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Leave It to Beaver: Family Scrapbook (1963)
Season 6, Episode 39
The series ends on a "not so high" note
13 June 2024
If the people involved knew that this episode was to be the series finale, they chose a very cheap and underwhelming story. Essentially, we have the Cleaver family looking through a photo album, and reminiscing about old times. The scenes taken from previous episodes are nothing special. The show didn't have many "standout" moments, but there still had to be better clips than those that were chosen. At least two of the clips show characters that had been randomly dropped, as the series went along. Most notably, Sue Randall as Miss Landers. This clip was from a good episode, but this can make you wonder why Miss Landers didn't stay for the duration of the series. I would have been glad to have seen the stuffy old principal, Mrs Rayburn drop away, instead. Another clip shows Beaver with Larry Mondello. Beaver talks about Larry Mondello very casually, but the character had dropped out long before this episode (without any explanation). All in all, this could have been done much better. This episode was directed by Hugh Beaumont. Beaumont was very good, and very likeable, as Ward Cleaver. He also directed several other episodes, all of which seemed to be better because of his input. Too bad that Beaumont couldn't have made this final episode better, as well.
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Leave It to Beaver: Don Juan Beaver (1963)
Season 6, Episode 32
Is Beaver talking to Peggy or Violet?
11 June 2024
When I immediately recognized Veronica Cartwright (as Peggy), my first thought was that she had previously played Violet Rutherford. Curiously, the Violet Rutherford character made only a couple of appearances. After that, the character was never seen or mentioned again. It still wasn't the best decision to cast Veronica as Peggy. Violet Rutherford also had direct interactions with Beaver. If the viewer connected Veronica to her original character, that could affect how they viewed her performance in this episode. All of this not withstanding, Beaver looked much better with Peggy, as opposed to Melinda. Charla Doherty (Melinda) was two years older than Jerry Mathers. It came across as if the age difference was even greater. In real life, Charla was from Ohio. This supports my guess that her annoying Southern accent had to be fake. All things considered, Beaver should have just kept his date with Peggy, and not given Melinda a second thought!
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Leave It to Beaver: Box Office Attraction (1963)
Season 6, Episode 23
Wally and an "older" woman
9 June 2024
Another possible title for this review would be "Tony Dow and the wrong actress." In real life, Diane Sayer (Marlene) was 7 years older than Tony Dow. It absolutely came across that way. It is also entirely possible to see why a young guy would be attracted to an older woman. In the case of this episode, however, the wrong actress was picked to play the older woman. In my opinion, Diane Sayer wasn't even nice looking, let alone the "beauty" she was being projected as. If Marlene and Wally had been the same age, I still wouldn't have understood what he "saw" in her. I didn't like her looks, her personality, or anything about her. What you're supposed to take from the story is obvious, but a different actress should have played this part. I'm glad that Wally finally realized that Marlene wasn't for him. Wally was a nice guy, and deserved better.
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Hellhole (1985)
Thanks for the Nudity
9 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, thanks for the nudity. Because the nudity was the only thing I liked about this movie, at all!! The nudity was good, but there should have been even more of it! What about Judy Landers? Not only did she NOT take her clothes off, she even wore a bra! Like another reviewer mentioned, that was a shame. Most of the female cast members got naked. Why not Judy? The story is so dumb. Judy's character suffers from amnesia, after seeing her mother killed. She subsequently winds up in some mental institution, with the female inmates subjected to murderous experiments. Quite unpleasant to watch. The best thing about the movie was an appearance by Edy Williams, as one of the inmates. Edy was past age 40 at the time, and she showed her stuff! I loved it! She looked great. Very pretty, in addition to showing her stuff! Otherwise, the movie was a flop. The opening scene showed the potential for a good thriller, but the story then takes a completely wrong direction.
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Leave It to Beaver: Stocks and Bonds (1962)
Season 5, Episode 38
My pick for "most boring episode"
4 June 2024
One of the other reviewers says that there are no "big laughs" in this episode. From where I sat, there were no laughs at all. Ward wanted to teach Wally and Beaver about investing their money wisely. Namely, the stock market. Which company is best? Mayfield Electric or Jet Electro? Who really cared??!! This might have been a topic suitable for Perry Mason, but not Leave it to Beaver. Only when Eddie Haskell offered his typical bad advice did the episode have any energy at all. However, this is faint praise. Most of the other episodes are interesting because they have Beaver and Wally involved in the usual types of situations. This episode was atypical of the series, and that was the problem.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver the Babysitter (1962)
Season 5, Episode 27
"You sure are a funny looking babysitter"
3 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The above line is one of the few lines from the show that has stuck in my head, all through the years. Without being sure which episode it came from, I remembered that some little kid said it to Beaver. I mention all of this because that one line is funnier than the episode as a whole. Leave it to Beaver really wasn't a "laugh out loud" show, but little Chucky saying that line to Beaver made me laugh out loud. Unlike some other reviewers, I wasn't impressed by Chucky's sister, Pat. She wasn't particularly cute. What did she do or say that was so hilarious? She threatened to scream at least three times, and she forced Beaver to play "house" with her. It was so funny, I forgot to laugh. Well, anyway, Beaver sure was a funny looking babysitter!
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Leave It to Beaver: Brother vs. Brother (1962)
Season 5, Episode 31
A very cute little girl
3 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Mimi Gibson as Mary Tyler. Mimi was an incredibly cute little girl. This resonated more because the show, in general, didn't have particularly "good looking" kids. It was nice that Beaver took an instant liking to her, and that she wanted him to "walk her home." Everything is going just fine, until the story takes a wrong turn. We reach the point where Mary wants Beaver to walk home "only with her." Then, Wally walks into the room, and Mary forgets all about Beaver. Wally was an arguably "good looking" guy, as well as a nice guy. This would explain why a girl his own age would flip over him. Why a girl as young as Beaver would develop an instant "crush" on Wally is not entirely clear. In any case, we have Mary now interested in Wally, and Beaver blaming his brother for this. Not a very desirable direction for the story to take. It would have been more interesting if one of Beaver's friends also developed a crush on Mary. Why his friends didn't seem to like Mary, but only mocked Beaver for liking her, also didn't make much sense. None of Beaver's friends wore glasses. Maybe, they all needed to have their eyes examined!
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Leave It to Beaver: Farewell to Penny (1962)
Season 5, Episode 15
Beaver, Penny and the voice of Wilma Flintstone
1 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It was great to see Jean Vander Pyl as Mrs Woods. She made a few previous appearances in the series, but her role in this episode was a little more substantial. Most people knew Jean by her voice (Wilma Flintstone). Seeing her "in person" was interesting. She was a charming, nice looking lady with an equally appealing voice. Yet, her voice didn't necessarily match her appearance. Maybe, I just know her too well as "Wilma." In any case, this is a good story that is compromised, to a point, by the ending. Karen Sue Trent (as Penny) was never very likeable, but she was an improvement over Jeri Wiel as Judy. When Beaver learns that Penny is about to move away, he realizes that he likes her! Penny, in turn, realizes that she likes him! This was sweet! The scenes between Beaver and Penny got me a little emotional! Karen had to be a good little actress. She managed to give her character a different dynamic, in the scene where she and Beaver admit that they like each other. This was nice! They should have kept it going in that direction. By the end of the episode, however, it's revealed that Penny is not moving away, after all. So, of course, Penny and Beaver have to go back to "not liking" each other. What a cop out! There was some detectable chemistry between Beaver and Penny. It would have been nice to see something develop. Penny had a hair style that didn't fit her. That was the only thing that I didn't like about her. Karen Sue Trent demonstrated that she could have played this character differently, and it would have worked. The writers of the show should have explored that possibility.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver's English Test (1961)
Season 5, Episode 11
Was it "cheating" or wasn't it?
31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
A curious situation. Because Beaver is doing badly in English, Wally attempts to tutor him. Was Wally ever known to be such a good student? As a last resort, Wally lets Beaver study an old English test that Wally had previously taken. Beaver's (somewhat annoying) friend Gilbert also studies Wally's old test. Wouldn't you know it? Beaver's teacher gives the class the exact same test, the next day. It was curious that the teacher didn't question how Beaver and Gilbert both got a score of 96. Not only was this a case of two mediocre students suddenly doing very well, but both getting the same score. Actually, this was not a case of cheating, but of coincidence. Beaver didn't need to feel guilty. The teacher should not have given the same test that had previously been given to another class. The actor who played Mr Blair was another curious choice. Wendell Holmes had previously played a drunk, in a season three episode. Prior to that, he also played a different teacher. An example of the range that an actor is capable of having, but still a little unsettling. The same actor that was a drunk begging Beaver for a "drink" was now a teacher, trying to tell Beaver about morals and ethics. Overall, a good episode, but the "message" was kind of ambiguous.
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Leave It to Beaver: Wally Goes Steady (1961)
Season 5, Episode 1
Look! It's Ryan O'Neal!
29 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I recognized Ryan O'Neal, even before the closing credits confirmed it. However, the fact that it was Ryan O'Neal didn't cause me to like the episode any better. He did nothing that any other actor couldn't have done just as well. The episode is all about Wally suddenly going steady. With someone named Evelyn. Then, we find out that, while dating Evelyn, Wally is also hanging around with Evelyn's married sister and her husband. What was the world coming to?! No wonder Ward and June were so concerned! By contrast, I found the whole episode pretty underwhelming. Maybe, different actors would have made a difference. As I mentioned, Ryan O'Neal was OK. Between Mary Mitchell (Evelyn) and Gloria Gilbert (Judy), I couldn't decide who was the bigger bore. They were absolutely interchangeable. They could have switched roles, and it would have made no difference whatsoever. The story came across like an attempt to take the show in a more "adult" direction. It didn't work. The episode is a misfire. Only the fine performances of the regular cast members make it watchable.
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Leave It to Beaver: Substitute Father (1961)
Season 4, Episode 39
What did Beaver say?
27 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We don't know what "terrible" word Beaver said, because we never hear it spoken. Of course, if the word was bad enough to merit the teacher's reaction, they could not have said that word on television at the time. Curious, when you consider the kind of language that is regularly used on current TV shows. I completely agree with the other reviewer, who said that this episode "missed the mark." Beaver's use of foul language was directly related to him being tripped by another student. That aspect of the situation is not dealt with at all. Miss Landers didn't seem particularly interested in what triggered Beaver's "bad word." She was just so "disappointed" in him. Miss Landers would have gotten me a little annoyed, except that she looked so pretty! What can I say? "Looks" always make a difference. In any case, the story should have been as much about punishing the punk that tripped Beaver, as it was about Beaver's "bad word." What should Beaver have done? Say "thank you" to this punk for tripping him? The episode had implications of "political correctness." However, this couldn't have been the case, since PC didn't exist at the time. The part about Wally substituting for his father didn't really resonate. If anything, the episode would have been stronger if Ward had been involved in the situation. Sue Randall, as Miss Landers, caused me to like the episode more than anyone else in the cast. She looked more pretty here than in most of her other appearances. I know this observation is not politically correct, but I don't care!!
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Leave It to Beaver: Wally and Dudley (1961)
Season 4, Episode 25
Leave it to Beaver or Lost in Space?
24 May 2024
Actually, my heading could have gone with a few other episodes, as well. I've previously seen Gil Rogers and Keith Taylor, who appeared together in a Lost in Space episode. In this episode, however, we have Marta Kristen, Judy Robinson herself! Since Marta Kristen was not only one of the stars on Lost in Space, but also much better looking than Rogers or Taylor, I felt that this episode deserved the association with Lost in Space. I'm making so many references to Lost in Space because Marta Kristen's presence in this episode was the only thing that resonated with me. I can't find much to say about the episode itself, because the Dudley character was such a flop. Eddie and Lumpy made fun of Dudley because he wore an overcoat, and was polite to everyone. Who really cared?! When I saw Marta Kristen, I forgot everyone else! The regular cast was good here, as usual. But, none of them look like Marta!
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Saturn 3 (1980)
Maybe we should have had Michael Douglas, instead of his father
19 May 2024
Farrah Fawcett was only three years younger than Michael Douglas. In this movie, however, we had Kirk Douglas, who was thirty years older than Farrah Fawcett. Kirk's presence in this movie was a case of miscasting, if there ever was such a case. He was clearly too old for the role he played. The "amourous" scenes between him and Farrah (which are nothing to go out of your way for) are completely unconvincing. Farrah's highly touted nude scene is also nothing to go out of your way for. The movie was rated R. However, what Farrah "shows" here could have easily gotten away with a PG rating. The movie is almost a complete flop. Two lovers ( who come across more like father and daughter) living on an asteroid, being menaced by an "intruder" from Earth. Another question raised. Since they felt that they needed to dub Harvey Keitel's voice, why didn't they just use a different actor? Keitel, like Douglas, was miscasted. Only Farrah Fawcett had the potential to make this movie work. To a small degree, she actually did. Despite her underwhelming nude scene, Farrah at least gave me someone that was nice to look at!
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver and Andy (1960)
Season 3, Episode 20
Adult subject matter?
15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike a few other reviewers, I don't think the show necessarily deserved special praise for this episode. Leave it to Beaver had a tendency to sometimes deal with topics that were more "adult." However, the story of an alcoholic loser seemed like it belonged on a different show. In a previous episode, Ward criticized a suit that Wally had bought, because Ward thought the suit was "in bad taste." Within the parameters of this show, one could argue that the story in this episode was "in bad taste." The actor chosen to play "Andy" was also questionable. Wendell Holmes had previously appeared as a teacher, in another episode. The fact that Holmes could be connected to a different, and more respectable character, compromised his role as "Andy." This episode was definitely on a different level than most of the others. Whether or not that is a "good thing" is a matter of opinion. I didn't think so. Having this drunk approach Beaver for a "bottle" was a particularly poor choice. Good performances by all, but the topic wasn't suited to this show.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver and Chuey (1958)
Season 2, Episode 4
Language barrier
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The "moral" of the story is pretty obvious, but this episode misses the mark. Like another reviewer mentioned, the reason for the Varela family having moved into the Cleaver's neighborhood is not made clear. These characters were portrayed as not understanding English "at all." How did they expect to function in a community where literally nobody else spoke Spanish? You're supposed to think it's "cute" that Beaver and Chuey became friends, even though they were incapable of understanding each other. Didn't make sense. It was also clear that the actor who played Chuey probably could speak and understand English. He wasn't a good enough actor to make his character believable. The basic premise of this episode is pretty stupid. The whole thing comes down to Beaver insulting Chuey, because Beaver had no idea what he was saying. The evil Eddie Haskell taught Beaver a Spanish phrase which translated to "you have a face like a pig." Then, of course, Chuey and his parents are insulted. What a surprise! In contrast to today's world, this story can be hard to take seriously. Today, those of us who speak English are, more and more, being made to feel like we're the ones who "don't belong." Overall, this episode suffers from an impractical premise, and guest stars that were not particularly engaging or effective.
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Leave It to Beaver (1957–1963)
Great, and somewhat underrated show
1 May 2024
I do not remember Leave it to Beaver being shown on network television, back in the early 1970s, when I was a kid. I didn't become aware of the show until many years later. Curious, because this show is as good, or better, than some of the sitcoms that were consistently shown in syndication. The episodes play more like short films, and this is what gives the show its appeal. The stories were well written and truly family oriented. The show didn't always go for obvious laughs. Despite the title, the Jerry Mathers character didn't come across as the central figure of the show. All the principal characters seemed to contribute equally to the show. Great show, referencing a time when the world was a different and better place.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver Gets 'Spelled' (1957)
Season 1, Episode 1
Beaver, what a pretty teacher you have!
27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best "first episodes" I've ever seen. Only a few other TV shows started out on such a strong note. Curiously, how young Theodore came to be called "Beaver" is not explained. In any case, Jerry Mathers was quite effective as Beaver, right off the bat. Tony Dow, as Wally, was a little underwhelming at first. Barbara Billingsley and Hugh Beaumont were just fine as Mr and Mrs Cleaver. In this episode, the story is essentially about Beaver getting a note from his teacher, and assuming the worst. Diana Brewster as Miss Canfield made me instantly happy that I purchased the box set of the series! What an absolutely beautiful, charming lady! Miss Canfield made Beaver nervous, simply because she was his teacher. Just looking at her would have made me lose control! In fact, when I started writing this review, I couldn't think of anything other than Diana Brewster as Miss Canfield! Every teacher should have looked like her! Seriously, the story is done well. It was true to what the series would evolve into. Of course, Beaver worried needlessly about his teacher's note. She only wanted him to play Smokey the Bear. Overall, a very enjoyable episode. I understand that Diana Brewster appeared in subsequent episodes. I can't wait to watch those episodes!
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Green Acres (1965–1971)
Good theme song. Not much else
24 April 2024
This is a revision to a semi-positive review that I recently deleted. After watching several episodes of the show, I became more and more disappointed. The whole premise of the show was so dumb. A New York lawyer abruptly decides that he wants to leave NYC, and become a farmer in Hooterville. Is Hooterville a real place? The state that Hooterville is supposed to be in is never identified. If the Eddie Albert character is no longer practicing law, why is he always dressed like a lawyer? Even while farming. Eddie Albert wasn't funny in this show. The show itself wasn't funny. A parade of dumb jokes that just get recycled, from episode to episode. As Oliver, Albert came across as though he realized how stupid the show really was. The recurring co-stars might have been better in other places. None of them were very funny here. The Eva Gabor character became increasingly dumb and irritating. I originally praised Gabor for being "nice to look at." That observation stands. She had the look. There's no getting around that. The two tons of makeup she wore was another exaggeration of the show. I don't think she needed all that makeup. Just like her character would have come across better if the character had been played a little smarter, Eva would have been even more attractive if she had gone more "natural." All in all, the theme song was the best part of the show.
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Family Matters: Trading Places (1997)
Season 9, Episode 8
How could they trade places?
18 April 2024
The basic premise of this episode is kind of ridiculous. The process by which Stefan came into existence is completely ignored. Originally, Steve had to drink an elixir or step into a transformation chamber to "become" Stefan. In this episode, Steve and Stefan are separated into two different people (this is pretty ridiculous, too). Each of them tries to imitate the other, without the aid of an elixir or transformation chamber. This should have been impossible, according to the logic of the show. However, things didn't always need to be logical on Family Matters. The best part of the episode is when Laura realizes what Steve and Stefan are up to. She really told Stefan off, and she looked great when she told him! Laura is the greatest! Kellie S, as in many other episodes, was mainly responsible for making this episode work. The part of the story that had Eddie shooting a video with his father, this was done well. However, Eddie and Carl didn't look as hot as Laura did!
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Family Matters: Flirting with Disaster (1997)
Season 8, Episode 21
Where was Greta?!
11 April 2024
This episode has one of the dumbest storylines of the entire series. It's not the part of the episode that has Carl's insurance rates about to go up. That part of the episode is just underwhelming. The insurance agent wants to raise Carl's rates because Urkel lives with Carl. How hilarious. The dumb part of this episode has Eddie flirting with an older woman, because Greta supposedly "dumped" him. Greta doesn't appear in this episode (not a particularly smart decision). According to the story, she broke up with Eddie because he made an unflattering remark about how she looked in a pair of jeans. Not believable. Greta had already physically battled Myrtle Urkel, just for Eddie. Greta should have been in this episode. It would have been better to have heard, from Greta, what her issues with Eddie were. It would also have been better to see Tammy Townsend's beautiful face, in addition to the fact that she played Greta very well. As for Lynette Lane, who played the "older woman." She looked pretty good in the one scene where she was wearing a short skirt. Other than that, she was no competition for Greta. Tammy Townsend had it all over her, five hundred times!!
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Steve (and Stefan) in Disney World
3 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This two part episode was the only place where the validity of Urkel's transformation chamber was questioned. At the Science Fair, the David L Lander character accuses Urkel of being a fraud. The accusation was not without merit. Steve stepped into the chamber, and came out with different clothes and a different overall dynamic. This actually is nothing that could not have been done without the aid of scientific equipment. Realistically, Steve's transformation to Stefan could have been attributed to a "split personality." Although he played an unlikeable character, David L Lander was one of the best guest stars to appear on the show. His character raised a valid point, which seemed to elude everyone else. Despite some musical "time fillers," the first part of the episode was well done.
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Family Matters: The Gun (1995)
Season 6, Episode 15
Toni Decopio?
2 April 2024
This episode is undermined by the inclusion of "political correctness." First, the female gang that harassed Laura was racially mixed. Not realistic. Then, we have the gang leader, Toni Decopio. This character was played by a black actress. Why was the character given a name that sounded Italian? Political correctness at work. Totally unnecessary, and only compromised the "message" that the episode was supposedly sending. Toni was played by Tracey Cherrele Jones. She looked enough like a female thug, but her performance wasn't convincing. You could tell that she was "only acting." The episode pushes the obvious buttons. However, as in many other episodes, it's basically Jaleel and Kellie that make everything work. In fact, Kellie's performance was a little better. As Laura Winslow, she was always real. Never a false note. Jo Marie Payton also gave a very good performance.
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Inserts (1975)
Jessica and Veronica. Two naughty girls!
27 March 2024
This is a mediocre movie. The degree to which the movie works, at all, is because of Jessica Harper and Veronica Cartwright. The male actors (including Richard Dreyfuss) are almost completely disposable. Dreyfuss succeeded only in making his character very unlikeable. His portrayal of an alcoholic director of "skin flicks" is completely generic. The biggest problem with the movie is too much dialogue (mostly between the male characters). I don't think anyone ever watched an "adult movie" because they wanted to listen to men who never stop talking and shouting at each other. Now, for what does work in this movie. Jessica Harper and Veronica Cartwright both drove me crazy! Veronica shows "everything." Jessica, almost everything. They both deserved credit for their lack of inhibition. At one point, Jessica, like the male characters, also starts talking too much. But, she at least had her clothes off while she was talking! That makes all the difference in the world! Jessica also had a look of "classic" beauty. That would have been true even if she hadn't taken her clothes off, but I'm glad that she did! Another big mistake in the movie is that the Veronica Cartwright character is taken out much too soon. Veronica has always been a good actress. In this movie, she also lets "everything" show. I enjoyed watching her let everything show! They should have kept her around for the duration. Overall, the movie deserves points for being willing to accept the "X" rating. However, the great Richard Dreyfuss had nothing to do with what made the movie work. All the credit goes to Jessica and Veronica.
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Tunnel Vision (1976)
Howard Hesseman and Betty Thomas
26 March 2024
The performances of the above actors were the ONLY things I liked about this movie. Hesseman plays the arbitrator of the council which is rallying against the Tunnel Vision network. He gave a good performance. Betty Thomas drove me crazy! She appears topless, as a game show contestant. Within this skit, Betty often jumps up and down, causing some much appreciated bouncing! Loved it! My only complaint is that Betty wasn't completely topless. She had two little "stick on" things in the obvious places. It would have been better if she hadn't worn those "stick-on" things, but still not bad! The rest of the movie? Not very funny or even very interesting. Far too much emphasis placed on the political issues of the time. The movie is slightly interesting for appearances by future stars. However, Betty Thomas made the movie, for me! I just wish she had left those "stick-on" things off!
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Mediocre thriller
25 March 2024
One prominent critic trashed this movie, while implying that Lee Grant was "too good" for this type of thing. Although usually a fine actress, Lee Grant is the weakest element in this movie. She either overacts or underacts, but she is never believable as the character she plays here. Reportedly, Grant wanted her character to have a feminist dynamic. Completely unnecessary to the flow of the story. The psycho that was stalking Grant didn't seem to know anything about her feminist views. Linda Purl was actually much more effective, as a nurse. Her character also has a bigger part in the movie, as opposed to Lee Grant's. Linda also gave an actual performance here. Lee Grant seemed to be only going through the motions. Michael Ironside is OK as the psycho. He was more unlikeable than scary. William Shatner appears, but doesn't do much more than show off his bad toupee. The movie is OK, of its type. Some pretty bloody scenes, but no nudity. Would have been better the other way around. Linda Purl was the best thing about this movie! It was only her performance that made the movie work at all.
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