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30 for 30: I'm Just Here for the Riot (2023)
Season 5, Episode 1
Sports take a time out, we need to pity the self entitled who got caught and were not connected
23 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
For this episode sports are not the subject matter. Instead, the viewer is shown one sided leftist views of the events taking place in Vancouver after the Canucks lost game 7 of the Stanley Cup, focusing primarily on interviews with individuals who participated in the riot, and were later arrested and charged and convicted for their involvement and crimes (the real kicker is how social media platforms and video posts are what caused their exposure and identity which led law enforcement to find out who they are). Then the crying game begins and the crocodile tears drop. According to most of the accountable guilty individuals who are interviewed, nothing is their fault and they just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and we're directed to and or forced to participate. These individuals comment on how hard and negative their lives have turned out, and how the government and law enforcement agencies have responded and hounded them. Not because of their felonious activities they chose to commit in the riot (including burning cars, buildings, assaulting police and/or civilians, looting businesses, vandalism and or arson on private property, etc.). No, instead they cry how unfair it has been for them because they were discovered and found mostly via social media video posts and people who informed on them to the police who they were. At no point in time in this documentary episode are law-enforcement officers interviewed or asked about the events that took place, and their point of view of the people who were involved. It all focuses on the fairly accused charged arrested and convicted individuals who suffered to this day because of their choices they made on this day. There is no honest regret given by any of them, other than that they are sorry they were caught, and it is unfair HOW they were caught Because of social media and they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Police should never use social media to find out participate in criminal activity. I love this show, but this episode is a clear example of how in 2024 and the past 20 years have been in North America and the lawlessness that the liberal community accepts endorses. Hate the police love the criminals, Morals and values have been gone for nearly 25 years in both Canada and the United States. Stop spoiling your children.
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Everyone praises the criminals
2 December 2023
To quote a line "What the F$ck is the matter with you??" Great performances and all accords BUT this movie goes above and beyond to make the perp the victim, the victim the reason for felonious behavior and the law as the perp that violates the REAL perp to justify these crimes. Another quote "his body might have committed these crimes but that was not my Sunny" and so many people will agree with this, flash forward 2023. In a scene they released the 1st hostage and clearly in the film the police had no awareness about ANYONE coming out, so they proceeded with full caution... yet the director displayed "HE'S A HOSTAGE OH MY LORD STOP" being screamed by other bank employees that in one of DOZENS of disgusting dishonesty displays by this film that law enforcement is an enemy. "ATTICA ATTICA". How sad and disgusting to use this horrible event to make a statement that provided AND CONTINUES TO provide the production company with revenue. HOW MUCH MONEY HAS DOG DAY AFTERNOON GIVEN TO THOSE AFFECTED BY ATTICA? But yeah, great acting and acclimation for the the industry, sheep BAH BAH BAH.
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We're going to H e double hockey stick! Suck it up!
23 September 2023
When I watch a horror movie or a scary movie or an intense thriller with dark themes etc., I WANT TO BE SCARED! I want to be surrounded with characters, sounds, scores, music, thrills, surprises and everything else that pulls me in for a ride. Thill me kiss me hold me but please don't kill me! Captivating, that is a must for a great "scare the poop out of me" film. You have to grab the viewer and then shake their soul! AASB DELIVERS!!!!! Once you go under the city, you better turn off all the lights and let yourself be horrified by what you are seeing. Put the 25 minutes of build up in. You are not going to regret it if you want to be scared.
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So glad I waited until free
23 September 2023
Such a sad disappointing conclusion to a half way decent story line. Yup, I am a cheap cheap guy who would not pay to view this final installment of the series. Every time I came across it on AP I just kept thinking and telling myself don't do it lol. Don't buy this and wait until it streams free. Today I saw it was finally free to view and so I did. Wow. So disappointing to see this happen again to a decent storyline. Waste of time but if you watched the previous movies then yup you have to wrap it up. Where have all the good writers gone? Please we need you. I am so tired of lame horror. Ok I will watch AASB for the 8th time instead.
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World War Z (2013)
Example how poorly this script is
4 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers

"Need anything?"


"I'll organize"


Scene takes place on an air craft carrier and the UN COMMAND center fOR THE WORLD at the start of the pandemic. Seriously? You have to "organize" to get some water for 3-5 people who just came on board? Sure.

This film was such a horrible experience and huge waste of a tremendous book. Quick cash grab on the Walking Dead series that really sparked zombie craze.

The outside NYC defense and India evacuation stories from the book could have made this an epic movie. But let's get PC and host with political innuendos instead.

Hey Brad, maybe deodorant is a good idea because this stinks guy!
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Attica (2021)
Completely ONE SIDED account of this event
15 August 2023
The description on this film given by this site shows the FALSE and misleading deceit you will be viewing.

"Survivors, observers, and expert government officials recount the 1971 uprising at the Attica Correctional Facility."

What "expert government officials" appear in this film? I did not see one government official past or present give statement/account on their experiences. The only government official you see is from documentary footage from the riot in 1971.

If you mean "expert government officials" referring to an opinionated critic in the media, that is not a government official. YOU NEED TO CLARIFY

ZERO, NOT ONE member of the corrections department of NYS, or the troopers from NYS, nor ANY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS PRESENT during this event, were allowed to provide any account. ZERO, NONE.

FLIP THAT COIN and see how you feel if it was the other way around. Only law enforcement giving their side, their experiences and reasoning for why this happened and what occurred.

A completely one-sided view, significantly recounted by the former incarcerated, their views and opinions only.

Mistakes were made absolutely by the state and the department of corrections, but mistakes were ABSOLUTELY on both sides, BOTH.

I want to hear from ALL SIDES.
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Drugs. Again the cause of destruction
28 June 2023
I have been a lifelong fan of wrestling and will always be grateful for the memories and opportunities of entertainment so many people have given me. This documentary episode again gives another unfortunate example of what hard-core drug use results in with the destruction of a career, (what could've been a great career), does to a person. How many professional wrestlers need to die before big time promotions acknowledge what this life does to people in this profession who are on the road for extended periods and who fall to drug use/pill abuse/pain relief abuse/alcohol abuse etc to relieve them of what occurs from in ring injuries and on the road loneliness etc. Please help these men and women and stop abusing them just because it's what's best for a business.
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Dirty Grandpa (2016)
Yo BOBBY time to retire for the 20th time
2 June 2023
Not even close to a lame joke. Stupid, wow the dialogue is incredibly stupid and casually disrespects anyone who watches this film. Zac needs to try a drama even if it's a small part as his talent and charisma is wasted in this fodder. Sad to say but the physical comedy does the same as the dialogue to all viewers. Bobby D again in his late trying to be great years with young people, insults anyone with a 1 IQ. Do the right thing BOB-O... retire! You are not doing anything but making a shameful display for us to remember you by. 1994-95 was the last time you had a good film and Al carried you.
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Tom Hanks blah blah
11 March 2023
This movie is so boring and so slow moving. As usual, Tom Hanks is praised again for his glorious performance and the portrayal of his character. Yawn. Once again Hanks presents only the best moments and or intentions of his character. No flaws, no personal conflicts, ok he had a tooth ache, and a pee pee problem. But the roles he has played are portrayed again and again with just the shinny happy moments. He has the talent to be a Newman, to be a Brando, to be a Nicholson.... but once again he plays it safe and cuddly. Perhaps he needs to become a method actor. Get a box of balls and take a shot already, you are way overdue by 25 years and way overstated. Kudos to SPR, but yeah, again safe play.
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It's decent and worth watching
21 October 2022
I am a child of the 80's. I was fortunate to grow up watching the creative genius in films by Lucas, Spielberg, Cameron and Scott. I loved those movies. I also loved the Jackson LOR movies, but did not care much for the Hobbit films. As the spin offs and or sequels/prequels that arrived years or decades later of my 80's favs, I cringed and did not find much of the enjoyment in did with the original films growing up. LORTROP does the same, I have interest and enjoy some parts, but as a series it does not give me a BOOM factor. Is it terrible and should it be avoided. No not at all. Is it worth a watch and is it worth the time needed to see each episode, in my opinion as well I rewatch the series. Not right away maybe you were still on the road I might find it again. But for me it's a one and done but worth a watch.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
End it already FTLOG .. PLEASE!
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Once a great group survival story (season 2 not included) that hooked you and kept you hungry for more and more. Then we were introduced to Megan and it went down progressively with political innuendos. It's fictional TV, personally I feel the same way about that as I do in a bar, no politics, no religion. They went that route along with focused non stop individual character episodes week after week. Hate me I don't care.... KILL DARYL ALREADY! The character has been so lame, unchallenged and unchanged the run of the series. Plus it was his fault Glen died! "Wrap it up Janice", time to go TWD.
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Pawn Stars (2009– )
Still fun but too much fantasy
6 October 2022
I have been a diehard fan since the show started. Yes of course it is highly edited, and in no way, is this the real way the shop operated state of the money making basis. I get it I understand. Still fun to watch. Biggest pet peeve, the show now has its long time recurring love-able, lazy goof off employee Chumlee appearing as a scholar. Suddenly he amazingly is able to critique and describe items brought in ranging from the 8th century to scientific world renowned achievement. It's insulting to a seasoned viewers intelligence. Stop adding so much fantasy... Rick has always made this show what it is, respectfully to the Old Man, Everyone else is filler.
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Perfect example of the idiocy of the 60's
1 April 2022
I'm going to rant on this one. The revolt of youth against the greatest generation of Americans who sacrificed, worked hard and gave this world another chance, but unfortunately spoiled their offspring who instead of working, WORKING, to change the horrible policies and decisions made by American leaders, instead went on a bitchy multi-year rebellion which turned so many to the easy acceptance of stupid drugs which partnered with the British music invasion which changed US culture FOR THE WORSE! This had and continues to influence so many negative results, which includes ridiculous and stupid films like Midnight Cowboy which was and is praised for no other reason then "being a new different approach to film/cinema". So many films continue to demonstrate the worst of us, but because they have small inklings of the best of us in few and short scene, they are praised as genius. Film and cinema is such a huge part of global culture, and impacts us incredibly, and because we are influenced by what we see and hear, is it any wonder why so many of us suffer and are not happy? Joe Buck and Ratso whatever, are NOT moral or original, their actions/behaviors were just filmed and broadcasted first on the big screen. Nothing to praise here.... Be a better person.
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The power glove sucked just as much as this movie.
2 December 2021
You're better off spending your time watching YouTube clips on how to repair your Nintendo and or accessories, even if you have no desire to play. 90 minutes of life wasted!
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Christopher!!!! Enjoy it for what it gives.
12 October 2021
I loved and followed the Sopranos every Sunday night during its entire run. This film brings much enjoyment through recognition of the series main and supporting characters and surroundings, set in an earlier time. It will also leave you, however, wanting more as the original series did. The Many Saints of Newark gives a familiar audience satisfaction with visual recognition from the series tales, and introduces and explains some the influences on several soon to be lead characters. It is definitely worth the watch for those of us who loved this captivating crime saga series from the late 20th and early 21st century.
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Bad Ben (2016 TV Movie)
Your IQ will drop
4 July 2021
Everyone who watched and or will watch this is now dumber or will be dumber.
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A little weak
6 June 2021
The end credits scared me more than the film did. A little over the top especially the scenes involving the possessed.
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Total Surprise Must See
4 June 2021
Horrifying at many parts. Excellent acting. If you were a fan of the original you won't be disappointed. Extra terrifying in the dark!
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Gattaca (1997)
Revisited... Nearly 25 years later
14 April 2021
A definite must see and see again. The music score, my God what a score. Moving, yes slow, but, I suggest watching alone if it's your first time. One of the last great cinematic stories before the 21st century took it's turn. All around cast make this film, not just the starring and supporting, a team effort. Patience is, well please, practice it and you will see.
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19 March 2021
And in 4:3 to boot, I didn't know you could make a horrible movie any worse.
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If you liked the HBO series you'll love this!
16 March 2021
Very interesting piece with excellent footage and narration. Haunting to see the results that remain and will remain due to human errors.
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Worth a watch
16 March 2021
What isn't corporate greed anymore? Interesting piece that you can kill 75 minutes to.
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Very Cool
15 March 2021
Wished Mr Knuckles was my next door neighbor. He showcased his amazing skills to rebuild some childhood greats. Was totally worth the watch and will definitely rewatch again and recommend to any video gamer!
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Whiny and not fully informative.
15 March 2021
They leave a lot of information out that you're going to want to see.
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Gotta Watch It
10 November 2019
Definitely different. It keeps you entertained and guessing, what every move he should be doing to its audience. Loved it and look forward to seeing it again
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