
14 Reviews
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We arent perfect?!!!!!!!
10 November 2019
I loved this film for one reason. It made me think of a simple solution. If any human is convicted or put to death while being innocent then everyone that put that innocent human in a cage or to death must share the same fate. The Judge states how we are still primative and far from perfect then that should apply to everyone, especially our governments. We the people own you. It's not the other way around. Eye for an eye. Civil War II Coming soon to a state near you.
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Josh Wiggins and Taylor Hickson are phenomenal.
17 October 2019
Could this possibly be the film that brings back the cream of the crop in adolescent stars? It's been so long folks. Maybe Larry Clarks, "kids" is the last time I've been floored by untouched hollywood raw performances. Yes, it has has a great feel good climax but I never sensed Hollywood. It was plausible . Very....plausible. Wiggins reminded me of DiCaprio in This Boys Life and Hickson took me back to Akroyds daughter in that one movie where Culkin gets stung by bees(title escapes me) haha. More important though is her(Hicksons) natural scaring on that beautiful face. To me it added so much to her already beautiful character. Look out for these two subtle yet memorable actors.
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The Voices (2014)
A Great Watch!
6 August 2019
I'm a huge indie horror fan and this film has a brilliant way of making it into my top 100. A must see. Also, I've always fantasized about the murdered and murderer joining together to play in a band together in like an afterlife scenario. All realism and drama dropped. The murderer on lead vocals and their victims on drums and guitar etc... So cool to see another person have that same vision but with dancing and choreography.
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Larry Clark? Nope
25 June 2019
It's like the director stole the essence of Clark without the beautiful whiff.
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Climax (I) (2018)
F Oscar. This surpasses.
9 June 2019
Eraserhead, Grapes of Wrath, to KIll a Mockingbird, the Bad Seed......yeah, this film is that good. Its claustrophobic like the latter films I brought up. Destined to be a classic.
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Eh. First joke was a here we go moment....
25 May 2019
.....but it faded fast. I'm a huge fan but this one died like a dropped baby off of a 3 story staircase. I really dont fault the rich comedian anymore. Theres no struggle and without that struggle there is no unique, I feel anyway. Worth a watch but compared to his others this one just felt like a paycheck.
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Catch Hell (2014)
25 April 2019
And the sheeple gain way and ridicule for another Hollywood false prophet........again.

Although the film is mediocre and you know the ending within the first 20 minutes I still have to give it 5 stars. Why? Because the beauty of these films is for one reason and one reason only. This society depends way too much about the Pitts and the Hanks and the Kardashians the Cruises the Bales the Hiltons etc...its an absolute disgust. We love a good falling down rich guy story or just being rich and famous fascinates most of this idiotic land mass. So here you go. Here's another one for ya to suck up and crap out.
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The King lives on.
11 April 2019
What a great film. Depressing but great. Acting very solid. Cinematography was gorgeous. I actually feel cold every time I watch this. It's an almost claustrophobic film. An island surrounded by frozen ocean with some cages sprinkled in and very tense corrections officers breathing down your neck. A definite must watch.
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Calico Skies (2016)
You know what happens when a wolf bites someone in the house?
11 April 2019
What a great film this was and as others have stated very depressing. Sizemore was a revelation. That small part of everyone's brain that tells us were worthless as we try to hold on to someone or something.
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Kevin Hart: Irresponsible (2019 TV Special)
Better than his last special.
6 April 2019
Well folks it just goes to show that millions do change you as far as how hungry you are to make a crowd laugh and laugh hard. It happens to all comedians that become filthy rich. As far as his latest special is concerned I believe he took note of this from his last special and at least tried harder or as hard as he could. It had some seriously funny moments sprinkled with the mundane laugh tracks that often befell a comedian of his stature.
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Gaspar Noe meets Lars Von Trier.
2 April 2019
What an amazing achievement in cinema. A must watch for those without a feint heart. The sacrificial lamb for the meek and cornered.
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Never gets old
2 April 2019
Its probably been 20 years since I watched this. It came on HBO and I said what the hell. Nursing a major hangover I got comfy on my couch. Waste basket and aleve next to me, I took a trip back to the 80s. It was like my first viewing at 12 years old. Loved every minute. Laughing with a hangover sucks btw. See you in another 20 Bernie
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Hap and Leonard (2016–2018)
If it walks like Thomas Jane, acts like Thomas Jane and talks like TJ, it must be TJ right?
20 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My mind is blown that this isnt TJ in makeup. Blown! Second episode in and loving it.
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Paddleton (2019)
Thank you Duplass and Romano!!!
9 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Thank you for letting us behind the scenes of how friends are effected by relationships in right to die states. It was beautifully done. Only wished you found a way to project Death Punch on the back of the drive in theater while the end came. Maybe too Hollywood. From a major film fan I just wanted to say thank you.
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