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A 'Feel-Good' Movie! Very Refreshing
2 September 2006
Some viewers may view this film as just another old-fashioned movie. To me, this was very clean, fresh, and genuinely funny and entertaining film. There are no complicated gimmicks or special effects, but it exemplifies the best traits of human beings; optimism, good humor, romantic love, and the kind of respect that a decent human being would show, in all of their relationships. If anything, it would be nice if we could seriously ponder these values as being worthy, instead of dismissing them, as being old fashion or downright sappy. Hedy was the personification of regal elegance, but with a warm heart; Robert Walker, was very likable and funny; June Allyson, Rags Ragland, were as warmly effective as the two leads. A very positive and sensitive film. Too bad these qualities make this a 'chick flick' in today's world. I know there was a time, when a family could enjoy a movie like this, without feeling weird, because their adrenaline drives were not being satisfied by glorified violence, and a general disrespect for anything decent or human.
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Good Performance By Hedy!
17 November 2005
Hedy Lamarr gave a good performance here. No over-acting, but subtle and with a contemporary feel. This was a difficult role. Marvin Myles, without having the bitch on wheels histrionics of Bette Davis or Joan Crawford, was a beautiful and independent woman, who not only survived but actually thrived in a 'man's world'. This was a performance was balanced and sensitive. I think if George Cukor or William Wyler had handles the directorial reigns here, the results would could have made this a memorable films. As it is, it good. One has to remember that in 1941, this is still a period piece, and if one looks deep enough, there's a lot here that's worthwhile. Too bad that modern audiences seem to rely on non-stop action, and don't seem to have the attention span that this kind of movie requires. It's a pity than at least half a Valium is required to enjoy the warmth that is presented here.
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This Movie Is About Star POWER!
17 November 2005
I've seen this movie many times. It is not extraordinary in any technical manner; the magic it weaves, is about the the stars, Hedy Lamarr and Victor Mature. Hedy Lamarr absolutely was a fantastic choice for this role. Imagine Betty Hutton playing Delilah; yes folks, it almost happened, and I am sure the movie would turned out to be absolutely ridiculous. Paramount did not spend big bucks for this movie, this is quite obvious; but with Lamarr as Delilah and Mature's Samson, this became a major example star-power. George Sanders won the acting laurels here. He was the quintessential powerful man; who understood that he could never completely dominate Delilah. Angela Lansbury was O.K., in a minor role. Edith Head effectively designed the costumes for Hedy; sexy, but not overwhelming (think Irene Shariff's over the top designs for Liz Taylor in Cleopatra). Hedy was sultry, sexy in a subtle and an utterly believable way; Mature was strong, the epitome of masculine strength, and totally confident that he could control and have his way with any woman. If Paramount and DeMille had agreed to add at least $1-2,000,000 to the budget; I think the film would have even been a bigger blockbuster than it was. Folks, this films was among the top five moneymakers, after its first release. Only Gone With The Wind, The Best Years of Our Lives, Duel In The Sun, and maybe Snow White. As of 1/51, S&D was in the top money-makers of all time. Pretty good for a half-bakrd effort and investment from Paramount and DeMille. Lamarr+Mature = 9/10, in my book.
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Ecstasy (1933)
Lyrical Masterpiece! Films Transcends Language
18 December 2002
This film could have been a silent movie; it certainly has the feel of one. I was extremely, extremely lucky to see this very rare version of this film. Extase, is a 'symphony of love', and transcends all language versions. French, which is the ultimate romantic language, seems quite suitable for this very sensual and lyrical version.A young Hedy Lamarr lights up the screen, in this film which, in a way is almost like a sex fantasy; but definitely far from being pornographic.Tech qualities may have been a little crude; but that does not detract from the magical spell this film exudes.Many lovers of early cinema, would absolutely adore this film.
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Scorsese Is No David Lean!
17 December 2002
This is a passable, mostly uninspired epic. Technical aspects are what one expect for this type of film. The problem for me, was an apparent lack of sustained passion, given the subject matter. The casting was adequate; Daniel Day-Lewis gave a good performance, in what was probably the movie's best role. DiCaprio was proficient, but lacked the spark of personality and passion, to fully make his performance shine.

The story is interesting, but I don't think it merited such epic treatment, especially with Martin Scorsese at the helm. I kept flashing on 'Once Upon A Time In America', 'The Godfather', 'Doctor Zhivago', 'Lawrence of Arabia'; and wondered why Martin Scorsese did not pay closer attention to these epic masterpieces. The DiCaprio-Cameron Diaz romance could have been totally deleted, and it would have helped the movie.

This movie seems to be more of a calculated 'box-office' effort, than an attempt to present a forthright story; with all the stark, rough edged brutality needed, to do justice to its title. I give this film a low rating, because Martin Scorsese is a very accomplished director; gifted in presenting stripped down and personal films. This is his second failure at epic film making. Gangs of New York, should have been less grandiose and more personal, in its approach. 5/10.
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Good Movie. Henreid Doesn't Deliver!
13 December 2002
The Conspirators is often compared to Casablanca. I agree that the latter movie was superior, in many ways. However, I don't think the similarities between these two movies were intentional. It was WWII, look at all the movies made about the war, and you will see numerous and consistent themes.

I think this movie stands on its own merits. The cast is good and delivers consistently. Paul Henreid does not have the charisma of Humphrey Bogart, and Ingrid Bergman was always given credit for great performances, that she never quite deserved. She had a clean, fresh faced, innocent appeal, that seem to make people feel she had depth. She was also lucky enough to work with superior directors, and films with better scripts. She was good, but not great; however I loved Anastasia. Hedy Lamarr on the other hand, was so beautiful, that critics would not even consider that she could act. I think she was capable, but was too beautiful to be taken seriously; and I don't think she chose her films wisely.

The Conspirators is a good film, with some flaws; but deserves to be considered on its own merits.
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Giant (1956)
Not For Attention Deficit Order Sufferers!
11 December 2002
This film is one of the best films ever made. However, many of today's film-goers would find this film dull and tedious. This may be due to the fact that today's movies must move at a very fast pace, because most of today's filmgoers are unable to deal with a deliberate, thoughtful style of movie making. The three principles were not only extremely attractive; but gave virtuoso performances. Rock Hudson, James Dean, and Elizabeth Taylor never worked with a better director, and it shows. However, Liz did work with George Stevens in 1951's 'A Place In The Sun.' The cinematography was pitch perfect, for this sprawling saga. Again, this a an in depth story about the strengths and weaknesses of some interesting people, living and dealing with remarkable changes in their world. 10/10
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White Cargo (1942)
Showcases The Legendary Beauty of Hedy Lamarr!
11 December 2002
This film certainly was not one of the best films of 1942. However, I do believe it succeeds as purely escapist entertainment. Yes, the plot was silly, the script was poor, and the performances were mostly indifferent; but Hedy's entrance, with the line 'My name is Tondelayo', became a vintage moment in film history. She was a beguiling and breathtakingly beauty, and she seemed to enjoy this role. Hedy made this a major box-office hit in 1942, and became a pin-up favorite of many WW2 vets. This was a showcase for Hedy's beauty, as previously noted the cinematography was very good. Note, the use of shadows against Hedy's face, to accentuate every incredible feature. The one thing that annoyed me, was the insufferably long and boring 30 minutes or more, before Hedy made her entrance

All criticisms aside though, a film like this needs to be viewed, within the context of escapist film entertainment, circa 1942. The studios were cranking out many more films than they do today. The world was within the grips of the worst war in history, and nearly half of the country's population was going to the movies, at least once a week! There were great films being released, but most films were released just to entertain audiences, who would then have an excuse to buy popcorn and perhaps a soda. So this campy movie was made, with Hedy Lamarr as the incredibly beautiful and seductive Tondelayo, and made millions for MGM. Thus, 'White Cargo' with legendary beauty Hedy Lamarr rates a 7/10, for providing some fairly mindless, but visually compelling entertainment.
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Copper Canyon (1950)
A Very Pretty Western!
10 December 2002
I have not seen this movie recently; but I remember it as an unusually attractive looking film. Color by Technicolor, and colorful costumes by Edith Head, for Hedy Lamarr, helped make this otherwise run of the mill story, eye candy for viewers. Hedy Lamarr looked wonderful as usual; of course this role could not possibly rival that of Delilah. Ray Milland was more fun than usual. I thought character development was superior to most westerns of the time; except perhaps for Hedy's role, which seemed a little ambiguous. Good western. Hedy Lamarr's physical presence was an added bonus.
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Pretty Bad Hedy!
12 November 2002
I absolutely adore Hedy Lamarr. When I first saw her face in a black and white movie on TV, way back, in the 1950's, I was transfixed by what I saw. Since then, no female in the history of movies, has surpassed her great beauty; Elizabeth Taylor and Ava Gardner came close. It never mattered that she was not a great actress. Elizabeth Taylor, as a Hollywood insider gained some acclaim as an actress, in some pretty impressive roles; but ultimately bit the dust, in films like 'Cleopatra', 'The Sandpiper', 'Boom', 'The Comedians', and many, many more. 'Amante di Paride, L'' was a mess of a film. Much of Hedy's money went into this film, but the film was doomed by its very premise; and certainly Hedy could never have done anything with such a horrible script, and stupid story! I felt more sad than anything, because I always thought Hedy did not end up with the right directors, or the best scripts. This movie was pleasing enough on the eyes; but otherwise an assault to the other senses. This is not the way I prefer to remember Hedy.
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Nice Film Noir
12 November 2002
Good film noir with Hedy Lamarr and John Hodiak. I think John Hodiak was a weak choice for this film; but I think that piece of casting was due to the low budget of this film; Hedy was reputedly paid $90,000, because of 'Samson and Delilah' This film could have obviously been better. However, I am a big Hedy Lamarr fan, and I thought 'Lady Without Passport, A' was a good film.
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Unusual and Entertaining Movie
12 November 2002
This movie was generally well made. The critics have not been kind to this movie over the years. I think it had a 'dream and erotic' quality. I think it did a good job of implying sexual behavior, so as not to incense censors of that time. Hedy was beautiful, and I thought her rather ambiguous performance, gave the film a nice sense of mystery. Again, the supporting cast was generally second rate. I think budget concerns were responsible for some rather lack-luster actors. I do believe Hedy Lamarr needed strong supporting performances, to help carry her movies, and inspire her performances.
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Hedy Lamarr as Delilah, makes this a truly memorable film.
26 December 2001
Hedy Lamarr was the most beautiful woman in films. Her ability as an actress was limited, but as a femme fatale, capable of bringing down a mighty warrior, she certainly was convincing to me. The fact that Samson fell for Angela Langsbury, in the first place, was laughable. Victor Mature was a good choice, for the part of Samson. George Sanders gave the best performance; he simply had no peer, when it came to playing sophisticated, world-weary, men of wisdom. Compare this role to his part in Rebecca, All About Eve, and you'll see what I mean. Again, just watching Hedy Lamarr, is like watching a beautiful work of art. Entertaining, old fashion Hollywood stuff. They don't make them like this anymore, and there certainly is no contemporary beauty that comes close to Hedy Lamarr.
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Good movie, underrated as opposed to Gaslight, which was good, but very over-rated.
26 December 2001
Many critics have never been able to get past Hedy Lamarr's fabulous face. She was so beautiful, that it was hard to realize that she was actually human, an not some marble work of art. I think she gave a fine performance in this slick psychological thriller. The supporting cast was also good. I know I am probably the only person in the world, who would have preferred Hedy Lamarr over Bergman, in Gaslight. With superior direction, and a better script, I think Hedy Lamarr could have turned in a very good performance. Anyway, Experiment Perilous is a little gem, made during Hollywood's golden age.
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Stylish and funny, Ocean's 11 is a very satisfying film
19 December 2001
The original was entertaining, because Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis, Jr. kept things light. This time around, even without the guys who were Vegas legends, Ocean's 11 is a well crafted and enormously entertaining film. All year, I have been trying to convince my fellow movie buffs, that this version was going to be a totally different movie. I have to confess, I had some doubts as to the eventual outcome, of this movie, but I am very pleased. From creating the heist team, planning it, and finally the caper; witty, outragious entertainment was sustained. Brad Pitt and George Clooney created the coolness, that was necessary to make the movie work. Great chemistry! Elliot Gould and Carl Reiner were wonderful, and added immensely to the feel of the movie. Julia Roberts, was barely competent as Tess, but her bland performance did not hinder the movie that much, and there were moments with George Clooney, that created some sparks. Hollywood should do this type of movie more often. Bring together beloved movie stars; have a very competent director at the helm, and a good light-hearted story; this will make lots of moviegoers happy.
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Vanilla Sky (2001)
A Glossy, Highly Manipulative Mess! 'Abres Los Ojos' Re-do deserved better treatment
17 December 2001
Stanley Kubrick worked with Tom Cruise for over two years, to produce the highly anticipated, visually stunning failure, 'Eyes Wide Shut'. Cruise should still have stretch marks from that fiasco. Tom Cruise seems to be a very sincere, and extremely hard-working actor, unfortunately, he must have believed Cameron Crowe could actually make a more superior psychological thriller than Kubrick; which seems kind of silly. 'Vanilla Sky' is an glossy, manipulative, and ultimately insulting attempt to convince viewers, they are actually watching a very cerebral psycho-erotic work of art. Tom Cruise is once again, out of his element, especially during the painfully absurd psycho-cinema portions of this film. Kubrick's 'Eyes Wide Shut' was a visually stylish and beguiling film, which made the Tom Cruise character seem more out of place. 'Vanilla Sky' is a handsome film; but the director's sloppy and manipulative antics are so ridiculous, that Tom Cruise looks pretty good in comparison. The other performances were competent, and I agree with those who feel Penelope Cruz was better in the original film. Also, a tighter film edit may have helped this film. 4/10, mainly for poor direction, and Tom's poor judgment.
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Fight Club (1999)
Great Film! Maybe Film Critics Should Be Made Obsolete!
26 November 2001
Fine acting by Ed Norton and Brad Pitt. This film should have been noticed; but once again many critics slept through this one; were too stupid to understand it, or are part of the 'Oh! another chance to hammer Brad Pitt club. I have respect for the critics who saw the same film I saw. It was very bloody. It was very dark and complex. The actors faced real challenges here, and I think they were magnificent. The performances as a whole, were understated, and believable. Sure Jack Nicholson and Anthony Hopkins are powerful performers; but the quality of a film need not rest on some over the top and frequently 'hammy' performance. If this films had been a foreign export, and Brad Pitt had been an unknown; then perhaps many critics would have been more objective. To movie lovers everywhere, there are still great films being made; don't depend on a film critic to lead you to them.

Many film critics have forgotten what movies are all about. Too bad for Hollywood and movie lovers, all over the world. The most famous critics, reach their esteemed heights, for their scathing, ego driven reviews. They seem to single out certain performers to ruin. The most attractive performers have to fight an uphill battle to win a decent review. Critics should be reviewed by their employers, on a regular basis. The movie-going public should be part of this process; then possibly we can get rid of some of these pompous, self-indulgent pedants.
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Spy Game (2001)
An Excellent Movie!
25 November 2001
Without retelling the story, just a few comments about the general quality of the movie. Excellent story. A few implausible situations, but that is to be expected from an action movie. The make-up department could have done a better job with Redford, in the flashback sequences. Redford and Pitt gave strong performances; although I would have liked to see Brad Pitt do more. I think it could have worked to enhance the movie, and could have been accomplished in five to ten effectively developed minutes.

This is a very, very good movie on most levels. Photography, musical score, plot development, editing, and acting, were all well above average. One of the very best adult oriented films of the year. Definitely a 9/10.
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