
63 Reviews
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As bad as can be!
3 November 2023
Journey 2: The Mysterious Island is just about the worst and ridiculous movie I have ever seen. How many movies can the lame Hollywood production companies make with the same old story, and same old computer generated creatures and monsters. I think they made several attempts at humor, but I did not sense any cuteness or humor.

And the acting! Josh Hutcherson and Vanessa Hudgens could not be any worse. How do they get roles? They can't act! They are both so phony and non-convincing that I had to turn it off because they were so annoying.

Why would Michael Caine lower himself to be in such junk. Steer clear of this one!
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Difficult To Watch
30 October 2023
Hold That Ghost is quite a bad movie! If it were not for the talented Joan Davis, I would have turned it off after a few minutes. I do not understand what the nightclub scene was supposed to be, because it was very disconnected from the plot. The Andrews Sisters were great, but the song they sang was not. With all songs available, they could have chosen a better song.

And that takes me to Lou Costello. I never liked him when I was a kid in the 50s and 60s, and I dislike him more now. In my opinion, he is not funny. He is just a fat, arrogant, obnoxious little man whose antics are so WAY over the top that he becomes annoying. It is a mystery to me why people think he is funny. Regardless, the movie is not worth more than a three star.
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Simply The Best!
22 July 2023
This is one of the best lighthearted comedy movies ever made. The first time I saw this was with my little girlfriend in 1967. Since then, I have seen it a dozen times, and it is always as fresh, funny, and entertaining as it was the first time I saw it.

Where else could you see many fabulous cameo performances by Jack Benny, Lucille Ball, Sid Caesar, Art Carney, Phil Silvers, Joey Bishop, Carl Reiner, and Jayne Mansfield bouncing around! Just to mention a few.

For those reviewers giving it a bad rating, do not believe them! They either have no sense of humor, or are sexist feminists, or get offended by everything.
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Columbo: Death Hits the Jackpot (1991)
Season 10, Episode 4
Rip Torn...A++++
29 May 2023
To watch the great Rip Torn deliver such a stellar performance is worth watching the entire episode of "Death Hits the Jackpot". I have seen him in many movies and always delivers incredible performances. He is such a natural, and very believable in what ever part he is playing.

All this being said, I knocked one star down for Gary Krueger. What a lug! The guy is not only a bad actor, but he is a very unlikeable actor. I'm glad they got rid of him quickly! How did he get that part? The rest of the cast is also sub-par, however it was good to see Warren Berlinger as the portly Detective Jack Stroller, Columbo's assistant, who I remember him from the old "Love, American Style" days.
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Rawhide (1959–1965)
25 May 2023
The TV episodes from the 1960s of Rawhide are nothing short of the shiniest gems of the Golden Age of television. These were mostly shot on location, so it seems like you are watching a mini-Clint Eastwood movie! The writing and scripts are superb. The acting is outstanding. The guest stars are stellar: Leonard Nimoy, Burgess Meredith, Cesar Romero, Dan Duryea, Barara Eden, Lola Albright, James Whitmore, Leslie Nielsen, Vera Miles, Kim Hunter, Brian Keith, Agnes Moorehead, Mary Astor, E. G. Marshall, Elizabeth Montgomery, Keenan Wynn, Walter Pidgeon, Claude Rains, Mickey Rooney, Efrem Zimbalist, Julie Harris, Troy Donahue, James Coburn, Forrest Tucker, Patrick Macnee, and the list goes on and on.

And the cast: Of course, the great Clint Eastwood, and the versatile and likable Paul Brinegar, and the talented Sheb Wooley. But the real star of the series is Eric Fleming. With each episode I watch, I am so impressed with his ability and command of his performances. It is sad that he died so young, as he was off to a solo career that may have equaled Eastwood's.
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Melancholia (2011)
30 November 2022
How can pieces of junk like this be made? How can this trash get a 7.1 on IMDb? It has to be fake reviews because it was NOT the same movie I saw. I wish I had the last 15 minutes of my life back, because that is all I could stand of this horrible, dumb film. I must admit that I only made it to where the bride and groom walked into the mansion, but that was all I could take. My goodness, an endless scene of trying to get a big stretch limousine down a narrow road. What is the point of that? Dumb, dumb, dumb!

And the shaky camera! It looked like a bunch of drunken high school students were filming it with an old camcorder. That was so bad it was making me nauseous and dizzy. Hold the darn camera still, sheesh! At that point, I couldn't take it anymore. This trash is just another example of the poor movies of this era.
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Ex Machina (2014)
24 November 2022
Bravo! Finally a good movie! Ex Machina is outstanding, intelligent, well written and has superb acting. The most fascinating thing to me was how Ava progressed; bit by bit (no pun intended!). As she learned more, she got smarter, more cunning, more untrusting, more diabolical, and more human. And more determined to survive.

A few points that stand out: The movie shows how a woman (even a female robot) can "use" a man to get what she wants. But the broader picture is how a human being can be manipulated by another. They begin to trust, believe what the other says, they fall in love, and blindly see what they want to see in the other person. A perfect example of human frailty.

The only weak part was the very end, in that, sooner or later her power source has to run out. Too bad they did go that far. Regardless, it is a movie that you could see many times. I highly recommend it.
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Gunsmoke (1955–1975)
24 November 2022
I give Gunsmoke (black and white, with Chester) a 10-star. Then I give the remaining seasons with Festus a 4-star. So, that comes out to a 7-Star.

Chester (Dennis Weaver) was a huge part of the show's success. Chester's character is so real, and Dennis Weaver is a genius actor. Chester is goofy, yet serious. He never carries a gun, but is right there to use one if the situation calls for it. He is child like, but likes to drink and loves flirting with pretty girls. Not to mention that he plays the guitar and sings. Further, the touch of friendly antagonism with Chester and Doc seems genuine and entertaining.

When Festus came on the scene, the show went downhill, in my opinion. Festus is just too over-the-top. His scruffy appearance got old after a while, and his constant whining became irritating. Festus tried to replicate the friendly antagonism that Chester had with Doc, but could not pull it off; always looked fake to me.

If you have the opportunity to watch the Chester Gunsmokes, do so....they are great!
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Pacific Rim (2013)
A Big Pile Of Mush!
23 November 2022
First of all, this movie is about an hour too flippin' long! How long can we endure TRANSFORMERish style computer generated fights? This movie has an old worn out script from the 1950s, just updated a bit. Nothing new here. It is boring, predictable, and way too long. This is perhaps the only movie I have watched where I fast-forwarded it and kept hoping it would finally end.

Next of all, the acting is just about the worst I have seen. There is a bunch of no-name actors who can barely spit out their lines.

And last of all, how many times do we have to see the same old tired character interaction? Here we get friction and antagonism between groups, a rogue and troubled leading character, a pretty young girl who rises above to help save the day....sheesh, we have seen this garbage a thousand times before. When will Hollywood give us something original?

Complete trash, don't waste your time!
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22 November 2022
Quite possibly the worst movie I ever intended to watch. This movie, A Day After Tomorrow, is SO bad and screams out leftist propaganda so hard that I could only sit through a torturous 10 minutes before I started to gag. I was hoping for a nice, quiet movie night on HBOmax, but instead, I got this rotten garbage. I have to learn to read the synopsis and reviews first before watching a movie.

I usually like Dennis Quaid in most movies I have seen of his, but in this bucket of trash, he is horrible. I suppose it is difficult to act from a horrible script. Don't waste a second on this propaganda film.
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Dune (2021)
Hollywood Big Flop!
21 November 2022
I had high hopes for this movie, especially since I loved Dune (1984). I got turned off almost immediately with the Hollywood leftist slant from the Reverend Mother while chastising Jessica: "So much potential wasted in a male. You were told to bear only daughters."

Next up....the acting is horrible. Rebecca Ferguson is atrocious! Her whispering and mumbling completely irritated me! The other actors were not much better. Strange that Josh Brolin would take such a small and insignificant part.

Next up....the music is pathetic. Same old, same old synthesizer score, sampled instruments and Stormdrum hits. All sounds the same and nothing memorable.

Next up.... What's with this Zendaya? She can't act, and had more screen time than Brolin. More Hollywood trash.

Don't waste your time on this junk.
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The Best...By Far!
17 November 2022
All you Emily Brontë purists can go jump in the lake! I don't give a rat's behind if it follows the book or not. I care about how the movie speaks to me; how it makes me feel what they felt, and how I escape into their world. This movie did all that, and more.

In 1970, I remember all the girls in high school raving about this movie, so I took my girlfriend that weekend. We were both engrossed in it and loved it. Fast forward 50+ years, and I watched it last night on a whim. It was just as moving and fresh as it was 50 years ago.

With stellar performances by Timothy Dalton and Julian Glover, and a genius soundtrack by Michel Legrand, this movie is by far the best adaptation, yes "adaptation" of Wuthering Heights.
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Slow, Boring, Unconvincing
17 November 2022
Good grief this is a bad movie! With bad acting and molasses-slow moving scenes, it renders just a plain average dull movie that should not have ever been made. I could only take twenty five minutes before shutting it off.

Juliette Binoche (whoever that is!), with all her fake giggling and over dramatic whispering was terrible and annoying. Perhaps even Oliver Hardy could make a more convincing Heathcliff than Ralph Fiennes did. Neither actors actually "became" the characters, but rather they were a couple of mediocre actors reading their lines. Not at all convincing. Don't waste your time...
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Judy Justice (2021– )
BAD Cast
23 September 2022
I have been an avid Judge Judy fan for decades, and watch a lot the streaming videos every night before I go to sleep. These are always the old ones, with Byrd.

But this remake is terrible. What were the producers thinking by propping a beautiful girl on each side of Judge Judy? What is the purpose of the Court Reporter? Oh yeah, a pretty face! And I can't stand Judge Judy's prissy perfect granddaughter with her fake smile. And don't get me started on the new bailiff; he makes me cringe. Where's Byrd? Judge Judy should have kept him!

And I hate the little discussion meeting about the case in Judge Judy's chambers between her and her granddaughter. What a waste of time! I never watch these episodes.
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Pompeii (I) (2014)
1 November 2021
Having missed the movie in 2014, and having visited Pompeii in 2019, I was eager to see it. Well, it was a load of smelly garbage. I watched a painful 20 minutes before my stomach turned. Do yourself a favor....don't watch it!
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Columbo: Murder, Smoke and Shadows (1989)
Season 8, Episode 2
The Worst Columbo
18 September 2021
I love Columbo and have seen every episode dozens of times. IMO, every episode is a 10 Star...except this one, it is the worst.

The annoying carousel style music theme kept going on and on throughout the entire episode. Every piece of music is over orchestrated and detached from the storyline. They even included a classical waltz, but was re-orchestrated to sound corny and trite.

And FISHER STEVENS...probably the most obnoxious, unlikeable and no talent actor that was ever on the series. I do not know how he got the lead.

I would have given this a 1 Star, but it is always a joy to see Nan Martin and Steven Hill. The only savior of a pathetic episode.
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Mission: Impossible (1966–1973)
12 September 2021
The greatest television show ever made. The acting, writing, directing, music, and gadgets have never been equalled. However, the show did decline after the departure of Martin Landau and Barbara Bain. Leonard Nemoy was ok, but not nearly the actor that Landau was. And the string of female replacements for Bain....well, they were nothing more than token and not very memorable.

Although I loved Peter Graves, I am somewhat partial to Steven Hill as the IMF Leader. To me, Mr. Briggs seems more like a secret agent. Regardless, I watch the first 3 seasons over and over and over again.
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DiCaprio Drags It Down
14 August 2021
An incredible movie with a cast of stellar actors. It's very unfortunate that DiCaprio was in it; the kid just can't act! 10-Stars without him, 5-Stars with him.
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Slightly Entertaining
25 July 2021
There were a few good laughs in this movie. But Joanna Lumley's mud scene, and the great Roger Moore's portrayal of Clouseau, was worth sitting through 2 hours of mediocrity.
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B.A.D. Bad!
28 January 2021
I wanted to like this movie. I was a faithful watcher and loved the TV series, but I did not see this in 1975. Take my advice, let this dying dog lie.

How could anyone give this more than a 2-Star! It is not a movie! It is a hodgepodge of skits with a dumb ending. Two or 3 of the skits were reasonably funny, but most were just plain bad. I kept hoping for it to get better, but instead, it got worse. Don't waste your time.
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5 December 2020
I enjoyed this just as much as Clash of the Titans. Great effects, great cast, great story, and a nice happy ending. And what about sticking to strict Greek Mythology? BIG DEAL! I don't care in the least. I care about getting entertained, and this movie did it.
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Can't Go Wrong With Clint!
4 December 2020
An excellent cast, excellent story, excellent acting, and always good to see the great E.G. Marshall again! Highly recommended.
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28 November 2020
Great storyline, dialog, action and acting. I would have given it 9 stars if not for Catherine Keener. I've seen her in a few things, and she has to be one of the most unlikeable and single-dimensional actors ever. Regardless, the movie is a great watch and highly recommended.
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28 November 2020
My expectations were really low, and once I started watching this junk, I realized it wasn't low enough.

A bad script and director really exposes bad actors. Branagh was mediocre, despite having a great role. Depp...well, the only character he can play well is Keith Richards. Was that Michelle Pfeiffer? With all the plastic surgery, I couldn't tell. The best thing about this movie was when I turned it off after 25 minutes. AVOID this trash!
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One Of The Best Movies Ever Made!
26 November 2020
Yeah, yeah....I know Oddball's character is 60-ish. And I know the theme song is hippie-ish. And I know the premise of the plot is completely unrealistic. what! Even after 50 years, this is one of the most entertaining movies ever made. Personally, I watch it every time it is on TV.
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