
27 Reviews
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Tulsa King (2022– )
11 April 2023
I've never loved Sylvester Stallone more...and this is the show I didn't know was missing in my life! It's original and quirky and full of humor and action and yet is somehow relatable as well. I'm binging it right now - I'm on episode 4 - and I know I'll be sad after I get through the whole thing. It's SO entertaining and at the end of every episode I cannot wait to start the next one. It's completely and wonderfully addictive. Yeah it's violent and has some dark comedy moments so it's not aware of that. But the idea that a guy out of synch with the modern world as lived in Tulsa is maybe the funniest and best fish out of water story I've ever seen.
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Lights Out (2011)
A rare gem
9 April 2023
Finally available to stream after all these years!! I have to admit that I'm not big into sports... but I love true tellings of the backstories of professional athletes as well as fictional sports movies which showcase such tales. "Lights Out" is fiction, of course, but it's like a true family drama first and foremost with boxing in the background and it's fantastic so it's no wonder I love it! Even the music is insanely inspired! Holt McCallany and the rest of the cast turn in incredible performances...however, I don't mean to be mean, but...the exception is Catherine McCormack who is sorely cast. She's physically right for the part, but she over- or under-acts in every single scene.
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5 February 2023
I don't understand the overwhelming positive reaction to this film. The writing is so so soooooo lazy. It's like they just thought, "we need to have a scene that reminds the audience of this part of the original, we need to have a scene that reminds the audience of that part of the original." It's beyond predictable, reductive, and overly familiar. I get that it's a sequel but this is ridiculous. And Jennifer Connelly - who I usually like very much - is really annoying in this. I don't necessarily blame her, though, I think it's the writing and directing. A real positive though is this: Miles Tenner is perfectly cast.
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The Parent Test (2022–2023)
Kind of ridiculous and unfair
3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How can you put a 7-year-old and a 16-year-old through the same challenge and expect it to be a fair comparison? The driving test and the stranger pickup test in particular stand out. Just think of yourself at 7 versus 16, it's beyond apples and oranges. The show is a really interesting concept but the execution is deeply flawed. Among the pro aspects, Ali Wentworth is charming and funny and bright and there is real valuable diversity among the parents and types of families and child raising philosophies. But they need to takes ages of the children into consideration when putting them against each other.
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Neal Brennan: Blocks (2022 TV Special)
Beyond brilliant
10 December 2022
It's hilarious but be prepared for it to also be touching and poignant- even a bit sad. But it's balance at its best bc it's perfect humanity. I've never seen anything like it. And I don't toss around words like 'brilliant' lightly. It's so human and relatable and supremely entertaining all at the same time. I'm a new fan and definitely one of his biggest! I don't know why IMDB is requiring I write so much more bc I feel I've said enough but here it is: it's absolutely fantastic so do yourself a favor and watch it!! It's so very great and different. You will laugh and come close to crying - or like me, find yourself wanting to call him to meet for a coffee and a chat.
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CODA (2021)
It's inspirational to a fault
15 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It makes me think of my own potential and what I could've been. I'm deaf in one ear and no one else in my family ever had hearing issues yet I've always wondered about the CODA experience.
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Visually almost too beautiful
11 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Visually the film is almost too perfect, making the viewers envious of this almost impossible monotone clothing and lighting and immense privilege and gorgeous setting. I do find it likeable but I found this aspect unsettling. Also? The whiny adult kids crying bc their parents divorced a decade earlier...what??!?!!? I also didn't care for how they speak about their half-brother. That is all really annoying, frankly. Krasinsky is delightful. And for once I will say the casting works in the sense that these kids actually look like they could be related to the parents. Something about it all works but there are problems-
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Somebody Feed Phil (2018– )
He's no Anthony Bourdain
15 June 2022
He's so annoying with his childish little dances and over-exaggerated wide eyes. No soul or real local joints that locals and real insiders flock to. He only goes to the most famous touristy spots recommended by any travel site or book.
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Pistol (2022)
I loved it despite myself
1 June 2022
I almost didn't watch this. I was born in 1969 so I was a little kid during these years. But the music and punk movement endured into the 1980s so I was aware of it tho I didn't follow it. I just wasn't an angry teenager (tho I had reason to be) so it just didn't resonate with me, yet even then I knew something groundbreaking and important had happened. I learned so much watching this series. For starters I had no idea of the intersection of so many enduring greats that started out together at this time. Also? I learned a greater appreciation of punk than I've ever had before. The casting is perfect. The acting and directing and writing and production value are about as good and authentic as it gets. I was hooked early on and binge-watched it in one day. Now I'm sad it's over.
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Hacks (2021– )
I don't even know what to say
12 May 2022
Words escape me. This show is hilarious, but also - episode by episode - it gets seriously layered and brilliant. It explores a relationship between two professional hilarious women from different generations getting to know and understand each other. I'm late to the party, but so grateful I finally found it!
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The Kardashians (2022– )
The honest problem is...
5 May 2022
...that these people and their lives and this show are all SO boring. I really am not concerned with their lack of likability. It's just not at all an entertaining or interesting way to spend my time. Can't recall the last time I stopped watching a show after only 3 episodes due to boredom. I gave it 3 thinking something interesting was bound to happen. Man, was I wrong!
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Fantastic performances
17 April 2022
I don't begin to understand how this has a mere 5.0 rating. The performances and history lessons alone warrant a much better rating. I've only watched one episode so far bc that's all that's available but I can't wait to watch the rest.
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20/20 (1978– )
9 April 2022
When I was a kid this show was a serious new magazine show. Maybe it really was or maybe it was my child-like perspective. But now it's a soap opera drama. Not journalistic. The so-called journalists "act" pathetically with their supposed indignant outrage. SMH :(
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Life of the Party (I) (2018)
9 April 2022
I really find this movie adorable. I giggled throughout. Melissa McCarthy is irresistible and Maya Rudolph steals every scene she's in. It's just fun and silly, it's not a movie that says anything important about anything important in terms of society, relationships, women, etc. Just take it as an easy, enjoyable watch.
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Meet the Meerkats (2021– )
Narration ruins it
20 March 2022
The narrator's delivery is flat and boring. There are such great examples of effective nature show narration out there, ranging from serious to funny. This one a huge fail.
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Can't get into it
16 March 2022
Such great material to work with, and fantastic actors. But I'm too distracted by the constant breaking of the fourth wall and other odd camera work. One episode and done.
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The perfect history show for non-fans of history
24 February 2022
If you were less than enthused in history class but love pop culture, this is the show that will turn you into a history buff. And it's genuinely fascinating for true history buffs, Americana fans, foodies, and big business fanatics -
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Mixed feelings
12 January 2022
Ben Affleck is good, and the kid who plays the young JR is exceptional. Lily Rabe and Christopher Lloyd are as dependable as ever. The sets and details regarding furnishings, appliances, props etc are perfect. The story and pacing tho really need work. And one thing that REALLY annoys me is the young JR and the college-age/20s JR look NOTHING alike. Add to that, that the narrator (Ron Livingston) is not only kind of monotone but sounds nothing like the aforementioned young adult JR and it's all a bit maddening.
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Gavin & Stacey (2007–2024)
Really stupid
10 January 2022
Maybe I don't get it bc I'm American, but I cannot understand why this was so popular. It's very much like 'Three's Company' with totally ridiculous 'confusions' and 'misunderstandings' perpetuated by moronic characters. Then again, 'Three's Company' was huge, so what do I know -
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Great performances
1 January 2022
The 2 leads are fantastic. Jessica Chastain as Tammy Faye sounds just like her which, it turns out, sounds like a cross between Sarah Palin (or Tina Fey as Sarah Palin) and Patricia Arquette in 'Desperately Seeking Susan' (in which she also often had to say "Jim" and "Gary"). It's amazing. Learning about TF's backstory and how she met Jim and the early days of their relationship was fascinating. But I found the film missed the mark by not telling us about their lives after divorce and Jim's prison sentence. Particularly TF bc I believe she married someone somewhat involved in the downfall of Jim and the PTL network. And how did Jim and her other loved ones and the public react to her death? Nothing about any of this really.
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Kim Cattrall is a genius for avoiding this train wreck
30 December 2021
They've totally destroyed what could've still been a stellar SATC legacy, despite the two horrible films (the second one especially is one of the worst films I've ever seen, period.) It seems as time goes further and further on they lose more and more sight on what this show was and who these characters were. They're trying WAY too hard with the inclusivity stuff and how do lifelong New Yorkers not know how to talk to black ppl? Obvious foreshadowing with Rose, Miranda, etc. Just awful writing. Avoid if you want to still remember the original series fondly bc this is just a pathetic cash grab.
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Love Hard (2021)
Jimmy O. Yang is this film's savior
26 November 2021
This movie is so stupid and predictable on so many levels (and steals from so many other movies it barely qualifies as original work), but Jimmy O. Yang is such a likable scene stealer that almost all is forgiven -
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What were the filmmakers thinking?
23 October 2021
Clips of moronic YouTube buffoons speculating on her cause of death while doing makeup tutorials ruins what could have maybe been an interesting insight into BM's psyche, relationships, how she handled her own healthcare concerns, etc. It could've at least been a decent documentary if not a great one...but the inclusion of these hollow influencer wannabes robs the filmmakers and other interviewees of all credibility.
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What a waste of time
19 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I wish this wasn't so cheesy and soap opera-like. The narrator and the background music and the Janine Pirro wannabe.... ugh. This young woman lost her life, her family lost a daughter, sister, niece. It should be handled more seriously. And at the end, we learn nothing.
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Parasite (2019)
Perfect masterpiece
12 February 2020
I don't understand anyone giving this film anything less than a 9 or 10. It takes genius twists and turns, and I don't even usually like this genre! As for those not understanding certain character motives: please open your mind and consider cultural differences regarding boundaries, insults, manners, and class divides.
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