
64 Reviews
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Sociopath with an enabling mother
28 November 2023
During the first few minutes I wasn't sure what I was really watching it was so horrific the kitten's incident and just the way the story was coming off so unreal. I paused and Googled to see if this was legit. While the crimes were true I don't believe the vegas lady and the other dude were real i think that bit was made up to add to this story because there were too many weird moments that made me go, no way. Who has time to analyze all that they did? Also, if she was legit she's definitely in the wrong profession. Like why didn't they contact youtube or facebook if they really wanted to find him initially? Surely he could've easily been found by his IP address. Lastly, you can tell his mother enabled him. It was kind of annoying watching her deny the obvious.
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The Body (2012)
Chef's Kiss
29 August 2023
How did I forget that Spain delivers the best thrillers next tp the U. K? That ending made me spin like a top. I audibly yelled, Woah! Woah! Woah! I haven't had that reaction to a film in a lonnnng time. I have to admit I figued out part of the surprise ending before it happened...some things weren't adding up towards the end and in my opinion it made room for me to guess who was also involved but man it was a double twist that shocked the heck outta me. It's one of those moments that if you're in the theatre you grab your friend, or a random stranger, next to you and scream, lol. This lost one star from making it a 10 because of the nudity.
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Sharp Objects (2018– )
Too slow man
24 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I tapped out about 1 episode and a half later. I don't know what it is these days but so many things that should just be a movie are made into series that drag out a story for what seems like ages. I'm like get to the point already. This was so boring I just decided I couldn't wait for the big reveal so I googled it and I guess if you have patience enough to wait around you might think it's worth the wait but I don't think it is. There are too many overrated shows out now and I really wish more people would come out and write more honest reveiews stating how overrated these things are_________
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
What is this exactly?
23 August 2023
I watched the first four episodes, trust me from episode one I had my suspicions that this series wasn't going anywhere, and after 4 episodes I was right. I kept thinking something was going to happen or be revealed that would make me want to keep watching the series. Nope. This just made no sense and was boring. The dialogue meh. Giving this four stars was me being generous. This show is over hyped. I did like Christina Ricci's weird character but it's like this series doesn't know what it wants to be so it ends up being a bunch of nothing. I think 4 episodes was 3 episodes too many for me. I'm out.
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Fast X (2023)
Why they keep making these?
10 June 2023
It's beyond ridiculous at this point. A giant bomb rolling down the streets of Italy? Laugh out loud. This movie was just too long. The duration of each film just drags on like this franchise. A few years ago I called the last movie in this series a cartoon and I guess people didn't like that. I think more people are seeing it now. Why do they keep pumping money into this franchise? Are people really racing out to see these still? I was bored from like the first 15 minutes. Jordanna Brewster pops in for less than 10 minutes to remind us she's still a part of the franchise. What exactly is Torento's car made of? Everlasting Gobstopper metal? Lol.
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Wholesome and Enjoyable
16 April 2023
I don't know the last time I sat and watched a movie and thoroughly enjoyed it. Movies today tend to be really long ads for the writer, producer or actors personal beliefs instead of simply being a film for everyone to enjoy. The acting in this was great...I especially liked Victor Moore's character. This was funny, sweet and heartwarming. I wonder why this film isn't more popular or as popular as films like White Christmas or It's a Wonderful Life. I definitely liked this far more than it's a wonderful life. I wouldn't mind watching this again.........definitely going on my favourite list.

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Like watching grass grow and paint drying.
21 February 2023
Viewers, Darling

Unless you want to be a victim of violence by ennui skip this like a pebble skips across a glassy lake. I really only gave this a chance because of Anna Kendrick. I thought, let me see what this is about. After watching it I still don't know what it really was supposed to be about. I was sitting there thinking something was going to happen eventually, I just need to wait for it. I thought the introduction of the mising girl would become an important part of the story but it didn't. Why was that even added? If i call this movie boring I'm being kind. After I watched this I thought how do I keep coming across these dull films with popular talented actors? It's a capital no from me dawg.
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The Son (I) (2022)
So boring
13 February 2023
I know this is a serious subject matter but this was a very dull and depressing film. Hugh Jackman of course is a very talented actor and he draws you in every time we see him in a performance but this film was just so freaking slow and at one point I asked myself what on earth is this movie? Some movies someone somewhere needs to tell somebody doesn't need to be made. Not every book needs to be made into a film. Not every idea needs millions of dollars put into making it a reality. I feel all this movie does is encourage suicide if anything and I'm not trying to be funny by saying that. There are so many things that can be said about this family's dynamic that we could list that led this young man to being in the headspace he was in. What is supposed to be the take-a-way after watching this film? I wish I could get back the time I spent watching this. I wouldn't recommend this film to anyone and this may be the lowest rating I have given to a film here on imdb.
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Nineteen-eighty poor
13 February 2023
How do you have the 80's and fumble it? So much hype and it didn't deliver. They could have done so much with this. To think that they actually waited until it could be shown in theatres so this could be seen on the big screen. Well, not even that and Gal's wadrobe could save this.

The only parts about this I liked was of course it's the 80's and Gal Gadot looked so nice in everything they put her in.

This script was so bad. This story didn't make any sense. I can't believe Pedro Pascal signed up for this and played that dumb character. His character actually was the second worst part, lol. I watched the first film a few times. I have no desire to watch this again.
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M3GAN (2022)
Accenuate the positive eliminate the negative
13 February 2023
Comedy gold. I didn't expect this to be so funny. I had no expectations going into watching this. I didn't watch the trailer. Was it the greatest movie of all time? Of course not but it was entertaining.

It's a cautionary tale not only to parents but I think for all of us. I see parents stick iPads in front of their children's faces all the time. It's like the iPad is an unpaid babysitter when the parents just want the child to go away and do something while the adults are busy adulting.

To me this film shows, though in a very dramatic way, how allowing children and adults to be exposed to too much technology is unhealthy and can have an extremely negative outcome.

I'm not a fan of violence in films but if the violence was taken out and any profanity I would have easily given this a 10. That's how entertaining this was to me.
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Disenchanted (2022)
Missing Melody
10 December 2022
While it was great to see most of the cast return there was an important element missing in this sequel. The amazingly catchy and fun musical numbers and songs that left an imprint on the hearts and minds of those of us who loved the first one, was an important character from the original that was left out. Yes, there were musical numbers in this sequel BUT they were not great and that's putting it nicely. The musical numbers didn't even have a melody. It was like they were just words being sung to music for the sake of having songs in the movie in relation to whatever was going on in that moment. Not a single catchy song. I mean in the original they sang a song in Central Park that every one in Central Park new, the script could have been better.
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Meghan's Niece
10 December 2022
I went into this not really knowing what to expect but a few minutes in I thought what could they have to say that could stretch across 6 episodes? Well, in this first 3 episodes nothing new really or all that interesting. For me the one thing that stood out is her relationship with her niece. Yes, Meghan has a neice.

We all knew her mother was the only blood relative reported to have been to the wedding and we're aware of the drama with her family is perfect...but the revelation of a niece was, well, a revelation.

Meghan invited all kinds of "friends" to her wedding, even Oprah who we know she did not know for real yet she did not invite her actual niece she actually had a good relationship with. Why? Because she was so concerned with the possible debacle of explaining why her half sister (the niece's mother) was not invited. If Meghan was ever pressed to say why she didn't invite her half sister she could have simply stated she had no relationship with her but she has a relationship with her closed. Period. For someone who is so well-spoken and clever as Meghan you think it would have been a no-brainer, nope, instead she cared only about herself and not her neice's feelings. If you ever get invited to a family member's wedding this would have been the wedding. I would have been heartbroken if she was my aunt. That decision, to me, speaks volumes about Meghan.
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Not a good script
2 November 2022
This started off like it would be a nice film but as I continued watching it just became boring. The premise of this movie was actually ridiculous. I know it's probably not meant to be taken like some deep film but come on. A maid takes all of her savings to go to Paris a 500 pound dress? This story could have went so many other interesting places I feel especially with some of the french characters. The script seemed disjointed. What was the overall point of this story?

I wanted to like this but it ended up being a dissapointent with characters that just fell flat for the most part.
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It is what it is
4 August 2022
Some bits of dialogue were strange but I never felt like stopping the movie. I just enjoy Emily Blunt even with a not so great Irish accent. I enjoyed the music and the scenery.
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16 July 2022
The script for this is what really killed it for me. A lot of the dialogue was just off. It's not enough to have popular actors and cgi, the story needs to be interesting or it's just an expensive snorefest.
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An adult female
10 July 2022
The fact that we live in a world where a question like this is not only asked but people, especially many women in this documentary, can't seem to be able to answer is mind blowing. Great documentary. The truth sets people free.
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Knives Out (2019)
Extremely Overhyped
20 June 2022
While this was entertaining it honestly doesn't deserve all the hype it got. Don't go in expecting your socks to be knocked off. It had it's moments but it wasn't the most amazing thing ever. The whodunit Agathie Christie style trope of interviewing the suspects in a huge house after what appears to be a murder. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. Was it the maid with the candlestick in the library? It started slow but it picked up a bit eventually. Some of it actually came off really silly and ridiculous but Ana De Armas was great and the ending wasn't entirely underwhelming but this isn't the best whodunnit, also some of these characters were uneccesary.
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Michelle Dockery, need I say more?
3 June 2022
I love a good legal drama, I love British dramas and I love me some Michelle Dockery so naturally I jumped on this like James Whitenhouse on his staff member. Can we talk about how good the directing and editing of this was. I loved those moments where certain characters bumped into each other and the way you could feel the tension. I liked the effect they did when Whitehouse found out he was accused of a serious crime.

I thought the plot twist was great even if folks found it to be unbelievable. Who cares? It's not like the plot twist was them all flying off onto a magic carpet in a musical. Before the plot twist I actually was starting to wonder where this was going. In the first few episodes I didn't like the flashbacks. There was a slow fade out in the last 10 minutes of the final episode and I was like I hope this isn't how they ended it but then it faded in again and I feel we got the ending that was needed for those characters. For anyone saying the ending was bad what on earth were you expecting to happen?
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Unbroken (I) (2014)
A gem of a film
1 June 2022
This film is so inspirational and moving. I've watched this I think three times and it has moved me everytime. It's amazing that this is based on a true story.
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An Education (2009)
An Education
1 June 2022
I have watched this so many times that I find myself repeating the lines during the film. I think this was my first introduction to Carey Mulligan. No matter how many times I've watched this I always enjoy it. I don't know why but something about Jenny just resonates with me. Maybe it's her wit, her love of Paris and French music, I don't know. Maybe because I can relate to being a schoolgirl once upon a time who has had many older men ride up beside me as I walked from school. Thank God I didn't become a "ruined woman". I love the look of this film, the music and the cast are chef's kiss. When I first watched this I had no idea who Rosamund Pike was now it's so interesting seeing her play this role. This is definitely a fave of mine.
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Uncharted (2022)
1 May 2022
I'm unfamiliar with the game so I didn't go in with certain expectations I guess besides hoping it would be enjoyable. The dialogue is just cheesy to me. I wonder if these movies are just not great or as I grow older I'm looking for someting with more grit with better writing. I get bored real fast with films these days. If it's not making any sense I'm out.
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Pretty but Predictable and Boring.
31 March 2022
Pretty people, pretty sets. I know some folks complained about the cgi but I though the film was visually nice. This was really predictable though. I figured out who was going to die, who did it and the motive in the first half of the film and after that I started to get sleepy. This movie would put melatonin to sleep. I didn't like any of the characters and the story was just boring. Nearly 2 hours was just too long to tell this boring story no matter how it looked. If you watched Murder on the Orient Express and hated it rest assured you will feel the same about this.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
I tried to like this
28 March 2022
And that's the problem. If you have to try and like a show or the only reason you keep watching is because you're hoping it will get better then you're just wasting your time. I really loved the Star Trek series as a child and was hoping this would make me feel the same way but it did not. It's slow and boring and I just couldn't like any of the characters and the story is just meh.
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WeCrashed (2022)
For the love of gah
28 March 2022
Can Anne not do strange voices or accents ever please? That made her character annoying. This is just not an interesting story. A pair of weirdo narcissistic lovers, ugh. Others have already said this but it bears repeating, this is boring. I watched the first episode and I can't believe i did. Guys skip this.
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Turning Red (2022)
Don't let your children watch things like this
27 March 2022
I couldn't even go past maybe 10 minutes of this. Animation has stopped being for children or pretty much anyone who isn't drinking the pc Koolaid. I'm over it. I haven't watched any of these Disney or Pixar animated films in years because of it. In basically the first 10 minutes the little girl is encouraging rebelling against your parents. Don't let her first few sentences fool ya, this movie is not for kids. If you care about what shapes your children's beliefs I would suggest avoiding this. Also, parents really should check out these animated things first to see if it's suitable for them.
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