
11 Reviews
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The Oscar judges were drunk?
4 April 2010
I watched this movie in HD on Italian cable TV. My expectations were so hight! This movie has been judged better then the fantastic Avatar, so it had to be absolutely stunning. Minute after minute I was convinced that this could not be the 6 Oscar winner, I had to double check it. OK, the direction was not bad, but all the film was completely senseless, it looked to me as a classical American B-Movie. The plot looks incredible, you lose so many times the reasons of why something is happening. For example the taxi driver who does not stop: why? Even the story of the young boy selling DVD is not so clear to me.. This movie is miles back Black Hawk Down, a classical city guerrilla movie and is really impossible that beat Avatar if not that the judges of academy award were drunk.
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Avatar (2009)
27 January 2010
I saw the movie in 3D. It was a night I was very sad because of bad family news, I was doubtful if to use the long time booked tickets. I have to say that during the movie I completely forgot all my troubles, I was in another world, much better then the real one, full of magic things and landscapes. This movie for me is a fantastic journey, that let your heart flight free in your child's fantasy. I think Cameron and his staff have done a fantastic job, writing a new page in movie history. I don't care the plot is not new, I like if good wins over the evil, but this is a true masterpiece, the future of movie will change. The 3D in the future could be improved.
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8 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is far away from Casino Royale. Casino introduced a new bond, but kept some traditions and humor of the previous one. Quantum of Solace goes in a wrong direction and show us a totally unknown 007: no humor, no mercy, no "My name is Bond. James bond". And the plot is very confused, a lot of action but few else. Some points are very difficult to understand i.e why a modern building can explode and goes on fires like an old wood house or as a Alfa Romeo can compete with an Aston Martin, maybe Bond drives really bad. I don't like too that Bond movies start to use vulgarity in speeches. Casino royale was fantastic because it made Bond more up to date, but kept the atmosphere. Quantum is something between John Rambo and Jason Bourne. The history of Bond movies has many bad movies, these is one of them. We hope for the next one.
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DragonHeart (1996)
30 December 2006
I watched it yesterday, 11 years after its release, only because I'm blocked by broken leg on a chair in front of TV. My expectation was for a poor movie in comparison with up to date special effect. Instead is really nice, the FX of the drako ("drago in Italian") is stunning, it looks and moves really good. And in Italy we miss Sean Connery voice! Of course is a little bit a kid's movie, but anyway is very enjoyable. At the end I was near to cry for the not unexpected end. Really nice, much better then many movies with special effect of the new millennium. If your TV put it on the air, don't miss even if it looks like an old movie.
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Veronica's Closet (1997–2000)
20 November 2004
I don't know which season is now running here in Italy on Fox satellite TV, but I find it really irresistible. In my opinion it is one of the best sit comedy of this period, full of humor and great intelligence. It makes you smiling even after one bad day. Kristie is very good to joke with herself (for example about getting fat), not so easy for a top actress, and she is funny as she was in "cin cin" ( I don't know the American name, is the sit comedy in a pub with Ted Danson). All the other actors are nearly unknown here in Italy, but they all work well. In my personal opinion it's more funny then "Friends" and I'm sorry to know it's ended.
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Remember that......
6 March 2004
..this movie has been done when Hitler ( and Mussolini who is as well in the movie) was at the top and many politics and even the Roman Church used to close eyes about brutality and evil of Nazism. Especially in USA there were many people who had not understood what was really going on in Germany and Europe ( Charles Lindenbergh for example ).It would be as today a big actor would made a parody of Berlusconi or Chirac. Chaplin maybe made a lot of mistakes in his life, but this is really a masterpiece of humanity and IMHO a great demonstration he was a courageous man. The movie is funny and deep, the final speech has a terrible strength and is still updated. I think this movie is one of the best ever done.
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27 September 2003
,,if the movie is placed in 1977, what the hell make a lot of 2000 cars and bikes? There is an Espace, a Smart.......Zeffirelli should be less self confident and don't think he is the best ever movie director. All the movie looks very "cheap", only Fanny ardant is very good IMHO
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The Persuaders! (1971–1972)
fantastic '70
23 April 2001
In Italy "The persuaders" was called "Attenti a quei due" (it means something like "Pay attention to that two")and was an incredible success. Lord Brett and Danny Wilde were a perfect mix (Aston Martin for the first, Ferrari for the second!) and everybody was sorry this tv serie was only one year long (as well as UFO, another big score of that period). Is still possible to see some of this adventures in one of the many small italian tv, and everytime it make me happy and at the same time sad because of the lot of time has passed by; if you are young enjoy your time, as you get older world is worse!
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Unbreakable (2000)
25 December 2000
Why all the people, starting from Bruce Willis, are so sad? Why to speak so slowly? Why to think so much about everything? Is so easy to burn an hotel, or destroy a train or an airplane? I didn't like this movie at all, only the end was a little brilliant.
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Grand Prix (1966)
2 September 2000
By far the best ever movie about car racing. Even after so many years it' s fantastic and re-create the F.1 races of that period in perfect way. It's incredible how good are the special effects for that time. I worked in the racing car world and that's why I like it so much. It's 100 times better then Days Of Thunder. All the racing fan should see it, even to know how hard and dangerous was car racing in the '60: they were real Driver because faced the Death every race, with incredibly dangerous tracks as Spa, Nurburgring, Monza.
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Very Nice!
29 August 2000
I don't understand why so many people wrote to dislike this movie. I'm Italian ( and i saw the movie in London, so I lost some of dialogue because of my poor English) and I didn't know about the book; maybe the movie looks different, but I found it really exciting, probably not a masterpiece but very very good. I was not waiting for the tragic end, it was a surprise for me because usually in the American adventures there is the "Happy End", but it gave more thrill and surprise. I think it's better if you see the film before read the book, so you can have a more "open mind".In my opinion one of best movie of 2K.
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