjoy war movies, but this one was different. It has something so universal about it, it speaks so simply and openly of our humanity, our conscience and our history as a race, that it pulled me in from the beginning. What made me stay though was Denzel Washington's performance. It was excellent in every way: deep, grasping, powerful and moving to the core. I was in awe of him - he was impeccable in every scene and made the movie shine, gave it the strength, the oomph it needed to be a memorable piece.
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Pleasantville (1998)
Insightful, beautiful, transformative, touching
21 July 2020
I have seen a couple of reviews politicizing this movie and that doesn't do it justice. This film doesn't have an agenda, it doesn't promote liberal or conservative values, it is just a portrait of the relationship humanity has with CHANGE. It simply shows how people react to it in others, in themselves, in society. This is about opening to life, about being flexible in the face of newness, not throwing traditions away. If you take the movie as a metaphor, which seems to be how it was intended, color, as a character here, simply stands for richness of new experiences. I'd say this is a movie for anyone who is open to being moved, it is soulful, bright and an instant classic. Loved it!
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The Giver (2014)
A romanticized Hollywood-ized version of the book
16 July 2020
Having read the book quite recently the essence of it, as I perceived it, is still fresh. I would rate the book an 8/10 - I truly enjoyed and respected it, but I am not a hardcore fan.

That being said, the main pylons of its plot are all here, in the movie, but the way they are presented and put together feels... wrong, the message is watered down. It loses its spark of genius, it lacks its original depth - which is highly ironic as depth of feeling is one of the main themes.

The book was a multi-faceted pondering on what makes us human, whilst the movie is more like a spoon fed adequately-acted pleasantly-displayed conclusion. All the same elements are there and the elements are beautiful on their own, of course, but they didn't elevate nor meet the material provided, instead they made it a cheesy simplistic version of itself.

With a different adaptation watching this movie really could have been, should have been a memorable experience.🙃 Safe to say this was not.
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Altered Carbon (2018–2020)
The difference between seasons 1 and 2
23 May 2020
Season 1 is good but it is violent, gory at times without reason, in a way they are putting form over substance, which makes it lose its edge, its heart, its core. Not repeating that mistake makes season 2 great. If you can pace yourself there is plenty to take in and ponder...if you see it all in one sitting, you'll definitely need a second viewing for everything layed before you to really seep in.

It shows with great clarity the consequences of human recklessness and the loss of self when one gives course to the unquenchable thirst for power. It brings to the forefront the essence and dynamics of consciousness, mind, humanity, matter, which are especially relevant now with the age of A.I right around the corner. Simply put it explores the song's question 'Who wants to live forever?' in a mirriad of fascinating, even if at times convoluted, ways.
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Valeria (2020–2024)
The first season - fresh, enjoyable and sensual
13 May 2020
It's fresh, even with all the twists and turns, the drama, if you will, it keeps a rythm that doesn't encourage 'overemotionality' - it doesn't feel like it pulls at your heart strings to 'get you', it just shows life stories. I loved the music and the editing especially - it really gives the series its own unique vibe, which in an era of fast food tv is quite an accomplishment. Some mentioned it is similar to sex in the city, and it is in that the characters are believable, the actors have chemistry with each other, it has a distinct personality and there is an ease to it, a sense of humor that accompanies all the ups and downs of their personal lives. I also enjoyed the fact that it has a certain simplicity to it, without being shallow, and that the (many) sex/love scenes are sensual, real and beautifully filmed.
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A touching movie experience
9 May 2020
Not having seen the original, not knowing this is a remake, judging it on its merits alone I found it an extraordinary achievement in cinema. In terms of acting Denzel Washington, Liev Schreiber and Meryl Streep knocked it out of the park. They were all superb in their own right. The theme of bioengineering is so present nowadays, as we are pretty much on the verge of brain implants, that it shudders one to think this was in the books even 16 years ago. It makes the movie a cautionary tale of sorts, as it is not so removed from reality now as it might have seemed when it was launched. They deal beautifully with the theme of free will and the capacity humans have for overriding and overcoming their own brain chemistry. If the theme were different maybe it would have been just a good political thriller but seeing how we might soon all have a choice to make on receiving this kind of outside interference into our body, its relevance amplifies the movies quality as a whole making it a touching movie experience.
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Surprisingly good production
7 May 2020
I noticed I tend to leave reviews for the cinema works that surprise me and this is definitely one of those. Going into a 6.4 starred movie I expected something...just decent. From the first couple of minutes I knew it was more than that due to the filming and the music which were outstanding and drew me in immediately. Another impressive aspect was the depth and accuracy with which trauma's impact on people was depicted. ALL the characters and their motivations were interesting and potrayed vividly by the actors - which is quite a feat. I really enjoyed this movie and was pleasantly surprised by its level of quality, realism and depth.
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Sergio (2009)
Heart breaking and very well put together
20 April 2020
I am not a big fan of documentaries, somehow I generally feel there is enough concreteness in the world and I prefer to be in fantasy for a while when I watch something. I made an exception watching this as I had first seen the feature film describing the life of Sergio, which was released in 2020 on Netflix, and was fascinated with the life and philosophy of this man. I knew I was in for a sad and beautiful ride going in. I found however that the principles, the camaraderie, the passion in Sergio's life exposed in this documentary did sweeten the blow of the end I knew was coming. Of course it is difficult to know a man...even when you actually know him, not to mention after his death and through a video, but that being said they certainly managed to catch the essence of what he was to the people around him. There is a sense of the values his life brought to the forefront and I guess one can only hope we all leave a bit of that behind when we go.
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Alien Code (2018)
29 August 2019
I was recommended this movie and as I skipped through it before watching I thought it's gonna be bad. Not in the least. The movie starts quite bluntly and continues in the same manner. It's as if a friend was telling you a story, the unpretentious way it is filmed + minimal special effects makes it feel very real, like the action was taking place in the next room. I loved the depth of the movie and what it brings out. Not even sure if it's a sci-fi movie or just a version of something we might also live through seeing how consciousness and robots are about to come face to face in the near future. If you pay attention it's not just a movie, but a message. The movie is the envelope, the delivery of the message to our awareness and it is a beautiful way to receive it. The main actor is spectacular in his portrayal of the character, really sells the whole thing.
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