
10 Reviews
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Fury (2014)
What a waste
21 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like Fury. The director talked about how he wanted to be accurate, how he consulted with veterans, got the only still functional Tiger and so on. Well, he couldn't fail harder.

Firstly, you will notice all the clichés that every Hollywood war movie needs and the good ones avoid. I almost think the writers have a cliché checklist and make sure they don't miss any. Now the tanks are pretty well done. Too bad they only got a single Tiger to represent the German panzer might so if you expect tanks battles in a tank movie…well, not today. While the tanks are pretty accurate the fighting made me laugh. The Germans managed to miss fully visible tanks at 300m but whenever they hit, the tank explodes or is at least set on fire. While this did happen the chances were pretty slim. If those chances were low then the Tiger fight involved 1 : million chance represented by diverting a shell with some logs attached to the side of the tank. The FX guys are clearly StarWars fans as I find no explanation for tracers being as bright. On the other hand, the grim reality of war is well depicted and some of the dialogues and crew interaction work well.

*Heavy spoiler ahead!* I can't find words to describe the final fight. Imagine the most ridiculous fight you've ever seen. No, Rambo doesn't cut it because the enemies are mostly trying to kill him. Now, here we have 300 SS idiots whose only purpose in life is to stand in front of Fury and get shredded. Then they take a break and repeat. While they did carry panzerfausts 10min earlier, they probably dumped them or just prefer to use handguns to engage a tank. When frontal handgun assault fails for some reason their wise leader decides to use some panzerfausts after all. At 10m all you have to do is to point it at the tank with the right end but a certain Wafen SS expert manages to miss anyway. To compensate for their stupidity, the crew forgot to stock up on shells or decided that 10-15 shells will do when heading into enemy territory. They did not, however, forgot to bring hand grenades, which are very useful inside a tank and are a must for another cliché from the checklist. There is more but I believe you get the picture.
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Horns (2013)
To be avoided
7 October 2014
I saw the 6,8 IMDb rating and watched the movie having no idea what I was about to see. The first 20 minutes were pretty good and I thought I would be up for a mystery with some comical elements. This movie, however, turned out to be the worst I've seen this year and to be honest I'm not even sure what it was trying to achieve. There were shallow characters, poor CG an unbelievable detective story, disgusting horror parts, teenage stuff, situational humor ... none of it good.

What I don't get is that I'm maybe the only one giving it such low rating and I honestly don't get what people see in it. I honestly gave this movie a chance but I spent most of the time wondering whether it could possibly get even worse ... and it did.
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Good People (2014)
Good people, bad movie
4 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had a lot of potential. The plot is interesting and acting good. What it suffers from is predictability, underdeveloped characters and probably the biggest cliché of action movies. The first half is good but then stupid things start happening.

LARGE SPOILER: So the couple gets tracked to a hotel and they know it. They not only stay there but also invite the friendly cop and have a nice morning chat with him right in front of the hotel to let everybody know they are working with the police.

Then they invite everybody to the house and let them shoot each other. As they probably had watched all the Home Alone movies, they prepare some nice traps to be saved by the good old cop who despite severe head trauma and shock has the aim of Robocop.
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Seal Patrol (2014)
An OK Predator-style movie
15 February 2014
This movie is very similar to the original Predator and Resident Evil movies but it lacks their quality. The strongest side of the movie is the military action, which is on par with the best of the genre. The team is well equipped and the tactical element is well handled except maybe the use of scope indoors. However, the story is somewhat weak (goes with the genre) and the special effects quite cheap so when it comes to the sci-fi stuff and explosions, this movie feels 10 years old.

Generally, if you are a fan of either Predator or Resident Evil, this movie will not disappoint. If not, stay away from this one.
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The art of fail
15 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is a failed attempt to make a funny heist movie. Unfortunately most of the characters are just clowns and the level of humor is rather embarrassing. The heist elements are weak as well and I wonder how somebody dares to make a heist movie based on such obvious tricks. However, what makes this movie worth watching (at least the first 10 minutes) is its portrayal of Poland that is truly hilarious.

***SPOILER of first 10 minutes***

There is a popular belief among north American directors that the soviet Russia starts on the eastern border of Germany. Countries like Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia are full of dark streets, everybody speaks Russian and nothing works as it should. This movie goes further than most showing a Polish gulag-style prison and the protagonist suggest all Polish prisons are dark hellholes where toothless inmates have to share beds and are locked in huge cages. The portrayal of Poland is so hilarious I almost forgot how bad the movie was and was laughing really hard. Unfortunately, this is the only funny moment in the movie.

Most heist movie start with a short heist that showcases the intelligence of the script. In this movie they switch a picture but have to move it across the whole town to a forger (who could have been sitting in the next room) who is stupid enough to leave the painting wet so that even the most stupid Russian-style mafia boss can recognize the fake upon touching the priceless painting (which is too stupid even for a stupid boss).


There are many modern heist movies similar to Ocean's Eleven that are worth watching so I don't really see a reason why anybody should watch this one. If you want to see a good way to steal paintings, watch The Best Offer but avoid this rubbish (especially if you are Polish).
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The Family (I) (2013)
Worse than its trailer
18 December 2013
You can see all the good moments in the trailer and they are even funnier than in the movie where they are stretched out. Other than that, the only funny thing is the setting: a small French town where everybody loves speaking English!

The best part of the movie is a serious love theme that is quite independent on the plot and contains some pretty good acting. Overall, the few serious moments happen to be better that the comical ones.

It's really a pity that such a great idea (a mafia family trying to live normal life) and some pretty good actors ended up in such a terrible movie.
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The worst of the five but still worth watching
18 December 2013
The good: Still feels like the previous movies. Smaug. New beautiful sets.

The bad: The comic relief goes way too far. Some parts resemble Asterix and Obelix and just feel wrong. Still no dwarf charisma apart from Thorin. Legolas and his GF behave like teenagers rather than ancient elves. The lord of Laketown is even worse than the goblin king. Gandalf's added detours are not explained within the movie and very confusing for people who haven't read the book. Completely pointless last 15 minutes (Peter added something extremely stupid, which makes a certain dragon look really dumb. No end to speak of, no climax. The Two Towers had a very decent ending compared to this mess. There was apparent confusions in the cinema when the titles appeared.
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Scam City: Prague (2012)
Season 1, Episode 1
A scam about scams
11 December 2013
First and foremost, there is hard evidence that many if not all the scams shown in the movie are staged. For example, Eurotaxi, used in the document as an example of taxi overpricing in Prague, went bankrupt in 2011, a year before the show was created. For more details see Wikipedia. Although, some scams show in the movie are well known to anyone living in Prague, some feel very strange and out of place.

All in all, this movie is certainly not a documentary neither a guide, its most dramatic moments are staged and the confessions of the scammers are almost laughable. If you're looking for advice, spend 2 minutes reading your favorite travel guide rather than watching this work of fiction that pretends to be real.
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U me dobrý (2008)
Hrebejk’s lazy summer
24 April 2009
This Hrebejk’s comedy is set in Prague, four years after the democratic “Velvet revolution” of 1989. This was an era of sudden freedom, transition and confusion. Most people got carried away, quickly abandoning the old values and uncritically accepting the new. Some people just took a break…

The first half of the film portrays the lazy summer mood of a community gathered around a secluded makeshift pub. The film moves very slowly, which makes you feel like you were sitting at the table with them trying to find some meaning on the bottom of the pint. The tempo changes rapidly when Kaja (Miroslav Vladyka) loses his savings to a gang of crooks. Mrklas (Bolek Polivka), a retired magician, seizes this chance to do something useful and recruits a highly unprofessional team to face the gang. This lets Bolek Polivka deliver yet another hysterical performance, which even improves as the film progresses.

U me dobry bears a strong resemblance to Hrebejk’s Pelisky and Pupendo, which may both make good introduction to this film. In all the films the relations are seemingly friendly but the characters are struggling to openly express their friendship. This time they might have found a way.
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A visual experience that takes its time
16 July 2008
Fields stained with Turkish blood. Villages and witches burned. High castles and deep catacombs. Bleak life full of vivid imagination. Such is the world Bathory, The Bloody Lady of Cachtice.

Elizabeth Bathory lets you see the film through the eyes of a mother, lover and ruler rather than the legendary serial killer. Throughout the film she strives to protect her children, love and land while ignoring her tainted reputation. The intrigues escalate. Blood is spilled. And a false myth is born.

Although there is a complex epic plot, the film feels more like a series of still pictures. There is a lot of symbolism and the plot slows down so that you can fully enjoy it. Apart from the story, the Bathory also takes some time to explain how myths are created and abused to serve one’s needs. The acting is outstanding but does not stand out as much as the Hungarian costumes that make the film look fresh.

Unfortunately the movie is significantly flawed by repetitive comic relief in which two monks use various inventions to spy on the countess. They seem to have come from another movie and make you question the taste of the writers. Should there be a version without those comedians a 9/10 rating would be appropriate.
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