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Violent Night (2022)
Bloody violent, very little Xmas feeling
22 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is mostly a brutal war between Santa and a criminal gang, with dozens of people getting killed very graphically and covered in blood. That's all the words I need to describe this if that was allowed. Not for kids. Not for youngsters. You probably need to have a mental issue to like this. Santa shoves a pointy star shaped Christmas tree decoration into a mans eye and connects it to a mains outlet. A criminal approaches a nice old black man working as gate guard and shoots him in the head after a 5 second conversation. I enjoyed Bad Santa from 2003 even if it was over the top and extreme and it ended with a warm fuzzy Xmas feeling. Violent Night doesn't, it just leaves you feeling sick and tired.
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Typical mediocre Netflix flick
29 October 2022
In a sentence: All Netflix movies I attempted watching have the quality of a typical TV movie. I think that covers it well in just one sentece but I must write 600 characters so: Spending too much time on a landscape scene that isn't interesting or beautiful enough for such attention. Overly long dialogs. Uninspired actors. Cheap, uninventive sets. Even when they hire genuine movie stars, they underperform. I have found only one exception really: The Gray Man, from 2022 - Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans have never been better, but my favorite Billy Bob Thornton does a typical Netflix "I wish I wasn't here" performance though. All Quiet on the Western Front has no issue with that since there are no stars. If you feel like watching a great war movie I could recommend a bunch, one of my favorites is The Longest Day from 1962 (which is before I was born) with Wayne and Connery, different world war, not a dull moment for 3 hours, has a lower rating here than All Quiet on the Western Front, go figure.
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Fairly good one-sided sniper movie
30 July 2022
The movie is about the life of a sniper in the Ukrainian army.

The first 30 minutes depict his civilian life until he is dragged into the military conflict. I give this part barely a 5 rating, but that's mostly because I don't feel connected or even very interested in any of the characters. The cinematography is quite good throughout. The actors do their parts ok but do not stand out.

It feels like the movie is made mostly for an Ukrainian audience. For others, it can be worth watching to get an insight into life in this war from the Ukrainian perspective. Some parts of the movie I give a 6 rating, since they are a bit exciting.

I think it is fair to call it a propaganda movie since it gives a quite one-sided Ukrainian view on things. But that doesn't mean it can't be a good movie, e g Humphrey Bogart did 12 movies during WW2 of which at least Action in the North Atlantic (1943) was a propaganda movie and also very good. It also doesn't necessarily mean the contents isn't true or truthful, just that it is all from one perspective.

Please note that even if it is clear to me which country is wrong in this conflict (the invaders) I don't think an IMDB review is the right place to elaborate on that, reviews are to help people decide if to watch the movie or not.
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The Nanny (1993–1999)
Our favorite comedy series of all time
28 July 2022
Everybody in my family loves The Nanny, from 12 to 55 years old. I myself have rewatched all episodes several times! The humor mostly arises from the clashes between Fran's and Maxwell's personalities but also between Mrs Babcock and Niles. Unlike a ton of other comedy series it is not a long line of one-liners but thr laughs rather come due to the entertaining personalities. Just watch the 1st episode - if you love it then watch the rest too because they are all in the same spirit. I also like how you are left with a warm fuzzy feeling.
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Pleasure (2021)
Made up
5 February 2022
It is bad enough that porn sites assume you look for something weird. They have categories for each weirdness. But no category called e g "nice normal girl that actually enjoys sex". This movie rides on this misbelief. The main character quickly moves into bondage, rape style sex, double anal.. First she refuses anal (which can be verey pleasureable if done right) and then suddenly does double anal - which I'm sure is painful unless you have done anal 1000 times or their dicks are unusually narrow. I don't think the script writer has any insight, just makes up whatever might sell. Spreading myths.

I got suspiscious in an early scene where she uses a razor blade on her behind with no mirror. Even with an electric shaver (which is much safer) you must never shave an area you can not see. Even more so with a razor blade. There will be blood.
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The 2nd (2020)
Good action movie
2 October 2020
This is a good action movie, with good actors and good script. Doesn't stand out much except for a couple of scenes (I have never seen I such a dramatic and vivid shoot of a man on fire). Worth a watch if you're in the mood for an action.

I can't believe how the first 10 reviews that pop up here have an average below 2. I also can't believe how 700 out of 1400 reviews give it a 10. I can't imagine anyone giving this an honest rating above 8 no matter how positive.
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The Old Guard (2020)
Fast forward
19 July 2020
80% dialog, standing still in a room. 20% uninspired fight scenes. Lotsa ketchup. A story that doesn't hold water. All Netflix movies seem so cheap. And attains undeservedly high ratings here.
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Not a word about the ecological consequences
20 April 2020
I can't believe thid movie is 100% focused on the people working on the oil rig. To be crass: What's worse, 11 dead humans or the enormeous damage to nature and wildlife?

Even in a situation like this, the station including staff and their responsibilities must be much better equipped to prevent or minimize the disaster on the surroundings. If not, such platforms should not be allowed.

Obama said, "This oil spill is the worst environmental disaster America has ever faced".

At least the last 1/3 of the movie should be about the aftermath. This is so irresponsible. It is just like another "Towering Inferno" movie.
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My Spy (2020)
Solid entertainment
7 April 2020
Description in short: Like Mission Impossible but with a sense of humor.

This kind of movie never gets an Oscar or a 10 rating, still it is on my top 5 of most enjoyable movies the last year. Go figure. I almost gave it an 8.

Suitable for teenagers and grownups.
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Black and Blue (I) (2019)
Great within is genre
30 December 2019
Very well executed from start to finish: The script, direction and actors arouse an interest from the start and it keeps building, never a dull moment.

Compared to all movies throughout history I'd rate this a solid 6, but in the context of all movies I could watch this particular evening when in the mood for a police action/drama, I rate it 8+.

Don't know if such districts exist in the real US, where police and authorities have abandoned an entire area. I've only seen it in movies, like Banlieue 13.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Not what you expect
20 December 2019
This is a sad and bizarre drama. Not at all a superhero or supervillain movie.

If you after 20 min find this boring and hope that soon some DC Comic villain action will commence then stop watching. Because after 1 h it is still the same, and after that a bit more action but not entertaining, just sad and sickening.

If I wanted to watch a good drama then I'd choose a true story or a serious real life topic, not this. I can't understand why anyone wants to write a story that is so sad and dark when it is fictional.

And why use the Joker's name to sell this? Should be renamed "Sad weird drama about a nonexistant psychological disorder". Then see how many users it attracts..
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Jalla! Jalla! (2000)
Relaxed drama comedy with meaning
13 December 2019
I forgot how funny this is! A really warm comedy with great cast and well developed characters, you laugh or smile every two minutes at least, from beginning to end. Makes Hollywood comedies feel superficial. You carry a warm feeling with you long after you watched it. The story also is quite dramatic and carries current hot topics like forced marriages and lack of freedom for many women in the world.

As a special sidenote: Especially so-called sweden democrats who are afraid of everything new or unknown and all immigrants especially arabs should watch this and fall in love with Fares, Laleh, Torkel, Tuva and last but not least Jan with the tummy.
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Code 8 (2019)
Skip it
13 December 2019
A good scifi requires a big budget and an inventive script.

This has neither.

I think this is what it might look like if Netflix tried to do a scifi.
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Overcomer (2019)
At least Aryn Wright-Thompson was good
5 December 2019
It is pretty much like a normal TV movie, except everyone is possessed by the Holy Spirit and say "let's pray" every 2 minutes.

If you can't stand this then fast forward to the scenes with Aryn Wright-Thompson. She could be a star some day soon. And I like the asthma twist, makes me root and cheer for her. Go Hannah!
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2 hours of fast-forwarding
20 September 2019
I am a big fan of sci-fi and super-hero movies, but this.. It is sooooo slooooow. I recommend fast forwarding most of the first 2 hours, stopping mainly at scenes with Selina or Blake, not only because these characters are interesting and to the point, but since these are the only main characters free from these endless monologues and dialogues and.. even chanting..

I mean: Wow, how could this sleeping pill ever get higher ratings than Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy or DC Comics' own Green Lantern? Or the underrated Ant-Man 2.

Also, I remember the original comic magazines and Marvel have always been rather dark (the last Spider Man movie is actually a bi too positive to match the original) but DC Comics including Bat Man always quite.. clunky. For example I remember how Bat Man in one magazine was chasing a villain called The Ghost, who was like a ghost, no kidding. Seems to me DC have stolen the gloominess from Marvel and let it reach epic proportions.. but still in a clunky way!

And the voice! The silly guttural voice. Even when he talks to people who know he is Wayne. Seems to be no off-switch?

And Gary Oldman, an incredible actor and one of my favorites, does a character so uninteresting and free from depth and.. character.. If you're aiming at a Ned Flanders imitation then you did very well but.. Please stop doing this, you can do so much better.
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Very entertaining, watch at least once
23 March 2019
The only kind of gangster movie I like to watch nowadays is where the gangster's butts are kicked, the harder buttkicking the better, and from that perspective I love this movie, with Brolin not being far from a superman. They've selected a great bunch of actors and the storytelling is very entertaining.

The Guardian says the story has little connection to reality but there is nothing to support that claim. The story seems to match the real events rather well, you can find the story in an LA Times Article from 2008 by googling "Crusaders in the underworld: The LAPD takes on organized crime, by Paul Lieberman", an award-winning journalist, and he also wrote a book on this subject in 2012.

I find the lack of blood unrealistic especially in the beginning, but it is nice not to have the actors wading in blood like in Tarantinos movies so that's fine.

Many people here seem to criticize this movie for being a cliche copy of other gangster movies, but on the contrary I find that if one disregards all gangster movies I dont want to watch because they are fictional or assume you are interested in the lives of gangster leeches then not many are left, this is one of them and definitely worth watching. Maybe there is a bit too much focus on superficial entertainment and less on deepening the characters but maybe for a reason, I can see how personalities like Brolins and Goslings are not the deepest, and maybe there wasn't much facts to base Stones character on, since it seems Lieberman's work was mostly based on police reports.

So if you feel like rooting for the good guys and seeing butts kicked in a very entertaining movie based on true events then this is for you.
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B movie
23 March 2019
Like all other Netflix movies I've almost seen, this has a B movie feeling most of the time. Affleck's grown a full beard so you won't see he's bored. If you've watched all good movies and still have time to spare then sure watch it.
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Nothing special
11 January 2019
The only persons rating this high are Gaga fans happy to hear & see her. And for those who like me see Gaga as just a continuation of artists like Spears and Madonna, we can't see what the big deal is with the music either. The movie is in a category similar to The Bodyguard from 1992, but the older movie has much better singing and acting and story. Still The Bodyguard has only a 6.2 rating. Go figure.
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Haywire (2011)
Hidden gem
28 November 2018
Spectacular fight scenes performed by a real MMA champion, intriguing story & storytelling and Gina is really beautiful and supercool. But most of all I guess I just enjoy when a woman kicks the butts of bad guys, and kicks them good! While playing a very likeable character.

If I ignore what movies I "should" like best and plainly watch the movies that I actually enjoy the most - even after having watched it several times, this movie comes surprisingly high in my top list. Go Gina!
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Not the best one
10 November 2018
It is at least 30 min too long. And the production is quite.. antiseptic: No dirt, no smoke, no smell.. Like the opposite of a Peckinpah movie - and rather much like a computer game.
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
Not on the top 10 list of animated movies 2018
15 September 2018
If you love animated movies like Madagascar, Ice Age, Despicable Me, Monsters Inc and Zootopia, you will probably find this one below par. While most modern animated movies miraculously manage to capture the attention of any age group, this story seems to cater to grown-ups, and the word boring comes to mind.

Most of the other movies I mentioned hardly lets you recover from one laugh before the next one hits you. There are in total maybe 3 laughs in Incredibles 2. It's funny how this has a higher rating than Zootopia (2016) which is the best animated movie of 2016 in my mind (and for once I agree with the Academy Awards).

I did like it slightly better than part 1 though, mainly because of the over-the-top baby. I recommend wathing it once provided you dont have too high expectations and provided Hotel Transylvania 3 isnt playing next door (which has much lower ratings, go figure).
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Much better than part 1
25 May 2018
It is unusual that a sequel is better than the first part but in this case it is much better. The kids are more interesting to watch than the actors in pt 1, especially the young girl; the grown-up ones are just "ok" though, except Gorman the mad scientist, he's really good. The story is well thought through and the effects sublime. Lots of those cool robots and from interesting perspectives, less of the monsters which is good. Probably aiming for a younger audience than me - if I was a teenager I would probably rate it at least 8.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
For fast forwarding
25 May 2018
It is similar to the first Transformer movies but with more adrenalin and less finesse, humor & interesting actors. I just barely managed to get through it, with the help of the FF butoon at times. Do watch the sequel from 2018 though, it is much better.
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Darkest Hour (2017)
I feel cheated
20 February 2018
I really enjoyed the movie and am a big Oldman fan. But got sad and even angry when I read about how every event that cought your attention is not true. Never took place. Pure fiction. Like the train ride, or the verbal battles about peace negotiations, or who initiated Operation Dynamo, or peoples reactions to his speeches.

I can accept when movie makers make 5 things happen in one day that actually took place on different days or merge 5 peripheral persons into one, as they so often do, to give it better momentum. But to take liberties with historical facts, the ones that make the foundation of the movie. Stop doing that... It should be illegal.

And for those in a bad mood now: Check out "Young Winston" from 1972. AFAIK depicts truth well, and at least I was surprised to know about his youth.
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Coco (I) (2017)
Weak script
20 February 2018
Too unbelievable and unlogical, e g when dead people have big screen TVs with camera crews and the TVs can even show items out of reach for the TV crew, or skeletons with rubber-like qualities in the bone and making a sucking sound when they kiss, etc etc. Watch Hotel Transylvania instead, seems to me that's where the idea of dead people comes from but much better thought through there, and FUN. Unlike the lame story in Coco. Great animation though.
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