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The Monsters were FAB but the drama SUCKED!
4 June 2019
My review of Godzilla 2 is both good and bad, but let's kick off with the good first. Nobody wants to read the negatives first, do they? Let me say this: People mess everything up. The mother, the father, the daughter-I understand a bit of drama is necessary in movies like this, but Godzilla's always been about the monster more than anything else, right? With these movies, there's never time for sex, with a maybe a spot of drama, and in that order. So when they threw in what they threw in (because I'm not telling), I was lulled into a few catnaps. Not kidding- I dozed on Godzilla. But not on the good parts.

Everything military where they had to fight or help fight was cool but, the truth is Millie Bobbie Brown was unnecessary. If I could re-watch the movie, with all of her scenes deleted, I guarantee myself and you, it would be a much better show. Straight Talk.

The monsters were on point! I loved everything about them. Were some of the battles a little too long? Yup. But they gave the movie what it needed to be a fun monster flick, but from what I gather, a box office disaster. So what does that mean?

Godzilla 2 is an "okay" movie. I'd hoped for something more, but it was nostalgic and brought back some serious memories. I was even expecting Dr. Russell to open a briefcase containing two miniature Asians, singing "Mot-su rah!" to Mothra! LOL Sadly, they did not, friends. But the movie is worth the cost of matinee. So, now that I've given you what you need, go! Enjoy as much as you can. But please- don't pay full price! Oh, and check out my video- Cheers!
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Brightburn (2019)
Fresh, Thriller-iffic and Totally Worth Seeing Twice!
25 May 2019
The story is about a boy coming of age, into his powers and discovering what to do with them. Without spoilers, Brightburn takes on a new genre that blew me away: Superhero Horror. Flipping the Script, as I love to call it, but without the bamboozling. It was remarkable and I hope that everyone walks away from it as excited and thrilled to tell folks, as I was.

I went to the Thursday premier, then went back Friday morning with my husband. Both times, I caught myself with my hands over my mouth and shocked at a few parts. But instead of focusing on the characters and the storyline, I'm going to tell you what kept me clinging to the seat before me just as much. The Music!

I swear, if the Brown Note was playing on this soundtrack by Timothy Williams,I would not be surprised. I remained haunted, tensed the entire time, even after leaving! And this includes the beginning end credits and a rant from our boy Merle from The Walking Dead. LOL That's all you get from me, by the way. The music was heavy, brooding and almost monstor-riffic! Sometimes you simply need definition and that's what this soundtrack did. It defined what was happening, bringing the experience, if you're in an excellent theater, to this sort of maniacal, edge of your seat, thrill-fest!

Jackson A. Dunn, who plays Brandon, looks like the kid next door. The one bullies would view with a target on his back, and so the game begins. But Brandon's discoveries doesn't leave him in wonder, with a lesson from dad on how he's carrying a load of responsibility. Oh no, he's so much more and decides it's time to act.

As a superhero lover, you have to watch Brightburn, maybe even twice, as I did. Though I'd have loved if they'd gone a bit further, maybe even a tad more detail leading up to the big event, it could have been magnificent, but without a question, this movie rocks. The way it was executed, I was left wanting and hungry for more. Let's just hope there's no sequel, but make something new and original and phenomenal!

I'm off to the next review, I guess. Cheers!
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Residue (I) (2017)
A sort of 80's feeling Spoof!
27 February 2018
When Residue began, I was sure it was going end with my demanding my ninety, or so, minutes back. I was wrong. It was a bit cheesy and there wasn't a great deal of money spent on FX and the story was mind-boggling. But I liked it! This is one of those crazy movies where you wonder what's really happening and why? It's all about a book. You're not supposed to read it, but when you don't read it, you're already reading it! I know right! The craziest part is, it knows you, feeds off of your fears, and slowly plunges you into a darkness you can never escape from. Because you're around the book, the essence, the residue becomes a sort of vortex that sucks you're soul from you.

Residue, is a low budget movie that you want to dislike, but you're literally swept away! Yes, the FX are so cheesy you shake your head while watching. The acting, though okay, make it feel more comical than horrific. Then the story itself is kooky-creepy, like Creepshow or other 80's spoofs. It's not one I'll be adding to my movie collection, but if I was bored on a Friday night and looking for something on one of my movie channels, I'd watch it again! You'll just have to check it out for yourself Residue 2017 Written and Directed by Rusty Nixon Produced by Motorcycle Boys Productions Stars James Clayton, Taylor Hickson and Matt Frewer
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Mom and Dad (2017)
Why Didn't This Movie Gain More Attention?
10 February 2018
So many movies get lost in the shuffle. Good movies. They release and you don't hear a thing- like this one. Mom and Dad released back in 2017 and I don't even remember hearing about it. I'm on more than a few movie lists, but this one got away. Thankfully, I found it. I watched it and now I own it. Mom and Dad, starring Nicolas Cage and Selma Blair, is one of those movies that will be cult, watched and loved for years to come. It's fresh, original and oh so classy! And I say that with the biggest, cheesiest grin ever!

Out of the blue, a sort of virus hits. When it strikes, it doesn't bring on a fever. It doesn't white out your pupils, destroy your joints or induces seepage from your orifices. It makes you want to kill. But no, this is not like the movies where everyone kills everyone. It's an apocalypse of filicidal (that a real word?) proportions!

When a teenager and her little brother are pressed into a corner, they fight back. Even though the ones attacking are their parents. There's no explanation why the world's gone to hell, but it's a downslope of laughs, cringes and "Holy Cow- did that happen!?" It's a fun thriller, with a musical score that is spot on! It's freaking amazing!

But this isn't just one of those horror movies where there are senseless killings. The stories shared, as the killings take place make you actually think about you own life. Especially if you have teenaged children. The movie was well-thought out and I'm actually jealous of the writer and director, Brian Taylor. He was on point with this one. So much that I purchased it right after viewing. I'd have gone to the show for this one. Seriously!

Mom and Dad is an insane ride that only true horror fans will appreciate. Just remember, it is not a family movie. Cheers!
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Loved Every Minute!
6 February 2018
I honestly believe I didn't read the books because EVERYONE was reading them! But one, lone Saturday I stretched on my sofa and sought out something to watch. Lo and behold, The Maze Runner showed up, just about to begin. I figured, what could it hurt? Seems like everything's about teens and twenty-something's saving the world anyway. I was pleasantly surprised. So entertained, I went to theater to see the second movie, with leads to the final installment- Maze Runner: The Death Cure. Was I just as surprised? Picture Maze Runner: The Death Cure was just as good as the first book. It carried all the intrigue, suspense and action as the previous movies. There was no lag, there was no boredom and there was truly no hope for Thomas, for a while!

The conclusion tot he series is about freedom, friends/family and a cure for what ailed the world. Movie three picked up where the second left off. Minho was taken and they had to get him back. In order to do that, they had to make a deal with a crazy "Crank", who wanted nothing but to go out, in a blaze of glory, for the cure to the "Flare" plague.

It takes a great author to write a book series like this. It also takes some amazing screenwriters, directors, producers- the whole lot, for the FX and stunts in Maze Runner: TDC. Unlike other movie franchises, I never grew tired of it and now I'm thinking I may have to get the books after all. EVERYBODY was right! It was amazing and so worth the purchase.

So check out Maze Runner: The Death Cure. If you haven't seen any of the movies, you should, but you don't have to in order to enjoy this one. It's an great movie. All of them. Original, fantastic and sure to please, I give Maze Runner: The Death Cure two thumbs up. Cheers!
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Lovely Foreign Series
6 February 2018
Life is so bad for Lisa, she pretends to be married- even wears a fake wedding band. She lives in a small apartment and presses through life with what appears to be a dark future. Until she inherits a house from a man she's never known and has no familial connection. This is the introduction to Au Delà des Murs translated to Beyond the Walls. Picture This is a French mini-series, broken into three parts. It's part drama, horror and mystery, sharing a woman's life after dealing with a lifetime of guilt and depression.The story is dark and slightly depressing, but that quickly changed as you watch her discover the house is more than it appears.

This series is fascinating, sharing a horror that's more of an emotional haunt. You find yourself pulled in to the sense of loss and curiosity. After a while, if you're like me, you may even figure out what's going to happen, but that's okay. You will still watch, just to be sure.

Beyond the Walls is nicely written and probably would have just as good as a movie, but I don't know much about how the French do things. I do know that this show is beautiful and once you see the ending, you'll be like, "Awww... " in a good way.
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Still A Great Series, A Bit Too Comedic Though...
6 February 2018
Tonight turned out to be Date Night for my hubby and I, so we headed out to view Insidious: The Last Key (Chapter 4). This series has been one of the best. Guaranteed great jump-scares and painful knuckle crushing, because my husband just can't contain his fear! I wondered if the movie series would go out with a bang and I have to say, it left me ûber-happy...

I believe this is it. No more from Elise Rainier, but that's okay; she doesn't have to. She handled things like the emotional professional that she is. With each experience, I feel like I know her so much more and love her too.

In this chapter, Elise has to go up against her own ghosts. Someone lives in the house she grew up in and they're visited by some nightmarish haunts she'd grown up thinking were normal. When she decides to help the man, she realizes she's going against more than she bargained for. Emotional closure, a monster who holds the key and... a silver whistle.

Insidious: The Last Key is one of those unnerving masterpieces. The characters are witty and excellent, The Further is just as darker and tenebrous (always wanted to use that word) and the storyline is so freaking good, I'm jealous of Whannel (Specs) for writing it!

I think what helped make this movie great was the fact that you're told where The Further came from. How it all began and who started it all. It's also a sort of loop, but I won't go into details for fear of SPOILERS! The background information made all the other chapters come together.. Each time, you're given a little more- now that's good writing. It's an excellent ghost story and needless to say, will be added to my movie collection.

Even though Chapter 3 wasn't as great as the first two and this one, the Insidious series will become a classic haunt for anyone who loves horror. Insidious The Last Key opened Friday, January 5th.


Insidious: The Last Key Written by Leigh Whannel Directed by Adam Robitel Produced by Jason Blum & Oren Peli Cast: Lin Shaye, Leigh Whannell, Angus Sampson, Kirk Acevedo and Josh Stewart
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A Haunting in Salem (2011 Video)
Little Storyline, Little Scare
6 February 2018
Anytime you have a story set in Salem, you naturally expect witches, fire and dark magic. In A Haunting in Salem, you get the witch, dark events and a bit of burning. From the movie's DVD cover, it says this story was taken from actual events, so was real life as scary as fiction? The plot centered on the new sheriff of Salem and his family, who've moved into a sweet, Victorian home. It's excessively large, even for four people, but it'd been the dwelling of every sheriff who'd presided over the town for years. While unpacking, everyone experienced strange and unexplainable occurrences, but soon, the entire family is in mortal danger. Sadly, there' s not a soul around who can help with truth, let alone answers. The story presents a cycle; the very beginning shows you what happened to the previous family, then the new sheriff, complete with mental issues, came along. What you aren't given is a reason for it all. Was it revenge? Had the previous sheriffs carried a blood connection, allowing the townspeople to invite them, as a sort of sacrifice? It ended, gifting wonder as to why it even happened. The cinematography, concerning the town and surrounding views were spectacular! Even the house was lovely, but there really wasn't much as far as storyline. With little scare, A Haunting in Salem entertained, but disappointed. Cheers!

A Haunting in Salem Written by H. Perry Horton Directed by Shane Van Dyke Produced by The Asylum Stars Bill Oberst, Jr., Courtney Abbiati, Jenna Stone and Nicholas Harsin
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Ghost Wars (2017–2018)
A Fun Series with Little Lag!
6 February 2018
Just when I thought the SyFy channel was going under, they found two things that captured me and my heart. First was bringing back Futurama. That's one of my fav shows. Second is Ghost Wars- this is a fantastic show! I binge watched when I found it, the week of Thanksgiving, and once I caught up I was angered that I had to go by the weekly watch. The first episode aired on October 5, 2017, telling of a small town with strange goings on. It's also about a guy named Roman Mercer, who has a special talent, or gift. He sees and talks to ghosts. Something that that's pretty handy, considering he can save lives. But these are no normal ghosts- they're killer!

I think I enjoyed it so much, due to the cast. Kim Coates, Vincent D'Onofrio, Avan Jogia, Kandyse McClure and even Meatloaf! Great acting helped, but the story is what captured me. It's simply one of those bad luck towns, like out of a King novel, that is truly in the wrong location The story is creepy, spooky and without many dead spots. I couldn't help but get hooked- watching seven episodes back to back to back!

From what I understand, the ratings weren't very high, but with some luck, season 2 will make it through! Cheers!
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Great Movie As Long As You Remember: It's Not A Musical Biography!
22 January 2018
I've always loved musicals. I grew up on them, from both sides of my family, so seeing The Greatest Showman's movie trailer had me a bit concerned. I mean, yea, Hugh Jackman is amazingly handsome, a fantastic actor and could move like wolverine-ish lightning, but could he sing. Could he really pull off such a elegant performance? OF COURSE HE COULDThe title says it all- The Greatest Showman is the telling of Phineas Taylor Barnum, though not a biography. This Broadway movie is more like a fantasy. With colors that lit up the large screen, energetic moves that was weren't always from dancing, and lyrics that made you swoon, The Greatest Showman was one of the best bits of entertainment I've seen this year!

But you have to understand, while watching, this is not who Barnum actually was. It's a movie. A really fun movie, but that is all. He really wasn't a good man. He got incredibly rich from the misery of his acts. None were as happy and cheerful, as with he movie. But who wants to know the gory details, right? Especially about Lind and Barnum splitting over financial differences, instead of unrequited love...

All in all, I found myself just as mesmerized with The Greatest Showman, about half as much as when I see West Side Story- a real musical/Broadway play that kicks butt! Hugh Jackman did an incredible job, though he's much older than when Barnum began his circus. Zendaya, a woman I'd never seen before the movie, was sweet and sings beautifully. And Keala Settle has a huge voice. I believe I read this was her first movie.

So if you want to hear an incredible soundtrack, see bright lights and colors that leap from the screen, along with fun jump and shouts- this is your movie. The Greatest Showman will probably wind up in my iTunes library, along with the soundtrack.

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19 January 2018
I've always been a fan of Agatha Christie, so when I saw this was a remake, I knew I would see it. When I discovered the mega-cast, it became imperative I saw it! But the cast wasn't way I had to see the movie; I had to see it because Agatha Christie is one of the world's greatest murder mystery writers!

So when Hercule Poirot travels towards a case, he decides his ride will be a short holiday. Sadly, he quickly finds himself inspecting a case along his travel! He looks from a countess, to a doctor. From a chauffeur to a footman. From a co-worker to an actress and dancer- so many suspects... but Poirot gets it figured out.

The movie is excellent and visually stunning! With an amazing cast and accents out the wazoo- I loved the movie just as much as the original. Sadly, I can't tell you too much about the movie without giving it away! Even stating the stars and what they do could mess things up for you! Primarily when I say who gets killed - but Dame Judi Dench is magnificent. I'm a little biased...

If you are a lover of mystery and Agatha Christie, Murder On The Orient Express is your movie. Cheers!
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It Which Shall Not Be Named
29 December 2017
Night of the Unspeakable opens with a historical tale that spans seven thousand years. It tells of angels, innocents, warriors and the repetitive demand of demons wishing to dominate all of mankind. When the Nicepherus is released from a sacred casket, he seeks to devour the souls of all who are inside a music studio with him and his diabolical pheromones.

I feel I have to give a disclaimer before my actual review. I do not wish to offend any of the hard-working people who made Night of the Unspeakable. There was money spent and many lines rehearsed and well, this is someone's baby. I'll do my best to be as respectable as I can, but only so much can be asked of me.

This movie was dumb. Yes, I know there are words that could convey my abrupt and infantile statement, but I don't wanna. There's a litany of reasons why I was disappointed with NOTU, but I'll only itemize a few. First, I'm thinking the creator wanted to entertain viewers before the opening scroll, so he added a music video. Said video played all the way through, focusing on the bodies of the singers instead of actually writing a song worth listening to. Then came the opening credits. I was confused - Issue number one down.

My second balk concerns everything concerning the cinematography, special FX and acting. They were bad. They were all bad. There were feeble fight scenes, make up could have been done better by my seven-year-old, and the acting reminded me of one of my high school plays. One of the bad ones. And don't get me started on sound- so many scenes began low, then jumped so high you could hear the actors breathing, just to be lost again. And that "We Will Rock You" line... Boo! I wanted to laugh but the fight scene that followed was cut off on the right-hand side of the screen. Two down.

I did laugh during one scene. The part where Nicephus calls one of the female characters a strumpet, trollop and a tart, and she took them all as compliments. Wow, that was good. Not the scene, just those lines.

So lastly, I found myself slightly offended- not when the movie ended, but when it had the nerve to post up: To Be Continued. Please don't. Let this movie go and find something else to do. Honestly, I think they should all invest in music. I don't recall many scenes where someone wasn't singing in a studio (complete with band name and song title), trying to perform. Though none will ever make the Top 1M, it would make a definite improvement. Done.

So, if you're looking for a movie that wishes to run with bodily possessions during intercourse, half-jazzed, philosophical rhetoric and weak baselines, check out Night of the Unspeakable... because this movie shall now be known to me as It Which Shall Not Be Named.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Excellent Conundrum for Mature Audiences
11 December 2017
When I first saw this trailer, I thought it looked spooky, but there wasn't enough shared. I set it aside. It wasn't until a fellow IG posted their thoughts that I thought it was time to give it a go. I'm glad I did; I quickly became enraptured!

FIRST: If you watch this on device, know that you will have to listen to the original language (which is cool) and read subtitles. Should you use Airplay or watch straight from Netflix on telly, then you get English dub, no subtitles.

Okay, that's out of the way. So this show's intro is fab! I love the song (Goodbye with Soap & Skin Apparat, The Devil's Walk). I had to buy it- it's what I do. Then there's the actual show. How do I review without giving away what it's all about...? It's totally conundrum and the story line is dark, brooding totally worth the watch.

It's not easy to follow, but ONLY because it's supposed to be. Once you realize what's going on, it's totally understandable why; that's also why it's so good! In order for you to comprehend the story lines, you must become muddled first. The make-believe town of Winden, Germany suffers occurrences that affect just about everyone in it. There's no paranormal activity going on, but that's all I'm going to share.

Filmed near Berlin, Germany, Dark has been compared to Stranger Things. Yes, a child goes missing, but a child is not the focus of this series. Don't look to Dark as if its another Stranger Things show, because it is NOT the same. Nowhere near, but it should become another global hit! Check it out.
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If You Can't Handle Tight, Dark Spaces, Don't Watch This!
3 August 2017
There's a frigid game of cat and mouse that takes place, as you're introduced to a woman assaulted by a dangerous man. He's cold, uncaring and very methodical about his process, but it's what you're shown that makes the movie gripping. Without any words, other than three whispered in the very beginning, you are taken through every step that lead up to the attack.

Douglas Schulze took an idea and made it a musical masterpiece. Through images and score, The Dark Below reveals a history of secrets, lies and a precarious obsession with water. You endure a voyeuristic fight for the heroine's life, while also finding yourself struck dumb, yet fascinated!.

There was but one issue held with the movie and it has to do with icy waters. Sadly, details can't be provided without giving away spoilers, and that's not what I do. Just know that what is done cannot be undone, no matter how great the medical science.

The movie is alluring, the story is fabulous and the thrills are very cool! (pun intended) The Dark Below releases later this year. Be sure to see it!
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Bloodrunners (2017)
The Booze Don't Shine, 'Less It Runs Beneath the Line!
3 August 2017
In a popular speakeasy, Jack Malone, a dirty cop, haunted by nightmares of war, finds a new location to shake down. But there's a presence within the walls of the club, run by Chesterfield, played by Ice-T. When Malone comes to collect his "luxury tax" he and his partner incite a small war against a den of vampires.

The movie is amazing, the style is sweet and the costume design is on point- I loved it all! The originality is what really keeps this movie entertaining. Running blood, a much-craved liquid via the underground, by vamps, is a pretty wild idea, making Bloodrunners and exciting surprise and electrifying!

Other than watching a vampire get staked in the shoulder, but later spotted with it in the center of his chest, I found nothing wrong with the movie. It's classy, well put together and the special effects are vigorous and enjoyable.

Take a look at Bloodrunners, releasing later in 2017.
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I hadn't read the books in years, so I LOVED it!
3 August 2017
The Dark Tower, adapted from many pieces of the 8-volume series, is about Roland Deschain doing his best to protect the fictional Dark Tower from the forces of evil, played by Matthew McConaughey. It's set in modern day New York and dreary Mid-World. A sinister plot is going down and only one person can stop it... but will he?

​I won't tell the movie, but Mid-world was absolutely what I remembered from my school days, walking and reading while headed home from the bus stop. The Dark Man was totally evil, hateful but smooth and handsome, just like the graphic novels. I have to say, McConaughey played it well. And Mr. Idris Elba, A.K.A. my heart, was fabulous!

Anyway, the story was great, the effects were on point and the acting was superb. I truly believe they'll make another one too. Or it could be wishful thinking on my part. Either way, it was an amazing movie Go see The Dark Tower; it releases this Friday, August 4th!
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Beacon Point (2016)
Hikers follow a suspicious tour guide into a trek of horrors!
2 August 2017
A group of hikers follow a guide onto a mountain of awaiting horrors. Beacon Point is a movie that leads you into unspeakable confusion, terror and anger before gently depositing you into a bed of utter nothingness.

Hikers, set on finding the perfect view, follow a guide with a precarious secret. Even when lead past the scene of a what is determined to be an animal attack, they venture on to engage with an unknown entity. And what it wants, no human surrenders freely.

Beacon Point started off with my interest peaked. I saw what I'd hoped to be full of potential, but it quickly fizzled out, leaving me flustered. I won't provide any spoilers, because you know I just don't do those, but I can say, when I discovered what was really happening, I wanted to end the movie then and there. It's always the same thing- especially when it comes to movies located in high mountain ranges or forests.

The characters were slightly likable and the few jabs & laughs were fun. The side character, Zoe, carried purpose but her actions didn't speak for her previously shown situation, or her personality. Drake was the so-called male villain, but I liked him. He was stable in his instability and his acting was on point! The others were minor and insignificant, but they played their roles, allowing the movie to work. Sadly, none of the aforementioned changes the fact that at the ending left me feeling a bit cheated.

I won't say it was awful, but it wasn't good either. I still rate it higher than most movies of this particular theme. Beacon Pointed released June 10, 2016 and is available on YouTube, iTunes, Amazon and more.
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