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The Devils (1971)
I didn't think anything could make me hate religion even more, but...
28 December 2023
... this film did. There's no denying that it's an incredibly well-made and superbly acted work, but after seeing it for the first time in over 50 years, I felt unclean.

I've long believed that no act of perversion, sadism or sheer cruelty depicted on film could never have been carried out somewhere in real life. For there is demonstrably simply no limit to human depravity and sheer evil.

It's also a core belief of mine that religion through the ages has always been nothing but a way for the most useless, parasitic, bullying and simply vile people to gain power and control over the masses. Witness the unimaginable wealth of the so-called Christian churches, extorted from their sheep-like followers over the centuries. And the appalling torture and murder of those who displeased them, or challenged their power. And the intolerance and bestial savagery practised by Islam to this very day.

Yes, a brilliant film, but a terrible indictment of the human race. It makes me prouder than ever to declare myself: A HARDLINE ATHEIST.
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27 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Most modern horror films are much the same: get a bunch of totally repellent characters together, make most of the audience hate them immediately, and start killing them off. This example fits the pattern so perfectly it's impossible to find a single fault. So what do a group of Gen Z morons trapped on a bus by a chainsaw-wielding maniac do? Film said maniac with their smartphones, naturally, and threaten him with being cancelled. At this point I literally burst out laughing. And the subsequent butchery fest was everything I'd hoped for. Brilliant special effects - you could almost believe people were really being dismembered, decapitated and cut in half.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Revolting and depressing, with a horrible message
15 October 2021
Three stars because of Phoenix's acting, which was quite breathtaking. But overall this is a hideous film, devoid of morality or simple human decency. Kill the rich and make society better... great message, folks. And including a Gary Glitter 'song'? For pity's sake - there's so much wonderful music been produced over the last 60 years, so why use something by that foul apology for a human being? The number of rave reviews for this mess is worrying.
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2012 (I) (2009)
A joke - a very bad one
11 October 2021
Probably the worst 'major' film ever made. Where does one start? The soap opera dialogue... the ludicrous escapes in various vehicles, inches ahead of fissures, collapsing buildings, tsunamis... the offensive suggestion that HM Queen Elizabeth II would desert her country to save her own skin (and those of her corgis)... the other bloody dog... the ghastly Russian brats... and perhaps the most ridiculous aspect of all. I refer to the notion that the Chinese would build those enormous arks and then let a SINGLE non-member of the Chinese Communist Party on board. In fact a far better ending would have been for American submarine commanders to ultimatum: Let everyone else on board or we nuke them all. Then the Chinese call their bluff, and the only survivors in the entire world are those on the subs. Plus some dog. This may sound silly, but it would be far better than this very bad joke of a film. Avoid.
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Preposterous, baffling, but fun
28 November 2020
You always know what to expect in an M.I. film - ludicrous chases, characters surviving lethal situations almost unmarked when they should be reduced to bloody pulp, mind-boggling technology... and it's always highly entertaining. This time, however, the plot was so convoluted I simply gave up, knowing there would more high-adrenalin fun coming up soon. See it, but shut down part of your brain!
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The Simpsons: The Color Yellow (2010)
Season 21, Episode 13
One of their unwatchable PC episodes
11 June 2020
Hideous, saccharine-sweet drivel. "So that's why I'm so cool!" - ugh. All I'd ever say to someone who'd somehow never seen The Simpsons is, when they stick to being funny they're unbeatable. When they start the right-on politically correct crap they're unwatchable.
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Darkest Hour (2017)
Outstanding but flawed by PC
10 May 2020
A fine portrayal of the greatest-ever Briton during what was indeed the country's darkest hour. But why oh WHY do modern film makers have to include scenes in 'factual' pictures that are ludicrously obvious fiction? The scene on the tube train most certainly fell into this category, and it was compounded by the inevitable political correctness. The chances of seeing a black person on the tube in those days were small, and those of said person apparently having a classical education vanishingly so. I long to see a film one day which does not insult the intelligence of its audience.
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So brilliant I felt unclean
5 March 2020
It's a hallmark of great acting that after a fine performance you have to remind yourself it WAS only acting. This film had that effect on me - the portrayals of some utterly loathsome 'people' were so intense I felt unclean just watching them. It wasn't just Kennedy himself, foul apology for a human being that he was. Those comprising the political machine surrounding him were shown to be horrifyingly amoral. No-one was concerned about poor Mary Jo or her family - it was all 'How can we minimise the damage to Ted's career after this comes out?' All right, so some of it was speculation, but it was all totally believable. The most chilling moment: Joseph Kennedy on the phone when first told of the accident, croaking out the word 'alibi'. And of course the spin machine did a superb job. 'Oh yes, I'd definitely vote for him...' 'Yes, I think he should be President...' You can fool some of the people all of the time... By far the best political film I've ever seen. Should have won some Oscars, but the very idea in modern day America is laughable.
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The Simpsons: The Winter of His Content (2014)
Season 25, Episode 14
Vile, repellent episode
21 February 2020
This may really be the Worst Simpsons Episode Ever. No redeeming features, just the bullies and the repellent old fogeys. When this show is funny, it's unbeatable. When it comes over all revoltingly PC, it's unwatchable. This is neither, unless you count the makers' excuses in a previous episode for the bullies being what they are - abuse and neglect, never being just plain evil - as political correctness. Don't waste your time on this dreck.
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21 March 2019
Far and away the best rock film I've seen. The re-staging of Live Aid took my breath away. Apart from Roger Taylor appearing to be about 17 all through, the characterisations were totally convincing. In fact I'm convinced Brian May played himself (extraordinary what hair dye & a bit of makeup can do!) And they made my day by leaving out of 'Hammer to Fall' the line I hate more than any other - "Just surrender and it won't hurt at all." Communism was directly responsible for the deaths of at least 100 million people, so actually, Brian, it would have hurt rather a lot.
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Loved it!
15 January 2019
Come on, be honest. Haven't most of us always wanted to fire a tear gas (or worse) missile at a bunch of bl**dy cyclists taking up most of the road? This is just one of a continuous sequence of laugh-out-loud situations in which our insipid hero finds himself. My other favourite was the virtual reality scene, which was both hilarious and original (must admit I don't go to the flicks very often these days, so it may have been done before). Atkinson put in what I thought was his best J.E. performance by far, and Emma Thompson was also brilliant as Teresa M.... OOPS... the British Prime Minister. Don't expect any of the 'sophistication' of the Bond films, although it's far better than any of Roger Moore's atrocities. Great fun.
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An Inspector Calls (2015 TV Movie)
"You Don't Get Rich By Being Nice' Shock
25 June 2018
Leftie socialist claptrap. All right, not in keeping with majority opinion, but that's always been my forte.

The story is set in 1912. Life was hard for unqualified working people, and a lot better for employers, especially owners of large and successful businesses. That's how it was, and always has been. If you don't like it, tough - leave, and someone will take your place.

The characters... tired cliches to a man and woman. So rich b*tches tended, and still tend, to look down on poor working girls. Not exactly a shattering revelation, is it? So rich young men tended, and still tend, to take advantage of pretty, vulnerable young women. YAWN.

And as for that ridiculous 'no man is an island' drivel at the end... do me a favour. The vast majority are concerned only with themselves, their families, and their own kind. In that order. Avoid this nonsense at all costs.

I could hardly believe that the original play was first performed in 1945 in MOSCOW! The fact this was allowed to happen just shows how many 'useful idiots' still infested the British Establishment back then. Plus the lingering euphoria of our very own Glorious Socialist Revolution the electorate had just ushered in, after apparently taking leave of its senses.
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Duel (1971 TV Movie)
Rule One: Never disappoint your audience
9 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
(MAJOR SPOILER) Yes, Mr Spielberg, and I really mean DISAPPOINT. When you make a 90-minutes or so film showing a prolonged conflict between a good (if totally wimpoid) character and another displaying unmitigated evil, then most of your audience will want to see the latter die, preferably in as horrific a manner as possible. Well, I certainly will anyway. So what did you do? Have a crazed lorry driver, in a vehicle conspicuously marked 'FLAMMABLE', spend half a day trying to kill Joe Ordinary by forcing his car off the road, then eventually going off the road himself (in slo-mo... yawn) but the lorry NOT exploding and the driver NOT burning to death. In fact we're not even sure he died at all. I was more than half expecting said maniac to suddenly appear behind the 'hero' right at the end. I can only assume he didn't because even Spielberg must have a cliché limit - the wheel spinning after the crash made my jaw drop in sheer disbelief. Absolutely the WORST film I've ever spent money on. The only atrocity that would have beaten it was 'Mama Mia', and my wife bought that!
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Help! (1965)
Beyond bad
11 September 2009
This film is truly horrible. The 'script' could have been written by a ten-year old, the 'plot' is toe-curlingly, embarrassingly, pitiful, and the Beatles couldn't act to save their lives. Many of the shots are pointless, and I include the musical sequences. At least the songs are as good as you'd expect, highlights being 'You've Got To Hide Your Love Away', 'The Night Before', and of course the title track. The film does achieve something though. It makes the later TV series featuring The Monkees look like masterpieces of visual entertainment, and that's no mean feat. Avoid at all costs - just stick to the music. It's what they did best.
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This is why the world hates America
23 March 2009
Preposterous, repulsive, mindless Yank trash. You lot just don't get it, do you? Sewage like this is the main reason we hate you so much - your sickening, blinkered love affair with yourselves and your stubborn refusal to credit any other nation with any good points at all. Spielberg even had to drop in a disparaging comment about Field Marshal Montgomery, who is still a national hero in England. I'm thankful none of the money I spent on this filth (a pound in a charity shop) will find its way into American pockets. Incidentally, I can't agree with those criticising the portrayal of the Germans. Whether or not individuals were keen to be in occupied countries is irrelevant - they all bore some responsibility for laying waste a whole continent and the murder or enslavement of its population. I've felt for years that the whole of Germany should have been handed over to the Russians in 1945 - they'd have handed out adequate punishment.
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Braveheart (1995)
A vile, hateful film
23 January 2009
Mel Gibson is an evil, racist piece of scum. Go on then, politically-correct establishment - track me down and prosecute me. I suggest in the interests of fair play (something we English still set a little store by) you should haul Gibson into the dock too. This disgusting film should have been banned. It's extremely telling that it won all those Oscars - try making a film or TV show in America without some black characters, or refusing to wear an AIDS ribbon (to express support for 'victims' of an almost totally self-inflicted disease) when it's pressed on you, and you'll never work again. But slandering the English at every opportunity is OK. Well, for your information, racists, we've had enough. Watch out for the British National Party in forthcoming elections. Tomorrow is ours.
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Contains a great stunt
23 January 2009
Not quite Norman's best film, but it has plenty of great comic moments. Stanley Unwin's contribution in his inimitable gibberish (you can in fact follow the meaning if you listen very carefully!) is brilliant as always. Frances White gives a lovely performance as Liz. She may not have been as 'attractive' as Norman's primary love-interest Eleanor, but she turns out a much more worthy character. The seaside locations are beautiful (I must visit Teignmouth one day). And the condemnation of tinpot local politicians is perfect, and should be seen more often. For me, though, the supreme glory of 'Press For Time' is Norman's stunt when he visits the Mayor's house. Liz's mother introducing him to her daughter, while he's hanging from the chandelier, is a truly unforgettable moment in British cinema.
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Ed Wood (1994)
Beautiful - apart from the 'strong language'
6 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK, call me a prude, but I absolutely DETEST what the BBC pompously refers to as 'strong language'. For 'strong', read 'foul'. And in 95% of cases, totally unnecessary. Because 'Ed Wood' is a superb film, easily Depp's best performance (and incidentally serves the very useful purpose of making the POTC series look even worse than they actually are). But Lugosi seemingly uttering at least one profanity in every line comes close to ruining it.

Right - let's get positive. Depp brilliantly captures Wood's indestructible self-belief, the conviction that what he was 'creating' was not only worthwhile, but a series of artistic triumphs. One can only speculate what must have gone through poor Ed's mind in the last days of his life, living in poverty, abandoned by almost everyone. That's why the most vivid memory 'Ed Wood' holds for me is its celebration of friendship - which, after family, is surely the most beautiful and precious thing in life. That bunch of weirdos who attended Bela Lugosi's funeral, when the Hollywood elite who'd lionised the man in his heyday were conspicuously absent, were bloody good specimens of humanity. If a comparable bunch were the only mourners at my own funeral... I could live with that! Thanks Tim, Johnny and - most of all - Ed.
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