
12 Reviews
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
First Season Was Great
30 September 2022
I have to score this as 5 stars because of the second season.

If I were to rate it based on season 1, then I would give it a 7 or 8

I don't get why they decided to continue with this show because the 1st season is self contained, there is really nowhere to go.

To be honest I abandoned the 2nd season after a couple of episodes, it is just not good and the time travel thing does not even make sense.

I don't think people really care about what happened in the main character's past, it is not really that interesting.

What was interesting about this show was the die/loop thing, not the character's family history/dramas.
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No Solicitors (2015)
Very Nice Movie - Don´t Listen To The Haters
20 September 2021
I watched this movie last night and to my surprise it was actually quite good.

Very interesting story about a family of rich cannibals who sell their victims body parts in the black market, and eat what´s left LOL!

Gory effects are alright, all practical effects.

The acting, even though it´s not Oscar worthy, it´s definitely adequate for this movie.

By the end of the movie there is also a nice plot twist.
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Till Death (I) (2021)
Cool Movie
11 September 2021
I really enjoyed this movie, has a nice dark humor and nice story.

I would give it a 7 if they didn´t have chosen Megan Fox as lead actress. Very bad acting and her face is so full of plastic nowadays that even Stallone with 75yo and a paralyzed face has more expressions than her lol.

She literally had the same expression in her face during the whole movie!
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Disappointing Sequel
10 September 2021
I enjoyed the first movie and was actually excited about this sequel but oh boy, what a disappointment... It just shows that big budgets doesn´t matter if you can´t deliver.

This movie is an "eye roll fest". It´s extremely far fetched. Not only the rooms are ridiculous but to think that a couple of dumb teenagers could "take out" such big and well funded "evil organization" by themselves and without a plan is laughable.
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Escape Room (II) (2017)
Not As Bad As Other Reviewers Are Making It Look
26 July 2021
The movie is far from 1 or 2 stars.

If you are into this genre, it´s worth the watch.

I can see why people didn´t like this movie and I agree with some points like the stupid ending. Yes the ending is bad, it´s what ruins the movie IMO. If they knew how to end it I would probably give it a solid 7,5.

The leading actor does a good job, so as the other girl playing Natasha, she is a good actress. The rest of acting is mediocre, but not terrible as people are making it look like here.

Puzzles are not dumb as some reviewers are saying, I bet that if they were in that room they wouldn´t solve even the 1st one lol.
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The Colony (2021)
14 July 2021
Another movie mislabeled as "sci-fi"

This is more like fantasy genre, of the post-apocalyptical kind

Reminded me a bit of Water World

95% of the movie happens at a foggy shore or inside an old ship (not a spaceship)

If you are expecting "sci-finess" you gonna be disappointed.
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Settlers (2021)
10 July 2021
First of all, calling this movie Sci-Fi is an insult to the genre.

This is NOT sci-fi, it´s a boring drama which has Mars as a background (this the "sci-fi" part lol).

And this movie is pointless. There is no plot and the ending is stupid. The characters have no depth, no development, no motives, there is no background stories, in fact nothing is explained about the characters and what drives them.

I almost stopped watching halfway through, but then I thought "hell, I watched this crap til now, let´s see how it ends"... Ended as badly as it started.
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Infinite (2021)
Good Idea - Cliche Execution
22 June 2021
The movie has a nice premise, I really liked the story.

The problem was the execution.

The movie started alright, but halfway through it went downhilll with some stupid plotholes and too much ridiculous shooting and fighting, so cliche that makes you roll your eyes...
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Tenet (2020)
Some Cool CGI Here And There, and That Is It
3 December 2020
This movie tries too hard to be too clever... There is a point you give up trying to understand the movie, you just watch it til the end because you already started, but you don´t give a damn about the plot anymore, just want the movie to end...

The 2:30 hours felt like an eternity.
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Not Worth It
9 October 2020
This is not sci-fi comedy, it is more like a boring drama with a boring couple.

Not funny at all, not even able to produce a single chuckle.

Sci-fi elements are weak.

One of those movies that makes you feel like you wasted a couple of hours of your life.
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12 Hour Shift (2020)
Good Movie To Kill Time
8 October 2020
I really had a good time with this movie, it is funny but not far fetched, it won´t make you ROFL but will certainly put a smile in your face during some parts.

Keeps you interested til the end, not boring at all.
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This Should Win The Oscar For The Most Boring Movie
8 October 2020
I just can´t believe the reviews here giving this movie 7, 8, 9 or 10 stars!! lol

Wasted 2 hours of my life with this thing, a total bore fest. How can a group of people come together to waste funds producing this thing (thinking it was a good idea) is beyond my comprehension.

Over extended scenes (oh those are a real test of your patience) just to stretch movie time, uninteresting characters/dialog, no plot, I give it a 1 out of 10 and I am being generous.

And I discovered they sacrificed a poor horse to film this abomination, unbelievable. Disgusting. Died for nothing...
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