
18 Reviews
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Bad Ronald (1974 TV Movie)
VERY Scary and Badly In Need of a Theatrical Remake!
10 September 2011
I watched this TV movie when it premiered in 1974. I was eleven at the time, and it was one of the creepiest movies I'd ever seen at that point! It was rerun quite often over the years and I always watched it if possible.

Just imagine: Moving into a new home but totally unaware that an insane young man is also living there in a hidden room, coming out only at night to raid your fridge for nourishment! Doesn't sound scary? Well here I am thirty-seven years after I first viewed it writing a review about how frightening it was! And by reading the other reviews here, many viewers seem to have felt the same.

And now that another early seventies TV creepfest, Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark, has been remade for theatrical release, maybe Bad Ronald should be given a chance too. The phrase "Made for TV" has the stigma of being less viewer-worthy of the same movie made for theaters. Not here. Watch Bad Ronald and prepare to be scared!
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Kiddie Kure (1940)
A Rare MGM Our Gang Short Worth Seeing
31 May 2011
Despite the mannered performances of both the kids and the adults, this Our Gang short proves that with a little extra effort, the cronies at MGM could produce a short worthy of the Our Gang legacy. With no morals or wartime propaganda to contend with, this mostly funny film centers on action, and lots of it! Alfalfa was a teenager by now, and this was his final Our Gang short. He was responsible for lots of laughs during his five year tenure with the series, and it's a shame his career never really took off after this, but at least he went out on an up note. The real mystery is why MGM couldn't see the advantages of films like this over their preachy "I'm gonna teach these kids a lesson." nightmares that eventually led to the series' demise.
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The Worst Our Gang "comedy" Ever Made!
31 May 2011
I've been a huge Our Gang fan since childhood, and at 47 years of age, I still am. Some of their films are small masterpieces of comedy. But by 1943 when this short was cranked out, all the elements that made the series a success had long been abandoned. More than just embarrassingly unfunny, this short is sad to watch. Making wartime sacrifices isn't a humorous subject to begin with, and throwing in uninspired writing and dreadfully delivered dialog from the kids is just sickening to watch. It's hard to fathom why the powers at MGM would allow this classic series to degenerate into trash like this! You can't even classify this in the "it's so bad it's good" category! This is again, nothing but sad.
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The Music Box (1932)
Thirty Minutes Of Comic Genius!
1 February 2010
My uncle introduced me to Laurel and Hardy when I was just eight years old. He used to show The Music Box on his Super8 movie projector. I laughed then as a young child and today at 46 years of age I'm still laughing! Even those whose memory of L&H has faded over these many years still remember those steps! I call this movie "Laurel and Hardy vs The Steps!" Such a simple comic idea milked to perfection! Show this movie to a bunch of young kids and watch what happens! Even the most boisterous youngster will be glued to the screen for half an hour! Comedy like this is nonexistent today. Stan and Ollie were so good at what they did because they had a genuine sense of good humor and the fact that they were best buds in real life. RIP Guys, and thanks for so many wonderful years of laughs!
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Salem's Lot (1979)
You Won't Want To Turn Off The Lights!
25 November 2009
I saw this movie when it first premiered on TV in 1979. At that time I was 16 years old and staying alone at my grandmother's house while she was in the hospital. I was never scared of the dark, even as a child, but after watching Salem's Lot I didn't want to turn off the lights! There are enough scares in this film to fill up five movies! Many years after first watching it, some scenes remain so vivid in my mind. Newly transformed vampire Danny Glick scratching at his best friend's bedroom window trying to get in was one of them. And how about the vampire in the upstairs bedroom sitting in the rocking chair? The buildup to that scene is simply fabulous! Although this was "only" a made for TV movie, it's head and tails better than many theatrical releases. In fact, I wonder why director Tobe Hooper wasn't hired to direct this as a theatrical film. If you're a horror movie fan and you've never seen this, you owe it to yourself to do so. Satisfaction guaranteed!
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Harum Scarum (1965)
A Tragic Waste Of A Great Talent
25 November 2009
Being a huge Presley fan, it is absolutely depressing to see Elvis appear in such blatant nonsense as this. It's obvious why Elvis hated most of the movies he appeared in, and Harum Scarum has to be his worst film, hands down. The acting is terrible, as is the plot and songs. It's a shame Presley spent most of the 60s wasting his time on crap like this when he could've used his talent to create more great music or at least appear in films that warranted some merit. Unfortunately much of the blame has to lie with Elvis himself. Had he stood his ground and refused to take part in movies this bad, he may have dug his way out of the comedy/musical grind. But then, you can't really call this a comedy musical either, because it isn't funny and the music stinks!
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Never Knew A Tree Stump Could Be So Funny!
25 November 2009
This movie is ultra low budget, has ultra low budget acting, and ultra low budget special effects, even for 1957. And the storyline is perhaps the most ridiculous in the history of the cinema. Why then would I grace this movie with an "average" five star rating? Quite simply, it is hilarious! Come on, you have to admire any filmmakers nerve when he makes a movie about a walking killer tree stump! The only thing that comes close in my mind is the killer bulldozer aka "Killdozer" from the mid seventies. Watching the murderous tree stump lumbering across a field in search of prey is about the funniest thing in my movie memory. I first saw this film sometime in the seventies on one of those late night horror film festivals, and I'll never forget it! How can something so bad feel so good?
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Funnier Every Time You See It!
26 August 2009
This movie just grew on me. The first time I saw it the only part I laughed at was the Chinese food drive-thru scene, which made me laugh so hard it hurt. Having seen it quite a few times since (my kids watch it over and over) I now find most of the movie to be quite amusing. Yes the film is stupid, but deliberately so. Giving this film a bad review must mean you lack a sense of humor. No wonder it's developed a cult following. I can just imagine how much fun the actors and crew had making it. Life's too short to take everything so seriously all the time. This movie proves that a little idiocy is good for everyone! I guess you could say this is a slightly watered down modern day version of Cheech and Chong.
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A Little Known, And Vastly Underrated Romance
8 June 2009
I was vacationing in Ocean City, Maryland when this film was being made. I remember hearing on the radio that the production crew was looking for background extras for some early scenes in the film. I wish I had tried out for one! I have always had a soft spot in my heart for this film, not simply because I love Ocean City, but because this movie is proof that a simple story, told with honest sincerity, can rise head and shoulders above flashy production values and overblown dramatics. Spacek and Klein do quite well with their lead roles. Low-key dramas like this seem more down to Earth because this is how real people such as ourselves would act in similar situations. By wisely omitting any shots of the many high rise condominiums of northern Ocean City, the filmmakers have done an excellent job of portraying this as a small coastal town. If romantic sentimentality is not your thing, you'll probably yawn through this movie. But if you're the type of person to often look back and wonder "what if," then Violets Are Blue is certainly worth your time.
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Cape Fear (1991)
A Superior, Riveting Thriller!
17 May 2009
I won't go into the plot details of the film. Chances are most people reading this are already familiar with this often parodied thriller/horror classic. I saw this movie at my local theater three times upon it's release. I was overwhelmed by the nerve-wracking tension and impending doom director Scorcesse creates. As the film progresses you feel like the walls are closing in not only on the characters on screen, but as you, the viewer, as well. Yes, some of it is over the top. And the scene where the villain attaches himself to the underside of the fleeing family's SUV has "implausibilty" written all over it. But those minor annoyances aside, this is one thriller that grabs you from the first frame and squeezes tighter with each passing minute!
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Prime Elvis Before His Downfall
5 May 2009
This is classic Presley during the peak of his all too short comeback. This was filmed mostly in Las Vegas before his emotional problems and drug abuse had taken their toll. His talents as a showman are evident throughout, and he has enough charisma and sexuality for ten men. For those of you not fortunate enough to see Elvis live, this is probably the next best thing. The special edition DVD eliminates the sometimes embarrassing fan comments of the original film and replaces them with additional performances and some extra backstage material, which is, after all, the main reason to see this movie. It's a shame Elvis wasted so many years in Hollywood making cut-rate films when he could have been performing live or at least producing quality movies like this. If you're just one of those people who knows Elvis simply because he is an icon who is an integral part of our society, then watch this film. Afterwards you'll see why they call him The King!
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Rebecca (1940)
Stylishly Eerie And Amazingly Well Executed
5 May 2009
I've never been a big fan of Alfred Hitchcock, but his Rebecca is simply hard to fault. Even if you aren't a vintage movie buff, you owe it to yourself to see this film. Joan Fontaine is stunningly beautiful as the new Mrs. DeWinter and Laurence Olivier is charming but cold as her new husband. Judith Anderson as the sinister housekeeper is a performance that must be seen to be fully appreciated. The production is flawless and the trademark Hitchcock use of light and shadows to create an eerie atmosphere is truly a work of fine art. I first saw this movie on late night TV when I was a teenager, and I've seen it probably twenty times since then. This is one movie I will never tire of. There simply isn't enough praise for this film! This is a must-see motion picture. The mystery is enthralling, right up to the last frame.
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Pulse (I) (2006)
Can't Understand Why More People Don't Like This Movie
5 May 2009
This American horror film, shot in Romania, is one of the better movies of it's kind during the last several years. But I seem to be in a minority here as most viewers don't seem to share my opinion. The movie kept me interested all the way through and most of all, I thought it was scary. There's nothing worse than a horror film that doesn't scare you. {Anyone see "Boogeyman" lately?} I've heard the movie was hard to follow. Funny, I had no problem knowing what was going on. The special effects are very creepy. I'd rate this movie higher than "The Grudge" or even "The Ring," which are two other recent movies in this mold that were more popular but much harder to follow and not as scary. The overall look of the film is dark, bleak, and foreboding. But that may have more to do with being filmed in Romainia rather than the filmmakers overt attempt to make it appear that way. Either way, it adds to the creepiness of the movie. Give Pulse a try. It's so much better than what you've heard.
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Lorenzo's Oil (1992)
A Monumental Motion Picture
4 May 2009
This is a motion picture unlike any other I've ever seen. I highly recommend the film, yet this is not an easy movie to watch. It depicts human suffering in such a brutal and forthright manner that it's hard to believe it received only a PG-13 rating. After viewing this film I felt tired and wrung-out, which just goes to show how the family who experienced this in real life must have felt. The movie is not so much about the little boy Lorenzo, suffering from a 100% fatal illness, but rather his parents' dogged determination to find a cure, despite stern opposition from the medical community and other parents who have basically given up hope. It raises the question of whether research money should be spent on finding the cure for a rare disease that effects relatively few people, or rather using that money for finding a cure for a more common disease that effects millions. There have been many good movies made about the triumph of the human will over a fatal illness, but Lorenzo's Oil has so much more to offer than that. But even though the movie has a relatively "happy" ending, getting there is certainly not a comfortable ride.
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One Of The Best, But Lesser Known Elvis Flicks
4 May 2009
I am a huge Elvis fan, but even I admit most of his movies were dreadful, and that's being kind. This one is a pleasant exception. Not only is it quite funny at times, but the songs in the film are well above average for a Presley movie, and Elvis himself looks and acts better than in the seven or so films that preceded it. He has a natural flair for comedy, as anyone will know who has seen his earlier film from 1962 "Follow That Dream," which was another under-appreciated Elvis film. He acts more grown up and the situations he's thrust into have a much more adult theme than in his previous efforts. By the time this film was released, these points were lost to most critics, who dismissed it as just another infantile Elvis musical. That's a shame, because it deserved a wider audience than it received.
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A Very Disappointing Sequel
4 May 2009
I was a huge fan of the first movie. I thought it was one of the scariest horror films of the last ten years. I eagerly awaited the release of the sequel, knowing that in most cases, sequels don't live up to the potential of the first movie. "But how much worse can it be?" I asked myself. As it turns out, a LOT worse. Not only are the scares much less in existence, the actions and constant bickering of the central characters are irritating to a fault. You wish the Creeper would just finish everyone off, once and for all. The constant tension that was so evident in the first movie is never developed here. There are no chances taken here. Just a run of the mill horror film with a couple decent scares and nothing new to contribute. Stick to the first film and forget about this one.
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A Very Good Fright Flick
4 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Not only is Jeepers Creepers downright scary at times, it is also lots of fun to watch. I'm not one to pick a horror movie apart at the seams, because this genre tends to have plenty of implausibilities simply for the sake of a good scary story line. We've come to expect that from films like this. Director Victor Salva presents us with one of the most frightening opening sequences in recent memory, and the fear and tension are kept at a maximum during the entire film. There's no gradual buildup here as in so many horror films. I've heard several people tell me they liked the movie until the Creeper creature showed up, but then they lost interest. Not me. The Creeper is one of the more imaginative movie monsters of recent years. The photography is another plus. Very good use of light and shadows. All in all this is a horror flick that is head and shoulders above most.
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The Majestic (2001)
One Of The Best Movies I've Ever Seen
4 May 2009
If you've read a bad review on this movie, don't believe it! I was not a big fan of Jim Carey before this film but now I certainly am. He, along with everyone else in the film are excellent, but the story itself, while a tad bit far-fetched, is what did it for me. If you can get over that one small flaw, this is a movie that will lift your spirits and make you feel good about the country we live in. Although the movie is very long, it held my attention all the way through. If you aren't usually a fan of feel good movies, give this one a try anyway. This film is just one more reason why a bad movie review should be ignored until you have the chance to judge for yourself.
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