
20 Reviews
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Nightcrawler (2014)
Horrible film, why the high ratings??
1 February 2022
Just a miserable horrible film. The characters are all dislikeable although well acted. The end is somewhat ridiculous and leaves you unsatisfied. Things just wouldnt happen like that. Wish I hadn't bothered watching.
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Hold the Dark (2018)
A load of nonsensical rubbish! Great acting and atmosphere, stupid story
11 January 2022
This film made little sense.

Having looked into it, it seems it was based on a book, but where the book apparently explains things, the director of the movie decided not to, to leave it 'vague' and the viewer is supposed to guess from a 'series of clues' that are non apparent!!

Shame, as good acting, great atmosphere and filming but the plot integrity is sadly lacking so you get to the end and think 'What the??.... '
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Something a little different 👍
7 January 2022
Really enjoyed this, good creepy atmosphere, the lead role is well played and likeable. The story was interesting and played out well until the end credits.

Something different to the usual horror cliches such as 'a group of teenagers go somewhere and things happen' Definitely recommend and I think it should be a higher star rating really.
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Bleak and depressing...
27 July 2021
I had had high hopes for this after seeing the good reviews.

It's started well, got my interest but was then a slow burn the end was disappointing.

Some good acting but just left me feeling meh...
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What just happened??
7 March 2021
Good premise, good build up and air of mystery. Very bleak and atmospheric.. then the last bit is completely stupid and the end leaves you in disbelief, total cop out. Ran out of ideas so just slapped any old rubbish on the end
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Miserable depressing rubbish :/
11 February 2021
How on earth is this one of the highest rated films on here?? Just a slow paced decent into misery that leaves you feeling like you wish you hadn't watched it. Don't get me wrong, the acting is very good hence why I gave it 4* but the film itself is just horrible. If you want something that will leave you empty and deflated, this is the film for you...
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Fractured (IV) (2016)
Really good uk indie thriller
28 January 2021
Interesting plot and premise well played out and clever.. nice little find. Well worth watching. 🙂👍
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80% nonsense!
29 December 2020
Started off interesting and the ending was endearing.. the middle 80% was absolute rubbish, nonsensical, completely pointless and sometimes awkward to watch. I love quirky low key films if they have something to give but this movie was highly disappointing. Would have been so much better as a 20min short. No wonder no one has heard of it!
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Horrible, depressing... screw this film
1 August 2020
People killing themselves to raise money for loved ones.. I didn't get to the end, too harrowing and unpleasant.. and I'm someone who loved the saw films etc!
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Neverlake (2013)
10 December 2019
Started watching this and was so rubbish I turned it off! Nicely shot but wooden acting. It's supposed to be in Italy, yet everyone is well spoke English. The 'blind girl' in it comments on things she can't possibly see or know are there?? Stupid
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Joker (I) (2019)
Absolutely stunning
7 October 2019
Had high hopes for this having seen the trailer. Was better than I could have imagined.. Outstanding performance, I was riveted the whole movie.
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Great premise, god awful execution!
16 September 2019
2 stars for a good premise, but crap acting, really dislikeable main characters and the essential plot could have been written by a teenager... The chance to experience death without dying, one guy just uses it to spy on the main characters girlfriend in the shower!! Hmm... load of crap
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Awful.. not funny, just mind numbingly stupid
29 April 2019
To be fair the acting is quite good. The plot is essentially a good idea, but ends up stupid.. carrying what is obviously a dead body wrapped in tarpaulin around in residential streets in the middle of the day? Stupid things happen but they simply aren't funny, just stupid... Watched for an hour and didn't even smile let alone laugh. Shame, was hoping for a good underground dark comedy
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The Similars (2015)
Really bad nonsense
7 March 2019
Started this with high hopes, liked the way it was presented and filmed, but a ridiculous story that is more annoying than anything else... Shame
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Murder Party (2007)
Bad.. how does it have 6/10??
7 March 2019
Awful film, boring and stupid. Horrible characters that are just annoying and dumb. I gave two stars because of a couple of humourous moments and a decent gore effect
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Cold Skin (2017)
Different and satisfying
23 February 2019
Really good film, great acting, atmosphere and scenery. Plot was something a bit different, really enjoyed it, highly recommended!
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Started intriguingly, built atmosphere.. went nowhere
23 February 2019
Had all the makings of a great film, good actors and music, tense eerie atmosphere but then trudges along slowly before getting to a badly constructed ending that feel tacked on like the writer got bored too and just wrote the first thing that came to mind to get it finished... Disappointing
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A Ghost Story (2017)
Just sit in silence for 90 mins... Will be more interesting than this
19 November 2018
I'd looked forward to watching this, it sounded deep, meaningful and something different in this world of Hollywood drivel... What the...??? NOTHING HAPPENS!! 90 minutes of her wandering about being depressed and his ghost just standing about watching. What a waste of time and money... Deserves 0/10
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House Hunting (2012)
Mixed up mess
19 November 2018
The acting wasn't bad and the general premise was great, but executed oh so badly! Stupid plot holes and things that make no sense. It started ok but I ended up wishing it would just end..
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Convoluted yawnfest
15 September 2018
Didn't even watch to the end, just very boring! Stick with the original three, this is just trying to be deep and Arty but failing miserably
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