
15 Reviews
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Inner Senses (2002)
It's a Keeper!
4 April 2004
Don't let the put downs deter you. Decide for yourself. This DVD is worth the patience it takes to watch. IF you like the Tomie series, Sixth Sense - etc. - then you will most likely be very pleased with this film. This is a Superb Ghost Story in the tradition of the above - and Ringu! I found it truly moving. It has some truly chilling moments! (The over-the-shoulder-apparition is a classic!) This is a Ten - for me.
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Despiser (2003 Video)
Who Made Who
1 September 2003
The BBC?

Anyway - "Old" Dr. Who Fans - this has about the same production quality with much more expansive effects. Both for its strengths and its pretensions - it is an amusing, and at times quite enthralling, video. Loved the Troll!
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The Lovecraft Influence Lives
1 July 2002
Ten, yes ten, despite flaws. (All mentioned quite enough in other reviews.) A superb tale that reminded me of the chills I got from reading some of the works of the great master of Horror, H.P. Lovecraft. If that strikes a chord with you - then this may be a find for you.
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Faust (2000)
One Hell of a Film
3 September 2001
What a hell of a Hoot! True Comic Book Kitsch that makes even the beast from the Pit adorable! Not since the Penis Monster from "Tromeo and Juliet" has a bad monster looked so good. Andrew Divoff, that excellent Wishmaster (What a Voice!), is a Devil worthy of Hellraiser and many of the special effects are over the top.(There was an award won for these). This is Serious Evil here, Good only "wins" by accepting defeat. And the defeats just keep on coming! Monica Van Campen is just superb as the totally disloyal but Soooooo effective Devil's Assistant! Her "Meltdown Punishment" by His Nibs is, by itself, worth the film.
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Don't Judge it Till you See It!
18 August 2001
A Sleeper in it's type, gets better and better as it goes on. Good Dark and Stormy Night Film - with a Well Done Ready for Sequel Ending. But the Proof is in the Watching. Stay with it - if you like your Horror with a High Body Count - at least until the bars drop on the doors! (Nuff Said) Judge this one for yourself - don't let then Dumpers stop you.
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Past Tense (1994 TV Movie)
Film Noir with a Twist (or two) (or Three)
23 May 2001
OK, so you have to think as you watch - and after - but this film is a gem - and it hangs together even though it seems at times to be an incarnation of Twin Peaks - and THAT is NOT a bad thing! (There's even a Twin Peaks cast member aboard!) This is an excellent Psycho-Drama that will keep most theorizing right up to, through and past the end. Intelligent Film Noir, superbly cast and scripted - for those who like their Films Dark.
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Crocodile (2000 Video)
Tobe Bites Back!
27 December 2000
Tobe Hooper is panned by many as having gone steadily downhill since "Massacre I" ("Chainsaw" - that is!). (Even his "Lifeforce" gets panned in the imdb bio). For those of you who have the wisdom to take pontifical critics with a grain of salt - give this little sleeper a chance.

It is a refreshingly direct "Jaws" type film with a pretty decent array of effects AND - as an added bonus - most of the characters DO get theirs by the end of the film! (And you won't miss a single one!) All this and several good leads toward a sequel -or two! THEN - if you never seen Tobe's "Lifeforce" - go get it! (And, once again - ignore the critics!)
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Killjoy (2000 Video)
Killer Klowns it Ain't!
3 December 2000
Ever since the Hit Sleeper - Killer Klowns from Outer Space, I have longed for more Kampy Klowns to invade this planet! The cover of this video made me hope that this might be such a video, but - alas - the cover is the best part of the video. (Nice teeth on the Klown - though!) I even did this despite knowing the film was a Full Moon Production because once in a Blue Moon - they transcend their low budgets and mediocre acting with a good film - but not this time. BUT - I gave it a 3 because I suppose a lifetime ago I might have found it campy - say watching with friends in a dorm or at an all night party when "bad" can be "good".
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The Bogus Witch Project (2000 TV Movie)
It has it's *%#@ing Moments!
20 November 2000
Well, the absence of Pauly for most of this collection of Blair Witch spoofs is a PLUS! So...If you thought Blair Witch was vastly over-rated AND you can LIVE without seeing much of Pauly Shore - this collection has some truly funny moments. Several of the send-ups of Blair Witch - including searches for Witches AND Bitches into Woods AND Hoods really capture the essence of the original. You may enjoy the "Heathers" too! (Such a MOUTH!)
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L.A. Goddess (1993)
What a Waste of James Hong!
9 October 2000
Rarely do I find a film that I rate a 1. This one qualifies. What a Waste of James Hong! And - How did they ever get HIM in it? And - WHY slap a Mustache on him? It's a long way from Chinatown, Two Jakes and Seinfeld! (The Chinese Restaurant episode!) he just licks their shoes and serves up platitudes. Most of the film is a Playboy softcore shoot - and Kathy Shower is outdone by her bit-role best friend at that! Clearly fake sexuality with Photo Shoot smiles all around. Much of the dialogue is James Hong offering Oriental Wisdom but rarely delivering it to Kathy and her cardboard Beau - dreary stuff! This is one of the worst films I've ever seen.
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The Delivery (1999)
Run Lola Run - from this Film!
29 August 2000
Everything this film tried to do is done better - and superbly in "Run Lola Run". The Red Haired Hip Cutie, the critical deadline(s), The Lover in jeopardy, and the "Crime Pays-Sometimes" message. BUT, unlike "Lola", it just isn't believable or well put together. It is a labored knock off that might have worked for me if I had seen it before "Lola" - but it pales in comparison. Yes! The Falling Beetle was nice! But that was about the only surprise in the film. Do yourself a favor and see the Real McCoy - (And the REAL hip Red Head!) - in Run Lola Run!
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Titus (1999)
THIS is the Glory that was Rome.
27 August 2000
Once or twice every few years a film transcends the ratings scale. ("Run Lola Run" was the last one for me!) Ten is not high enough for this film, this is a masterpiece. The staging, the surrealism, the fidelity to the Bard, the acting - the whole production! Fellini (Satyricon) was the last time I saw the stark realities of Rome captured in a film. Dread Duty, Blood Wars and Revenge - and perverse Honor in the midst of it all. Anthony Hopkins really serves up the role - (among other things) - with relish! Jessica Lange outdid herself. Andronicus' portrayal is the best decadent emperor since Caligula on PBS' "I Claudius" (Or Nero in "The Robe") And the end feast in absolutely riveting! After seeing Mr. Hopkins in this - I can't wait for Hannibal II!
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The Intruder (1999)
Fairly Good Film, Fairly Bad Sound Quality
11 August 2000
This film is yet another example of the less than adequate sound quality in many imports. This film has dialogue that counts, it deserves theatrical level sound - not the shoddy system that is all too common in Two Left Feet Corp. imports. There is a nice streak of relativistic sci-fi, and as in Event Horizon et al - it's amazing how all arguments about relativistic time can be solved by folding a piece of paper! If Only! The acting is reasonable - except for the worst impression of a lawyer I have ever seen! I think that this guy had the script in his lap! Oh Well - if nothing else on the shelf grabs you - this is worth the rent - but rental ONLY!
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A Rose by any other Name!
17 January 2000
Superb! Even the Author was laughing at the end. And what a "balcony" scene! This film has it all. Wickedly funny and yet strangely faithful to the Bard of Avon. (But NOT for the Faint of Heart!) AND... the Best Credits since Monty Python and The Holy Grail! I am "Troma"Tized!
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Heaven (1998)
A Hidden Gem!
28 November 1999
This is a hidden gem! Hidden due to limited release. A Gem for many reasons. Superb directing - one of the most creative uses of flashbacks and flash"forwards" I have ever seen. Superb acting! Martin Donovan (II) stands out - as he did in The Opposite of Sex - and the rest of the cast is excellent too. This film kept pulling me deeper into the story, intriguing me but never deliberately leaving me behind.(No Twin Peaks Here - but a nice touch of supernatural!) Watch closely every second! You never know when the next revelation is coming and even then - you may not be sure WHEN the revelation refers to!

Made my Day!
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