
9 Reviews
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8 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Another film put out by the tinfoil hat brigade. I can't believe the way some people nod and say how well this film was done, when it's obvious that the people who say it was all a giant conspiracy are just liars. THEY ARE NOT TELLING THE TRUTH! They are the same folks who claim we didn't go to the moon, loonies that just HAVE to pretend they know something big and important, and can't stop talking about it. I can't believe either the way IMDb lets people who obviously haven't seen the film spew nonsense about everyone in the political spectrum that they disagree with, even though it has nothing to do with the film being reviewed. Well, I guess some people couldn't fill ten lines, otherwise. It's fashionable to knock whoever the current administration is, and no, Dubya might not have been a very good President, but he wouldn't attack his own country
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Mackenzie's Raiders (1958–1959)
First TV show I ever appreciated.
7 July 2009
I remember watching this with a little friend of mine from nursery school. We were 4 or 5 years old, but already experienced in running around pretending to shoot at each other and imaginary Indians and bad guys. (I was already fairly sympathetic to Indians in westerns, thanks to my Mom, who had explained some basic history to us). I liked the theme music, too.... I have only given it a 7 out of 10 rating, since I think it was probably not distinguished by great stories or extraordinary acting, but as a young fan, I was a devoted follower, and was crushed when it was canceled. It would be nice to see it on Nick or TVLand, or on DVD, but it's probably not in the cards, alas.
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Three cheers for hokum!
20 May 2004
I must have been eight when I saw this, since it's listed as coming out in 1961. I was an unsophisticated kid, who didn't see too many movies in my youth, and those I did see tended towards the non-controversial. I'm glad they did, there was plenty of time for me to learn about "sex, drugs, and rock and roll later in my movie-going career. MacMurray, Kirk, and Wynn (and the others) played their roles to perfection, leaving me in open-mouthed admiration. An added bonus, my Dad was a professor and for quite a while, my brother and I called him the Absent Minded Professor...
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Airplane! (1980)
"Do you like movies about gladiators?"
18 May 2004
Simply my favorite comedy of all time, edging out "Young Frankenstein". It does work as a spoof of any cheesy airport disaster movie, but as several reviewers have pointed out, is specifically pointed at one called "Zero Hour". I had the pleasure of seeing "Zero Hour" last year, and laughed harder than I usually do at "Airplane!", at this second rate, serious movie. Seeing where so many of the gags come from ("looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking!") was priceless. As an airline pilot, I can't rate this any lower than ten out of ten. Sure, some of the gags were obvious, but they were so well set up that it's easy to forgive.
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Simply, my favorite movie, ever.
28 July 2003
If this movie didn't win ALL the Oscars for the year it was made, (and I know it didn't, just Sidney Poitier for Best Actor) then a grave injustice was done. This is the best, in my opinion, number one...
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12 June 2003
Who cares? Yeah, the movie is technically well done, but to what end? Few films have gone so out of their way to make me dislike and hold in contempt the main characters. This is simply another 60s/70s 'America sucks' film, and as such, isn't worth the time I wasted

watching it...
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It could have been SO bad, and it was SO good.
7 January 2002
I guess I have to begin by saying that I have read the books, (I've lost count of the times), and I was (am) a real Tolkien geek, particularly in my teens, some years ago now. In the 70s I was favorably impressed with Bakshi's attempt (I know, I know, I'm sorry) but I think some parts were well done, for the money they had available, and I think Bakshi's heart was in the right place. The cutesy versions of The Hobbit and Return of the King were terrible. When I heard of the attempt to be made by Mr. Jackson (who?) to do a live action version I was, to put it mildly, not looking forward to it, although I knew I would feel obligated to go, and be tortured. Well, the first film is here, I went, and I loved it. I knew some parts would have to be modified, but the job they did was a miracle. It's not perfect, like the books <g>, but Mr. Jackson satisfied this Tolkien fan. To nitpick, I thought that the scenes in Farmer Maggot's field and Bree were not led up to or explained well, the Black Riders might have been explained better, and the stay in Lorien seemed to me a little too new-agey for me. Could I have explained it better? No way, at least not without adding a couple of hours, and most people seem to understand just fine. To those who haven't read the books, I think they make the movie better, whether you liked it or not. I wonder what it would be like to read the books for the first time after seeing the movie(s). This is probably not the best film of all time, it will doubtless come down a few places after the novelty has worn off, but I give it a solid 9.
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not bad
28 March 2001
I just saw this movie on one of the TV movie channels, so I've been exposed to most of the hype, the initial attempt to portray the film as factual, and the revelation that it is fiction. I knew what to expect as far as the amateur home video quality of the movie, and the language, and I thought it was pretty good. Certainly there were imperfections, and at some points I couldn't help adding my own mst3k type comments, but considering the lack of money spent, I was very impressed by the amount of creep for the buck. There was a lot of bad language, but in character for 20ish college students, particularly when trying to be macho (even Heather)in the face of an increasingly frightening situation. If you are willing to be scared for entertainment, see Blair Witch Project. If you have to have elaborate special effects, or CG, to be entertained, don't.
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Dune (1984)
really disappointed
4 December 2000
Now here is a film that could be greatly improved by the addition of Jar-Jar Binks. No, that's really a cheap shot. I loved the books, and the first is a true classic, not just of sci-fi. In my opinion the story is unfilmable, and Lynch should have known it. I think the story was turned into a cartoon, the villains were portrayed as one dimensional buffoons, Paul was too old, and 'weirding modules' as an invention of the writers, make the plot more incomprehensible than it was already. I don't want to trash the people who thought well of the movie. It might be possible to enjoy if you haven't read the book, and to judge from some of the other comments, even if you have. Personal tastes vary, every- one is entitled to his or her opinion, but I agree with a previous reviewer who stated that the only thing this movie would have been good for was MST3K.
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