
30 Reviews
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Its a fun movie. Science.....who cares?!
2 January 2024
Look, I don't know what people have as far as expectations for the movie industry these days, but all I expect is to be entertained. I was entertained. This movie was fun and although it was not as good as the first movie, it was still entertaining to watch. Yes, the X could've been better, but seeing is though this is a megalodon shark movie I give it some grace for jumping the shark. No pun intended. I did not come into this expecting it to be scientifically, correct if you come into this movie expecting that you are setting yourself up for failure. Just sit back. Relax and enjoy the movie .
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Saltburn (2023)
An attempted remake of The Talented Mr Ripley
30 December 2023
My five star rating of this movie is generous. Am my opinion. This is an attempt to remake in a modern way, the talented Mr. Ripley. Which happens to be one of my favorite movies. I realize this early on in the movie and I hoped that they would've pulled it off better than they did. But they didn't! You are better spending your time watching the talented Mr. Ripley. In that movie you at least get to be tuned in to Matt Damon's deceit and the world response around him. Here you are left to use your imagination and assume until the end. Which tries to be a , gotcha reveal but fails. It is a beautiful film however.
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A great movie despite lack of accuracy
23 October 2022
Not sure why this movie has such a low rating here but it's a great movie experience. Ir has a 95% fresh on rotten tomatoes. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. The story was great, the characters, the sets, the costume design.... it was a beautiful movie set in a time of history that is rarely explored from this point of view. Africans during the time of trade with the Portuguese and English. It's not just the cargo off to the new land.

I feel like this could be a Vikings. It too is not historically accurate, but the power struggles, the fighting, the captures, the society... it's all a piece in time where the stories can take seasons to tell. Viola was great!! And the supporting cast was AMAZIINNGGGGG!!!! This movie better ve present at award season lol.
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Marrowbone (2017)
The low rating is WRONG!! This movie is great!
19 October 2022
Watched this as a horror. Came out with a completely different emotion. This movie is not what I expected. Why it's rated so low must be from movie snobs. As someone who watches to be entertained...I was. I was also moved.

This is one where it's right there and you just can't grasp it. Loved the story. The acting was good. I see critics say it's cliche and predictable, I didn't get that at all! I was completely thrown as the story unfolded.

I don't care if other films have done it better, this movie stands out on its own and definitely deserves a higher rating. This is one of those watch and form your own opinion type of thing. Glad I did.
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Barbarian (2022)
Layers Onions!!
19 October 2022
I loved this movie! At first I thought it would be a cliche stranded stranger movie but it actually has a plot that unfolds which is rare these days!

This idea seems fresh and new. It was exciting to watch the layers unfold. This is one of those movies where you can't duplicate the first viewing. I suggest going in blind and just enjoy the movie. For which I am proud that the trailer doesn't give you much of anything.

The third act was a bit wonky, but I still enjoyed it. 10s across the board for the twist and turns done right! You have no idea where this movie is going so just buckle up and be entertained.
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
Couldn't finish it.
18 October 2022
This movie is so slow that it just didn't keep my interest. It's a lil dry and dull. The sound seems too low and everyone is talking in a whisper like tone. I've tried for 2 days to finish but I can't. Got to reading reviews and watched a few YouTube videos and saw the original is better. This one is just an American remake that was filmed shot for shot, all while missing some components that make the original great. I made it an hr in and didn't even bother to finish the rest. I figure why force myself to finish if the original is going to be better. So I'm Going over to the original and hoping for a better experience.
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I see church folks are dragging this movie! It's not that deep!
4 September 2022
This movie was good. Period. Anyone on here bashing it is doing just that. This is like if Greenleaf was a documentary vs a show. You get glimpses into the hypocrisy of this mega church and it's disgraced first family...ala Bishop Eddie Long....hmph. Whoever wrote the script is VERY familiar with prosperity gospel and it shows. Lots of funny moments. Some "Y'all, be for real" moments lol. And some "Oop, that's the true tea" moments. I enjoyed it. I'd even watch it again! Give it a shot. At worst it's a good watch, but a 5 it is not.... UNLESS you are hating or this isn't apart of your culture.
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Good Concept. Needed more elaboration
20 May 2022
I enjoyed the movie. It kept my attention which is not easily done. I enjoyed the story and the acting was right where it needed to be. My only gripe is this is one where you'll be asking "But why tho". Other than that, it's a solid watch.
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May (2002)
Beyond a slow burn. Just plain Ole boring
21 April 2022
The 1st act was intriguing but it takes too long to get to the point that by the time we get to the meat, I'm bored and struggling to pay attention. Now I don't mind a slow burn creepfest of the payoff is worth The Gift. But this was very lackluster. Waste of movie time.
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Eden Lake (2008)
The movie trope I hate...the dumb female
23 March 2022
This movie started well. But from the time it kicks in gear and we get our main protagonist, I am left with no hope that this damsel will overcome her "fragile feminine nature" to overcome the odds she faces. I hate this movie trope where the characters have to defy all logic and common sense to move the plot along. It would've had a 6 if the ending wasn't so Twilight Zone-ish. Like WTH man really?? That's the last act? Booooo tomato tomato.
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Fear of Rain (2021)
Ok movies but for the plotholes
30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It started strong. You really feel the manic pace of the film. It's supposed to be that way which spiked my anxiety lol. You can kind of figure out 80% of what is happening as M Knight has played this trick on us before. However the movie trope of characters doing stupid things to move the plot along irks me. Especially when a few plotholes weren't closed. I'm off to Google to fill in the gaps of what the movie brushed over and never explained.
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The Innocent (2021)
Strong start. Soap Opera-ry dragged out ending.
16 January 2022
By episode 4.5 I was over it. It started pretty strong, but there is so much going on and the way it unfolds after the build up was annoying. In the later episodes what was meant as suspense, is just dragging on with slow dialogue and suspenseful music. I found myself fast forwarding past the Soap Opera style drama just to catch the main story points of whodunnit. They could've cut the last 3 episodes down to 2 or 1.5. And then it would be a 7. Also a lot of the abuse could've been cut. Seemed like torture porn at some points as it drags.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Independence Day is what we think we are, THIS is who we REALLY
2 January 2022
For what this movie is I found it highly entertaining. No matter your politics any real world observer can admit we are all too deep in our corners that we wouldn't recognize the truth if it slapped us in the face. Here we are in a time where All across the globe we are dealing with our first modern Pandemic, where we need to come together....and unlike the movies...we can't seem to pull it in and work as a species. This is the truth of who we are, where profits matter more than life. And fiction matters more than truth. It's every man for himself. Humans suck. We get what we deserve. Darwin always wins. Good luck everyone! Happy 2022!!! May the odds be ever in your favor.
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The Manor (I) (2021)
Dry acting. Bad sound. Horrible script
10 October 2021
I recognize many of the actors in this movie. But this was extremely boring and dry. Their acting was subpar at best. Montone. Lifetime biopic have better acting. Please don't waste your time. This movie is trash!!!!
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The Ms. Pat Show (2021– )
9 September 2021
I absolutely love this show!! I love that they curse. I love the acting is light hearted and not over done. I find myself laughing and cursing with Pat. This is the type of show I needed!!! Truly a show of it's time, with an old school flare. They tackle tough issues and still make you laugh. That good ole TGIF feel with LOTS of cursing!!! Lol. This is how most of the ppl I know really talk. Glad this show is in BET+. I hope for many more seasons.
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Stop acting like the first one was masterpiece theatre
17 July 2021
These super low reviews are just haters. Look, he ain't my favorite player either...but as a 90s kid I like this one so much better. Kids will love this for sure! It's definitely a new legacy.

I love the casted versions of his real family. I also loved all of the nostalgia throwbacks and a few hilarious surprises that kids and adults will eat up for sure.

The beginning was dry.. But once they actually get to the game...recruiting and got better. I didn't expect to literally lol. I was prepared to hate it. But I didn't. Solid watch - 6. Your kids will love it.
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Tries to hard to be something. Just don't know what it is.
11 July 2021
Boring. Drags along. Things happen. Underwhelming climax. Waste of my 2hrs.
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Super Cliche!!! In a horrible way
11 July 2021
The middle of this movie is unrealistic and bearable. From the cops to the parents...NO one. And I do mean NO one is this for every character in this movie to be so dumb for the sake of moving the plot along is cringy beyond belief. I literally fast forwarded to the end where the truth comes out bc the rest was just stupidly aggravating.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
A zombie show to rival Walking Dead
8 July 2021
I love the pacing of this show. The story telling is different for zombie tales lol. Yes, the characters can be very naive, but it's a zombie tv show. In the real world, ppl like this exist. Zombies gotta eat too lol. There were moments where the suspense was so great I didn't realize I was holding my breath. I was looking for a great show to binge and I found it...even when I found myself rooting for the zombies lol. Hope they keep up the good storytelling into Season 3.
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Don't Go (I) (2018)
Worth a watch.
26 June 2021
This is one of those films where it wasn't great but i don't regret watching it. Not quite a 5 but not better than a 6. It's a good watch. Grief. Betrayal. A lil sci-fi time travel. And redemption. Not bad.
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Don't let the clearly biased reviews here deter you from watching
23 June 2021
I will say, this series doesn't really "explain" money. More so it's pitfalls and trappings in our current society and the history of how it impacts generations. I hate when ppl use "woke". Facts are facts. The numbers don't lie. They speak for themselves. That's not being "woke" it's being informed of the truth. However to be fair, this doc does glance over personal responsibility in many aspects, choosing to more so focus on the predatory nature of the current banking system...which is just factual regardless of your politics. Even if you don't agree with the approach, doesn't make the information false. Watch and judge for yourself. Many communities don't even get THIS type of financial information. ESPECIALLY regarding credit cards and understanding how interest or student loans work.
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A solid watch!! I've got no regrets lol
20 April 2021
I rather enjoyed this movie. Gonna watch it a second time. I almost want to give it an 8 out of 10 but I was missing just one more good scare. But i'd definitely suggest checking it out! It's a good popcorn, chill, movie night type of flick.
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Not as hype as the reviews make it seem
19 April 2021
It's an ok watch. Just okay. The twist is good, but you figure it or something close to it out by the middle of the movie. From there it kind of drags through story changes of whodunnit. I do like the set up. The pay off wasn't big enough to get the 8.1 it has currently.
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I like art films, but this movie is dumb!
31 January 2021
I was looking for a thriller and just got a bunch of confusion. Trying to tell a greek mythology story in a human world does NOT work without the mythical. Too many unanswered question. Beautifully directed. The acting is dry. The storyline is dry. I should just watched FoundFlix on Youtube. You ain't missing anything! Skip this one. Mother is a better art film than this. Less confusing.
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The Gift (VI) (2015)
Didn't expect to like this based on recent reviews but...
29 January 2021
I thought it was a solid watch. If you like mysteries, then you'll enjoy this movie. I must admit, it is a slow burn, so i wrote it off in the beginning. But I started paying attention around 30 mins lol. But by the end, I had to go back and rewatch the first 30 I had written off. And I was wrong. Trust me. Just follow the story. It's a ride that's taking you somewhere that you will find interesting.
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