
65 Reviews
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Matilda (1996)
A Very Nice Kids Movie
16 June 2024
I watched this movie when I was young like 6 years or something like that and I've re-watching this movie at 19 years old and this "old" movie it's still brillant even I'm not a kid anymore !

First to all the script and the main topic telling throughout the story is very nice, the different character of the movie are so nice mainly the parents completely crazy and mainly too the school director, this character is very crazy and very play well from the protagonist, this is a kind of character that you will remember cause she left her marks it's crazy ! Characters of Mathilda and teacher are nice and cute !

Everything to making a very good nice child movie are into this movie thanks to a nice soundtrack, directing that we can recognize to making child movie, a bad and good character in each size, good script when nice protagonist meet the " danger ", enough good funny lines to laugh !!

The CGI was so nice by the way better than some movie with over 100 millions of budgets, the effects was better so many years before.

This movie I've the magic in order to do a good nice kid movie and it is !
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Very Good and Touching Movie
12 June 2024
This film it's very good, It so moving and touching I don't understand why people fan of film don't talk a lot about this project, it got everything to get viral into the cinema industry even if for me it's not a masterpiece and not a perfect movie neither !

First of all the main idea and the script are so nice, you feeling the emotion about the story feeling throughout the movie and you try to guess the end but ain't expect exactly how it gonna end though, it's very smart from the screen-writer that the movie ending like this with a great twist !

The directing are very good too, the director makes a perfect plan about of some moment of story, good moment a nice weather and good ambiance, bad moment bad weather and bad ambiance and we need to got that in this kind of movie in order to get moved in the good times and disturbed in the bad, the lights and the filters choose by the director is nice too, he makes a nice work !!!

The acting from each actors it's great, no one is better than each others and its thanks to them too this is movie it's very emotional with nice acting skills to get really into and feel each moment of story !

But for me the only issue of what it's not a perfect movie it's the story it's too short, I'd rather that movie will be more long at least during 2 hours in order to getting more attached to the little boys when they're having fun together and having a good time together, so that the ending is more impactful because we'd know how to get attached to them more, as well as more scenes with Bruno and his old friends, so that we'd be more impacted by his departure, and finally more scenes about the film's more complicated moments to watch, such as the slavery of the Jews and the way they were unfortunately treated at that time in history, because this film also highlights this idea...

These three elements are for me the reasons why the film is not perfect and why it would have been more endearing and memorable than we think, indeed a longer film with a story more laid down over the long therm with a little more budget, the film would be a masterpiece ... but the 1 h 30 minutes spoils a little the idea of a great cinema movie for me even if the whole is very good !!!

Beside the soundtrack was very nice and this is important to got movie like that who telling real stoey of our past !

I recommend :)
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Under Paris (2024)
Get nice for a first French movie like this
9 June 2024
Genuinely as French man and big fan of blockbuster movie from Hollywood while I hate the almost all French movie, this movie " Under Paris " it's very a enough nice debuts for kinda movie like this from France !!!

First to all the script it's very good you very get into about the story even if sometimes it can be slow down ok but the script of the story as a whole is good especially when you watched movie from france cause in general there are almost all very useless and badbut this one give a nice story (with sometimes some irrealistic moments it's true),but the ending and the beginning is very good and some moment very great too !!!!

The directing for me it's so great this is the kinda of movie when you will see beautiful picture and you will appreciate the moments, as movie in relation with the water like Titanic or others (only for this point) in order to find out what it is into the places that we can't to go and movie can give that and French country are makes that very nice for a debut, and some shoots from the director are so great with a lot of variety of shoots.

The all cast are nice with nice actors that I appreciate and there all makes a such good performance even the character with less important was good too and from French movie it's not every times the case unfortunately so we glad to got a good acting cast like this !!!

By the way it's very insane that the movie makes only 20 millions on budget ... I thought at least 40 millions or 50 millions something like this , it's very good point !!!

The soundtrack throughout the film and the lights was good too !

But for me the main issue it's The CGI, it was very bad maked to some moments and it broke the scenes sometimes very bad it's better to use Set effects even if it's less cheap but it's better to watching a movie even if I'm aware that some will be impossible but the people that works into this department got to get better in their works cause it's very bad sometimes, but only sometimes for some with effect into this movie ...

I encourage the French to make more films like this while evolving in the negative points let's be nice for the first films like this.
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Fury (2014)
Cool War Movie with Beautiful images !
9 June 2024
This movie I think so is not the best makes in the industry but is cool I've spent a good time in front of it even if the story is very slow down and sometime you feeling boring and you want to let go the program ...

First all the script I expected better about it, as I sayed above sometime in the story the script is very long you want to skip the scene and find out others moment into feeling the danger even if it comes but I was feeling sometimes a bit boring ! Some scenes are great though I don't say anymore about it but it's chilling and the character of " Norman " it's very great with nice evolution and same thing for Brad Pitt's character !!!

By the way the all acting by all of them are so nice no one was bellow of the expectations mainly for movie like that when we expected a lot emotion to reeling a story !!!

And the directing is very great I appreciated a lot the different shots from the director and the light was nice too. It's still appreciable to got a very nice shoot and image like this to telling a story and thanks for that cause the directing is very great for me !!!!!

The ending it's pretty cool too !
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Gran Torino (2008)
A chilling and touching film
27 May 2024
After watched the great movie " Million Dollar Baby " from the great actor, director and producer Clint Eastwood I've got not choice to watching this movie " Grand Torino " that are a great emotional movie that telling a touching and feeling story !!!

The film is very great, first to all the script is kinda very slowing you could feel annoying cause sometimes it can be long but it's though a very good way to telling a nice story and getting to be attached for each character and is very nice, it change for movie that we used to watching, a slowly storytelling is very nice too finally, you feeling the emotion, so great !

This movie it's anyway very chilling about any scenes or any line mainly for the character of Clint towards young people that's exactly the story that you will remember after watched it !!!

The directing and the soundtrack it's very good we used to get a nice soundtrack after watching projects by Clint, one time more he gaves us a great emotional movie with good ending that you can't stop to feeling your tears and be moved !!!

What I like too into this movie ? There are a few message that you can using throughout your life from the character of Clint and that's is very nice great, I let you get it all of them when you watching it !!!

We have to enjoy of him.
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Fast X (2023)
Fast X better than the 9
24 May 2024
I got a mixed feeling about the last movie of Fast it is not great and not bad neither cause there are a lot of good and bad points !!!

First to all this new opus came out doesn't get to the level of Fast 1, 5, 7 or 8 cause for me these movies are the best of the franchise but this Fast X got a nice idea about the script " An old hiding enemy try to hurt the family of Torreto cause this last, robbing and killed a close person from the family of this vilain protagonist" the script was pretty interesting by the way the film debut in Rome was interesting and hooked in front of it but at the middle of the movie the story slow down and you getting to got annoyed into watching the rest of story, you got the end in order to feel anymore in the film ...

However the directing from Louis Letterier is very nice this is a big point of this film he gaves to us a nice shoot and makes something that we missed a few dramatic scenes and it was very nice, his choice of soundtrack and the light job throughout of movie was very great too !!

But the CGI killed so much this saga it's disappointing and disgusting for a nice franchise like this, I'd rather a less budget with less incredible scenes than a lot big budget with so much CGI and don't pleasant action scenes in car like the fires in some scenes are completely bad maked even if it's CGI or real effect from set cause even the explosion of set are not enough realistic of that and you know it's disappointing, but I don't blame the director cause this is the only guy of the story of Hollywood to went on the unknown set and got there of the overnight with a big budget and big pression on his head it's crazy !!!

I noticed that the saga miss Paul walker with him was better but this is the life unfortunately...

But I don't got it the last scenes, it's too bad it's getting to get anymore time unrealistic, even explication don't worth it !!!

Please back the franchise to LA.
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The Most Unrealistic Movie from the Saga
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was freaking out that the franchise push anymore the fact to have so much action unrealistic with a lot CGI unfortunately it didn't miss and it killed all the movie ...

First to all to talking about the script a lot scenes are completely unrealistic, they went to the space ?!!?!?!

What's going on about the screen-writers ? They took cocaine ? I think so ... And the truth about the not dead of Han is not clear neither so basically the script is very bad unlike the previous movies it was perfect, the only good point from the script it's the dramatic and interesting past of Toretto about him, his dad and bothers that's all, you got anymore about the background of Dominic and it's touching but the rest of the story is very bad this is same sorry re-cook again : terrorists, virus and all from asking from Mr Nobody like the 8 and 7 disappointed.... Screen writer's have to innovate !!!

The directing is nice about some scenes especially Bare-knuckle brawl scene that's all but the rest that's normal directing but the CGI killed the movie all scenes of racing-car are nice but the mostly times it's from the CGI and it's disappointed that Hollywood rather to using a computer to making scenes likes this that pretty much than visual effect from the set directly... the action scenes will be less impressive but they will be more appreciated and we feel better better into story cause when it's so unrealistic you getting to get boring cause you watching a video games, some fast was like that mainly the two last was like that but not so much neither unlike this one !!

The different new character are nice and the acting from each actors and actress was enough well , pretty much normal acting level and the sound-track it's good for young generation like me, the lights job is very nice especially in Dominic scenes in the water, it was very well makes from the director and the rest of the crew movie responsible !

Basically for me the past of Toretto explained with brother hiring and the scenes fight and nice cameo's are only good points of movie but the rest it's : so repeating of old scripts; so futuristic and so realistic with so much CGI too used !!!!

Fortunately I know enough well the process of movie to create it cause if was only a just simple fan of some movie and I will think only about the script it will be 1/10 ...
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Entertainment Spin-Off from Fast Saga
21 May 2024
The firts spin-off from the franchise is very nice and entertaining with some nice action and surprenant scenes mainly at the debut of movie, this movie is very nice but it is far away to be perfect !!!

To start the script it's pretty nice, I didn't feel boring when I watched it, nice cameos, a lot of nice action and very funny lines between the two protagonist, it's still pleasant to laughing when you watching a movie and this story give that, the action are crazy and fun especially at the London place in the beginning but I was less fan of the rest of some action scenes into this movie ...

I'm the first to say " it's movie, be cool with action that are sometime not possible " but some action scenes of this movie are very unrealistic due to lotta CGI throughout this movie, even without that the movie will be not the same but when it's big it's okay but when it's too big it's complicated to believe even if a action movie... but the mains action of this film is very nice and entertaining anyway !

I thought that movie of " fast and furious " was too futurs, like we lived in 2093... like if every things was not happened before !

The bare-knuckle battles in this movie are awesome though, she was great !!!

About it, the directing from David Leitch was very nice I've appreciated a lot his shoots he makes, his action directing and also mainly the split screen !!! The light playing from people of shadows are very well managed by them still about the each size of each main character, the soundtrack is good !!!

But the last scene for me it's great it's what we love watching action movie !!!!

This movie got a lot of good points and few bad point as I sayed but it's it is very entertaining and that's the most important !!!!
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Training Day (2001)
WHAT INSANE MOVIE IT IS ?!?!?!!!?!!??!!???
20 May 2024
I don't know where I can begin to explain this review of movie but one thing in first this is crazy street policy movie and you will remember of it !!!!!

Honestly I took a slap from this movie first to all the scenario is very very nice you don't feel boring or annoying when you watching it, everything it's perfect it's a very good writing with great characters with nice lines, a twist movie, a lot of times you feel speechless about some scenes and this film can turn in another way from one second to the next and you can't guess the ending, that the main reason why this movie its a perfect movie !!!!

Now the Denzel Washington's performance.... He is crazy into this movie you can't give a such performance like this, yes yes he deserves his Oscar, a type of performance like this is not all days especially for movie out drama ! Thanks to him for his performance without him the movie will be not the same !!!!

The Ethan Hawke's performance is very nice too its important to quote Denzel for his character of Alonzo but the character of Jake played by Ethan is very good acting too, the different mimics of rookie, the fear acting, annoying situations for his character... he played well to so we gotta to congrats him too !!!

For the rest of things that making this movie like directing, lights, soundtrack are very well too and we need to get accompanied of this skills from shadows people to making a great movie like this every of these was good managed too !!!

" Training Day " is kinda movie that you will re-watch again and over again thanks to great script and acting performances, it is absolutely not overrated.
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Spoiled by the movie pitch and predictable
20 May 2024
This movie is the definition of " Predictable " cause for me and lotta people we are maked the same ideology of the story and we was spoiled by the trailer and the pitch just before to launch it into Netflix's so bad !

Cause without this big issue the movie was very nice I spent a nice good moment in front of it but at the debut of movie you have doubts of who is the main bad protagonist of story but after 20 minutes you come to your senses and know who the main suspect is.

I don't know if it's more the fault of the film's producers or writers, but they really ruined the film, yet it was an interesting nice idea anyway ...

However the movie is nice, even we know what will happen you be hooked throughout, I was not boring or getting annoying in front this film, each character play well their roles, the directing is nice too, environment of movie is cool to making a story telling of mystery it change about thriller in dark environments it's nice to watch a thriller in day too, but the trailer and the pitch killed it everything too bad.
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Argylle (2024)
A wast of time a very bad movie
20 May 2024
After saw a lot promotion like poster and some trailers in the LA city I was like okay this movie worth it go for it... actually it is very bad this is totally a wast of time!

First to all the main story, basically an author who is drawn into the world of spies and espionage after she realizes that a new spy novel she is writing mirrors real-world events, everything seems well to watch a nice movie and find out a nice story

Not one thing is good into this movie the script is very bad you getting annoying in front of it very quickly, the jokes lines fell flat, the action scenes are stupid expect some scenes , the CGI is very bad too is more video game that movie and some much bad things into this ...

I expected better of it but It's Hollywood action comedy we have used to don't won over, I'm very disappointed from Kick-Ass director cause it's one more reason why I watched this movie even if he maked some nice shoots sometimes and some rarely nice action scenes only good point from this bad movie with a enough pitch well show up with two story but ruined by a boring script !

I expected see Dua lipa one more time into this movie but not enough for me, I excepted watched her actress debut in real good first role well...not yet again

So this movie this a wast of time and very bad movie if I'm genuinely honest cause is very crap, don't buy any tickets in theaters for it you'll wast your money and time !!!!!
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The Best Story telling about the saga
19 May 2024
After watched the all previous movie from the franchise I ain't expected better for films after watched the seven cause there is not Paul Walker unfortunately but this eight opus is very great !

In terms of history, as I said in the title, this fast 8 is most in-depth story every codes for a good script are there like nice début of film also a nice ending movie a good action scenes with a lot entertaining, a lot of lines very funny from protagonist, lots of twists and unexpected moments and finally cruel and emotional scenes... everything that the audience wanted to spend a nice time in front a movie and this fast got everything of it !!! No one times I was boring in front of it !!!

The action is pretty nice but not best action from saga, Fast 7 was better about this point , even if sometimes in the 8 there are scenes that are very big, but not impossible for action movie and all people who criticize " This is Irrealistic so it's bad movie " okay well ...gonna see a play will seem more realistic and stop watching movie !!! Okay sometimes is huge of irrealistic but for this movie of action scenes it's believable !!!

Finally the cast especially for the bad character from Charlize Theron it's really well played , she plays a great villain and Jason Statham's charisma is great too, directing and others things who makes this movie is very nice too.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Good surprise movie it is soo good !
16 May 2024
Honestly I expected a typical " Action-Comedy " from Hollywood with some two or three nice action scenes and bad jokes lines like we used to watching but this movie is very nice surprise !

First to all the film as a whole is very entertaining thanks to notably his script is very very nice cause is very engaging you don't feel not all boring or annoying in front of it and this is typical script where there are a lots of twists and turns and a whole lot of meaning, usually we don't expect a nice story in this type of movie but " The Fall Guy " can to stand-out as the main idea of the story, making a movie about the stunt man on set of a film is pretty interesting it's not a miss !!!!

Accompanied of nice mystery storytelling from the script who are again very well and gripping the stunt show up all long the movie is very nice, we know who say thank you from his all skills... The lights and sets are really nice I thought all scenes of this movie was only inside of a studio with a lot CGI is very good point !

The duo of Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt from the original movie of Barbenheimer ;) makes a good fusion of actors together, I hope so at the futur a new project with them together !

Only light issue is too Hight CGI on several scenes of action that's normal even I expected a lot from that and even a film just for this but it's disappointing that the industry of Hollywood rather to making CGI than earlier like more realistic film set effects.

Anyhow this movie is very nice and good moment to watching in theaters :)
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The Story of Racism in America
15 May 2024
This is very a nice movie, the story talk about the rivalry between white and black person and the story of the film is very well telling and you get it anymore the middle of this " war " especially the side of skin-head it's crazy ! You learned a lot from the issues of our society in old years about racism's and still to nowadays !

The script is very perfect cause this is the typical of movie that you will remember with a memorable ending and a strong debut at the first scene to not felling boring at the begging with a nice moral from the main character after lived a traumatic and a bad life ...

The all cast and all characters play by each one is very nice especially for the Edward Norton very nice actor who maked a nice two performance especially when he played the bad character !

The directing and the ambiance is very nice from the director sometimes this kind of movie you don't get everything due to the structure bad telling but with this movie it was understandable thanks to scenes in black and white to explain the racism size and color the voice of right for the main character or the story telling !

But almost a perfect movie it miss a Great song and the effect that you wanna watching again again and over again, one time for me it's enough but I spent a great time in front of it !!!
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Stupid movie but good for kids
15 May 2024
Genuinely I didn't want to watching this movie but as a film fan, I was obliged to watching it cause lotta people talked about this film the last summer 2023 !

First to all the script is very confused I took times to get it the goal of the movie cause it was not very enough clear, " In what the girls in real words are useful " " which is the role and mission for the society who created Barbie world " a lot misunderstanding for me from the script and don't know if a kid has got it the story too ... that the main issue, I was getting to sleeping in front of it cause the story is too slow too, the script is for me the bad assist of movie !

Otherwise it rest just a simple musical movie, nothing special, several stupid scenes but perfect to make laugh kids.

The sets and lighting effects are super and directing is nice too.

Margo Robbie is the definition of Barbie I don't see anything person who can play the role except her.l we got it why a lot audience were goes to watching this movie in theaters certainly for the beauty of her !

It's cool the cast was a couple actors from the sex education series, I think it relates well to the film.

But we know that this type of film is reserved for a single audience: children, and if I'd been a child I wouldn't have seen the same film from the same angle, but when you're an adult it's different so you enjoy it less, but if the children had a good time it's a successful film because it's a film for them.
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Furious 7 (2015)
For Paul
14 May 2024
This seven opus of the franchise it is the most badass of the franchise, the action scenes are very great and crazy since the last previous film (fast 6 ) the franchise got took a new step of action but this one got took a new step too more Hight !!!

Many of the stunts are breathtaking and really surprising, so crazy and incredible, and they really stand out because they're really different from what we're used to seeing, it was crazy!

This is very entertaining movie and the action of we aware are impossible to do in the life okay but for a movie it's perfect cause we can to believe more but unlike at the fast 6 that the action scenes was irrealistic and you felt boring about it but for this one the action scenes are more insane and more realistic to do it even if it's impossible in the life absolutely and the franchise don't making the same mistake that the previous one !

The fact to add the character of Jason Statham is great this is perfect vilain to bring for the franchise iit is so perfcet we need to have a bad protagonist like this for the franchise and it's great !

The story is very good even if sometimes I was the felling was boring just sometimes only issue from this movie however you don't need to waiting any times to come into story cause in the first minutes you're in it, it's what you expect from film like this and the lines of some characters are so nice and laughing still interesting to got that !

The directing is very nice and different that we used to watching from the franchise even if is not the same direction that's the previous, I felt that the director took a pleasure and enjoyed a lot to making shoots, like action crazy, different transitions and the beginning to introduce movie !!!

To finish this is emotional movie, especially for the dead and Paul walker the character of Bryan and this is the strong point of the franchise of Fast and feel it throughout the movie about it !

The last scenes for me this is the definition of why you wanna making movies or get entertainment by them !!!

Thank you.
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Furious 6 (2013)
A New Step-Up For The Franchise
12 May 2024
After watched the 5 precedents movies of the franchise this Fast 6 getting to turn into the franchise in more actions and mores challenges !!!

For me this movie it's the most action movie of the franchise than others movies maked before but the issues is sometimes very irrealistic, I used to say generally it's okay it's movie so be open-mind but very fiew scenes are too irrealistic like I sayed and it break out the entairtement of the movie yet it is very nice about the script, action, acting and directing !

The action and the main script about the movie is very nice and it is emotional is nice but the two issues into this movie is the CGI very bad maked according me in some scenes and the irrealistic moments but is very nice and chill movie anyway !!!
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Home Alone (1990)
Very nice and funny Christmas movie
8 May 2024
I just find out this movie even I'm little bit old like 19's I spent a good time in front of it the movie is pretty very funny and laughing several times in front of it even I'm not anymore a kid and the script is very nice you don't any boring !

The character of Kevin represents I think so pretty much well a lot of kids in the world especially when the days of Santa get closer, kid a little bit insolent disrespectful due to approche of Christmas

Every things in codes are present to making a very good child movie, like kid main character, music (by the way very nice for Christmas) bad character with " nice hearth", a person who freaking out the main character, a little nasty lines sometimes, a side of lonely, nice ending, everything was there for nice movie to all children audience the adults can be entertaining too !

Chris Columbus makes again one time a new movie young movie who will mark the all little generation to their whole life thank to him !
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a great great movie honestly I just expended a little more cause a lot people talk to me about this movie but is not perfect neither...

First to all, the script and the scenes order are very good is very stand out the organization of scenes like this to telling a story cause you have to re-watching the movie about it even if this one is movie that should to watch over and over again but the way of story telling is different that we used to watching !!!

The characters of each actors are very very nice no one is bad, the music of music is very very great too, director pretty much not bad, acting very Super this the movie who got cultes scenes !!!

But for me I expecting a little better about the action of movie it was no enough like the final scenes in the bar should have a very nice big scenes for finish in nice touch the movie, this is very disappointed about it, that for me the only issue not enough big big action like a big gunfight and I think so it will be nice, we saw that only 2 times barely and very not big enough...

But this movie are zero limits like the scenes in basement I was speech less cause is very bloody anyway, the dead of Vincent Vega you don't expected his dead but the scene are not in orders so you have the feeling in live (very smart) and some scenes Where you don't expect it to happen is crazy from the script, the "date" with miss walace with Vincent are nice especially the dance and when she getting to be sick it was very crazy and laughing by the way !!!

And the lines from the character are crazy and unbelievable is nutcase but sometimes there are so long and you getting boring about this cause you wanna advance in movie but we know that Quentin Tarantino love this !!
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Barbarian (2022)
Nice horror movie
6 May 2024
I was on Netflix and was wondering what I gonna watching and this movie droped of me was very curious of what it talking about and well It was not for me a bad horror, suspense movie but not very great neither !

The script is very nice about the way how it is explained is very interesting and stand out that others movies cause you got it the all elements of story with a different view that we used to see in films, but this one is different and you not all boring in front of it thanks to this I don't say anymore ...

The horror ambiance it's here and you getting to be scary easily thanks to great dark musics ambiance who accompanied throughout the all suspense scenes, yet I don't freaking in front movie but this one you are not comfortable neither but it not terrifying !!!

The acting and directing are so nice for me I spent a good time I was entertaining enough but is not the perfect horror movie all times neither !
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A very boring French movie
28 April 2024
I never saw the first movie in the '53s but this new adaptation was for me a discovering but for me the script of the story is very boring you getting annoying very quickly after watching the movie !

Is the kinda movie that you will change for an another program or film because you don't get caught up in the story...

The all cast is pretty nice especially when you from French cinema audience you want watching this movie cause there are so many nice actors but like I sayed the story is very the issue !

The directing and the shoots from the director is nice and the vfx too but all these work for a movie when you excepting to be entertaining is so disappointed !!!

Everything was there to assist at a cool movie to watch with a nice action director and nice cast but if the script doesn't follow the great point whatever but the film is bad is so shame for me ...

This is emotional movie and inattendu scenes for sometimes but the slowly script killed everything so you don't wanna cry for some sad moments or inattendu moments !
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Fast Five (2011)
Almost perfect action movie !!!
26 April 2024
Finally we watching a very nice and great action car movie from the franchise since the one !!!!

After watching the fourth opus who was for me enough bad and disappointed I was very scared that this one will be worse too but everything was nice the script was very gripping cause you're in new environment and such new character very nice !!!

For me this movie is the movie who give a new twist from the franchise thank to Dwayne Johnson who play a cop who he gonna stop all our main protagonist, action very amazing and different that we watched at the past, more new protagonist who makes team with the mains character it change too for me this five movie is a reborn for the franchise !

This five opus got super super nice and entertaining action everything you expecting from action movie like this with several scenes funny, something who miss that we never saw again since the secondary movie and shoot from the directing very very nice with special effect spectacular and very nice maked !!

You wanna to watching an entertainment action movie this one belong of it but it will be easy to give perfect action movie but almost !!!

Miss a little bit a nice action music to company some scene and it will be a perfect action movie for me but it is amazing!!!!

I spent a very nice time front of it I recommend a lot !!!!
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Not the worst but enough bad
26 April 2024
After watching the prequel who is " Tokyo drift " who it was very not bad this third opus or this four opus from the franchise it was very disappointing for my opinion.

You meet again finally our first protagonist from the franchise debut that was very nice but the script was not gripping then all reason cause the main topic of this film was interesting but I didn't hit the feeling of an entertainment story telling...

You getting sometime very boring in front this movie like the secondary opus and often you are losing about the bad character who is him, who is who is disappointed

Sometimes you are the feeling that is most a cop movie with car than movie car, is disappointed

The action scene are nice but I was the feeling that it was different that usually like you noticed more that fake explosion unlike the precedent opus for me the Vfx was not good but such entertainment scenes of action and it's nice to see back Los Angeles !
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26 April 2024
I don't used to watching documentary and review it but this one is very striking cause you discover all the story about the tragedy and you completely really into throughout story you wanna discover the mystery of this case !

The stocks video who accompanied yourself along the story is very nice even is not the not great quality ever but it's enough to be hanging also filmed from cop webcam is crazy and we got a lot of different point of filming and shot from this documentary is very nice !

The doc has nice structure and you're completely not lost along the story but the this story is very poignant and sadness story ...
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I expected at worse but it is nice movie of the franchise
21 April 2024
After have watched the two movies of the franchise I expected a new character very bad and not interesting and a story very bad about it, well not I was completely I was hooked all the way through because the story is very nice and all of cast for the nice part or the bad guys was great they came out on top !!

The two protagonist miss at the franchise okay but for this movie without them with new character it was very nice the movie stay anyway still interesting and entertaining is that we expected us as an audience !

This third movie is the most stand out of the two prequels maked before, and that important cause the secondary movie was annoying this one, this third not at all !

The script and directing is very nice.
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