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The first show that made me look at the subject
15 April 2024
Because of the way this short series was put together, it captured my attention when I came across it randomly, ealing intelligently with an important issue. I guess the part that got me was having Kirsten Gillibrand (sp?) talking straight to camera emphasizing that this was a legitimate topic to discuss and investigate, and more than that, was an issue of national security. Many other credible witnesses too.

This series was well-made and deserves a second (and third) series, keeping it the facts and credible. A refreshing change from the endless, over-produced History channel series on the same topic.
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For me, close to unwatchable; other's will like it
8 January 2024
This is a very odd film indeed; I'm not sure if Coward's title "This Happy Breed" was something of a joke, because no one seems particularly happy in it. Coward was a real talent, both as a performer and writer; this, for me, was a rare misfire.

It's essentially "kitchen sink" drama with a first rate cast of British talent, director and cinematographer. I'll normally give a thumbs up to any movie with the excellent Stanley Holloway in it, but he, like most of the cast, are wasted here. Coward's dialog is perfectly OK, but the storyline is pretty darn awful. Celia Johnson's character is tough to listen to for any period of time.

On the plus side, the technical quality and the chance to see 1944 London in high quality color is wonderful. Most of the "action" takes place in the house setting, but occasional location scenes are fascinating to watch.
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Dr. Crippen (1963)
Decent film, well photographed, some historical innacuracies
2 January 2024
Historical accuracies aside, a first class cast and adequate directions provide an interesting diversion for the duration of this film.

The film, especially in B&W, has a claustrophobic feel of foreboding.

That being said, there are some inaccuracies, a major one being that Crippen and his wife were Americans, and there's zero trace of that in Coral Brown's accent not detectably in Pleasance's. Pleasance was absolutely a wonderful actor, but his ability to do an American accent was never good (see his Dr. Loomis in Halloween) and I'm wondering whether that had something to do with his not bothering trying.

As a piece of acting, certainly nothing bad and imminently watchable.
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MIdling variety show for kids
3 December 2023
Decent if stilted early Southern Television 1980's kids variety show, with a show title that would probably be considered not appropriate in the current day and age. De Courcy was a decent, low key, new generation ventriloquist, and the jokes had sufficient adult orientation to make adults chuckle too.

Watching the show again now on the "Talking PIctures" channel, it employed a whole raft of wonderful British comedic actors like Rita Webb, Bella Emberg, etc., which makes the show worth watching. I'm not sure many kids would be into the music acts presented but the show as a whole was a decent enough attempt at children's TV entertainment - better than many.
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Children's TV production values
19 November 2023
Caught this on one of the UK TV channels. This film boasts stalwarts of British films for that time, including Harry Fowler and Sydney Taffler, all decent, serviceable actors in the right production; unfortunately this isn't it.

The props and sets are atrocious; telephones substitute for interplanetary communications equipment, and the astronauts are decked out for a jungle expedition not a space trip.

A SciFi movie having a hokum, sexist storyline is nothing new, and in fact the norm for the mid-1950's; however the film is additionally let down by the sets, direction and screenplay. The dialog is beyond atrocious, and even fans of bad films will have a hard time making it through to the end of this. As usual for British films of the time, Canadian actors substitute for Americans; I guess Lionel Murton and Cec Linder weren't available.
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A real curio
26 October 2023
Anchored by a young Eamonn Andrews, desperately trying to not sound Irish resulting in an odd mid-Atlantic accent, this is very lightweight fare indeed. Andrews was a real fixture in British TV in the 50's, 60's and 70's and was a truly great presenter, making Stateside forays to appear in both the US and UK versions of What's My Line.

The girls all look older than 30 yet apparently are straight out of school, and the storyline is sweet, if not rather lame and certainly badly dated, even for something made in 1950.

The entire production weirdly has the look of a 1930's Hollywood movie, and showcases some up-and-coming BBC talent like one of the first episodes of the Goon Show, complete with Michael Bentine who apparently left after some friction between him and Spike Milligan. That alone is worth the price of admission and is of great historic interest by itself. As with many British films and TV shows of that era, American roles are filled by Canadians.
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The Sting (1973)
A revenge story with intelligence
3 June 2023
If this story of revenge was made now, it would have the requisite high body count wrapped in a mindless plot. Fortunately the movie was made in '73 with great actors, a great screenplay, a director who knew what he was doing and a score that revived interest in Scott Joplin's music.

I thought that I recognized Luther - James Earl Jones's dad, looks and sounds like him and he is the catalyst for the movie.

The film moves along well, with well-scripted drama, twists and turns that are truly unexpected, and two lead actors who work well together and are compelling on screen.

It's a master class in how to make a film, and the film deservedly cleaned up at the BO.

Skip the follow up made a decade later.
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The story is a total mess, barely saved by Neil, Pratt, Dern and Goldblum
13 June 2022
The film survives off the backs of Sam Neil, Laura Dern, Chris Pratt and Goldblum, because the story is all over the place with plot holes you can drive a truck through. Not clear how this ever got through development - someone wasn't paying attention.

The set piece chases aren't bad but totally contrived.
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Not good
29 May 2022
Adams played the Charles Vine character in a series of these films - I'm guessing they did OK business in Europe, because there's no way their UK business would have brought production back after the first one. "Where the Bullets Fly" is pretty bad. Tom Adams early in his career demonstrated that he was a capable actor in the Sturges actioner The Great Escape. It's sad then that he didn't have the opportunity to play in something better than this - when this film was made British cinema was in terminal decline.

Adams mentioned in a newspaper article in the 1980's that when this movie would occasionally play on TV, he'd receive abusive mail - not hard to see why.
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Stunningly colorful and inventive 50's SciFi!
22 May 2022
Happened upon a great transfer of this film on Amazon Prime, and watched it with my 10 year old kids who are used to watching the latest CGI effects in Marvel films - I thought they would find the 50's effects phoney, but they didn't at all. My kids were engrossed in the movie.

It has so many iconic scenes in this movie; Gene Barry is really good in it, the script is both adventurous and taught, not shy in suggesting that the public would act badly if their back was to the wall.

Some of it is badly dated - having Ann Robinson's character main roll as carrying around a coffee tray when she'd previously identified herself has having a Master's in astrophysics or similar, comes across as unbelievably chauvinist now. Also didn't see a ton of African Americans in it, nor hispanics except for the early cannon fodder. But it's a product of its times.

Thoroughly recommend it - beautifully produced and directed.
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Enjoyable romp, an atypical Carry On film
14 May 2022
This film is really not a typical Carry On film, the production values were way higher, not shot at a disused Pontins or Butlins camp, and actually employs vfx.

Harry H Corbett was a good lead in this, replacing the usual Carry On lead of Sid James.

Wonderful corny and camp stuff, with cackling "FRYING TONIGHT!" at one point - just really funny stuff for anyone who enjoys low brow humour like I do!
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Wonderful movie (but I'm biased!)
10 May 2022
Made on a tiny budget (something like $185k), this movie rocks, in every sense, especially the Music Machine's Sean Bonniwell rock score. Based out of Lake Havasu City, the film manages to completely avoid including the London Bridge in any scene, which was opened about five months after this movie wrapped production.

Egan shows his credentials as a great actor by effortlessly dominating the film, aided by a taught, well-written screenplay and great action direction by indie filmmaker Ferde Grofe Jr.

Sean Bonniwell's score is an excellent and punchy rock score that lifts the movie to a new level, produced at Original Sound Studios on Sunset and using the band Green.

I'm biased about how great this little film is - I made a documentary and wrote a book about it, but it's a film that deserves a look. A 2021 review here suggests that the film wasn't made on 35mm - it certainly was, but the versions in circulation are usually lousy condition 16mm prints.

Several members of the crew went onto greater things following this film (Peter MacGregor Scott produced Batman and Fugitive movies, Calmar Roberts and Michael Scott both worked on notable films into the 2000's.
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Bergerac: Late for a Funeral (1981)
Season 1, Episode 8
Recommended: one of the better episodes
27 February 2022
This was really one of the better episodes - the prolog where two bodies are discovered which starts the caper is genuinely quite scary and technically well filmed. The story flows well and doesn't insult your intelligence.
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Not a good script
30 December 2021
The production values for a 1961 British movie were very high. Unfortunately the central character played by Edward Judd isn't very likeable (really none of the characters are, McKern at least plays his one well) and the movie story plays like a kitchen sink/skirt chasing drama set against the backdrop of a science fictions movie. Not especially pleasant, I rented it and managed to take about 20 minutes before turning it off. Interesting from a historical perspective for several appearances (Michael Caine, Express editor Arthur Christiansen, etc). Judd's character's actions are pretty obnoxious in places, vis-a-vis going after Munro's character. It should have been a lot better given the two writers, but wasn't.
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Mess of special effects and plot holes, lot's o' poorly written roles
20 December 2021
Looking at the other reviews here makes me wonder if we saw the same movie. For me this movie was NOT EVEN CLOSE as good as "Far From Home", which was a smart, well written movie with a heart - it's hard to believe it was the same writing team that produced this. I don't need to see Tom Holland crying again. "No Way Home" rapidly becomes a mess of special effects and plot holes, replete with poorly written roles for Tomei, Faveau and Cumberbach (some of Cumberbatch's lines later in the movie are awful). In terms of villains, having more is not necessarily better. Standouts are Zendaya, Alfred Molina and Jamie Foxx, but even then their presence seems wasted.
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high production values, SFX good, poor story
29 November 2021
Everyone seems to have been watching a different movie than I did. Generally the production values were good, the direction was OK and the story pretty lame. The cast was OK. The film took too long to get moving, and unlike the original just wasn't very funny.
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The XYY Man (1976–1977)
Great premise badly executed
17 September 2021
I don't have an enormous memory of this short-lived TV series, except to say that I recall being interested when the show first appeared but that the stories were flat - I guess not an especially well-written TV show. The show's title suggests something more interesting than was actually there.
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Did I see a different movie than other reviewers?
25 August 2021
Not a huge fan of the wham-bam in Marvel universe/Iron Man movies with the exception of Winter Soldier... and this. Both this and Winter Solder are great, standalone movies for the general public, not just fan boys.

Captain Marvel I've re-watched a few times because it's just so well directed, the writing is excellent and Brie Larson is wonderful in the title role. It's just a great movie with subtle twists and turns and very good action sequences, I'm only sorry that this more people with my view get drowned out by the oddly skewed view of fan boys. Also great to see the underused Annette Bening.
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Beane's of Boston (1979 TV Movie)
Even Jerry Paris couldn't salvage this
22 July 2021
Difficult to believe that Gary Marshall, who I have enormous respect for, produced this, it's essentially a translation of the Brit sitcom "Are You Being Served". Unfortunately, it's miscast - Alan Sues comes to mind but pretty much everyone is miscast except John Hillerman who had natural comic timing. Like the UK version, it has crass, lowbrow humor, but unlike the British version it wasn't produced by David Croft who had an instinct for casting likable, standout characters who could get away with lowbrow humor. Even the TV direction legend Jerry Paris wasn't able to rescue this turkey.

Interestingly the British and US sets were close to identical. One of the few flops of a Britcom being translated to the US - i.e. Sanford and Sons, All in the Family, Three's Company, Dear John, The Office... etc. Etc. All big ratings hits.
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Must Wear Tights (1978 TV Movie)
Peculiar special from Thames TV
5 July 2021
In late 1978, Gemma Craven had made a name for herself in Pennie from Heaven, Lewis Collins as one half of the tough guy duo in The Professionals. This special seemed to come out of left field, and was a lightweight song and dance show with a nominal storyline. Unlike most everything else Thames made, I don't think I've ever seen this repeated. Craven went onto other things, so did Collins but he never really repeated the success of the Professionals; eventually he moved to the US to raise his family and semi-retired from acting. Wonder if this show will be seen again - wasn't terrible, just not sure who the intended demographic was.
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Kung Fu (2021–2023)
First fifteen minutes is masterful - decent attempt at a reboot with female protagonist -
11 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This gets 9 stars from me just for the introduction - the way the backstory is told in the first fifteen minutes in a BRILLIANTLY choreographed and directed prologue is beyond masterful filmmaking - for those who produced that, please ignore other negative comments. The prolog doesn't hang around, it doesn't linger, it's compelling.

Unfortunately the story pace stops stone dead when the story goes back to the US and introduces us to the family. The people who are watching for action are not the same demo watching for family drama.
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A very good watch - professionally made, engrossing
2 January 2021
Another reviewer described this as one of the best UFO documentaries made. Film-wise, it's well made - you'd be surprised how difficult it is to cut a documentary well. Really well finished, with the icing on the cake being the best VO talent around bar none, Peter Coyote - which couldn't have been cheap.

Lots of drone footage but well done and providing visual breaks from the often academy ratio archive material, the on-screen titling for each section seems oddly amateurish. This gives us a clue that the film has been polished heavily from an initial work print, probably when more funding had been acquired, and likely when Coyote came on board.

Well-researched and making a compelling case, this filmmaker needs to be followed, not necessarily for more UFO docs, but just as a documentary filmmaker. A very good way to spend 100 minutes.
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Westworld (1973)
Actually a good movie
20 December 2020
This movie is at the time of writing heading towards 50 years old, but still holds up. The reason it still holds up are many, but one reason is the director lets the action do the talking. The premise is good, but importantly it's well executed. SFX which nowadays might appear archaic look appropriate in this. Highly recommended.
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Casino (1995)
Usual Scorsese explosive violence - Sharon Stone and James Woods excel
24 October 2020
I'll write a review here though in fairness I'm not a fan of Scorsese's movies though he seems like an OK guy. I found the entire movie profoundly depressing and beyond profane, however the bright spot for me were performances by Sharon Stone who was the best thing about the movie and thoroughly deserved the awards she garnered and James Woods too as the pimp character.
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Suspend belief and enjoy!
1 September 2020
Yes it's far-fetched and the SFX are cheesy 80's style, but suspend belief for a while and you'll find a movie with enjoyable performances and a very good story. The direction is quite excellent and easily holds up 35 years later, the story hums along and doesn't really drag. John Carpenter who did the initial draft of a story is listed as an exec producer. Recommended
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