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Hiller and Diller (1997–1998)
Lewis good; Nealon is Nealon and that's bad
29 July 2015
Name a show that Nealon ever carried? Yeah, that's right, zero. The guy can't even out-act Arnold Palmer. "Make mine a Kevin Nealon." Yeah, sure, they are going to make a drink that is tasteless and flat.

The guy is a poor man's Chevy Chase and that's like saying he's a talentless schmuck who happens to know people in Hollywood.

The show can be summed up by the title: a very small joke that's part of every single show.

One good thing you can say about the show is that it is no longer in production.

The only bad part of this show's immediate bombing is that Lewis is funny and intelligent. Too bad. The guy knows how to deliver a line.
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The River Rat (1984)
A Family Film for Psychos and Liars
15 August 2013
Three people intentionally rob a house. A murder occurs during the robbery. Tons of money is stolen. One of the three later dies, and the other two deny responsibility.

One of the remaining two decides to dig up the stolen money, all the while denying any responsibility. Even after confessing to his daughter, he continues to deny. Luckily, his daughter is also psycho, and she joins in with the denial.

For no apparent reason, the underage actors get nekkid in various scenes.

Along the way, the innocent murderer encounters people who are much worse than he is. You know they are worse then him because they also want the money that he got from his robbery/murder.

Eventually, the innocent murderer becomes a grave robber because way back when he didn't do anything wrong, he hid the money in a casket.

Overall, a heartwarming story of innocent people who aren't responsible for the murders, death, robberies and other crimes that they committed.
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Finding Nemo (2003)
Not the Horror Story That You Expect
16 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Brutally killing and eating an expectant mom and her unborn children would make a great scene in any horror flick. I'll bet Rob Zombie wishes he had done that in The Devil's Rejects.

Disney starts the movie with this bloodbath.

Later, there is the psycho who alternates from nice guy to berserk killer. Zombie had that guy too, but you always knew that Zombie wanted you to see him as psycho. In this Disney movie, the guy who wants to eat you isn't psycho. He's just a silly silly guy.

The final scene shows a half-dozen fish trapped and slowly dying of suffocation. That's a good alternate to the standard wiggling on spikes.

Like all actors in horror movies, the fish don't even know that they are going to die.

If they do more movies like this, the phrase "don't go in the plastic bag" could become as common as "don't take a shower" or "don't go in the basement." I give it three stars for the body count. But this is supposed to be a comedy. It doesn't have Leatherface's sight gags, Chuckie's one-liners, or even Pinhead's biting sarcasm. It just has a lot of death.

You want funny? Try Jason X. Almost everybody dies, and a couple of them die more than one time.
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Review Wars over Pat Paulsen?
26 June 2013
I remember Pat Paulsen fondly. He was one of the better parts of the Tommy and Dickie show. His popularity was at least as great as the Smothers Brothers during the run of their show. That however is not high praise. They were wildly popular for 15 minutes and then shunned by the public from that point forward. None of them were ever stars again.

Following the demise of the Smothers Brothers Show, Paulsen had his own short, failed TV series (which I loved) and a never-ending string of low-budget bombs. At all times, he played the same character. Most of the time, his credits were way down towards the bottom, below such powerhouses as unknown child actors and Playboy Bunnies.

As it turns out, speaking in a monotone voice is neither a skill nor an attraction. Much like Foster Brooks, if Paulsen was on the screen for a short time, he was hilarious; but if he was a major character, his delivery became grating.

If you want a complete understanding of Paulsen, just watch any of his work. His performance is always the same. The only reason to point out specific roles would be for the jokes, not the performance.

Paulsen's strength was his writing. His delivery, in my opinion, was a mistake. Despite great material and a very unusual delivery very few remember him. With a more normal delivery, he could easily have been the Seinfeld of his time.
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A Bad 70s Movie on a Par with the Unknown Comic; but I Would See it Again for One Reason
18 May 2013
I saw this in a small theater in Germany while in the Service. Liebman looked and acted like a porn star. He had the better lines. Bridges was a Caspar Milquetoast character. He let the other characters get him into situations.

I remember just two scenes. One was a scene where Liebman acted outraged because a clerk would not help him. Another reviewer said it was an S&H Green Stamps office. I would have said unemployment office. Liebman stood in a crowded room and berated the clerk. When he finished, the others in the room cheered him. But his speech was dreck. He was wrong in what he wanted. His speech was meant to show that he was the champion of the downtrodden, but it came off very poorly.

The other scene was set in the morning after a party. A gorgeous woman is pulling on her very tight jeans. After that excellent shot, she approaches Bridges, kisses him, and then leaves. Bridges turns to Liebman and asks, "Did I sleep with her?" Liebman replies, "No. Yes. I don't know." Liebman was great in that scene.

I'm off to YouTube to see if they have that scene. She has to be in her 60s now, but I wouldn't mind seeing those jeans again.
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Not a Good Movie
25 March 2013
Some guy spends his time destroying the career of a cop by playing practical jokes on him. So some guy's sister says let's drive out in the desert. Then they sleep in the desert for no good reason. The next day they drive to a gas station and then a town. Maybe it's illegal to drive in a desert at night in Australia.

Along the way, they meet a lot of people who want the sister to lip sync some music, and some guy makes a lot of silly "inventions" that do not work except for the miracle of modern editing. When some guy isn't messing with the cop, he screws with other people's lives.

They're rich people who are on the run because a cop with no proof is mad at one of them for a minor offense; so naturally part of the movie is about them looking for permanent jobs. In the end, nobody kills some guy, but that's why they make sequels.
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A good movie to sleep through
17 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A girl gets knocked up, and an old dude hangs himself. In between, there is a lot of talking in a language very similar to English.

Eventually, in a furious spate of action, the old guy digs up a purse, two ladies babble at him, and he unlocks a door.

I especially liked the scenes where everyone wandered around with no obvious purpose. I'm glad that they included so many of them. When they combined the lack of movement with the lack of dialog, it really made the movie a masterpiece.

This is a movie for anyone who likes kitchens.

One star for making a perfect movie for that tough 3 a.m. Time slot.
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Alice White Rocks!!
2 August 2012
I won't get into the plot. Almost all the other reviewers thought it necessary to ruin the movie for those who haven't seen it.

I won't get into whether Myrna Loy was hot or was good actress. Plenty of other reviewers thought she was the star of this show, and they spent way too much time on a third-billed starlet with a throwaway role. Remove her role, and the movie marches on. No script changes would be needed besides removing her few forgettable lines.

I will talk about Alice White. This is a woman who in real life or in almost all of her movies was the ultimate vamp. I wouldn't trust her to take out the trash, but good golly, is she ever a "Naughty Flirt." This is a movie that I would like to see every couple of years. Ms. White is quite an unusual actress. She had more talent than most actresses. She could have been a star in many different fields of entertainment. She chose movies, and she chose to be the woman who destroyed marriages and men.

Myrna, as popular as she was, had very little talent compared to Alice. People remember Myrna, but it's mostly due to the movies she was cast in. And everybody has forgotten Alice for basically the same reason. In this movie, Myrna is a quite distasteful person, but still, some reviewers somehow find her attractive and her acting compelling. I don't know what they were watching. She was simply a word that begins with B and rhymes with "witch." Not a stretch for her.

My one and only criticism of this delightful romp is that I absolutely hate how Hollywood of the '30s kept representing the common man as outrageously rich and decadent. None of the characters in this movie had a clue about the horrible despair permeating America due to the Crash of '29.
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The Shooter (I) (1997)
Whores Got It Rough in the Old West
9 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A whore is being whipped to death, so a guy rides up and kills everybody. Then there is more killing. And then a whore gets whipped to death. Then Randy Travis says a lot of stuff that nobody cares about. Then there is more killing. Then Travis tries simultaneously to kill a whore and have a shootout, but he talks too much. Then the good guy rides away with the last whore.

The only question that remains is why do all the men, good or bad, want to kill the whores? I think the word "whore" was uttered more in this movie than at my cousin's wedding.

I give it three stars because, in the middle of the movie for some unknown reason,they turned it into a porno. Boobies on screen; butt-licking off of it. But then they killed that whore. Killed her dead.
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War Arrow (1953)
Not as Good as Most Movies with a Talentless Leading Lady
16 June 2012
You can always tell a bad Maureen O'Hara movie. If she is top billed, it's P U Stinky. Her main acting skills involve a mane of red hair and large bosoms.

In this movie, O'Hara, once again, plays a fiery redhead who likes to tell the man she loves that she wants nothing to do with him. This was her sole role in movies until she got too old. Then she just got cranky with everybody.

Jeff Chandler was second billed. The movie revolves around his character. He gets more screen time and all the action, but he is sadly lacking in the mammary department.

They have plenty of Indians in this movie. Too many perhaps. It looks like they didn't all get outfitted in the same wardrobe department. Perhaps some of them simply wandered over from another movie.

The plot is solid as a rock. There are a bunch of Indians who always attack in small groups. And there is another bunch that are peaceful. So the Army teaches the peaceful bunch how to fight in small groups like the other bunch. And then there is a big battle where everybody forgets their roles and just attacks everybody else en masse.

And finally Maureen O'Hara gets to model a cool outfit.

The end.

This movie gets two stars: One for Ms. O'Hara's physical qualities, and one for her lack of screen time.

I almost deducted a star for Dennis Weaver's portrayal of an Indian, but it was a relief to see the man walk around without a stick tied to his leg.
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Stinky Baby Diarhea in Incredible Proportions
14 June 2012
It's a sad reality that people look at this wandering collage of unrelated scenes and declare it a great movie.

The actors are pretty good, but they are not given any lines worth a darn.

The director apparently went to the one-trick pony school of cinema. He likes to present cool things even if there is no reason for them to appear. I can imagine him on the set repeating over and over, the heck with reality; I'm creating a movie for 13-year-old boys.

There is virtually no reason to like any of the characters. All of them, even the cops, are as immoral and decadent as possible. They say absolutely stupid things that seem to have no relation to the movie itself.

When the good guys win, you are left with the questions of what did they win, and how did they win. There really isn't any sense in it at all.

Pitiful waste of time.
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It's a Slow War Movie; not a Mr. Tibbs prequel
28 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
From the comments and reviews, it seems that people think that this was a clumsily handled movie about racism. It isn't.

Poitier plays a man with little practical experience, but the stripes that put him in charge. Ladd plays a man who has all the practical experience, but he lost his stripes due to unexplained incidents in his past.

Poitier has to deal with one racist guy. That's all. The rest of the outfit, including Ladd, don't care if Poitier is black.

Ladd comes close to rebelling against Poitier, but it has nothing to do with race. It has to do with Poitier's lack of experience. Even with their infighting, Ladd backs up Poitier every time there is action. Poitier was the first to run to save Alcalde. Ladd was the second.

Another point that the reviewers don't like is Ladd's age. Go ask grampa. Lots of old timers fought in WWII and Korea. It isn't a stretch at all.

And finally, there were many remarks about bad casting because they didn't use actual Koreans or Chinese. They filmed in the mountains of Montana. There wasn't a lot to choose from. The extras that they used not only were the wrong race, but were often holding the wrong weapons. That's life in a low budget flick. Nonetheless, the people that think this is a movie that champions racial equality are also the same people that accuse this movie of racism as far as the extras. Go figger. I suppose some people can have it both ways.

I've always loved Poitier. He has done many movies where race dominates. This isn't one of them. He's just a guy who is in over his head and he tries to do his best.
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Forest Whitaker and Not Much Else
25 May 2012
120 minutes of scenes that would be cut if they had a plot.

Basically, there is a shadowy hit-man who likes to talk to everybody. He tells his story everywhere he goes.

Talk, talk, talk.

He even talks to the cops. What a nice talkative hit-man. Oh, boy.

Luckily, even though half the city knows he is a hit-man, he can still pull off these hits without anybody catching on. Even when the cops catch him in the middle of a hit and know that he is a hit-man, nobody catches on. What a sneaky guy.

I assume that the reason why they turned the original turkey of a play into this turkey of a movie was so the characters could be heard over the endless chants of "What kind of crap is this?" Love Whitaker. Hate everything about this movie.
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Iron Man (2008)
A steaming Pile of Stark
16 May 2012
I couldn't get past the opening. They opened with Stark being a drunk and a whoremonger.

In the first battle, a guy screams at him and then he gets ripped apart. The Humvee that Stark is in gets riddled with holes from the projectiles. Stark would have been liverwurst at that point.

Then we find out that his heart condition is now merely shrapnel.

And that's all I could stand.

Why couldn't they make an Ironman movie about Ironman? Why did they have to make one about some god-awful person who was only fit for a Kardashian wedding.

They could have had a decent movie that was faithful to Ironman and used the same plot.

Extremely poor if you like Ironman. Maybe okay if you favor crap.

I won't regret not seeing this turkey, but I do regret the five minutes that I spent seeing how badly they treated a pretty decent character.

This movie gets one star for the casting. Robert Downey Junior is a true piece of trash, and his real life fits exactly the despicable person that they turned Tonly Stark into.
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Had to Quit Before the Blook Started Squirting from my Ears
9 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This guy who got famous for standing around watching crazy people and occasionally commenting on humanity plays the lead, a man who stands around watching crazy people and occasionally commenting on humanity.

So in the movie, this guy is ambushed by an Italian guy who was a leader of an Indian tribe. In the end the Italian guy dies and the other Italian Indians get mad.

Then the guy who gets famous is captured by this Greek guy who heads the local Mexican gang which is made up of white guys playing Mexicans and/or Indians.

Lurch just stands there, but Catwoman does her sexy killer routine.

So far, after 40 years, that's as far as I've gotten. Peck is the slowest moving action hero known to man. Van Cleef, by the way, still gets that award in the villain and overall categories.

Lurch is as good as needed. Catwoman is truly strange. The godawful music must have been written in 5 minutes (by one of the best in the business) and also recorded in 5 minutes (again, by one of the best.)


Parts I didn't see because they happened after Minute 5 which is the point where my aneurysm always starts throbbing:

The producers felt that having just one Greek in a Mexican gang was not enough so they import another guy later on. But two Greek guys is not enough to make an authentic Mexican gang.

They bring in stars such as Edward G., but they had to poke his eyes out.

From what I hear, this is sort of a messy road movie. You could remove the Mexican bandits or the townspeople or Telly and the army, and the movie would be the same.

It is one of my lifelong goals to sit through this pile of manure. I failed again today. I plead unpreparedness. All my towels are white and with this aneurysm throbbing, I felt that I was looking at a potentially devastating laundry bill.

This movie gets one star because I like Lurch
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The Animals (1970)
Lots of Death Without Any of the Boring Dialogue
29 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I like this movie because it has lots of killing and none of the over-hyped Tarantino and/or Spaghetti Western crap. Find a target; shoot; move on.

On the other hand, why does Silva cut out those mocassins using the same kind of carving knife found in my Exacto kit? Why does the screaming prostitute have nipples but Michelle Carey doesn't? Why does that guy take a crap with his longjohns on? (No back flap, in case you are wondering) Why can't the sheriff see the two riders who just shot his prisoner in the open desert? Why does Keenan Wynn have such a heavy beard and hairy chest, but a completely hairless neck? Why did the sheriff forget at the end of the movie that it was white guys who were the bad guys? Why is it that Chatto can't speak English, but can read "powder" on the side of a barrel? For that matter, the word "powder" is printed in large white letters; so why does Chatto even have to point it out to the schoolmarm? Lots of killing. A lot of it is the cool senseless kind.

But in the end it is just another schoolteacher going postal.

Seen it.

Seven stars out of ten. One for the boobies that you see. One for the oddly missing nipples. Three stars for senseless rape, death and destruction. One star for not forcing the love story angle. One star for Keenan's laughing after he is separated from his Wally Wally.
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The Real Plot was How to Get People to Pay to See this Tripe
25 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Two Italian guys who once made some good movies about a guy who stands around and sometimes shoots people decide that they are going to do another movie about a guy who stands around and sometimes shoots people.

For the guy who stands around and sometimes shoots people they selected John Law. My understanding of this decision is that they saved money by hiring a model since he wasn't going to be acting anyway.

So the guy who stands around and sometimes shoots people decides that the next people he shoots are going to be other guys who shoot people.

To help him out he finds another guy who stands around and sometimes shoots people. The Italian guys cast Van Cleef in that role, because he built a career out of standing around and sometimes shooting people. Plus he's bald, which makes it a lot easier to tell which guy standing around and sometimes shooting people is which.

The Italian guys decide that the plot is going to be the same basic plot as their big hit -- but they put a big twist in it. Oh, my.

The twist is that Van Cleef isn't the Bad. This time, he is the Ugly.

He lives up to it.

Oh, and the guns sound just like the guns in the Italian guys hit movie. You know, the one with the plot and the good actor.
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A Plot That is Far-Fetched Even for the Three Stooges
12 January 2012
You don't have to see more than a few minutes of this movie to start picking out the plot holes. What a disaster.

Bergen's character, for instance, enters the race, not to win, but because she knows that the race goes right near where her husband is in prison. She wants to break him out, and she wants to use the race to help her. Her plan is to do the race day after day until she runs across the chain gang that has her husband. Then she will overpower the guard and vamoose with the hubby.

Stupid, stupid, stupid plan. But it works. She rides hundreds of miles at break-neck speed and wondrously comes upon the chain gang with her husband at the exact time she passes. She never has to deviate from the race course!! The chain gang is right in the path of the race!! There is only one guard!! She gets her husband out. Wow.

Neither horses nor riders are outfitted for a marathon race. Horses are used like automobiles. As long as the rider can sit, the horse can keep galloping through the desert. However, get a horse near the finish line, and all of a sudden, it's about dead. Too bad the race didn't end 300 yards earlier when the horses were frisky.

I absolutely love cowboy movies, and I like every actor in this movie, but this is a load of garbage.

Perhaps it makes sense if you have never seen a horse or a desert or a race, but this is a stinker.

Horses can't be run hour after hour. Deserts are both deadly hot and freezing cold. Marathon races are not done at full speed.

Geeze, there was even bad acting by the snake. What the heck is that snake doing trying to snuggle up to a sleeping Vincent in the middle of a hot desert day? It was probably an amateur snake that had never been a snake before. A more professional snake would have argued with the director. Real snakes seek heat when it is cold and hide from it when it is hot. If they are out in the hot sun, they are hunting, and they don't hunt things larger than what they can shove down their throats whole.

And finally, if you are ever in the desert and you and your horse are dying of thirst, you aren't a horseman if you drink before you take care of your horse.

This is not a "fact-based" story as some gullibly believe. There was a race once that went the same distance, but that is the only connection.

Hackman, Colburn, Bergen, Johnson, Vincent: fine actors. Anything they have done is more watchable than this turkey.

This movie gets one cow plop out of ten. Great actors. No plot. Bad camera work. Badly edited.
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Navy Seals (1990)
If you Like your Soldiers Drunk and Irresponsible, This is the Movie for you
7 December 2011
Charlie wakes up from a drunk in the surf. He steals a bicycle. He steals a car. He rips up a golf course. Beer cans thrown around. Carts dumped in the water hazard.

This is the way our fighting men are portrayed on their days off.

Charlie shoots a man who is holding a gun to the head of a woman. Charlie makes a joke. Charlie is asked what is happening during combat. Charlie makes a joke. Later in another battle, Charlie is asked to assess the situation. Charlie makes a joke.

This is the way our fighting men are portrayed during combat.

I like Charlie. But I'd slap the stuffing out of him for his part in this movie.
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This Movie Stinks on Every Level, but I Still Love It.
22 June 2011
Cheech is great. Clooney is good. Some bit players are good. Salma, as always, is a convincing whore. But almost everything else stinks.

Tarantino had an idea for a script, but failed to write it. Rodriquez had his usual half an idea about how to direct. The talentless Lewis reprises her role as a weak little girl surrounded by psychotic men. Hayek is allowed on screen long enough to dance and die, and that's a little too long for her talent. Keitel didn't have a clue about how to be a mild-mannered preacher.

Still, there is a lot of blood and gore. Lots and lots of people die. So if it's a blood fest that you want, try this one.

But watch out for that wooden post that keeps reappearing throughout the movie. That's Ms. Lewis acting her heart out.
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D.E.B.S. (2004)
Not a Winner
21 June 2011
Nobody applauds the story, the plot, the character development, the directing, the action. Everybody seems to like the part where two nubile young innocents (played by two women in their mid-20s) explore their sexuality.

And that is why some are applauding the casting. They found two hot chicks who want to kiss each other because, wow, that outfit is so hot.

The Internet is full of sites that have old women posing as underage girls, and the Internet is full of hot chicks who want to kiss each other. Those sites are also devoid of plot, character development, etc.

See the movie if you want to see hot women in their 20s kiss each other Avoid this movie if you have any other reason for watching movies.
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Old Strippers are Sad
20 June 2011
This movie proves that silicone does not age. Jameson dies right away and becomes a vampire. Throughout the movie, her appearance degrades as she becomes more zombie-like. However, her breasts seem to remain as perfectly squeezable as the day her surgeon gave them to her.

To top it off, her other surgically enhanced sexual body part also seems to have survived the ravages of zombiehood. She may be old and wrinkly, but she still has the range and the choice of ammunition.

Sadly, her zombie lips are misshapen and grotesque -- much like the way they were before she became a zombie.

But you can't beat those boobs. Right up to the moment when she loses half of her head, those happy pillows still look warm and inviting.

See this movie if you want to see Jenna Jameson die or if you want to find out if zombie strippers act even more cold and detached than those at your regular house of sin.

Avoid this movie if you tend to cry at sad scenes such as Jameson coming back to life.
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Gran Torino (2008)
Very Poor Ending
5 June 2011
This is a thoroughly enjoyable movie right up to the end. But the end is not good. It stinks on ice.

For the end of the movie to work, Eastwood needs outside help. Remember what the Hmong cop told the kid at the end? He said that this time, it would be different because .... Well, that is a young cop. His fellow officers are likely to tell him not to count his chickens before they are hatched. That outside help often dries up and blows away long before it is actually useful.

Well, all through this movie situations arise which are very similar to the end scene. All through this movie, that outside help was possible. All through this movie, nobody expected that outside help. And all through this movie that outside help doesn't appear. It doesn't appear from the community at large or from anyone related to any of the victims. It doesn't even come from the victims themselves. Heck, the victims are 100% absolute perfect candidates to give that outside help, but they don't do it either.

Still, Eastwood bets everything on it. Apparently his reasoning is: If I do my part, then everybody else will do their part. He seems to be forgetting that the entire community has been unwilling to have anything to do with that outside help that he needs.

And so, the movie closes in a way that would be shameful to Dirty Harry. He had so many other options. Instead, he goes against everything his character has done in his 80 years and chooses to do something that his character would consider weak and unmanly. It wasn't a brave act. Considering what else Eastwood's character was facing, this ending shows that he is giving up.

In the movie, Eastwood says "I finish things. That's what I do." Well, he didn't finish squat with this ending. There is a darn good chance that the people Eastwood is protecting are going to be a lot worse off in the future. That outside help often disappears. Cops on Law and Order and CSI are shown having trouble with that particular kind of outside help on every other episode.

It is a stupid, stupid ending to an otherwise totally enthralling movie.

There is no satisfactory rating to be given to this movie. It was absolutely brilliant until the end. But the ending is horrible.
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Just like Barry Bonds, Lasser's Performance was Based Solely on Illegal Substances
3 June 2011
If you like useless TV trivia, you know that Norman Lear was the first to get a flushing toilet onto television. It happened on All in the Family. Good ol' Norman was known as edgy and innovative for such things.

But he pushed too far with Mary Hartman. The networks considered Mary Hartman to be even more shocking than a toilet, and they rejected it. Luckily, there were plenty of independent stations that thought that a flushing toilet was very artsy, and Mary Hartman came to life.

And so we were presented with a pervert grandpa, a eunuch, death by soup, death by tree, etc. Like the flushing toilet, none of this is vital to the plot. They appear simply to shock. All in the Family didn't need the flushing toilet, but Norman did write an entire show based around the sound of a toilet flushing.

Mary Hartman was a show in which each episode concerned something shocking. The writing, acting and directing ranged from exceptionally poor (Lasser) to average. None of that really mattered. The fans tuned in to see what shocking situation Mary found herself in.

Mary Hartman had one hook: either Hartman wouldn't understand the shocking events that happened or she would fixate on a trivial detail. Take a gander at the glowing reviews written by those frustrated liberal arts students. They all talk about the shocking situations, but not a one of them can remember the plots.

It wasn't art. It wasn't cutting edge. It wasn't even sitcom noir. It was a series of unfunny jokes delivered by a severely drug-addled D-list star about some "shocking" situation that happened.

Not as well-written as Zombie Cheerleaders in the All-Night Bowlerama. Not as well-acted as My Mother the Car. Not as shocking as seeing Grandma in her nightie. The perfect gift for the average mother-in-law.
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Hero Wanted (2008)
As Confusing as Obama; As Painful as the Ragin' Rhoids
27 May 2011
Some reviewers like this movie because it is an action movie. This isn't an action movie. There is supposed to be action in it, but you never really see it. What you do see is a hodge-podge of cut scenes at awkward angles.

Some reviewers like this movie because of its artsy-fartsy non-linear storytelling technique. I don't agree with them, but I do sympathize. It must have been a shock for them to discover that there are no useful applications for a liberal arts degree. So when something like this comes along, it is natural to grasp at straws and declare that this movie is true art. Sadly, they are basing their claims on what their freshman professor said about some Italian guy who was loved at Cannes and ignored by the public. Being part of the public, I say that it's not a good movie if you have to keep saying "Who is that?," "What did that mean?," and most importantly, "When will this piece of crap be over?"

Some reviewers like this movie because of the actors. Cuba Gooding is a great actor. Ray Liotta is as good (or bad) as ever. The rest of the cast are very minor actors who once were or someday may join Liotta on the bottom of the B list.

Personally, I started having trouble with this movie when the bank teller got shot in the head at close range and ended up with only a black spot of grease paint on her forehead. Apparently, you go into a coma if you get grease paint on your face.

Overall, this movie had great potential but fell short because of two people: the guy who hired the director, and the guy who approved the script.

This movie would make a great gift for your mother-in-law, but don't give it to anyone that you like.
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