
23 Reviews
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After Life (2019–2022)
Utter genius.
26 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have only one question. What happened to Ricky Gervais that gave him the insight, the understanding, to write this? I lost my wife of 24 years, to cancer, two and a half years ago, so around the time Tony lost Lisa. Gervais nails how that feels with perfection. I have avoided watching After Life until now, but I am entranced. I am weeping and laughing at the same time. Gervais is a genius..
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A piece of Luhman genius.
25 October 2019
What a gorgeous film. But did his usual thing, all his OTT visuals and make up, and gave us a wonderful love story, a priceless piece of cinema about taking your chances, being yourself.

I love this film.
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Joker (I) (2019)
I would give this 20 if I could
18 October 2019
Sad. Poignant. Rivetting. Mesmerising. Even funny at times. And utterly, utterly terrifying. This film is a crescendo, a masterpiece of cinema. The soundtrack alone makes this Best Picture. If Joker isn't Best Picture, and Phoenix isn't Best Actor, then what little credibility The Acadamey still has will be in shreds for all the world to see. Joker proves that some people in the industry still know how to make movies, and that some people truly understand their source material. The Joker was NEVER a joke, he was a terror. Phoenix portrays this to absolute perfection . I'll never look at HIM the same way again. I left the cinema three hours ago and I'm still shaken. Not for the faint of heart, and definitely not for snowflakes, but otherwise this is an absolute must see. Bravo!!
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27 April 2019
Here we are, nearly 30 years on, and I am watching QDU again, and enjoying it every bit as much as the first time. Must have seen it a dozen times. People call it a Western, and I guess that's fair, as it is set in Western Australia. However, it is probably my favourite Western. It has so much. Laura San Giacomo lights up the screen as Crazy Cora, Alan Rickman hams it up magnificently as the despicable villain, a very young Ben Mendelssohn plays a nice cameo, and Tom Selleck is perfectly cast as the sharp shooting leading man. As has been mentioned, there are some harrowing scenes that depict a dark time in my country's history, but they are not overdone and fit in with the narrative, and play a large part in the way that the story ends. The mix of serious and humorous is nigh on perfect. This film is as good now as it was in 1990. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
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Chappie (2015)
District 9??? Rubbish
24 April 2019
Sure, I'm late. Bite me.

This movie has only one connection to District 9 ( great movie BTW, robbed of best film due to PC BS ), and that is where it was shot. This is an amazing merging of RoboCop and Short Circuit, with a harder edge. Everything about this works, except for an unusually wooden performance from Jackman.

Not Oscar material, but who really cares about the Academy anymore, self serving creeps that they are? Watch Chappie for its fun, and its great characterisation of an awakening AI.
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Not even Arnie can save this.
24 April 2019
It's stunning how many people are defending this POS. There is no humour. The plot is pathetic. The acting is horrible, with a couple of exceptions. Maybe if Arnie was in it for more than 15 minutes he could have helped, but even he didn't have his heart in it.

A movie for those with the attention span of goldfish.

Two stars for Arnie's glasses.
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Coco (I) (2017)
I didn't believe it was possible
22 April 2019
I stumbled across this on a streaming service a few days ago, so I popped in here to check out reviews, as Pixar can be hit and miss. WALL-E and up are brilliant, the continuing Toy Story or Cars after the first one not so much. Then I saw all these 10 scores. I thought BS, no film is a 10. Well, except for Citizen Kane. Coco, a joyous celebration of life and love for life has absolutely changed my mind. Every part of this wonderful film makes the whole film a masterpiece.

My first ever 10, and likely my last, cos Coco is unique and will be nearly impossible to top.

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The Grand Tour (2016–2024)
Going through the motions
17 February 2019
6 episodes into the third season.... While I still look forward to each new episode, I come away feeling slightly cheated. The three presenters still have some of the old chemistry, but it seems as if they are a bit bored by the whole thing. The 'Specials' aren't really, not like, say, TG's Bolivian Special. I'll keep on watching, but I'm wondering how much longer it can last.
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The Orville: A Happy Refrain (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
Oh my
16 February 2019
Seems a few folks are upset about this ep being a rip-off of ST-TNG what rubbish. This is a homage. And I'll tell you knockers something else; it's better. Data was , without the emotion chip, incapable of the humour that Isaac has in spades, even if he doesn't know it himself. Isaac is NOT Data. Get over it.
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Who let these clowns loose on Star Trek?
13 February 2019
Nope, not reviewing this dross. Jaylah is fun, the rest is terrible.

Just don't.
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The Orville: A Happy Refrain (2019)
Season 2, Episode 6
Not even Next Gen rose to these heights.
13 February 2019
I'm not going to write a review. I am just going to say that this episode is absolutely hilarious and delightful, and yet poignant and heartfelt.

Utterly brilliant. Go watch.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Wish I could give a zero rating.
13 February 2019
Can this tripe get any worse? Don't bother, go watch The Orville instead. The true new home of ST.
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The Orville: All the World Is Birthday Cake (2019)
Season 2, Episode 5
As good as anything from TNG.
25 January 2019
What I said in the heading. The only thing missing from The Orville is Guinan. Oh, and Seven.

10 more seasons please.
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The Orville: All the World Is Birthday Cake (2019)
Season 2, Episode 5
Yet again Macfarlane gives us something special.
25 January 2019
This is seriously great stuff. 'Nuff said. Go watch.
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The Orville keeps on surprising.
25 January 2019
Before I start, let me say that I had never heard of Seth before. Never watched Family Guy. Probably never will.

OK. I was born in 1953. I watched ST TOS when it first started in Australia, in B&W no less. I have watched every episode of TOS, TNG and Voyager many, many times. ( Could never get into DS9 ). I have watched two episodes of STD, and literally cringed. Never again.

In watching reviews on YouTube I learned of the existence of The Orville. After a shaky start, Seth has given us the new Star Trek that should have been, and Nothing Left is probably the best episode so far. This was a beautifully written story, with seriously good performances from all, but I think that I was most impressed with Macfarlane himself. He's created a character with the naivety of an early Kirk, the encouraging qualities of Janeway plus the wisdom of an early Picard, all while keeping Mercer's uniqueness.

Star Trek ( the real one ) has found a new home.
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Death Wish (2018)
What is it with remakes?
11 December 2018
It's hard to believe that anyone can rate this derivative dross higher than 4/10. One paced and predictable, this movie is a waste of time and an insult to one's intelligence. Willis might as well have phoned his lines. Any suggestion that this is his best performance is truly risible. Has no one seen The Sixth Sense, or 12 Monkeys? Or even Red?

Do yourself a favour and watch Charles Bronson do it properly.
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Backcountry (I) (2014)
Heck, bears are scary, who knew.
29 November 2018
This is not a bad film, but nor is it good. I'm not spoiling by saying it's a movie about some people, and bears. Bad things happen. Utterly predictable. Go watch Rogue and be really scared. This won't do it. The only scary development is not pursued. Nice scenery for a bit though.

Forgettable. But not terrible. Like I said, go watch Rogue.
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One for Coen fanboys, but not for fans.
26 November 2018
Wow, started with some promise, but after about 30 minutes I was thinking that Netflix must have just chucked money at the brothers until they said yes. Compare this with The Big Lewbowsky, Fargo or Oh Brother and you'll see then what I mean. Never before have I turned off a movie from those brothers, until this.

Sadly, I believe that Netflix is destroying true entertainment. They believe in nothing, and have far more money than creativity. Maybe Apple will do better, but I doubt it.

If you love the Coen brothers, look away. If instead you are a fanboy, enjoy.
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Blackway (2015)
Could have been great
26 November 2018
Liotta as a bad guy, Hopkins as a hero, Julia Stiles as a tough chick in need . Sets are great. Great formula. So, what's missing? Tension. There is none. This film should reach out and grab you from the first scene, but no, it is incredibly lacklustre. It can't even decide on a title. Don't waste your time.
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Oh, I forgot.....
10 November 2018
The ending is as unbelievable as anything from the X Men movies, probably more so.

Walk away.
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Can anyone tell me how this movie makes sense?
10 November 2018
Let me be clear. The first Sicario was brilliant. I have usually enjoyed the writing of Mr Sheridan ( Wind River comes to mind ), but Stefano Sollima seems to have no idea of what story he is trying to tell here. He fails to make any connection between the ISIS terrorists and the cartels, and that is the least of this film's problems. It appears to be a series of beautifully shot but disconnected little cameos, and this makes this film utterly pointless. A complete let down after the very good first instalment. There is nothing at all memorable about it.

Walk away.
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Wind River (2017)
Utterly Superb.
7 July 2018
Everyone else has written what I would have, so I'll just say this. If you haven't watched this, why not?

Get it anyway you can and watch it NOW.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Emotionless, spiritless tripe. Looks great though.
24 June 2018
Like everyone else, I was really looking forward to this. Well, they say that expectation leads to disappointment, and nothing could be more true in this case. The British evacuation of Dunquerqe was on of the most emotional events of the whole Second World War, and this admittedly beautifully filmed, pice of dross conveyed absolutely none of that.

I'll leave it to others to pick holes in the technical aspects, but I will say that a Spitfire of that year had enough ammunition for 15 seconds of firing.

I'd recommend avoiding this, and finding a copy of Mrs Miniver instead.
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