29 Reviews
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Reminds me of my childhood
28 January 2021
If you didn't grow up in the 90s or experience the 90s at a younger age you won't like this movie.

1994 or somewhere around that time I was growing up the same way these kids are in the movies. Cursing up a storm when we were alone with our friends, not letting our parents even know. Flirting with disaster and the experiences we go through, the experimentation of youth and adloscence is explored. I really loved this movie because it was relatable to me. It's got a certain appeal and psychology that resonates with modern society.

I had a friend named Josh Templeton who passed away at the age of 15. So to hear his name in a movie that resonates and appeals so much to things we did as kids is touching and remarkable. Thank you to the filmmakers for giving me a faint reminder of all the good... and bad memories of growing up.
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It was okay but, missing a lot...
27 January 2021
Movie goes too fast and skips past a lot.. Plot holes and it takes a min for you to really comprehend where the movie is going and if you even want to follow it because it's extremely cliche and predictable. Three movies that come to mind when I watch it was Training Day, End of Watch, and Harsh Times... This movie ripped off elements from each movie to form this one. Shia's character was stupid and laughable. Who would ever think George Lopez could portray a gangster? He tried, I just couldn't buy into it.
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Reminds me of my childhood TV shows
27 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Reminds me of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Xena, and lots of other "dark" TV shows with powerful female leads. This show is fun for all ages and a superb twist on the "Sabrina" character. Each season or "part" was different and exciting in its own right. I honestly felt like the final chapter the characters looked genuinely excited to be doing what they were doing and taking part in the show. The battle of the band scenes were so fun and well done. I stand with everyone else, "The Void" was well written and fun but the way this ended was horrendous. All of the characters are left floating, we have no idea what happens to them. Except Sabrina and Nick... I honestly was disapppinted.. I feel like there is a way back, and a way to continue the show.. Maybe that is their plan to continue to draw in people for another season, idk.. Maybe the series was only drawn up or written as a mini series??? BUT I do think there is potential to keep the show going with some creativity!
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Extraction (2020)
Hemsworth does extremely well
27 January 2021
Movie is your typical Mercenary rescues a hostage movie but with a twist. I think what made this movie was it was different in its diversity. The movie shows off a different setting and culture than you would normally see in the USA. Its a gem, really good action movie. Never slows down, lots of shooting, lots of action, and a sense of care. I just wanna know the body count, lol!
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Excellent thriller- Loved it
27 January 2021
I judge movies not by the cinematography or special effects. .. but how well the directors and actors do with what they are given. I felt like this oviedo was humming along at a decent pace, with lots to continue to story tell and hold my attention. It kicks into climatic high gear around 80% through the movie and never slows down. Its entertaining, suspenseful, and just overall a well done movie.
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Lots to work with but ends up fizzling
27 January 2021
Has a fantastic basis to be more than it was. Very anti climatic and not suspenseful. Just a whole bunch of guessing and wondering what is happening, why, and what comes next. It could've been 30-45 mins longer and been much better with more in depth plot and climax building. The special effects are top notch. Everything else falls short. The beginning reminded me of "Eye in the sky" with Helen Mirren which despite a very simple blunt plot, was far more suspenseful than this movie. If you're extremely bored and need something to watch, watch it. Just set your expectation settings to "mediocre" so you aren't disappointed but more than likely, you will be anyways.
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Project Power (2020)
Limitless (Bradley Cooper) but a step further...
27 January 2021
Plot is similar to Limitless, but a step further into a super hero like realm. Its a decent action/thriller movie but was kind of cliche and predictable. I think it was written plainly and simply to show off a fun action movie. The plot and writing didn't need to be too in depth. I enjoyed it, it was a fun movie and interesting.
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The Vanished (2020)
Pretty interesting
27 January 2021
Movie started off innocently enough and sort of cliche. But it opens up into a head turning attention grabber. Mysterious, thrilling, and very enjoyable from beginning to end. Can't say much more than that. I loved it.
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Becky (II) (2020)
Gruesome, dark, yet comical
11 June 2020
I enjoyed it. I actually had no idea Kevin James was in it. I kept looking at him trying to recognize him. Then I looked the movie up on here. I gotta say he did a great job as a villain but I kept picturing him as his comedian self and it made me laugh a lot during the movie. Lulu did great!

The movie is a bit corny, cliche, and predictable but fun at the same time. For Americans, there are some Canadian cast members who might throw ya off a bit with their dialogue and acting. I thought it was grotesque at the appropriate times, but darkly comical and enthralling
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Killer Joe (2011)
Cynical, dark, enthralling
13 April 2020
Hard to believe it got an NC-17, and kudos for director for not cutting the film. This film is amazing. It leaves so many questions but in a good way. Interpretation of the answers to those questions are left entirely up to you. Thrilling and interesting film to say the least. Loved it!!
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Tremors (1990)
USA Host Gilbert Goddfried hosts "Up all night"
22 January 2020
In the 90s USA had a spot every Friday and Saturday called up all night. Movies like Childs Play, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Tremors played. Tremors is one of those movies you watch knowing it's going to be corny but fun at the same time. Its goofy and awesome. It's a cult classic! The one with Jamie Kennedy was stupidly funny too
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Donnie Brasco (1997)
Well told movie on the Mob... beautiful
3 January 2020
A deep insight into the structure and life of the Mob. Pacino, Madsen, and Depp shine in this one. I think next to Goodfellas, this probably the best modern Mob movie ever made. I have watched it so many times it's kind of unfair. Just fuggetaboutit and watch the movie already!
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Joker (I) (2019)
Psychological... Amazing
1 January 2020
There are many differences between the jokers over the years. Nicholson portrayed the joker that Caesar Romero portrayed in the original Batman series, which was also the mainstream comic book version. A flamboyant theatrical Joker who could make you laugh and kill you at the same time. But also supernatural in a sense. Nicholson was brilliant , Ledger took Nicholson's joker to the dark and sinister maniacal level. Actors nowadays seldom portray a character without it being stereotypical scripted. I mean, Deniro, Joe Pesci, and Pacino play monsters so well.... why? Because they look and fit the stereotype of a monster. It's their forte.

Phoenix's Joker is so relatable to audiences because he is a regular guy. Who has suffered, who has struggled, and who gets pushed beyond his limits in a society similar to our own society. So many people struggle with acceptance and just want to be who they are without being judged or told they have to look, feel, and act a certain way. Phoenix marvel's in this role because he became the character, physically and mentally. I think of Charlize Theron in Monster, Matthew McCaughnehey in Dallas Buyers Club, Ledger in The Dark Knight. All of these examples of an actor immersing themselves in the theater and the mindset of the character. I think now you can add Phoenix to that list.

This movie is fantastic and enjoyable. You feel every feeling Arthur feels. Its gloriously written, directed, acted, and well everything else falls into place.
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Has its troubles but still suspenseful and entertaining.
31 August 2019
I enjoyed it overall. I guess it's one of those "Have to be in the mood" films to be in the right mindset to enjoy it. If you take it too serious and over analyze it, probably won't like it. I think there are some troubles with certain aspects of the film, but I think it's small potatoes. Just relax and enjoy the ride. It is psychotic, devious, and suspenseful. I really enjoyed the score playing over the credits.
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Mr. Iglesias (2019–2020)
Great show!
4 July 2019
Reminds me of the show Steve Harvey once had as a school teacher. It's hilarious and fun to watch. Honestly can't wait to see more episodes!!
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Cop Car (2015)
Enjoyable action movie... loved it
4 July 2019
The coming of age of two boys. Curious, innocent, yet devious and wildly charismatic. The young actors marvel before legendary Kevin Bacon who goes off the chain with his level of acting. This movie totally rocks, man!
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Mean Dreams (2016)
Gritty, romantic, and overall great movie..
4 July 2019
Everyone talks about Paxton in one of his final films and he does a fantastic job as a bad guy, no doubt his acting was superb. This film in general is a diamond in the rough. The young actors portrayed and told a wonderful story.

From the moment they met and walked away from each other and looked back over their shoulders at each other, you definitely felt the connection to the characters. The story is told in a way that makes you want to continue watching the film, and you care a lot about the characters and the journey they want to take. It's nothing incredibly deep, but more so than a lot of other indie movies in its class, it stands out. I think Paxton serves as a good back drop for the younger talent before him and I can only imagine he himself was impressed and only wanted to promote the younger actors.

It's an awesome story with a beautiful landscape, and a tribute and representation of what love really is and should look like between two people.
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Not very good... at all
19 June 2019
I feel like Paul Sorvino only did this one to do some work with his daughter but maybe there were other reasons. His role is merely a marketing ploy to get people to watch but his role isn't very big.

The acting is absolutely horrendous. I don't know who directed this but it almost seemed like a PA was standing behind the camera with a dry erase board for them to read their lines off of. When there is a pause between lines exchanged by characters it sounds forced, and read instead of authentic. The scenes where the characters get highly emotional are about as exciting as the acting gets but those moments again don't fit well with the rest of their acting making it seem awkward and unbelievable. The movie did have a great start but it was confusing. It's only about 3/4 of the way through the movie that we learn the back story that was told in the beginning of the movie, and who those characters were. I guess if I had to say anything nice I would say the killer was a little devious and good in his role and acting but I was still rather confused from beginning to end. Maybe I am missing something???

I think this was a good attempt to bring something low budget to life but it is a flop.
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Darc (2018)
Brutal, sexy, awesome action movie!
8 June 2019
It has a typical plot. Revenge, become a hero type movie. Its predictable but it doesn't matter because if you're up for a great action movie, it doesn't matter. The cinematography is great along with graphics, fight choreography, and the acting is superb. It's just a fun, sexy, and violent action movie. I find anything surrounding Yakuza intriguing, and this one has some amazing actors that do a great job. If you like The Punisher, you will love this movie.
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He Never Died (2015)
Dark, fun, entertaining
2 June 2019
These movies are always a toss up. Either they are really bad or really good. This one is hilarious, combined with just enough action and gore to keep the movie going and the audience interested. I thought it was pretty awesome. That's all I have to really say. No lengthy review just give it a watch already and put on your sarcasm headset to adjust for the amount of witty comedy coming your way!
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Atone (2019)
Awful... just awful
2 June 2019
Not even B movie worthy more like an F for failure. Bad acting combined with horrible direction and poor sequencing of scenes. It's obvious they took several breaks between scenes to stage certain events, which wouldn't be a problem if it weren't noticeable in the finished DVD product. Fight choreography is abysmal, writing sucks, lines seem to be read off of paper. Cliche and boring one liners are eye rolling. They choose to build toward no climax. Most of the time these direct to DVD releases are full of action and fun to watch without the want or need for a deep plot. As I type this I just waste more and more time on this.

I was drawn to this because of WWE star Sheamus and believe it or not he is the best asset in the movie from his acting to his fight scene. Anyways the movie sucks don't waste your time.
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Circle (II) (2015)
Interesting concept- Was good, Could have been better
29 April 2019
I skipped by this movie several times on Netflix because "People in a room" genre movies have been so played out over the years since Saw popularized it. This one was well written and it definitely entertains you. It keeps you watching till the very end, because of the whole concept in it's entirety. Cinematography was great at making this movie tick along. I enjoyed it but I would have liked a better ending, not that it was bad, but had potential to be better. Worth a watch, recommend it. Turn the lights out and the sound up loud and enjoy!!
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Florence Pugh marvels and nails the role!
31 March 2019
I have watched wrestling my entire 32 years of life. I think this is the first movie about a character that has ever been re-enacted. The cast really captured my emotion, and I felt it deep down! Saraya and her family should be extremely extremely proud of how well this cast portrayed their family! I read some people online giving Pugh some crap over being "too chunky" but honestly it couldn't have been done ANY better! Its hilarious and even if you aren't a wrestling fan, I think you might just laugh a little.... Or a lot!
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Historically accurate account of Bonnie & Clyde
31 March 2019
A few big names tied to this one and it's simmering with action and fun. Focus is on the law men tracking the duo but more less tells what most to believe to be the historically accurate account of Bonnie & Clyde. It's gritty and enjoyable. Give it a watch, you won't be disappointed!
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Fantastic slow burning, gritty, violent, and fun!
31 March 2019
Fantastic cast serves their unique style of acting with purpose. We get back story on each characters making you really understand their actions and emotional state. Very gritty, violent, and surreal. Has a Lethal Weapon vibe, but much more in depth. Its a bit of a slow burner, but necessary, and definitely enjoyable from beginning to end. Has such wit, and comedic value makes it all the more enjoyable. If you like movies like The Departed, Pulp Fiction, Lethal Weapon, Inside Man, and Italian Job; you'll love this one because it has a bit of each of these movies rolled all into one!
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