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Motel Hell (1980)
No Artificial Perservatives
5 March 2024
Siblings that own a farming business but they have a trade secret to their trade.

A low budget Horror that actually falls in the same realm as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it gives that good Ole slasher nostalgia to any Horror lover. The characters act very natural and even though the siblings are doing something more dark thry still keep a very cool posture about things. It's dark humor also carries some weight.

Despite not getting a proper run of exposure this film still should be appreciated for sharing another surreal feel of terror. The music itself gives a calm but errie feel.

If you enjoy a misty Horror this will suffice.
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The Crow (1994)
A Story To Aways Remember
20 February 2024
Eric Draven and his fiance Shelly are to be wed on Halloween, however a group of misfits break in their apartment robbed, beaten and murdered them. A year later Eric emerges from his grave and knows his purpose, to get revenge and end those who were responsible for his and Shelly's deaths.

The story is dark, gritty and tells a love story to be remembered. It's cast was fine fitted for their roles, Brandon Lee portrayed Eric with remarkable ambiance of what death would be if it was coming for you. The dark charred city has a no hope presence over runned by misfits and the wicked with a glimmer of some relief being Eric to rid of its evil tenants.

The score is a great selection of artists fitting every mood. This is a must own for those who want to have various elements Love Action Thrill.
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Charming Tremors Entry
20 February 2024
Taking place as a prequel despite it being a sequel we see it being placed in Perfection except its by its original name "Rejection" in the wild west era.

A silver mine gets attacked by an unknown breed killing several its miners, the mine shuts down and Gummer who owns the mine is notified to investigate why it was shut down.

It is charming to see Michael Gross portraying a Gummer and it has a warm tone to the film, graboids are menacing as we have seen in earlier installments. It doesn't fail to deliver the sheer impact of the graboids. This installment however doesn't really need to be a prequel and doesn't explain why these graboids suddenly come back in the same flat of land in Tremors 1 self extinction perhaps.

The effects still holds up for what it is. It netherless a Tremors film.
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Expend4bles (2023)
It's now Expendable
6 February 2024
The story involves a new team of expendables with several familiar ones, this time they must retrieve a bomb capable of whiping out a city and could cause ww3 if placed in allied territories.

The story itself didn't feel it was well developed or held strong enough to say it's an expendables movie compared to 3. Granted Jason takes the reigns to push the new group into the light it more or less dims it. Even though we see our expendables move on and get older we don't see much going on with the new class thry feel more like fixtures than being apart of the team.

It doesn't seem very epic placing the story on a ship which also doesn't give alot of action pack sequences as we'd like to see but it does have moments.

This is more of a tie up on some of the expendables from the sequels than introducing what the other members are capable of and what they could contribute to the future of the expendables.

I enjoyed what the film gave but it give as much as a punch.
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The Warriors (1979)
I can dig it
6 February 2024
A story involving an upcoming gang The Warriors that has gained enough popularity to be invited to the enclave where Cyrus the leader of The Gramercy Riffs the biggest gang in the city is trying have a truce with all the other gangs to take over the city, however Cyrus is killed by an unknown assailant and The Warriors get pinned for the murder. A raid happens to break up the meeting forcing The Warriors and the gangs to flee, unfortunately their leader also gets defeated and Swan must lead The Warriors back home.

This is a thrill to experience in a world where gangs are the occupants rather than a typical drug lord and minions with a hero, or action bases satire.

The fact that this takes place in 1978 an era on location and the fact it's cast isn't quite known makes it even better for the experience. The characters are interesting as to where these gangs originate.

This film brings action and takes you for the long haul of a journey The Warriors will have to face. This is a gang film that doesn't bring cliches or sport the gun carrying gangs looking to reap the world, this brings a quality and the composition elevates the film as a personality.

The music really brings you to that era. It's a rare gem.
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Macabre Medicine (2009 Video)
A disturbing view in the window of a mad man's hobby.
6 February 2024
The story takes off with an average group of friends going to school and planning out their futures until a student Hayeword becomes off setting in class, Jeff who associates with him despite his odd personality things progressively become odd to terrifying.

It is to make point that this film offers dark humor with other B Side film references, a mix of gore and terror all in one. It does get rocky on certain scenes but carries its own with its main villain and its friend to avenger in such a short time.

The highlights of this is the special effects giving real life crinch of gore that you can't unsee. The lead portraying the wanna be doctor portrays the right amount of terror pulling you into his fantasy world and shows you how much he likes it. Jeff also brings the most energy and emotion displaying fear, doubtful, gullible, and innocence that you want him to succeed in this venture. You can't help but like this character.

The overall story is solid despite some technicalities within the film. If your looking for a genuine B movie with some laughs to match you'll want to take a look at this.

If any physical media should surface for this film I would suggest grabbing a copy.
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A Vintage Classic
9 November 2023
Being low budget it shows that they can bring horror to the audience without cheapened thrills or under acting. The cast is well placed giving a good balance of dramatic effect.

The story is dark and leaves mystery to a zombie apocalypse and m how these characters will survive if thry survive at all.

One highlight of this is it doesn't point out who is the going to triumph in the end, tension rises, the dead keeps wanting in and the odds are against the group.

Even though Barbara doesn't do much of helping being so traumatic it actually adds more tension and elevates character with Ben who is trying just survive.

This film is a true root to Horror with its classic black and white mood to help terrify you what's about to come.
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Jason X (2001)
One Step for Jason..
9 November 2023
Jason returns again taking flight to the future after being in a frozen unit. Jason still dominates on kills and the film doesn't shy away on his glory.

This not being canny in the Friday the 13th franchise it's the most fun to watch with its cheap interiors, the gullible victims and the fact Jason is in space. It raises an eye brow as to why go this direction than a darker route but we get this instead.

It is the most humorous to watch and it let's you know its not trying to be serious.

The biggest highlight is Jason is still Jason despite him being a Super Jason a F13th fan will still appreciate that Jason wasn't transformed into something else and blended with a different territory such as this.

It's fun to watch.
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Trash Juice (2022)
Horrifically Disgusting
9 November 2023
The story started out to what appeared to be an anthology but after the first story it started becoming bizarre and derailed focusing on the ()())() brothers, brothers that feast on human waste and on a pilgrimage doing so. The other characters are foreground players.

The locations is the same used from "Like Father, Like Daughter " and mostly the same cast from that film. The cast has very little character to their roles. The story becomes more obsessed with human waste and gore than character.

If your into something sickening then this is a film for you, it is best not to have anything to eat while watching because you'll loose it.
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A True Dead Classic
9 November 2023
Like Dawn of the Dead this sets up the events of the zombie apocalypse deeper with Day of the Dead involving two groups, the scientists and the military both having a purpose and order but neither are getting it. This is a true to life adaptation to an outbreak.

Zombies with Tom Savini's help made it realistic, you can tell how a person may have died and became a zombie.

The cast was fitted and not glamored with top a list actors. The story is gory but not over toned with action sequences or side tracked with un necessary character drama.

The setting makes you feel what the characters feel,alone, helpless, the tension builds and the dead waits. This is a great zombie film and doesn't play the gore porn cartoony theme like many of today's zombie films.

It's a joint classic with Dawn of the Dead that will put you on the ride to uncertainty.
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Stay Tuned (1992)
You'll Stay Tuned
9 November 2023
The concept story where heaven and hell have their war over souls displayed in a positive light involving Hell to lure people who watch too much TV be apart of its programming. It's a charming film with a good cast, John Ritters character becomes the encouraging Underdog.

This film is easily hidden away and should be apart of any families library. The story may seem light but it executes its purpose.

Character wise their wholesome and an homage to popular films and TV shows the characters ventures through.

Even displaying the TV shows that Roy watches on Hell TV is clever including Salt N Peppa making an appearance. It is an underrated film its charm and innocent.
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Dark and Mystery
30 September 2023
The story involves girl living in a foster home, being distraught with her living situation she takes a walk in the woods, she stumbles on a pendant that appears ancient, as she makes her way home she starts to feel funny. She finds a man in the wilderness that needs help so she places him in an old storage shed. Things become more strange and murders occur, a social worker is called upon to check up on the foster family but things doesn't set right with the foster parents things take a dark turn.

The story is a slow burn with a large quantity of drama. It features less gore and more of the ascetic approach with character reactions. One of the highlights would be actress Maria Olsen and Sean Whalen as the foster parents giving off cold and selfish characters they portray as we can tell the parents are in it for the easy money having foster care for kids without real notice from authorities. The foster father also being a gambler hoping to make the big money playing every night.

The film has nice overview shots and the creature looks well done. I would only like to have seen the foster parents become more dark by intentionally misleading the social worker and more verbal to the kids to heightened tension while the entity living in the shed builds its strength to kill.

It is a film to take a look into and can lead to curiosity on the lore of the main monster in the story.
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Creepshow 2 (1987)
Fair But Not Quite There
27 September 2023
A new anthology based on the success of Creepshow this one involving new terror tales and brining The Creeper in real form.

They ensured that Creepshow 2 would stay true to the comic book form however each story feels like it puts you on a short roller-coaster ride showing parts of the attraction even though it does have good effects the stories feel less depth of character.

The episodes felt had less time length and focused on the jump factor.

The Raft is the only episode I felt needed more suspense and Drama between the lake swimmers but overall it's a descent sequel and worth adding to your Horror library.
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A Good Send Off
6 September 2023
The story continues from 3 where John is being cared for from a friend. John works hard getting back in shape and sets out to kill off the High Table to claim his freedom.

John encounters another wrench in the works and must put a stop to it as his bounty keeps climbing.

The story is filled with action, unique characters and doesn't loose focus or direction on John Wicks motives. The story is a conclusion to John and he knows what might happen to him in the process. The characters John is or was associated with also holds interest, the lighting and environments is lit artistically and reflects an ora of those characters as well as the situation.

This story pushes the envelope and doesn't play it safe doing the whole "kill all the goons kill the boss and win the freedom " cliché. We learn what the consequences are we learn there isn't true safety from the grasp of the The High Table and how far it reaches.

The score is just as good as the previous films setting the mood. Being the final John Wick in the sequels gives a proper and right send off for John.
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The Fate it Gave Itself
6 September 2023
The story starts off Sarah Connor and John Connor relaxing on a resort island, suddenly a terminator shows up and kills John.

A new soldier from the future arrives in the city followed by another terminator capable of using its liquid shape body as a weapon and multiply another self terminator.

The plot has very little differences nor set itself apart from the previous sequels . It goes full circle to the early Terminator sequels.

It would of made some difference if we saw another character or main character become enhanced with the future technology but this is just a pallette swap of the John Connor story.

Arnold's character mainly plays a cameo and reliving certain moments shown in previous films.

It's worth a watch but don't expect anything different for future films. The biggest issue is the main story just replays the same scenario, it has action but doesn't have as much character as Salvation. This sequel just doesn't hold much on its own and Sarah really isn't necessary considering there's already a Kyle Reese character that helps the girl throughout.

The title is Dark Fate and it shows.
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A Mission To Go Nowhere
6 September 2023
The story goes right to where it should of built up but it's weak, simple and un interesting. It doesn't make much since that they have to bring American police from the U. S. to take down a Russian mob boss, it doesn't give much of the flavor given in the earlier sequels but it really wants to tell us it's a three stooges go to Moscow vibe.

It's just not a good sequel although it is nice to see some of its familiar cast return, it tries to be slapstick and hard to even like this sequel.

A positive thing to say is this ended. Some franchises should quit to a certain point considering the types of characters this one has it can only stretch thin.
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The Terror Is Back
6 September 2023
The story involves Dylan now an adult trying to be an actor while still coping with the horror Freddy left him in since the events of New Nightmare, but the feeling has still stayed with him that Freddy is alive.

The story has a good build up and doesn't veer away from what's happening with Dylan, the feel of Horror feels very familiar and the camera work very well shot. Another highlight is Dave McRae the portrayal of Freddy, the performance is a sure win on giving A Nightmare on Elm Street fans the vintage Freddy. The cast has a good balance and each plays well on the story. We also see another way of Freddy re entering the real world from Dylans past memories of Freddy and using him as a portalscape.

This is a fan film worth looking into with its new direction with the old vibe we all enjoy in a classic Horror film let alone franchise. Freddy is terrifying once again and is certain to cut into your life.
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A Homage than a Zombie Film
11 August 2023
The story evolves two women wanting to have a little action after hours at a museum with their friend who works there, however before their party gets started two men break with guns to terrorize them.

Throughout the story zombies are seen taking the city and warnings from the news is notified to the public.

I felt I was more on a site seeing tour considering the many scenes of showing various parts of the city and less of the story. The story really has very little to speak of. Zombies a vaccine and victims. I do give props to the makeup up on the first zombie at the beginning of the film. The music tends to be placed in odd moments where it's hyped up but nothing majorly is happening.

It was also amusing to hear elevator music as the moment during a serious scene. There's various Day of the Dead vibes and Night of the Living Dead references that pay homage to the originals but mostly a Day of the Dead mock.

There isn't hell or screaming of the undead just a point a to point b zombie film with little story and it's image as stated before.
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Subtle Creepiness
1 August 2023
The Movie Raid Review

Film: The Devils Left Hand

The story involves a seyonce in which the woman who contacts spirits suddenly gets an unexpected visitor and is let out.

Two couples that were apart of the seyonce start hearing and experiencing strange things even seeing them happen. It is revealed that Richie dead fathers spirit may have a part to play and relies on the help of the woman seyoncer and her partner to stop the evil spirit.

The story is a slow burn and involves returning faces from Harley Wallens past films . Yan Birch character is a large piece of the puzzle in this story giving a cold tone of his character.

The story does give suspense as to where or what this entity needs in order to fulfill its desire such as Richies mother and his friends but also struggling with dealing with his father. There are no quick easy ways given to kill off evil like many super natural films give an incentive for, the lead characters wing it and hope their methods work against this evil being.

I felt there should of been more connections with the other couple that attended the seyonce and being able to prey on their weakness of character than a creepy girl entity just feasting on souls before the last confrontation. It does feel somewhat offset such as when two girls are effected by this entity that kills their parents and runs to the main couple in story for refuge considering these characters make no real connection on the situation at hand.

It is a worth of a sit through if you want subtlety in a super natural film. Very little special effects involved and adds more physcho logical feel to the main entity and those surrounding it.
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Alien Planet (2023)
A Quest To Imbark On
30 June 2023
The story involves two species of Alien that have been at war for decades, one of their planets is in need of water and in order to get it one must retrieve a vial that will rejuvenate an entire planet with water.

A woman gets involved in pursuit of the vial after a small skirmish with their enemy, her husband is handed a map of where to find the vial but is struck by their enemy, the woman sets out to find the vial in hopes to ressurect her husband.

Things get more intense when an agent is sent to the dying planet where the vial is, however he and the woman get captured by a monster that intends to have then for dinner.

The characters show the hatred for one another but also subtle trust as well. The practical effects does it justice with impressive detail on the ships, the agents pet that really draws your attention. The agents pet brings a light warmth between the intensity of the main characters and life like features.

The makeup effects is another highlight on the aliens facial features, toned colors of their skin and design of it, signifying between the species. The environment adds the foreground hopelessness as the main characters trace through for the vial.

It is a film to see for that it brings an influence of Enemy Mine feel, it brings hope, sorrow, sympathy it is a battle for life. Fans of Sci Fi will get a new taste of this adventure.
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A Mystery of a Mystery
15 April 2023
The story involves a London reporter who is struggling to make ends meet and provide for his girlfriend that he lives with, one day at work he discovers a letter in his bag that was signed by Jack the Ripper a murderer that he wrote about a year ago. A dark mystery is further investigated that there is more to it than the murders.

This story is wraveled with mystery, betrayal, deciet and denial. The scenery although feels tight spaced it does make the tone more in focus between the main cast. It is also praised with such a small cast it achieved a tough challenge on how can multiple characters have a connection and have the mystery of the subject stay relevant.

The lighting within each scene really paints a warm color scheme despite how dark it is. As you watch the mystery becomes more than a character defeating evil or being submitted to it it's just the opposite.

This is a film for mystery lovers it is sure to surprise you and keeps you wondering until the climax moment.

It's the angle of the story "heros become villains and villains become heros" it's up to you who you think fits the title.
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Gritty, Creepy Whats in Your Basement?
15 April 2023
The story involves a married couple that buys a mansion home, however instead of a welcoming to their new home its a warning.

The story tells you it's a supernatural feel, for the most part the cast does ok on their roles within this story, there is the occasional over hype on dialogue. I felt however it slapped you point a to point b with not enough Horror fill between scenes. The story has its own theme by placing a grained filter as the viewing lense to the audience to add more of that creepiness feel.

I would of liked to have seen more actions from the side characters that warn the couple to sell the mansion than being just victims and it almost doesn'tgive you any insight of whos who because of the events that take place. Even though the couple are the focal point it seemed less satisfactory as we get to the climax. The zombies I felt weren't necessary for the story since this is more demonic themed and the zombies only had a micro role in this.

The effects has some cheese to it but the visual effects sparked character. The film score has a nice tone.
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A Ride To Never Forget
27 October 2022
The story where a scientist breakthrough becomes an adventure and mission for a teenager. Accidentally landing in the year of Doc Browns first vision Marty finds himself in a different time.

The story is very well written and the cast is cannon. The use of real science and action to keep you fueld will keep any film goer glued to this fun adventure. This film really stands the test of time and great for the family.

The story doesn't warp you into an off set environment or become cartoony. It provides the right formula telling the story where it's going where it's been and where you are.

A highly recommended film there's nothing negative about it.
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Ash and Bone (2022)
A Dramatic Event To Endure
26 October 2022
The story is about a troubled teenage girl and her family takes time away from the city life to stay at a vacation cabin in the country to help their daughter keep out of trouble. The girl like any teenager rebels against her family and takes the family van to a nearby town bar to blow off steam. She gets in a minor scuff with a bar goer and meets a couple that visits the bar frequently.

In a conversation the couple talks about local legends one involving a house that a brother and sister is said to live in but no one sees them.

The girl is interested in seeing this house and convinces the couple to go and check it out.

With hesitant the couple tries to convince the girl to stop buy proceeds to explore the house, moments later a scruffy man is heard and muttering to himself and his sister behind. In a panic the couple and the girl rushes out of the house alerting the two homesteaders, the woman fires her weapon at the trespassers.

From this point on the brother and sister assailants are hell bent and want blood for disturbing their home.

The story is a slow burn with familiar faces of the cast from Harley's previous films, it is jam packed with drama that is displayed by the family. The story however lacks a strong Horror element in which is about two crazy siblings that should be more vigilant on stalking and hunting those who dare come across their side of the fence.

The family has most of the spotlight and the crazed siblings are in the dark with a minor appearance. This film is good for its drama and story trailing but it may not be a Horror thrill for those looking for a good time.
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A Grip on Horrors Finest
26 October 2022
This is a fan film telling a prequel of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre .

The story starts off with a group of young adults on a road trip, a group on a camping trip, a couple passing through and a few bored women looking for some action. The couple passing through stops at a gas station looking for food and is greeted by and elderly man and a very greetful off set man named Rex who guides them to a farm and a house where Rex's grandfather has the food.

With hesitant upon arriving with Rex he says to go to the house while he fetches the food. The couple manages to go inside but what awaits them is more than doubts and creepiness.

This fan film follows the formula and roots of the classic, the less usage of a score adds the feeling creepiness and unease on its own through out each scene.

The story fixates on the characters emotions than just actions and invites the viewer to feel and even hope they live though this nightmare. It almost sets up that the old man sawyer of how he can't stand to see people killed but later enjoys watching as seen in TCM. The Hitchiker makes a cameo as a crazed kid working at the gas station than digging graves and making grotesque art.

Grandpa makes a large part of this story and even directs when and who to kill. Leatherface is straight to the kill and even changes faces almost as if he uses the faces he cuts as a different emotion. We are invited into Terrors home room by room. It can give the audience the suspense as to how much time the victims have before Leatherface gets them.

This fan film does fair well with good film shots, the acting performance fits the moments, the characters fit and Rex makes a chilling invitation for death to visit. For TCM fans you'll want to witness a more personal experience on this one.
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