
30 Reviews
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Wonka (2023)
Get a singer
4 January 2024
Timothée Chalamet should not have been cast in a musical. His one note performance ruined what potentially could have been a good movie had someone who could sing have been cast in the role. I wanted to leave after the first song but stuck it out and did get to hear him hit a couple of notes in the final song, so I'm not sure why they couldn't have done that throughout. The best scenes were towards the end when the technical production was kicked up a notch. Hugh Grant probably stuck out as my favorite character. The three antagonists were pretty annoying, which, I guess is appropriate for antagonists.
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Great visuals are nothing without a story
12 January 2023
In this day and age, a technical masterpiece that looks beautiful isn't really a big deal, so a movie needs a good story. This one does not. In fact, it's a really bad story that is boring from the start. We should have left after ten minutes but unfortunately did not. It looks great and sounds great, especially when the water part comes in. That was interesting for about ten minutes or so but after the exploration of the new scenery, it seemed like it was even more annoying. Online streaming companies do a much better job with teenage drama so Disney should leave it to them. I don't want to pay for an epic journey and wind up watching a bunch of whiny brats.
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The Menu (2022)
Kind of like Wendy's; disappointing
6 December 2022
I knew nothing about the film other than accidentally seeing the word comedy when I saw the RT score. I wasn't expecting this attempt at dark comedy that seemed off in the opening scene. We were introduced to a bunch of bland stereotypes with no personality and a few quick misses for laughs. The one character, played by Tony from Skins, was the highlight but even still, barely above average. Everything after the tour was pretty annoying and I couldn't help but check my watch often. It seemed like a cult-classic type of movie but then was trying a little too hard for that. It reminded me of Eating Raul.
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Welcome to Wrexham (2022– )
That end though
15 October 2022
Awesome first season other than that horrible last episode. I was pleasantly surprised about how good this show was. Ryan Reynolds really did a lot of the heavy lifting here and I think without him, it would have been tough to make it through. Some of the people from Wrexham were sympathetic and likable but most are not. I think the victim attitude got old and the Hooligans were ridiculous. I'm happy there is a second season coming but it will be hard to live up to the first season. I hope the heavy-handedness of that last episode isn't a sign of things to come. It was a good idea to jump on this and catch a little of the Ted Lasso enthusiasm.
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Bros (I) (2022)
Great the first time
30 September 2022
When texting my friend about the movie, I just wrote that this is a very rewatchable movie. There are some hilarious parts, some preachy parts, and some romantic parts but definitely more hilarious. I almost rated it a ten to help make up for some of the haters but I went with 8 because I really think that's right. Now that I remember it's an Appatow film, maybe I should rate it higher because it's definitely the best movie he's had in quite some time. It was a very realistic movie and portrayed a lot of the issues for the LGBTQ+ community well, even if it was in the view of a 40 yo cis gay male.
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Really really bad
25 September 2022
I was so excited and now so disappointed. They tried to represent Bowie's outlook on life by a few random things he said while going way overboard on the visuals. It may have been cool if it were only fifteen minutes. I actually got nauseous from all of the spinning gimmicks and unnecessary transitions. The theater I was in was about 60% full at the start and 25% by the end of it. They need to figure out a way to make this go away and someone needs to make a real Bowie movie. We only stayed until the end because we thought they might at least represent his later years with decency but that was not even close. So sad.
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Ground Tom Cruise
26 July 2022
Someone needs to ground Tom Cruise so he can't make any more movies. I came into the movie with no nostalgic false memories about the first movie so I was able to see this in it's true light. Some of the action was good but after the first five minutes, you need a good story and this wasn't it. Might have been good as a two episode tv show.
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Ignore the early reviews
22 July 2022
The early reviews that said things like it was nothing like the book or the director never read the book are so off; they obviously didn't watch the movie. It was exactly as I had imagined while reading about the setting and the characters.
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Nope (2022)
Not really scary
22 July 2022
It had some thrilling parts and a couple surprises but not a scary movie, in my opinion. It started a little slow as the story developed but the last half was great.
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Appropriately titled; almost perfect
1 July 2022
It's a fantasy sci-if romantic family comedy drama that would have been perfect if just a bit shorter. I'm not sure why people don't understand it; it's blatantly clear. Oh yah, stupidity.
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Lightyear (2022)
Really Good. Not a comedy
30 June 2022
I actually saw the movie and it is great; there are funny bits but mostly it's an action/sci-fi movie. The kids didn't even notice the faux-controversial part.
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So Bad but I Loved It
20 May 2022
I cringed, smiled, laughed, and listened to the people next to me cry- then it was over so fast. I'd probably give the film 1 star if it wasn't this cast, that music, and THAT house being 10 stars.
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
Definitely picks up throughout the season
2 April 2022
I wonder how many of these reviewers watched the whole season and also how many recall watching Downton in the early going. The first couple of episodes for both were a bit of a struggle before the stories started to come together. By the end of the first season, it was a shame there weren't more episodes. I'm pretty sure this will take in the Emmys and really hope that Denée Benton is recognized for her great performance as Peggy Scott.
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Almost Famous (2000)
Almost Perfect
26 February 2022
Take out Fallen, and the movie would be perfect. I hadn't realized how good Francis McDormand was in this as the mom but can truly appreciate her performance now.
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5 January 2022
Maybe I know too much about Rickles but this is pretty boring. I suppose it may be interesting for anyone who hasn't seen all the clips and his shows.
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Encanto (2021)
LMM needs to take a break
1 December 2021
Hamilton was amazing, as was Tick Tick Boom. This not good at all- other than the great animation work. The LMM raps and the rhythm of the movie are too stale and predictable- most people could guess who wrote them without being tipped of because they are so obviously LMM.
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Red Notice (2021)
13 November 2021
The biggest double cross is that Rock and Van Wilder took Netflix for a pretty penny in this very unoriginal movie. I can't rate the acting because there wasn't any in it, at all. Rock played his Rock character and Van played his Van character. So stale and old. Interpol needs to put these guys away.
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Spencer (2021)
Enjoyable; picks up after a bit
7 November 2021
I recall thinking that at least the musical score was enjoyable after the first 10-15 minutes. However, it got much better and I really enjoyed it. I'm not sure how true any of the events were but it seemed very plausible.
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Not my spot of tea
30 October 2021
One of those movies that looks and sounds amazing but with a weak story. Maybe I'm just not a psychological thriller kind of guy? I enjoyed the setup and some of the characters, the scenery and sound were amazing in a Dolby theater.
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The Last Duel (2021)
17 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I liked it but fell asleep in chapter 3 because of the repetitiveness- even though it was a matinee and I was t really that tired. Luckily, I did wake up for the finale.
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I didn't expect
9 October 2021
I had no idea what it was about so probably would have skipped it had I known before (a little close to home). The story was really good, very engrossing. 28 is way too old to play a high school student so that was kind of difficult. I don't hate musicals but the music did detract from the movie.
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5 October 2021
It finally started to pick up about 70% in; seemed like a set up to a sequel of the prequel. I agree with every bad review I've read on here. This wasn't about Tony. I do have to give props to Michael Gandolfini for even showing up - that couldn't have been easy.
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Total crud
5 October 2021
That was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I just watched the first one last night and thought it was decent enough to go see this. Wrong. It is a little funny in the beginning but only for a few minutes. I fear that Spider-Man is going to be bad after this.
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Memories and New Info
26 June 2020
I had the pleasure of seeing Brainiac several times, including the last time they played in Columbus and always was amazed at the brilliance of Timmy and the whole band. I thought I knew everything there was to know about the band but was happy to learn even more in this documentary. I'm watching for the second time and both times have been filled with happy memories and sadness over the potential that was lost. Amazing film!
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Space Force (2020–2022)
Not the Office or really much of a comedy
8 June 2020
There are a lot of funny people and uncomfortable scenarios but not really any laughs throughout the whole first season. It's entertaining enough but half of my binge was just while surfing the internet. With this and Upload, Greg Daniels is 0/2 for the period but this is probably better than that. Hopefully it will improve so I would be willing to try another season.
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