
92 Reviews
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Miller's Girl (2024)
Decent film
16 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Of course I heard of this movie after watching everyone lose their mind about the age gap and of course it got me thinking about other movies with similar and controversial age gaps that I have seen (Leon the professional, the fifth element etc) anyways, I digress... to me anyways this movie was nowhere near as bad as everyone is making it out to be. I mean it's not like I can't see why it has made people uncomfortable (the age gap and subject material with it). You will NOT like it if that is too graphic or explicit I mean SPOILER ALERT: that essay our lead writes was something else. However, film itself has acting IMO that is pretty good and (for the most part) has a solid atmospheric tone to it .
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Missing (I) (2023)
Well done!
6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the first one(searching) and finally got around to watching the sequel tonight. I must say, it was honestly in my opinion, a pretty well written mystery/suspense film. It felt overall well paced and the acting was good too. It kept me guessing with the plot twists personally which was exciting. One minute I thought I knew what was going on and the next I didn't! I love movies that will keep you guessing. I will though also point out the definite trigger warning for domestic abuse survivors or with loved ones who were. All in all this is a solid film. Wow these reviews have to be really long ...
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For the fans! The looooore!
30 October 2023
Personally, I myself really LOVED this movie . I thought it had some cool Easter eggs and moments that pay homage to the game. IMO as well the practical effects were pretty well done. The animatronics were incredible! I have never played the games physically for myself but had been heavily into gameplay watch of all the games from various YouTubers namely mark though and had kept up with and always looked toward to ALL the lore videos from matpat. I had been waiting for this for a long time . I know many people will talk about a lot of things this movie wasn't but I loved this for everything it WAS and I had a good time with it . Give it a try and see what u think !
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Bones and All (2022)
Unconditional Love
14 August 2023
Personally I really loved it . I understand some people expected something different out of this because of the trailer so I can see why that could have let some people down. What you can easily tell is that it's a horror romance for sure. It's a big reason why I wanted to see because for me the blending of genres is really fun for me.(ex: spring 2014 film)spring Yes , it is a bit of a drifter kind of story so from time to time the plot does meander a bit. However, I thought that added to the feel and atmosphere of the film so if that's not for you I get it . I definitely found the ending of this to be bittersweet but I'll except that , bones and all .
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Franklyn (2008)
A great film for a particular audience
11 July 2023
I initially checked out this movie because I just liked how the trailer looked (like something comparable to the film Ink, or stay 2005 film) so when I came over to IMDb I was a little baffled at how low of a score this film has but after watching it's not like I can't see why it's not gonna be everyone's cup of tea. (Not a spoon fed plot) Personally , I adored the stylistic approach of this movie and the length the actors went to make it feel as believable as possible . I quite appreciated (once I understood what was really going on) the parallels between what was happening in nowhere city and in London and how that helped tell the story .
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Vengeance (II) (2022)
People Can Surprise You
21 March 2023
People surprise you just like this film surely surprised me! I wasn't really sure what to expect but had wanted to see this right off the bat after seeing the trailer due to of course the leading role. I surely didn't expect to be as emotionally invested as I was when throughout the course of the movie but parts of the story line really did hit close to home for me. Thought it did a good job at being a comedy, suspense, and drama all in one with actually interesting thematic elements such as the fear of commitment, regret, and how that keeps you from living because YES " some things men something "
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The Collector (I) (2009)
Not Bad
11 November 2022
This film is by no means the worst out there but, for me personally anyways , it didn't quite land the way I would have liked. For me though It seemed the reason for that was what felt like a lack of substance to the film. Sure the villain is "smart " with all the traps and whatnot but I would have liked(again personally) a little more backstory perhaps or more character development along the way. I gave this 6 simply because I did like the lead . I found him to be pretty likeable and, despite his character flaws , was the easiest person to root for. I see online there is a sequel so perhaps I'll check that out too.
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Bad Words (2013)
Loved it!
24 October 2022
I have always enjoyed watching Jason Bateman in films because of the array of movies he stars in from comedy (horrible bosses) to even lending his voice to one of all time favorite animated characters (Nick Wilde in Zootopia) Funny enough I had never seen this film! I saw it came to Netflix and jumped on watching it finally! I am not surprised honestly that I enjoyed it as much as I did I mean it's Jason Bateman ! It's another film where he shows a movie can have it all. It had plenty of funny moments that made me laugh out loud ! Some people may not expect a movie called Bad Words to be heartfelt as well but it plenty of such moments ! Rant over, excellent film!
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Scare Us (2021)
Not bad
30 September 2022
Well to say right off the bat I really don't understand the bad ratings this movie has . I definitely could understand some of the other reviews that went as low as a say a five, but anything lower than that to me anyways felt a tad dramatic. But we all have our preferences for film enjoyment. Anyways, overall of course there was nothing outstanding here. And yes the plot twist can be seen a mile away but I did actually enjoy most of the stories in here. I am also myself starting to appreciate more casual and cheesy viewings so there's that. As a whole it's a simple, fine and if nothing else an atmospheric anthology.
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10/31 Part 2 (2019)
It's fine
28 September 2022
So, between this one and it's predecessor it's pretty obvious which one of them is the stronger film. This one had a fair amount of choppy transitions from time to time. There was also some a weird shifts in tone from story to story. I get each story is it's own thing as well as has its own director and because of that there are bound to be different feels to each of their story. I just felt the first anthology series tied them together a little better with a collective atmosphere than this one did. But overall it's just fine for a casual viewing... also was weird how they kept pronouncing Samhain wrong and it really took me out of the otherwise better story of the bunch.
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Thoroughbreds (2017)
29 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
To be fair, I can see why some people may not like this film. I think films like these are for a particular kind of audience. It is a bit of slow paced film overall. Also, I'm sure many probably don't see or much care for the underlying message there. However, when well done, i myself can always appreciate some social commentary in a movie. I especially liked the end because, although sad it's true, empathy really is no longer a "strong suit" for many people these days . The main leads also did a fairly good job as well but I typically do quite like Anya Taylor-Joy as an actress. Overall, I thought it was a nice thought piece of a film.
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Come Play (2020)
Get your expectations right
13 August 2022
At 26 years old, Really enjoyed!!! Didn't really understand the low ratings, but as I always say, it's skewed expectations that are usually the culprit. Yes, it's a "Boogeyman movie" but it's not gonna be like Sinister for example. It felt like a more literal and kid friendly babadook, or before I wake even! It's a monster(literal or metaphorical) that serves as a manifestation of things like loss, grief and in this case, loneliness and being misunderstood. Long post yea, but it's a great gateway for new, younger horror fans!
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More to it
5 August 2022
Thought the acting was fine and story fine. Yes, ambiguity is not always what an audience wants but the only thing I'll say is I did like it more when I looked up more about the book it's based on.
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The Snowman (2017)
Ain't that bad
9 May 2022
I can see how some people people think the telling of events is a tad muddled but for the most part seemed like an easy enough story to follow. Plus, for me , I did enjoy the actors so had that going for me .
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6 Balloons (2018)
Sad truth
27 April 2022
A bit short and simple film. I can see how some may say it seems like perhaps its going nowhere... but that IS exactly what a situation like this feels like. So I felt the format worked. Sometimes, unfortunately, with addiction to any substance,there is nothing you can do and will find yourself in difficult situation. It hurts, but don't board that boat.
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Candyman (2021)
Enjoyed it
7 February 2022
I'm a huge fan of the original and was so excited for this. Loved the return to the world of the Candyman and the tie in to the story. Good watch for me.
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The Game (1997)
Surprises, surprises
17 December 2021
Watched this for the first time today and it really made me think of the movie no escape but let's just say I'm more content with the ending of this one. Although more of a one time watch, def a good one.
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Just a good time for me
9 December 2021
I love musicals so for me that was awesome. It had great songs and likeable characters. Lastly, for a low budget creation, I found it to be a captivating, empathetic, horror musical.
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Still a lot of fun
30 November 2021
I'm sure some people will see the ten score and think I'm crazy, I'm well aware it wasn't perfect but personally liked the action sequences, good humor, and overall a fun time for me anyways. I love the character venom and how it plays off of Tom Harding's Eddy .
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In the Earth (2021)
Had potential
25 October 2021
It definitely had the potential to be something great like The Ritual, I was intrigued by the imagery and thought the actors did a fair job. However, the pacing and story telling choices didn't Always quite land for me. Interesting ideas though as well to the overall meaning of this film.
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Prey (VI) (2021)
Was ok
17 September 2021
Only giving it a six because I did like the actors and found at least the concept of the film to be interesting... Def wish there was more plot though.
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The Mist (2017)
Well I liked it...
16 September 2021
All I have to say is, yes the show is flawed, no I have no read this particular novel, but I found it very entertaining and enjoyed the story for what it was. Also, loves Kevin's character.
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Clickbait (2021)
Every dark side of social media here
28 August 2021
Excellent story telling, more twists than I thought and definitely didn't see the ending coming but it's one I at the very least can be satisfied with. Very heartbreaking story and definitely more paranoid now about the internet.
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A Ghost Story (2017)
21 June 2021
I get the hate, I get the criticism, but I also GET this movie. If you don't like slow burners, if you don't like more metaphorical films, you will hate this movie which is, from what it looks like, is why people did. A certain mindset will have you really thinking after this film ends. Imagine it, having to watch the people you love move on with their life. Life goes on with or without you in it.
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Coven (2020)
Much more
13 April 2021
For anyone wondering, NO this is not a horror movie. But, horror is many things such as the evil many women had to face during these times. This movie is a film if brave young women and what they endured during such witch hunts.
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