
13 Reviews
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The Pianist (2002)
Movie for thinking people
21 October 2003
Although the movie itself is quite cheap and the make-up and special effects are poor, the story itself and the cast is great. This movie is FAR better than the Pearl Harbor-type action films, showing WW2 as a heroic fight with a lots of explosions and gunfights, it shows us the real fight, the fight for survival. A dramatic masterpiece, The Pianist is perfect for people who like watching films not because they want an hour and half of blood and fight to have fun and then forgot it. It is for the ones who want to see history with the eyes of a victim of war. Adrian Brody is a great actor, wanna see more of him!!!
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the best of Mélies
10 May 2003
In this short film Georges Mélies makes the first use of double-exposing, making seven "clones" of Himself playing an orchestra. The trick is now easy to do, but then it was quite expensive to film seven different shots to one roll of film. Although Mélies makes a professional and well-coordinated work.
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comedy science fiction
2 November 2002
When I first seen this show, I was a kid. It was back in 1991 or 1992 when it was aired in a weekly "Walt Disney Hour" with an animated series and some short Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, etc. cartoon. I liked it, it was a series I watched every week. Two years ago one of the TV channels took it back to screen: I watched it again and liked it more than in childhood. The show is not a special effect-full Star Trek or a serious science fiction, but a great comedy. My favorite episode is in which a female from Jesse's race arrives to Earth and tries to kill him. The scenes at the end of this episode are fantastic!
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the stupidest movie I ever saw
17 October 2002
Anyone can say anything, this movie is even stupider than a Japanese cartoon (like Pokémon)! The story is idiot, some characters are EVEN STUPIDER THAN TELETUBBIES! For example, Jar-Jar Binks, who is an idiot, crazy, characteristic-less frog with long tongue. Or Darth Maul who is a red, horned devil in black robe (and he is the FRIGHTENING bad guy?!). And some scenes are even worse, like when the two Jedi Knights visiting the "frog king" or when the boy genius Anakin races in the pod race (and wins!!!). These scenes are just in the movie to become a 2 hours long child story. I am a hard-core Trekkie, but also I know what is bad. And this IS bad!
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Trek Lite
17 October 2002
In 1973 the creators of this series said to the fans, that if they watch the show, they feel that Trek is back to television. But they lie! The animated Trek is stupid and childish for follow-up of the original series. The stories are crazy (like when the crew shrink to few centimeters tall and can operate the ship...) and the known characters are silly too. The only example is "Yesteryear", it is a good episode (but why the Guardian of Forever speaks like a tired old man?). The only good, that we can see many alien races and Federation members which were not in the live-action series and the Enterprise crew.
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best of Connery
17 October 2002
Sean Connery is the best Bond ever. It is fact. In Dr. No he was fantastic, but the movie was a little silly. But the second J.B.-movie is quite a masterpiece! Connery is very good, the characters are excellent, Danielle Biancini (I hope I wrote her name correct) is beautiful and also good actress. But the biggest is Robert Shaw. His character, the S.P.E.C.T.R.E. agent is excellent too, but Shaw himself is brilliant! The story is good, the only bad thing is the ending: the "to be continued..."-style ending is quite a lowdown. And the next Bond-movie, "Goldfinger" not continues the story!!!
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the greatest animated series of Hungary
20 September 2002
This is a very good and funny animated series and it was made in 1974 (there is four question marks in the year's place) and is still airs sometimes in TV. It is still very popular and has got two spin-offs, the first "Mézga Aladár Különös Kalandjai" is about the son who travels wackiest and wackiest planets with his spaceship and his speaking dog.
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I Dream of Jeannie (1965–1970)
one of the best sitcoms ever
14 September 2002
In the world of the 50s and 60s silly sitcoms, this is an except, a colorful and exciting show. Barbara Eden is very good at her role, Larry Hagman is better actor here than in "Dallas" or another serieses. The best is Bill Daily's Maj. Healey, but I like the late Hayden Rorke's suspicious Dr. Bellows too. When I saw the series' episodes first time I got a laughing-stock. It is fantastic! The first and second seasons are perfect, the third and fourth are good, but the fifth is a silly, American family sitcom. After Jeannie marries her master, the series goes wrong. But except for those 20 episodes, the whole series is my favorite sitcom of all times!
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Star Trek: Where No Man Has Gone Before (1966)
Season 1, Episode 3
great television pilot
17 August 2002
After NBC rejected "The Cage", Roddenberry made this story. After Cage's story, this episode has got plenty of action. The story is good, the drama is excellent and the characters are great. The special effects are much better than the later episodes. Good to see the main characters, the ship and the props, costumes before their final shape. Kirk and Spock are developing. I read in "Star Trek Compendium" that in the 1966 World Science Fiction Convention, the audience asked "This is for TV?!". The only bad thing is the stupidity of NBC. Roddenberry made this for FIRST episode on purpose. In 1966 September the NBC previewed the show with the not very good "The Man Trap" and continued with the also not very good "Charlie X" and this great segment was only the THIRD episode!
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The funniest and greatest Trek movie
27 July 2002
After the very serious Star Trek II and III there is a comedy, a funny and laughable Trek adventure. It has got very good jokes, gags and a good adventure for all of the Trekkies. It is the biggest Trek movie made. See your favourite Starfleet heroes in a comedy! Excellent!
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a good adventure with crappy monsters
21 July 2002
This is a good film with great performances by Harry Hamlin and Laurence Olivier and good adaptations from the Greek Mythology, but it's special effects are not too good. It would be a big movie without the appearance of those "Play-Doh Monsters".
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Star Trek (1966–1969)
the greatest television show of all times!
21 July 2002
This is the best and the greatest science fiction TV-series of the universe! It has got good stories, characters, great moments and episodes and everything a television show needs! Some people says that this series is stupid. The stupid is that you can't understand a seventh season Deep Space Nine episode if you haven't saw the previous 90. TOS is the Best!
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the biggest classic of science fiction
21 July 2002
This is the biggest science fiction movie of the 1950s. It has got everything! Good story, interesting props and excellent characters. It hasn't got good special effects like an s-f movie from the 1990s, but it's story and drama is far better. It is a great film!
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