
33 Reviews
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Rebel Ridge (2024)
Sweet lord this was boring
7 September 2024
I headed into this one with great hopes. If you're, like me, hoping for over two hours of a potentially John Rambo type situation, revenge thriller then you're going to be extremely disappointed.. It just goes on and on and absolutely nothing happens. One plot hole and ridiculous twist after another ensues until the final credits.

Our lead protagonist has "special military skills" which he shows us once or twice along the way, quite boringly. The gun battles just take the audience for idiots. I honestly felt insulted by the one outsider the police station because it was utterly ridiculous.

I have no idea how this has such a high rating. I'm obviously missing something here...
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Trap (I) (2024)
Daddy I want to be lady gaga
31 August 2024
You can't Saleka she already exists.. But I said I WANT TO BE LADY GAGA!

How about lady googoo?


Lady gee gee?


Ok.. what if I make a film and you can be lady erm... Raven! Yes lady Raven and the whole film can show the world just how talented you are, just like I used to be prior to the happening.. YES DADDY. Oh you're the best. Will I be as famous as lady gaga!?

Erm.. sure! I mean the $250k plus I've spent on singing lessons must be good for something.. maybe I should of spent a couple of hundred thou on acting lessons as well though as you're as wooden as pinnochio.. I want the film to have a twist like all your other films though.

Ok.. the twist can be that there isn't really one and the audience will leave the cinema feeling robbed of their money knowing that they've just sat and watched a terrible movie was really just a vehicle for my daughter who's so very talented and already looks like someone very famous.. DADDY YOU BETTER NOT BE SAYING I LOOK LIKE OSCAR FROM SHARKS TALE!!

Well if the fins fit honey....
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MaXXXine (2024)
I will not accept a film I don't deserve!
3 August 2024
I guess every trilogy has to have it's thorn in the side and this just so happens to be X's.

I like many others praised Miss Goth for her incredible performances in both X and especially Pearl. I don't think her performance lacks in this movie it's just she doesn't really have a lot to work with. It's a weak story, with a weak script and she quite rightly looks bored and feels uncommitted throughout. Which given her characters intention within the film somewhat defeats the object.

Honestly a shame, even Bacon is wasted in this, his character seemed somewhat comical in places as opposed to sinister as I think was the intention. The chase scene had me in tears of laughter.
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Baghead (2023)
Hag in a bag..
6 July 2024
This is a good little film with a great twist at the end.

Have we seen a lot of it before? Yes, but haven't we in most horrors seen glimpses of other well used elements? On the whole it's becoming a tired genre who's heydays peaked in the 80s and 90s. So there's always going to be overlap.

There's some great special effects, the actings good, you've got three very well established British actors carrying this one along and it's an interesting if not unique story. I really liked the twist at the end. It brought the whole film together.

If you like indie horror this is well worth some of your time!
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29 May 2024
I love the original Omen trilogy. Well the first two I love, the third I enjoy but not as much as the first two which in my mind are two of the greatest horror movies ever produced. The third, as much as I love Sam Neill as our grown up Jesus hating Antichrist Damien, is just a bit mediocre when compared to the other two. Good, but not great. So I awaited with great interest and anticipation when I heard about the release of this movie to see it, even more so when I heard Blumhouse wasn't involved (he's the Antichrist of remakes..).

Admittedly I have been massively disappointed of late with the reboots but have approached every single one with a fresh mind and even enjoyed a couple along the way. This however falls short in a lot of areas. For a kick off its boring and predictable. If you didn't guess the twist by the time Nighy appears then you need to work on your guessing game. I was waiting and waiting for something memorable to happen and it just didn't.

The casting of Chris Finch as Fr. Brennan was also a huge mistake. Forget the popes exorcist on a moped, he's the priest in a Dacia. Patrick Thornton was insanely good (no pun) in the original film and he just didn't live up to that. It's a big character to take on and a massive role for Ralph and it just didn't work for me.

The film also falls foul of unnecessary plot changes. To make a prequel you have to stick to the plot, you can't just rewrite the history we know within a movie, we've seen so many prequels fall foul of this and it just doesn't work. Unfortunately in this movie the changes are massive and have certainly been made I feel just to warrant follow-ups. Certain characters have even completely swapped allegiance which is just unforgivable in a movie franchise of this significance.

There's some good solid gore, however even this is unoriginal with one specific scene ripped right from the original movie and another which is just a mish mash of two scenes from Damien. Some acll it nods to the originals, I think it's unimaginative. It's a new film, think of new things to do otherwise it's just another missed opportunity to add something to an already well established and much loved.

The film also dares us to explore a new origin for the purpose of Damian which again has no bearing on the original, evil was for evils sake and it doesn't need to differ. The ever present fight between good and evil is enough to satisfy most and to try and take it down another path was trying to justify elements of the original that didn't need justifying in the first place.

It isn't all bad. I liked Nell Tiger Free as our main protagonist, she has a great screen presence and no doubt we'll be seeing more of her in the next instalments, which is good as I'll watch them just to see where they try to take it.
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It'll kill you with boredom..
15 January 2023
I knew nothing about this film going into it so being a bit of a horror aficionado I was really pleased to stumble across this supposedly cursed film from the 70s..

The backstory is good and I was all fastened in for the ride when we got to the main course.. immediately the film let's ourself down by being completely English spoken by two supposed 70s Bulgarian children. There's not even an attempt at an accent, no hint of anything other than this is a film blatantly shot in the west, not a sordid little Bulgarian number that's going to make me and my wife spontaneously combust at any minute.

Despite attempts, its also quite evidently not filmed on the 70s. If you weren't about in the 70s, or watched many horrors from that decade you might, just might fall for the clothes or the occasional false blemish that the film carries to try and make itself look authentic. But it just doesn't carry the bleakness of that era. Especially of a communist run eastern European country at that time in the world's history.

All in all it doesn't make sense. Its too random and introduces characters that have no place in the setting..

However in saying all that, it's worth a watching for a giggle at the squirrel demon whose effects wouldn't of been out of place in evil dead 2 and the devil worshiping underpants man who runs about in circles a lot. I also really liked the young actors, they did a good job of the material they were given...
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War of the Worlds (2019–2022)
Bore of the worlds
22 September 2022
What in the name of space modulators is this miserable drivel...

I think the aliens have invaded and are trying to kill us from boredom using this as their medium and my word have they got a good chance of succeeding.

I feel we've given it a fair chance, we're up to s01e07. There's continous plot holes the size of the moons craters and we've been treated over the course of 6 hours and 45 minutes to seeing one type of alien that looks very much like a robotic dog. Really inventive.

Trust me the best part of the series is in episode 1 when GB pulls the naughtiest school boy face I've ever seen on camera. It's hilarious.

If hours of deep soul searching chat that really don't go anywhere is your thing you might get something out of. Me.. I want my precious 6.45 hours back!
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What did I just see!?
5 August 2022
Let me just start off by saying I'm a horror movie fanatic. I love horror and have been watching them since the under counter nasties of the mid 80s. Not many I haven't seen.

This is good, really very good the actings superb, it's wonderfully dark and deals with extremely taboo subjects and interweaves them into a beautifully crafted movie.

It wonderfully builds its characters throughout it's entirety until bringing them to a crescendo in the final scenes.

Really haven't enjoyed a movie so much since hereditary. It's up there with that, though slightly more subtle with it's paranormal undertones. Love it.
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The Cellar (2022)
What in the name of universal credit was that
30 April 2022
An hour and a half of the worse twaddle I've probably ever seen and I've seen some twaddle in my time.

I'd recommend spending 90 minutes rolling in dog waste before I'd recommend watching this. You have been warned.
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Come True (2020)
What a load of tripe
14 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Turned it off at scene where the skinny child girl protagonist gets boffed by a Daniel Radcliffe lookalike. Completely cringe. We'd already had enough by then but couldn't be bothered to get up and turn the computer off until that happened. That sealed the deal. Dislikeable characters, confusing and completely unbelievable story line and just really very boring.. give it a really wide berth unless you like watching sex scenes verging on child abuse..
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Just superb
21 January 2021
Quite low budget but really enjoyable horror. The protagonist is a bit wishy washy but that's more than made up by other characters especially Josh Cruddas who was born for his role in this film. Exceptionally good fun!
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The Lodge (2019)
Jesus wept...
29 April 2020
Ludicrous story and seriously boring. It's overlong and just depressing tbh. I know horrors aren't supposed to be cheery but this one actually made me envy the dead sea monkey shrimp things that are seen floating about in it. I think they died from boredom. Literally what felt like weeks go by without anything happening until cue predictable ending. Shame as I was buzzing that it was a hammer release and it had Alisha in it. If you fancy watching a depressing ludicrous overlong predictable film who's only decent jaw dropping moment (She did it after reading the script apparently, they just happened to catch it on camera) is over in the first 10 minutes then go for it.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo - a must go (see!)
9 January 2020
This is a truly wonderful film. It has everything. It is comical, it is sad, it is beautifully acted with a fabulous story, clever dialogue and an absolutely stellar cast. Roman Griffin Davis you were stupendous in this young man! Well done.

Just watch it :)
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9 January 2020
Dreadful. A boring, poorly acted, disrespectful, pointless pile of crud. Gets 2 stars because I liked the horse/pig things. Actually disappointed that the original cast had anything to do with this at all. They sold their credibility out completely. Appreciate money is a motivator, but they can't be that skint surely? Praying they were "forced" at gun point to do this. Would explain the wooden acting. And as for Ridley, Boyega and Isaac... Remember the excitement we felt as star wars fans that we were finally going to see the old cast get together again? Do you think the same excitement will be felt in 30 years over those 3? It will be more of a case of who? Oh yeah them.. Where did they drag them out from? I have never seen a more wooden actress than Ridley. Across all 3 films Rey was possibly the lamest, most pointless, irrelevant, boring, monotone, unbelievable character ever formulated in the history of cinema. Remember when Yoda kicked off with Doku in attack of the clones, or that wonderful scene in Rogue 1 when Vader storms the rebellion ship? Ever feel that excitement with any of her fight scenes? Nah me either. Why? Because her character was as dull as dishwater. I quote her feelings on the force.. "It's a power that Jedi have that lets them control people and-make things float." ... Deep, really deep. Make sure you say that in your head as flat as you possibly can to get the full "Rey" effect. I mean I appreciate she was a victim of a poor script, story and production but Jesus her delivery was as flat as a pancake. And Finn, oh Finn!! The chemistry between him and Rey was just.. Non existent. The comical dialogue! It was like watching two 4 years olds trying to recite Shakespeare, though I'm sure most could do a better job.

And the "twist"... My son was writing better at 10 years old. Abrams/Terrio, hang your head in shame. They're laughing all the way to the bank. Dreadful. Ugh, I'm that furious at this pile of steaming DS that I can't even put a legible review together over this sorry. I wanted so desperately to like them. Honestly glad the whole things over so my son can't drag me along to watch anymore of them..
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FOr the best atmosphere, watch in the dark!! (with an eye mask on and ear plugs in)..
1 November 2019
Yeah.. Were to start with this one.

Well it's definitely a missed opportunity. It has none of the charm or character of the first movie. The Losers club are a far more likeable and believable bunch of characters in chapter 1 than what we're offered in this effort.

Half of the intended to be scary moments are just plain ridiculous. I know horror is in it's nature far fetched but the scene with the Paul Bunyan statue is just plain stupid. I would expect scenes like this from a movie like scary stories to tell in the dark (a far superior horror film btw!) which is geared toward younger audiences, not grown adults.

There's not enough Pennywise and way too much drama over the Losers club. I found the whole love triangle between Bill, Beverly and Ben in chapter one endearing, in this however it's just a boring unneeded distraction from the main story, mainly I think because I couldn't give a hoot about the characters. Especially the new buff Ben, who of course poor emotionally unstable Beverly would fall for now he's all ripped. That for me portrayed her character in quite a poor light tbh, shallow Bev very shallow. Does that class a spoiler? Maybe! But to be fair it would be hard to spoil the film anymore than they already have.

The final act is again just stupid. unimaginative and insulting to Bill Skarsgard's tremendous character that he built in Pennywise.

Overall this is a true testament to the acting power of children over adults with the only refreshing, truly enjoyable moments is when they are back on screen for short periods of time during this movie. Chapter one is a far far superior effort to this for many reasons. It truly is a missed opportunity to create a fantastic up to date 2 part adaptation of one of Stephen Kings finest works!
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Girl Power!!!
25 October 2019
There is no fate, apart from that which we make for ourselves, or that which the makers of the terminator franchise keeps churning out for us!

It's an enjoyable flick, that just ignores the presence of those that came after T2. In essence it's an attempt to make T3 with a twist. It works if you keep an open mind (and forget the other 3 movies since T2).

It follows the same old concept as others - one terminator and one protector come back to save a future human leader. The leads are all female which was refreshing but I wasn't keen on Natalia Reye's character, just found her squeaky voice slightly annoying.

Great to see LH & Arnie get rolled out together in a terminator flick, that pretty much was the highlight of movie for me. Apart from that it's run of the mill, nothing you've not seen before (unless you've never seen a terminator movie). Loads of CGI, some cool fight sequences etc

All in all its worth a watch but sadly it's one you'll of forgotten about within a month (much like salvation and genisys - yeah you'd forgotten about those hadn't you!! ;) ). It gets a 7 for the presence of LH and AS on screen, without that I dunno, I probably wouldn't of gone to see it in the first place!
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Joker (I) (2019)
The king is dead.. Long live the king!
7 October 2019
Despite the title, I'm not going to compare Joaquin's Joker with Heath's here. This is a different film altogether. Heath brought us a beautifully crafted fully formed joker in DK, JP however brings us Arthur Fleck in all his disturbed severely mentally ill glory. It would be like comparing a caterpillar to it's butterfly..

It's much less of a comic book movie than a horror film. In fact in parts of the film I forgot I was actually watching the formation of the joker, as Joaquin pulls us so deep into Arthur's illness, it becomes impossible to relate that character to anything remotely 'comic book'.

Joaquin Phoenix is exceptional in this movie and he has to be, there is no supporting cast as such for him to hide a shoddy performance, just transient characters that either serve to further provoke or highlight Arthur's illness. Todd Phillips did a marvelous job here of making all of the characters bar Arthur somewhat disposable, they exist but only as a tool for Joaquin to use to craft Arthur. Even Di Nero is a passenger here, his character just used as a catalyst for Arthur's eventual brutal full metamorphosis into Joker. With that said though he plays his role beautifully and it was wonderful to see that man back where he belongs in a piece of cinematic history. The climax of the scene between them is just a thing of absolute movie genius, crafted out by two of our times greatest actors.

I'm not sure how the movie got it's 15 rating here in the UK. The violence though not continuous is disturbing in it's realism, indeed the whole film felt 'adult'. It's definitely not a 15 that I'd be letting my 13 year old son watch anytime soon. I guess it's a box office thing!

In all honesty though as much as I loved this film, I don't know if I could give it a second watch. Maybe that will change over time but right now I feel it's a movie like the usual suspects or seven.. I want to hold onto the surprise of this film, because I went in expecting something entirely different to what I was presented with.

Joaquin's always been a slightly underrated actor for me. He's been nominated for three academy awards, most notably of which were best actor for Walk the line and best supporting actor for Gladiator, but has won none. His portrayal of Commodus especially was deserving of an Oscar. Tell me a movie villain you've ever hated more than that? I struggle to find one personally!! He MUST get an Oscar for this performance!!
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Don't you dare eat the dog!
28 September 2019
I loved this film! It's superb, it's really really well done.

It is a seriously far fetched yarn regarding a father, daughter and their lovely dog "sugar" becoming trapped in the crawl space of a flooding house during a hurricane in Florida. The house is close by to a river that is full of seriously pee'd off alligators. They just want to eat anything that gets in their path. The whole film you'll be worrying about 'Sugar' the dog.. Does she get eaten? you'll have to wait and see!

The whole film has a claustrophobic feel which is backed up by some seriously good cinematography. I loved the visuals, they had real depth which made the outdoor scenes fantastic to watch. The acting is really over the top but good.

If you like horror/thriller that's good fun with plenty of gore, you'll love this!

Produced by Raimi too which is never a bad thing when it comes to horror movies. Give it a watch :)
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Child's Play (2019)
Starts off well...
26 September 2019
But then just goes progressively down hill.

Final act is ridiculous.

It's not even fun, I expected it to be 'fun' but it's just wasn't... Sadly disappointed..
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Hex (I) (2018)
Watched this the other night..
26 September 2019
And forgotten everything about it apart from the fact that it's rubbish.

Don't bother..
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Haunt (I) (2019)
Good premise, spoilt by thick characters..
26 September 2019
You'd need a frontal lobotomy to make the sort of decisions the characters in this film do..

Scenario.. You've seen one of your friends murdered in a haunted house type exhibition by one of the 'characters'. Later in the night, another one of the 'characters' of the exhibition, who refuses to remove his mask when you ask him to, or give you his name, follows you outside, brandishing a hammer in his hand.. Do you a) run like hell away from him, b) face him and get ready to bolt if he should attack or c) turn your back on him and stare at a door asking him where your friends are whilst he rambles on nonsense about you wanting to see his face behind you? If you answered C then this is the film for you.. As is a lifetime of stupidity.

It's a shame, as it starts off really well, then just descends into a thickfest.

I spent the majority of the film shouting at the screen, then laughing at the final scene which is just so stupid it's insulting.
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Midsommar (2019)
Utter tripe
26 September 2019
How Ari Aster, the man that brought us possibly the best horror flick of modern film in Hereditary churned out this complete nonsense is a mystery equal to that of the building of the pyramids..

It's ridiculous in (many) places, way too long, predictable and our main protagonists are as thick as they are annoying. Those praising the film, ask yourself please, after the first ritual would you really of hung around for more? It just wasn't true to life. I appreciate horror is escapism and delves deeply into the impossible, but the impossible should not extend to human reaction to given situations. What made Hereditary such a great film was the human element, the pure raw emotion that encapsulated the film, it made it believable from a human perspective, this however.. The characters just came across as thick and disinterested. Will Poulter's character for instance. Just completely unlikable and unbelievable. Lets face it, it's getting a lot of trendy love for the director isn't it!

It wasn't all bad. The cinematography was fantastic in places, the soundtrack very similar to Hered's was good, but apart from that..

It even got interesting toward midpoint when one of characters takes photo's of things he shouldn't.. I thought a turning point in the film was coming but disappointingly it just carried on at the same mundane irrelevant pace and slowly, predictably came to its ending act, which I embraced wholeheartedly.

The next time they fill that barn up it needs to be with copies of this DS.

3*'s for it's cinematography, hilarious sex scene and soundtrack..
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The title lies - the film died and it's dead
4 September 2019
Given the cast I had to give this a watch. I wish I hadn't. It's boring, monotonous and so lame that if it were a horse it would of been put down after 10 minutes. I can only think the cast got involved because of the 'trendy' director who's garbage I'll be avoiding in the future if this is the standard of the drivel he knocks out. Apparently it is a 'social commentary'.. I'd be more inclined to say a 'social calamity'.. They even chucked a reference to star wars in there.. Hilarious. Nice to see Iggy making a rare outing though! It get's one star for that.
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If at first you don't succeed!
1 June 2019
I really didn't like happy death day. It was pants. The groundhog day moment just got irritating after about the 50th play.. So it was with trepidation that I sat down to watch this! Surely it'll be twice as bad I thought. However there was nothing else about worth watching so I gave it a go and was pleasantly surprised. I liked the characters and it had a genuine sense of fun about it that the other one didn't achieve. Scary? No, its a true horror comedy in every sense of the word. Wouldn't sit down and watch it again hence why it gets a 6 but I enjoyed it as a one off, nothing else to watch so I'll give it a go kinda movie! Def recommend a watch!
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Goes on baby, goes on (forever)
1 June 2019
So torn about this movie. I reckon without Casey Affleck in the lead it would of been a cracking film. Michelle Monaghan, Amy Ryan, Ed Harris and Morgan Freeman were amazing in it and the story line although not without it's faults was brilliant. I enjoyed it immensely, however Casey spoilt it for me. I just couldn't take his character seriously. The role he played called for a stronger character and I just found his attempts at playing the hard man ridiculous, but instead we're supposed to believe that these characters feel intimidated by him.. Just didn't work for me. Which was a shame because on the whole it was a cracking film, that should of revolved around a stronger character. It's still well worth a watch, if like me it passed you by at the time of release..
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