
37 Reviews
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F knows
28 October 2022
Absolute f knows what to say some of it was awful and some very good who knows I feel confused. I really honestly don't know what to say about this. Someone in these reviews said Smile was a better movie which is just not true at all as it's just a complete re hash of the same premise 'It Follows' has and the same goes for this. Same idea and execution of every other demonic possession horror movie you've ever seen. I honestly think that movies are that bad nowadays that my expectations are that low making titles like this seem better than they are. This will be forgotten about. Still worth a cinema date I guess but don't expect much.
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Homeland (2011–2020)
First 5 seasons are simply excellent
30 June 2022
As the title suggests, the first 5 seasons are excellent. It does kind of tail off a bit in season 5 but still very worthy. The theme of season 6 is woeful compared to the settings and events of the others. This show contains thee best single episode of any TV series I've ever watched in season 2, the most intense and satisfying climax's to any story.

Carrie was a character I really adored for a long time watching through a lot of the series for many reasons but I'll keep this some what review short and sweet. However, from season 6 onwards I started to honestly hate her hahaha, I believe it was down to bad writing or at least what the character was doing just always seemed like the wrong decisions to make. In the end, the last episode of season 8 kind of brought back the lost love I had for her and kind of redeemed her for me with her final actions. A very mixed bag from season 6 onwards, but this show is seriously worth watching for the first 5 and more or less fulfilling if you manage to finish it.

Saul is the man. No more needed to say, he really made the show.
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Actual crying
30 May 2022
This film will tear u up inside like no heart break you've ever felt - seriously well done film and will leave you in some way. Seriously worth the watch.
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F knows
25 April 2022
Honestly F knows

Visuals are mental but I wasn't coming down off ket so was really just drawn out a bit too long. Really appreciate the genius behind all of effects and how good this movie actually looks I can imagine back in the day this was pretty mental to watch at the time on the big screen.

But honestly after 2 explanation videos on YouTube my answer is still F knows what just happened and I get the point and that's what Kubrick intended for each person to find their own meaning but maybe these type of films ain't for me.
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Paris, Texas (1984)
"The end justifies the means"
21 April 2022
That quote there from another review I saw here is absolutely spot on. This is a slow movie, quite long and for most people who's attention span won't last it will completely miss the mark for them. However, I cannot emphasise enough that if you allow yourself to get invested into this story the ending is powerful. I didn't cry, wasn't left happy, just really moved in a way I can't describe.

A must view for any cinema junkies like me.
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The Northman (2022)
The Viking Lion King
19 April 2022
Never have I been Mis sold a film like this one what a let down. Marketing department deserve a pat on the back. I look daft for convincing someone to come as it looked brilliant.

Some scenes were pretty harrowing and effective so points there and the protagonists acting was really well executed I guess just the direction and writing that makes the acting almost laughable at times

I laughed way more than I should

Anya Taylor a Joy to watch as always.
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Twin Peaks (1990–1991)
Confusingly excellent
7 April 2022
I think this series is one not made for everyone. It deserves and requires an attention span not interrupted by the occasional swatch of a phone because it'll slip through your fingers like sand.

The whole time You think you're starting to understand where it's going or start to grasp an idea of what you think is going to happen but all of a sudden something is introduced that completely rips that idea apart and then you're left wondering again.

The best part of this series is what some people would argue is one of the biggest criticisms, but for me it is what makes it. You'll never watch a tv programme where you are so emotionally invested in 30 different character sub plots at the same time when they have nothing to do with the main story line, but for some reason it just works here for me. Some of the most interesting characters I've witnessed, although they have no right to be.

Honestly some part of this feels like your brain is on ketamine, almost like those dreams where you're being chased by you can only run on the spot and not get ahead. This is like that. You're always one step behind what's actually happening and the series never lets you get in front and keeps you on Edge.
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Kids (1995)
This sucks ass
29 March 2022
There's not 1 character at all in this film that's even remotely likeable.

The only thing that I like is any film that shows 80s/90s New York is nice I suppose like a small time machine

But seriously this film is terrible it's not even entertaining it's got a lot of shock value, but honestly the characters are really annoying.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Very positive aspects
14 January 2022
I just want to say that I was really excited for this film until I seen the trailer lol, however it turned out much better than expected. I just feel the story is a bit meh

what I do want to mention and want to give a seriously huge special props to is the actress who plays the young sister is absolutely incredible with her acting seriously well done! Shame i cringed her with the cheesey one liner to end the film as a bitter sweet cherry on top

Also the kill seems were pretty decent so I'm really not mad at this film the story just wasn't very convincing.
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Does nostalgia cloud the flaws here?
21 December 2021
I'm still debating with myself if the pure nostalgia factor and how amazingly well they managed to bring all the old characters back and there were many moments that were so satisfying to watch that actually addressed the character arcs in the other movies in this one. However, is this more nostalgia porn than a well built story?? I don't know the answer to this and I certainly don't care what a great movie to watch and total escapism!

The only real flaw in the movie was that the first 15/20 mins or so there were many many cheesey lines and moments but what do you expect from a marvel film? I quickly got over it and I believe that anyone who could hold it against the film as a whole need to get over themselves.
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Deep Red (1975)
The music score ruins this movie
13 December 2021
Who actually thought the music in this movie actually worked for it's intended purpose? During a scene which should tense, scary or trying to build up an atmosphere this upbeat music comes in completely killing the vibe for me and actually made it a lot less enjoyable.

The camera work and direction, as you'd expect from Argento is very good and I feel like if the music was not trying to be some funky electronic nonsense some of these scenes would have much more of an impact.

Long story short the story itself was okay I guess I but I felt like the music was that distracting I was so annoyed with it I'd lose concentration on what was actually happening

Hahahaha literally it might seem I'm taking this music score criticism too far but trust me watch it and you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.
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Left tears in my eye
10 December 2021
This film deserves the credit it gets no questions asked. Recommend to anyone who appreciates films - not for the casual viewing but super easy to follow and be engrossed in from the start.
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7.6 Mis sold me on this one
1 November 2021
Didn't look into it much but seemed good a trusted the rating and went for it and it boy sure did disappoint. I would rather re watch Halloween kills again than this one and f me that would be really seriously saying something.
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Absolute hot trash
23 October 2021
I could sit for a while telling you how bad this was but to put it short. The cinema laughed more than sat gripped at their seats. What a complete joke of a film, an actual insult to intelligence. Usually you have those "don't go in there" horror moments but this was if the people behind it are actually trying to take the piss out of you with this film. Whoever wrote the script for this film needs to read a book, the most cringe movie I've ever seen.
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Squid Game (2021–2025)
Started off with serious flare and lost momentum
12 October 2021
I've watched too many power house Korean movies for this to have much of an impact on me. Sounds very pretentious me saying this but if you've watched movies like Oldboy, memories of murder, chaser, I saw the devil, (these are just scratching the surface) then you'll know exactly what I mean. This just doesn't hit the same way they do, I feel like this could possible be because it is being released on Netflix but whatevs - I wasn't left gripping my seat the same way they do.

Might not be a good thing honestly comparing this series to them with being completely different premises, but honestly this doesn't come close. What I love about this show is that it will open up a lot of people who aren't particularly regulars with watching something foreign, and show them what is out there to dive into and will break that barrier of entry down to make them go discover more film from this absolute master race of film makers, actors and story tellers. Mark my words NO ONE DOES IT BETTER THAN THE KOREANS. It's just a shame that because the popularity this has seen so far will start to cloud over the absolute master pieces these people are capable of and have produced.
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Wild Things (1998)
One mans trash is another's treasure
13 September 2021
This is one really trashy movie but is so good at the same time hahaha. You can't take it that seriously which is why I think it scores a 6.5 but it was so enjoyable and definitely worth a watch.
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Glaring plot hole - still excellent
2 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There a glaring plot hole at the start of this movie but you can get over it quite easy I'm not sure how many people would notice but still I'm a big fan of the first and didn't take much to be quite obvious for me.

Basically I'm stuck between if the first film now ended wrongly or if the second film just ignored the ending of the first because it would be impractical for it to continue to acknowledge. Basically at the end of the first movie it ends with the mum shooting the spider alien thing with a shotgun and then end take shows lots of them running towards the farm house because they obviously heard the gun shots, whereas in the second film, they simply walk out the farm house gather their things and get out of there. So either they ignored the fact they showed an overwhelming amount of them coming to attack, and realised we wouldn't logically be able to find a way out of this for the start of the second film, so just hope for the best and it's not picked up too much and carry on. Alternatively, they realised it maybe should haven't ended that way to continue with the story and went with their new stance on the subject. Either way this film is excellent and this is very easy to get over like if u let it ruin it for you then u need to get over yourself.
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Absolute Madness
1 August 2021
The first film I've seen in a long time I found myself clapping at the end. Honestly the Koreans are miles upon miles further ahead than Hollywood. This is one of the best films I've seen, you have been gripped by films before but not like this be prepared.
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29 July 2021
The scene in the morgue made me burst out laughing in the middle of the cinema so al give it a 5/10 cause that was some laugh.

Solid performances from Ed and Lauren but they couldn't save this it started off quite promising but the further it went on the less I took it seriously.
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The Wrestler (2008)
Not spoken about enough
9 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This film is one of the most under rated movies I have seen. It has a pretty good score on here of course, I mean, generally speaking I had to discover this film myself and feel like for how good it is people do not speak about this enough what a great performance Rourke gives, its 2021 at the time of this review and we need to make sure it's not forgotten. Please watch this and let others know and get this film the praise it deserves.

As for the criticism regarding the ending, I understand, but just like sopranos the cut to black is a tool utilised so that the viewer can create and ending for themselves and interpret it their own way, which gives it a long lasting impression. Did you expect to have a whole scene him dying on the canvas and everyone crying for him?? It wouldn't have hit the same way and you know it. If you would've wanted to see a scene where he lives, is all good and finally gets his girl; please spare me. This ended the right way so don't start.

All round very good film.
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Comedy gold
26 May 2021
This hasn't broke out over at least a 7 rating?? Hahahaha that's the funniest part about this film it's personally one of the best comedy's ever created just a really easy great watch that never gets old.
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Better than this average rating here suggest
13 April 2021
Genuine quite a good watch holes everywhere of course but horror films need to take liberties sometimes but enjoyable all round you probably just won't watch it again but it builds up the atmosphere very well.
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The prettiest film I've seen
6 April 2021
The location in this film is so amazing and is just such a vibe I wish it was me there.
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16 pounds on prime!!! Hahahaha
1 April 2021
I cannot believe I paid this price for the home premiere dearer than going to the cinema al tell you that's what the real COVID conspiracy so they can charge prices like that hahaha, but I'm just a little silly fan boy who paid it and well am I feeling ripped off? Yes. Was the movie bad? Definitely not, the story is pretty in terms of character development is pretty grim in all honesty but the visual effects are insane and a pure joy to watch. It's on par with how impressive the CGI was in Avengers Endgame. The battle scenes are truly great and I wish I was on acid watching this.

Overall: Action scenes/ visual effects: 10/10 Storyline/ character development 4/10.
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Peninsula (2020)
28 March 2021
If you love train to busan it's worth a watch but not worth much more.

Funny how every road and highway all the cars are so conveniently pushed to the side and that ending sequence is just drawn out so long it actually hurt.
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