
15 Reviews
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The Office (2005–2013)
The Office
3 April 2024
Based on the British original, this long running sitcom follows the employees of Dundee Mifflin paper company in a fake documentary style that makes their lives seem more real.

Over time we get to know them and their interests. Their relationships and routines. They prank each other, have nemeses, go on sales calls and find the worthwhile in mundane everyday life.

The main joke of the original and all of its iterations is that the boss is an immature goof who thinks he's funny when he's actually being inappropriate. He frequently needs the help of his secretary, Pam, to clean up his messes with clients and management, but he sometimes shows an ability to step up for the company at times.
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Spice World (1997)
Spice World
3 April 2024
This is a fun movie even though it can be kind of corny and over the top.

It's a star vehicle for the Spice Girls who were very popular at the time and releasing their second album. A lot of in-jokes are made about this over the course of the movie.

The plot is extremely paper-thin. Their manager, Clifford is trying to get them to a gig, but they keep running into hijinks. In a meta side story the writer of the movie is coming up with adventures for them to go on. These adventures are supposed to highlight their unique attributes. For example, Emma is cute and no one would suspect her of being bad. Sporty is sporty. Posh is stylish.
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We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story
2 April 2024
Inspired by the Don Bluth animated films of the 1980s, Amblin Entertainment ventured into animation with this adaptation of the children's book by Hudson Talbott. Although it does not hew as dark as the Bluth films, it is emotional and scary at times.

What if you made friends with dinosaurs? That's the simple question at the heart of this movie. Louie, Cecilia and their dinosaur friends go to NYC, visit the Museum of Natural History and stop the evil Professor Screw Eye's nefarious plans.

The cel animation is crisp, beautiful and moody at times. The character and object movement can be fast at times, but the animation always serves the story.
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The Awful Truth (1999–2000)
The Awful Truth
29 February 2024
Muckraking documentary film making was becoming popular in the late 90s and 2000s. But before Morgan Spurlock and Josh Fox, there was Michael Moore.

With righteous indignation, he sets about to show the foibles and the abuses of power of the rich and powerful.

He is famously from economically depressed Flint, Michigan, as seen in his first movie, "Roger & Me". He has a very "in your face" style of interviewing people.

He has a strong point of view about his topics and edits the picture and music with strong juxtapositions to create informative and entertaining montages. Some might consider this editorial bias, but there are always kernels of truth.
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Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
Twin Peaks
23 February 2024
This show combines zen and mysticism with law enforcement, creating an addicting weird fiction that almost always has something to offer.

It is not as good after the murder that incites the plot action is solved in Season 2, and it becomes quirkier.

Between Season 2 and Season 3, co-creator Mark Frost wrote tie-in books called, "The Secret History of Twin Peaks" and "The Final Dossier" to update the viewer on what the characters have been up to in the previous 25 years. There is also a prequel movie, "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me".

When David Lynch is directing, the style and tone of the show are more engaging and funny. The setting really takes advantage of the icons of the Pacific Northwest, with lumber mills and diners that serve damn fine cherry pie and coffee. The dream sequences and the music of Julee Cruse as adapted by Angelo Badalamenti are great.
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Splash (1983)
20 February 2024
This is a perfect blend of comedy, fantasy and pathos.

A lovelorn man finds the perfect woman. He has to decide how much he loves her and see if she loves him back. Oh, and she's a mermaid, but he doesn't know.

Memorable Comedy Scenes: The hilarious and classic lobster dinner and the memorable walk at the Statue of Liberty to name a few.

Memorable Fantasy Scene: The bath with an impressive special effects set piece.

Memorable Dialogue: "People fall in love everyday!" "Well that's a crock! It doesn't work that way. Look, do you realize how happy you were with her? That is, of course, when you weren't driving yourself crazy." Great dialogue about the rarity of love and the desire to hold onto it.
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Punch Drunk Love
30 January 2024
This is a very eccentric love story. The characters move through it with bright, bold colors and momentum, careening through doors out of breath and with jerky movements occasionally interrupted by sensual, bizarre and confused reactions. The artwork by Jeremy Blake and music by Jon Brion make you feel off-kilter.

There is a dramatic part of Adam Sandler's performance, but there is a lot of comedy that stems from awkwardness and wanting to say and do certain things that he's afraid to reveal, of music and love and supermarket promotional offers, and then retreating into his shell.

The perverse and violent parts of the plot may be difficult to handle, but this is ultimately an uplifting story with beautiful cinematography.

Take a chance on it if you're in the mood for something unconventional.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
Forrest Gump
13 January 2024
Forrest Gump is like a feather floating on the winds of history, a man with a low I. Q. who is present for all the major moments from the 1950s through the 1990s. He loves Jenny, who has on again - off again feelings for him, cares for his mom, fights for his country, works multiple jobs and has a simple, sincere way of seeing things.

He is not anxious or depressed like Captain Dan, his commander during the Vietnam War. He is not internally-conflicted and drug ridden, like Jenny. But just because he acts like a tabula rosa most of the time, doesn't mean that he doesn't have feelings. He shows great emotion at the hardship and loss that he experiences.

Also boasts a great soundtrack by Alan Silvestri.
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The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
9 January 2024
This is the epic conclusion to the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, based on J. R. R. Tolkien's books and directed by Peter Jackson.

Everything in this chapter is large in scope, without losing sight of the character moments. The special effects and battle scenes are breathtaking with Aragorn's ascent to King of Man, and the defeat of Saruman and Sauron's forces west of Mordor.

Frodo and Sam's journey picks up from where it ended in the last movie, with Gollum working to wedge a divide between them to take back the ring, leading to some effective horror scenes in Shelob's lair. Their finale at Mount Doom is very suspenseful.

Post climax, the various story threads are rewarded with long and complete epilogues that show what happens to the characters you've come to know and love over the course of 9 hours.

A great end to a great series.
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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
7 January 2024
Ending with a great speech, written for the movie, about the enormous scope of epic tales and the feeling of futility and hopelessness in getting to the end, this is the chapter where the fellowship splits up. Sam and Frodo, with Gollum, toward Mordor to destroy the ring, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli after Merry and Pippin to the west, where they encounter the land of Rohan on the cusp of war, and Merry and Pippin to the forest and slow-talking Treebeard, whose race is being threatened by Saruman and the orcs.

The plots are unfurled here and there is exposition, battle and characters galore. It is less focused that the first chapter, but broadens the settings of the fantasy realm and the possibilties of the story.
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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
29 December 2023
This is a great fantasy epic.

Frodo Baggins discovers himself in possession of his uncle's ring, one with a long history and mystical powers. Along with a fellowship of hobbits, dwarves, elves a wizard and men, he heads off toward Mount Doom, the place that the ring was forged and the only place where it can be destroyed.

The creatures, sea monsters, trolls, eagles, ringwraiths, orcs, balrog, and more, and modeled and animated amazingly. Also, especially in this first part, the effects don't overpower the story, characters and character development.

This chapter is more about traveling and evading bad guys rather than big battle set pieces, although the ending is emotional and action packed. A great start to a great trilogy.
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Saving Private Ryan
27 December 2023
The idea of giving up your life at home to serve your country was a very common idea back in the 40s during World War II when Hitler was a threat on the global stage. All of the main soldiers get their featured time on this journey to save one man from the war, sending him home after all 4 of his brothers died. Among the questions this film asks is, is one man's life worth the lives of those who give theirs for such an honorable mission.

The violence is not held back. The cinematography is rough. The situations the soldiers find themselves in test every aspect of their character.

This is a classic war film.
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The Jerk (1979)
The Jerk
23 December 2023
This movie has a lot of jokes, most of which are funny, but we live in different times.

Audiences today aren't ready to defend that the comedy is satirizing situations and not solely being offensive. His character is behaving like a jerk. When he's being shot at, he thinks it's about the paint cans, but it's about him. He also invents a type of glasses that don't slip off the bridge of your nose, but make you cross-eyed.

Comedy has become very watered down, but a lot of the tropes used today still come from this movie. A lot of the comedy is just very silly.

The scene with Martin and Peters on the beach is very memorable.
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My Big Fat Greek Wedding
12 December 2023
I liked this movie.

She's quirky and lovable and wants a husband and marriage and kids and her life to get started and her very outwardly Greek family is also lovable and the guy she meets is lovable too. I haven't seen the sequels. I think I saw "My Life In Ruins" which I also liked.

Greece is an immediately beautiful place, with the ble and white painted buildings of the islands and the clear, beautiful waters. It is an amazing place.

They live in America and as a young girl, one of the funny conceits is that she has to go to Greek School. Her father thinks all of culture originated from the Greeks, which has a lot of truth in it. At the wedding, everyone shouts and dances and eats!

Very fun.
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Runaway Bride (1999)
Runaway Bride
11 December 2023
This for me is the definition of a guilty pleasure movie. I probably saw it for the first time after renting it at Blockbuster.

"Pretty Woman" is a classic. There is a high class sense of sensuality to that one. The store scene where she is told she cannot shop there is memorable (and homage to that scene is paid in "Runaway Bride"). The ending where he opens his arms to her at the fire escape is beautiful.

"Runaway Bride" is not classy. It is corny and cheesy and cliched. But it is charming and has fun performances and good music. She is a bride who leaves her husbands at the altar, not the prostitute Vivian who falls in love with a rich, handsome businessman. The guy is a reporter who through plot contrivances has to prove that she leaves these men for vindication, but, of course, he falls in love with her.

And I don't know why his liking of Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue" is important in the context of the movie, but it's a great jazz track.

I like this movie very much even though it's a guilty pleasure.
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