
16 Reviews
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Highlander (1986)
Wonderful 80s adventure/fantasy!
8 January 2023
If you're a fan of 80s music & films, don't pass up this beautifully shot film. The atmosphere, Michael Kamen's score and Queens songs are phenomenal!

Every character is interesting, and satisfyingly fleshed out. The story unfolds in wonderful fashion.

Viewing it for the first time in 4k, it was absolutely gorgeous to behold. From the opening car garage sword fighting scene, to the dizzying heights of Scotland's highlands, to the cityscapes of New York - every moment is a feast for the eyes.

The score and songs are amazing too. So sumptuous and poignant; there are tear jerking moments of honest beauty.

Seek this one out! You won't regret it!
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Very enjoyable thriller & deeper dive into Jason's lore.
4 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie because it followed up part one with two to three times more suspense laughs jumps and gore.

He didn't have his hockey mask yet but the sack is creepy with the one eye peering out and his hillbilly wrong turn look once the mask is off is excellent.

Even though I've seen this movie dozens of times it still makes me jump especially in the final cat and mouse chase.

It's edited pretty tightly for an early 80s slasher; it's never boring and the characters are actually likeable.

I also love that Ginny knocks down Jason and even kicks him right in the nards!

There are some plot holes and logic issues and I hate that the gore special fx were cut down significantly for the opening kill and the infamous spear kill, so I've deducted a star just for that; otherwise enjoy! It's one hell of a ride!
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The Incubus (1981)
What the...
27 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie will surely leave you feeling like what the hell did I just spend the last hour and a half watching... The ending is that nonsensical, predictable and macabre.

The movie is kind of well done in some aspects but some editing is so poor that I was confused about what was going on in some scenes. Things would just shift so quickly.

Some of the special effects were kind of cool but most were run of the mill for the time; and the creature outfit is laughable.

It's not a boring film, but it's also not entertaining... The subject matter is upsetting so it's definitely NOT something that you would put on for some light entertainment.

There are things I like about it, like the music and some of the acting; though the lead has a creepy expression 90% of the time that's off-putting to me and the kid having all the nightmares is just annoying... All that being said, if you're an early 80s slasher fan and you've seen everything else, at least maybe watch this once, but it's definitely not one I'll ever need to own or revisit.
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The Howling (1981)
The 2nd best werewolf film of all time
26 April 2022
My opinion will never change...this is the second best werewolf film of all time; behind An American Werewolf in London - does that mean it isn't great? Not by a long shot...this is a quintessential slice of cinema that is a must for horror fans and werewolf afficinadios!

From the story, to Bottin's werewolf design & fx to Donaggio's score, to the stellar cast - it's a must own/see for any 80s or horror fanatic and every time I watch it I discover something new to love about it.
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Black Roses (1988)
Fun concept - Mediocre execution
23 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was really excited to finally watch this on Tubi and in HD no less; though it's only available in physical format on DVD currently in the US.

Heavy metal and horror go together like peanut butter & jelly; however for some reason this film which at first seems like a parody of satanic panic actually ends up proving the panicking parents correct. Strange LOL. It's like the farce of it all actually got the best of the film makers, because they still had a horror movie to make! Some of the horror elements are silly fun, others are serious as a heartattack concerning a slasher-esque parricide spree; while other elements or "terror" are dumb over the top puppets and a 50s scifi man in a rubber suit.

All this being said, I really enjoyed the original songs written and the 80s-ness of it all. Some particular night scenes looked like they were lit in homage to Romero's Creepshow. Loved it.

On the negative end, it's a bit uneven in the pacing, and the message - if it had one, is certainly confused.

To add a layer of interest I would have had the parents in on it; as is revealed in movies such as A Nghtmare on Elm Street, otherwise it just doesn't come across as subversive, but rather supportive of the never ending satanic panic movement.

I'm glad I watched it once, but not one I need to own.
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Screaming! Gore! Zombies Galore!
30 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The screaming. So much screaming!!!

I do love this film even if it does drag in parts, because it is otherwise a balls to the wall march of muddy, dusty decomposed zombies with some fully formed still intact eyeballs and extra long paper mache teeth for some reason.

I love it for the infamous Peter Bark and his intentional or perhaps unintentional creepy portrayal of the lead's son.

He is so memorable so chillingly unnerving yet amusing and entertaining.

The actress who played his mother was one of the only legitimate Italian actresses in the film and she does do a great job as her character is allowed to fight back and not just scream.

Other characters are all just background expendable fools that get caught in bear traps, trip and fall over nothing or scream their lungs out until the chandeliers seem about to implode.

I give this film 7 stars because there are a few things that detract from the overall enjoyment I get out of this film. First the pacing is a bit off which is typical of Italian horror, but this one has frustratingly slow moments where a woman or a man could just run around a zombie but instead they just press their backs against the wall and scream.

Secondly, the makeups are fun, but not "realistic" or fully realized for each zombie. For amazing zombie makeups watch Fulci's superior 79 film Zombi 2.

The door and zombie slime and blood from the victims is pretty well done though, with my favorite kill having something to do with a maid sticking her head out a window...and losing said head. Also of note, are the zombies set on fire which apparently nearly caused someone grave injury before the director would turn off the cameras and put out the flames. Also, in the gore department, the infamous, ultra disturbing incestuous kill at the end is not to be missed!

Lastly, the music is another thing that detracts from the enjoyment of this film, it's pretty overbearing a majority of the time with the women's screams being mixed equally or higher and screaming is pretty much non-stop. Therefore you have a headache inducing musical score and screamathon soundtrack going on at the same time for nearly all of its run time.

Otherwise this is one heck of a great time and a good film to have crack open some beers and watch with friends.

Buried Alive aka Nights of Terror is a film I am happy to own and revisit from time to time but it is not a classic like Dawn of the Dead or Zombi 2; though it would be if it had just a little less incessant screaming and a greater attention to the makeups, though in all reality that lends to its charm and a certain iconic look for this specific film.

Not recommended for those that are not horror aficionados, nor those who have not been exposed to Italian horror before.

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Maniac Cop 2 (1990)
Not Much Horror, But Awesome Action!
21 December 2021
For my time, this is one helluva ride!

It's a B movie and it knows it. The director, William Lustig even says, himself, that he sold it as Frankenstein meets The French Connection, in the style of a graphic comicbook. The action set pieces, the villains, the explosions, the fire, the showers of blood splatters; they're all a result of wanting to go big for this sequel and I love it!

Leo Rossi is probably my favorite character actor featured. He delivers some of the best lines and just really sells crazy so well, as the Igor-like sidekick.

Robert Z'Dar is menacing as ever as the Maniac Cop, Matt Cordell, and though his one spoken line is simply saying his last name, he makes his seemingly immortal character a force. Someone you just don't want to mess with!

Robert Davi, Claudia Christian, Michael Lerner, and Clarence Williams III are also great as well, rounding out the cast in a substantial way.

This is not a particularly scary film, so don't expect a horror film just expect a great mindlessly fun action film with a supernatural twist!
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Aenigma (1987)
Where's the over-the-top gore fx!?!?
21 December 2021
Unfortunately the film poster is better than the movie. Also I'm not sure what the film poster has to do with the movie.

I'm really sad to report that I did not love this movie I did not even like it it was just passable with a few chuckles to be had.

If you go in expecting something like any of Lucio Fulci's classics from the late 70s to early 80s film, you will be disappointed.

Sure is style is somewhat there, and there's a couple cool special effects, of which I do not want to give away since they're a couple of the only joys in this film aside from like I said some laughable logic and dialogue.

Otherwise it's just a less logical, less entertaining version 80s Italian rip-off of Carrie... So this time the mother doesn't speak she just grunts and has red eyes for some unexplained reason.

Was her mother a witch? Is this why our heroine can apparently possess or make herself into another girl to seek vengeance?

There's so many more questions than answers. And sadly I have no answers to none of the questions raised.

In any case if you're a Fulci fan, watch it maybe at least once... But if you don't you're honestly not missing out on anything.

Catch his better films like The House by the Cemetery or The Beyond instead!


-Horror Crave Matt.
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"Time to Die"
17 December 2021
This movie was kind of fun but didn't really make me laugh like I expected it to. If you've seen Death Wish 3, it's a similar situation in that it's so over the top and unbelievable, that it's baffling at worst and hilarious at best. Our hero is untouchable to the point of pushing past all suspension of disbelief... Even our hero's armadillo makes it out of a explosion without a toe missing.

Chuck Norris is a solid confident lead, and the villains were okay though I didn't really get the full depth of any kind of backstory of why there was a rivalry between Chuck Norris and the evildoers, outside of the obvious desire to takeover America with a very small army.

Therefore I give it a five star rating out of ten, but it would definitely have been a more enjoyable film, it it had some actual character development, more laughs/one-liners, and a couple of relatable characters to identify with.

I'm not sure if I ever need to see it again but it was a decent way to pass nearly 2 hours.
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Mom (1990)
Mom's A Werewolf!
16 December 2021
I didn't like this movie at first but over a decade later I'm watching it again and have some sort of appreciation for it now.

I'd say it it ranks just below Bad Moon, but it's still a decent werewolf movie for those looking for something different.

Even if it's not laugh out loud funny it's still an amusing horror comedy that feels like it respects its audience. It's a bit of a slow burn, but it still has some fun.

By the way, I can't conclude this review without mentioning the werewolf effects. They are astoundingly bad. The gore and bloody fx are decent, the full transformed werewolf face is hilariously plastic and unconvincing.

Too bad because if this film would have had better effects I'm sure it would have solidified itself as a classic, though I'm sure a tight budget had something to do with that.

So again if you're in the mood for something a little different other than the well trodden paths of the masterpieces in the werewolf genre I do recommend at least giving this film a try. I think you might enjoy it.
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Great "Kids/YA horror"!
27 March 2021
Age appropriate, colorful and imaginative, Dan O'Bannon and Tobe Hooper lovingly crafted a tale that stands as a classic for any young person interested in aliens, outer space and creature features. Not to be missed!

Fair warning, as an adult adjust your expectations - this one is definitely not meant to truly frighten or horrify - just provide a few harmless goosebumps here and there.
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Silver Bullet (1985)
Heartwarming, Fun, Gory (at times) Werewolf Tale
13 February 2021
There is so much to love about Silver Bullet. The special effects are great, the story is solid even if sometimes predictable, the characters are warm and likable, Jay Chattaway's original score is at times sweet, exciting and appropriately menacing. The tone and atmosphere is spot on. It really makes you feel like you have a window into a small town that cares about each other. Though we don't fully get all our questions answered; they don't really need to be, because that's real life. We don't always know the how or why, but we have a choice in how we respond to what comes out way and the film answered this resoundingly. Stand your ground and be courageous for what's right (even if it's over the top and silly at times, in this). I don't want to give away any spoilers so I won't get into the details of the actual story or plot twists, but I can guarantee that if you are a Stephen King fan, a fanatic for great '80s movies and want to see one of the best werewolf films of all time check this out immediately! You will not be disappointed.
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What the hairy hell!? I didn't care at all
6 February 2021
This movie sucks. It attempted to be a comedy but was completely dumb, cartoonish and the worst spoof films. The CGI was unbelievably fake and completely take you out of the film. The script was predictable (aside from some bonkers attempts at immature comedy) and everything about it is just completely dated. This demonstrates why I stick with 70s and 80s horror; because at the very least they have unintentionally funny moments (they're not trying so hard that it feels like a failed stand up comedic as this film did) and they have practical effects and likable characters. This was just a complete waste of time and I'll NEVER watch it again....I barely made it through this time.
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Blood Lake (1987)
Feels like watching a fun home movie
17 June 2020
This is more an 80s home video made with friends having a good time then it is a slasher/horror film. It's not scary, gruesome (aside from one decent throat slice and a couple knife thrusts to the gut) or suspenseful but it is kind of relaxing, occasionally funny (intentionally and not) and of course charming; it is 80s nostalgia all the way ,man. It is very cheap, but also decently shot (better than at least most found footage films) though there is often horrible, garbled audio which forced me to turn on subtitles throughout. I cannot say I hated it, I guess I sort of liked it, though I didn't really care one way or another what happened to the characters, outside of Lil Tony and the lead guy, who actually took action when things go south. The killer makes absolutely no sense, the set up is poor and he's not memorable in the least. For my time, SOV slashers such as Sledgehammer, Killing Spree and Evil Laugh are more effective and memorably over the top, though all of the above are endurance tests. I can only recommend this to slasher/horror completists... it's definitely bottom of the barrel, but worth a few chuckles and a decent way to chill and crack open a few beers if you've got nothing better to do.
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Average Slasher with Above Average Twist
19 May 2020
Not the most inspired slasher; but after a slow start, the practical fx /kills start chugging along at a decent pace, along with a satisfying conclusion. The characters range from likeable to complete one dimensional cardboard cutouts. I'd be very interested to see an uncut HD transfer since most of the film is extremely dark. If you're a slasher / horror aficionado, definitely watch this at least once. It has that comfort food early slasher vibe I dig.
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Watch It At Your Own Peril
9 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This film was not particularly entertaining or engaging but it did have some interesting and fleetingly memorable moments and characters that feel like it could have inspired Tobe Hooper. I enjoyed the character of the trash collecting carnival ghoul with the stick and sack for picking up trash. He seemed so thrilled to find candy bar wrappers, yet was just as eager to quickly turn the pointy end of said stick on to unsuspecting, helpless carnival goers! His lazy, independently moving left eye will haunt me for days. I did seriously love the atmosphere of the real amusement park with rollercoasters and funhouse rides. That kind of atmosphere is absolutely ripe for bizarre and terrifying horror; but the filmmakers utilization left me wanting more. I wasn't crazy about the cheap set decoration of plastic bubble wrap and sheets of aluminum but I did appreciate the horde of cannibalistic underground dwellers and their penchant for tearing people limb from limb though unlike Romero, this was mostly implied. Not much in the way of gory goods, aside from one fun beheading. So much of the film feels like a dream within a dream and you're just existing in Malatesta's wicked world; however I really didn't find Malatesta or his sidekick Blood convincing; though Bobo the dwarf was decent. I feel I have to give this movie a 3 out of 10, because it is not only below average in entertainment value and fun. I just can't see myself rewatching this film aside from a few clips near the beginning and towards the middle of the film. From about mid way to the end the Carnival of Blood just completely falls into impressionist nothingness. I sadly just didn't care. Is it worth at least a one time watch? Maybe...but you could have a lot more fun with Tobe Hooper or George A Romero's early work instead.
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