
23 Reviews
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Deeply disappointing
29 February 2024
First movie - 8/10.

Here is why this one is 3/10 in no particular order:
  • Stilgar reduced to a clown
  • the Barron reduced to a inconsequential background
  • half of the movie was people (mostly women of course) staring meanly at the camera
  • the other half was weak inconsequential dialogue of no substance i.e. "genius we are melting rock on them" says the Barron completely out of character and for no reason at all
  • the pacing felt choppy
  • the direction felt aimless as if two different people directed the two parts
  • the visual gravity of scenes mismatched the gravity of the soundtrack numerous times
  • girl power, anti-south and "mah equality" moments for no reason
  • three of Paul's key scenes were carbon copies of Daenerys' scenes from Game of Thrones season 1 and 2
  • etc. Etc. Bad character work.
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The moral conclusion of the movie is despicable...
8 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not 1 star only because it was mediocre cinematographically at least.

However the idea behind the plot proposed as heroic is far from it.

A tragedy strikes a society that has caused it to happen, so lets not suffer the consequences of our mistakes, introspect, understand, heal, grow, be better... no, none of that...

Lets instead murder hundreds of innocent people. How heroic...

Let me remind you of someone called Thanos. He wanted to stop collapse of societies by murdering innocents. He was indeed a villain, he was not a hero.

Somehow in this movie however, the idea of murdering innocents is presented as heroic. Did you know that ANY totalitarian government, ANY horrifying dictator in history planned what they planned and did what they did with exactly the same idea in mind ?

The idea is summarized like this - the cost does not matter, as long as the action is for THE GREATER GOOD.

And in this movie this is hidden behind a mystery and some personal drama.

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If Hitler was never born...
8 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
We are afraid.

We are afraid of the unknown and we want the perfection of knowing everything, so we won't be afraid anymore.

Evan was like that, he wanted to be that all-knowing figure to make everything better, so he and everyone around him is no longer afraid, no longer suffering.

That is a childish thought, perfection is unnatural and therefor impossible. Evan never grew up, so he never stopped chasing that childish impossible dream.

In the end, he found out the only way to find perfection - not to exist. Nothing is the only thing that is perfect in every way, since it is the absence of anything, therefor can't be spoiled.

Bad things happen in life, that's inevitable, it is natural, it is how the universe is. We are bound by universal laws and therefor have only one way to exist in the universe - to accept it and flow with whatever the universe throws our way, the good, the bad, the ugly.

This acceptance is not surrender, it is wisdom. The wisdom of moving forward and pursuing your happiness, all the while knowing the risks.

So being in an imperfect universe, bound by its rules, there will always be the possibility of Hitler being born, which is an unfortunate and awful, and tragic truth. We only need be wise. We can do and be better.
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A bit suspicious at times, but nonetheless necessary
7 June 2022
I give this movie 10/10 for one very very important reason. The reason is that it is the ONLY such piece of media that brings light on the madness that has been going along with the social progress of the past few decades.

Opposition to madness is fundamental and always necessary, that is why in every totalitarian state in history, opposition has been brutally crushed, because madness does not like dissent, since it falls apart easily under scrutiny.

The madness I am talking about represented perfectly by one of the first conversations, where a scientist can't say "I don't know, I guess" which for a scientist is not only perfectly fine, but also REQUIRED and resorts to a circular definition, acting defensive, and even being hostile. He was extremely upset by what he called "poking at a topic", while poking at topics is what SCIENTISTS DO! Madness...

More of this!

Madness has to be opposed always!
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The Batman (2022)
Meh and racist...
28 May 2022
"White privilege a$$holes" ?

No thanks...

  • - -

Here are a few more completely meaningless words, so this otherwise entirely accurate review would become at least these one hundred and fifty characters, that IMDB have chosen.
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The Avengers (2012)
Re-watched after the last 2 years of MCU content
22 May 2022
Fortunately for everyone, Disney decided to chill on this one. Literally no intrusive, nonsensical, political shenanigans at all. Except a really weird moment where Hill shoots someone and the camera pans to her face??? So awkward and weird.

Otherwise, pretty much a top notch super hero movie. Fast paced, no bs, focused on the story and with the right amount of humor. Very entertaining and very much what Marvel movies should strive to be.

Compared to the last 2 years of MCU content, Avengers is so far ahead!

Checkout my review with the same title of Iron Man for reference of why I wrote the previous sentence.
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Re-watched after the last 2 years of MCU content
22 May 2022
Disney reusing its corporate plan from Thor:

  • addition of an Asian guy with a few lines out of nowhere - check!

  • addition of a black guy with a few lines out of nowhere - check!

Agent Carter, semi-badly handled. There are two specific scenes she is shown to be somehow invulnerable to her bad choices. First being physically abusive towards an army recruit, something a good officer NEVER does and second firing a gun multiple times at a metallic object in a crowded room with no regard for everyone her. Remember she is a highly ranked military personnel! She is not only acting childishly and irresponsibly, she is not reprimanded for it AND characters around her seem to either commend or even revere her stupid actions. Strength is not shown through abusive dominance. That is actually weakness, to admit you don't have merit to show your worth, so you make people submit to your image of yourself through force. That comes from resentment, completely opposite of say Jane from Thor, an interesting, smart, strong young woman who is also gentle and even silly at times, as a real heroic person would be. Not a bully, like Carter.

This theme of female bullies becomes a lot more prominent in future MCU content.

What the creators did right, is represent Cap's morality well. Never giving up, even when you are outmatched. Never adopting a mentality of a victim, just because you were dealt a bad hand in life. Always striving to be the best you could be, with whatever you have. And also being humble, admitting you are imperfect through his choices, being ok with it and trying to do the right thing in spite of it.

Unfortunately these principles, these timeless ideals fade away further in the MCU we go, especially in the last 2 years of MCU content where they are either lost completely or even mocked.

Above average action movie, entertaining and relatable., with proper focus on the hero, his journey, his choices, his ideas. Characters are natural and fun (for the most part), the script is honest and focused on the story, and the story itself makes sense throughout.

Way better than the entries of the last 2 years of MCU content.

Checkout my review with the same title of Iron Man for reference of why I wrote the previous sentence.
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Thor (2011)
Re-watched after the last 2 years of MCU content
22 May 2022
Disney's touch is felt lightly here as well:

  • addition of out of place random Asian guy, with a few lines, in a Nordic myth - check!

  • addition of out of place random black guy, with a few lines, in a Nordic myth - check!

This will become a theme for awhile...

Surprisingly, they handled Sif very well. She is a warrior from an advanced, almost demi-god genes, so obviously she is powerful. However, instead of putting her in unrealistic situations where with her slender agile frame, she would withstand and overpower a bunch of buffed brutes, she is shown utilizing her agility to her advantage - she sneak attacks a giant robot with a spear in the neck! On top of that she is not obnoxious, pretentious and resentful and the male characters around her aren't made to look weak, so she would look strong. Well done!

They handled Jane very well, too. She is a smart, driven scientist AND a young woman at the same time. She has a complex personality, she is brave and gentle, she is believable and natural. Like Sif, she is not obnoxious, pretentious and resentful, and the male characters around her aren't made to look weak or stupid, so she would look strong. There is nothing forced about her, unlike many future incarnations of female characters in the MCU. Well done!

Unlike the previous solo hero movies, it is more lighthearted and fantastical, more PG. There is a lot more of a light show feel to it, compared to Iron Man.

Still the focus is on the hero, his journey, pain and growth. It is again very much what a super hero movie should be - very entertaining and relatable. The characters are natural and fun, the script is honest and focused on the story, and the story itself makes sense throughout.

Compared to the last 2 years of MCU content - miles ahead!

Checkout my review with the same title of Iron Man for reference of why I wrote the previous sentence.
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Iron Man 2 (2010)
Re-watched after the last 2 years of MCU content
21 May 2022
Disney is now taking control.

  • addition of a female specifically referred to as "powerful" - check!

  • addition of incompetent, bumbling male idiot - check!

  • addition of a fighting female that humiliates bumbling male idiot - check!

  • also said female somehow does damage to numerous large trained male guards, without sustaining any damage herself - check!

Disney's influence is starting to be seen clearly and immediately, however it is in its early stages, so it is soft and the creativity the authors of the original material had is still there.

The interesting thing is there is a scene that touches on an unfortunately very unpopular idea in modern America - the idea of private property and self-ownership independent from government. I believe this is the first and last time we witness such a scene in a Marvel movie, since Disney becomes more and more involved in the process.

Overall an entertaining, honest and focused (except the several Disney things mentioned in the beginning) movie, which is way better than any of the MCU content from the last about 2 years.

Checkout my review with the same title of Iron Man for reference of why I wrote the previous sentence.
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Re-watched after the last 2 years of MCU content
21 May 2022
After Iron Man, in the same year came The Incredible Hulk.

This is the last Marvel movie before Disney started taking over and it shows. The atmosphere, characters, script and story are very much like the ones in Iron Man - honest, focused and making sense.

And of course, Ed Norton much like RDJ just brings a special something, that few other actors could.

On its own merits, overall it is a slightly better than a mediocre movie, but perfectly watchable and entertaining, well worth the time and money.

However, compared to the last 2 years of MCU content - leagues above!

Checkout my review with the same title of Iron Man for reference of why I wrote the previous sentence.
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Iron Man (2008)
Re-watched after the last 2 years of MCU content
21 May 2022
Surprise surprise, there is a STARK difference!

The movie on its own merits is not groundbreaking cinema, but still very entertaining and relatable. The characters are natural and fun, the script is honest and focused on the story, and the story itself makes sense throughout. Everything a super hero movie is supposed to be, so 7/10 is an appropriate score.

Seems like those who created it, did so with love and care for the material.

The latest entries in the MCU somehow miss those few simple criteria entirely. Characters feel unnatural and forced, the scripts are mostly dishonest and focused on other things outside the stories, and the stories themselves most of the time make no sense at all.

Seems like those who created them, did so with the intention of injecting as much of whatever weird ideas of and negative feelings they have towards the world as they could, without much love or care for the material, leading to a distorted, chaotic, even grotesque at times picture, that presents nothing an enjoyer of cinema would ever want.

What a shame...
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Weak writing and directing
8 May 2022
The movie felt like a cheap children's TV show, but with A LOT of money thrown into CGI.

It is almost like Marvel had never actually made any movies before... Remember Winter Soldier ? Iron Man ? Avengers ?

What the hell happened, Marvel ?

It is just embarrassing for your whole company, to create such bad movies...

If you can't even teach a girl how to throw a convincing punch, can't write a clever move for the SMARTEST MAN IN THE WORLD, so that he could be instead used as cheap fodder to create a scene of only women fighting for no reason, but you can make the acting of the amazing Benedict Cumberbatch look bad, you really have a problem.
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The Guilty (2021)
Great movie
22 September 2021
This is what movies need to be!

No political agendas, no preaching, no bs...

Just story, characters and great acting!
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Until F6, they at least knew what they were
2 August 2021
In F7/F8 they started to drift away more and more, and in F9 they completely went into the chaos...

The movie never knew what it was, because its creators don't know who to be.

FF has always been about a couple of simple things, that the audience (men!) relate to:

  • action
  • comedy
  • brave men
  • brotherhood
  • wealth
  • beautiful women

This movie couldn't incorporate even one of these things well.

Spiritless... Aimless... Cheaply made... Propagandistic...
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Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too (2019)
Season 5, Episode 3
How is this a Black Mirror episode ?
6 June 2019
Two things:

  • If this was an episode targeting adults, it was too juvenile and PG.

  • If this was an episode targeting adolescents... since when is BM for kids ??? Cause it isn't and it shouldn't be, so what were the producers thinking ?

So many things, so wrong with this episode...

Make another third episode for season five... this was just such a shame for the Black Mirror name.
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Game of Thrones: The Last of the Starks (2019)
Season 8, Episode 4
Quit your job as writers right now
10 May 2019
The writers of this show have shown clearly that they are inapt.

If a 2 year hiatus produced this... Imagine what would've come out, if they did it on their regular schedule.

This is a brilliant example of how to bury your career completely in just a few hours of TV time.

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Game of Progressivism made this episode quite annoying
21 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Putting aside the great moments with the Hound or Tormund, or Jon/Sansa and Dany, the writing of this episode was terrible, forced and fake.

NEVER include scenes for the sake of some real world point you want to make!

First of all, the little girl that wants to fight. Why ? The only reason this scene exists is because some GoF exec wanted to win some virtue points, nothing else. It doesn't add ANYTHING to the story... We had SEVEN seasons of Brienne, Arya, The Sand Snakes etc. even Lianna, showing the "a girl can fight too" narrative. No need to add such a meaningless, out of nowhere, not-thrones scene. Terrible writing!

Second, the Mormont girl scene. Are we really supposed to believe that a 12 year old girl would be of any use on the battlefield ? Smart and assertive as a leader, with advisers around her sure, I would believe that, but fighting skill and power is beyond ridiculous. She probably won't be able to even pick up a small sword. Terrible writing!

Third, SIR Brienne. Now that one made me laugh. SIR Brienne ? What is this, Disney ? What were the writers thinking there, I will never know, but this was just the single most tragic mistake they've made, ever since the beginning of the show. Sir means a man, Lady means a woman. Since a LADY can't be a KNIGHT, it is far more meaningful and impactful for the point they want to make (Whamen be strong!) to call her Lady Brienne, KNIGHT of the Seven Kingdoms, creating a precedent in the universe of GoT - a Lady becoming a Knight. Instead they went for making fun of the word SIR and Brienne at the same time, by calling a woman SIR, essentially making another point "A woman can't be respected as a fighter unless she and her peers believe her to be a man". Exceptionally terrible writing!

Oh and Arya naked scene... she has the appearance of a child, it made me very uncomfortable to watch a sex scene with a child involved, so I skipped that. Who the hell decided to put that in, seriously... A romantic, sexual relationship between Arya and Gendry was imminent, but come on, have some class and just hint at it, don't show her naked! Ill advised writing!

NEVER include agenda scenes without them having anything to do with the story!

It is annoying, distracts you from the story and ruins the experience of immersion Game of Thrones is otherwise so good at.

And to think we had to wait two years for this... if the show doesn't pick up
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Skyscraper (2018)
It is funny, but I don't it is supposed to be
12 August 2018
Our dude The Rock is ex-SWAT, very skillful, very intelligent, very brave.

So far, so good!

Wifey, surgeon and a mom, fights like ex-SWAT, kinda ridiculous isn't it ?.

Kids, two adorable 7-8 year olds who think like ex-SWAT and talk like ex-SWAT...

I just couldn't take this movie seriously :D

The plot isn't anything new, but the idea of the environment is unique and fascinating to be honest.

But The Rock and the environment alone can't make a good movie.

5/10 - not worth watching really ...
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Frighteningly real!
15 May 2018
The authenticity and intimacy of every aspect of the movie are so unsettling and at the same time satisfying!

Amazing movie for those times you need some visceral violence and honest cruelty, mixed with righteous resolve :)
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Feel good, sweet and funny movie
13 May 2018
Made me think about my life... my loves and regrets

May be it was a chance or may be it was meant to be that way, one would never know.

If you find that one girl, don't let her go. Everything's gonna turn out fine somehow :)

And of course: "DON'T TOUCH HER ASSHOLE!" :D
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Man with a Plan: We Hate Money (2018)
Season 2, Episode 19
2 minutes in, already stupid propaganda
8 May 2018
Why are you so eager to chase away your fans ?

It is not at all true that women are payed less, because of MEN!

I wonder if there's gonna ever be a non-propaganda cut that we educated people can enjoy ?
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Best superhero movie ever!
6 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Ah! How much this movie has moved me...

10/10, brilliant, perfect, better than the hype, more than any superhero plot ever!

Lets start from the simplest, yet difficult to make authentic thing - humor. I loved every joke, every reference, every cheeky banter! Never has a superhero movie delivered such pure, simple and most of all authentic humor (GotG 2 tried, but failed too often with obviously forced humor).

Next, on the polar opposite - the drama. It was really authentic as well, which tugged at my heart sting in exactly the right amount. I definitely shed a tear or two at some moments in the movie. The moment between Bruce and Nat was so real. The last moment between Vision and Wanda was so real. Thor meeting the Guardians, the Guardians meeting the Avengers on Titan, Bruce reuniting with the Avengers... brilliant authentic human moments.

NEXT - the action! Of course, plenty of well choreographed, intense action. The massive LotR style battle was so nice. The moment you see Cap outrun the army to spearhead together with TChalla was so AWESOME! The hand to hand combat scenes were very nicely done as well, which is kind of rare these days.

And last, but not least, the enormous cherry on top - the villain! I still can't believe how well was this character developed in so little time, remember the movie is only 2hrs and 30 minutes and we didn't know anything about Thanos. The motivation, the background, the execution, the feelings, so nicely displayed through his action and Josh Brolin's amazing acting.

And the ending... still can't believe they actually had the courage to do it the way they did and I'm so glad they didn't shy away from a proper ending for this epic odyssey!

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Weirdly enjoyable
10 October 2016
Was it just me, or the actors characters felt so natural. Excluding the ridiculous moments like the massage, the acting was really believable. Felt like a Seth Rogen comedy, I'm not sure if he had anything to do with it.

It was very funny and outrageous at moments and tender at others, and at some it frustrated me for some reason :D Zac Efron was great as always, playing a young hot guy, but I liked Adam Devine, too. It was the first movie I watched with him and I'm looking forward to more comedies with him.

Solid comedy (not as good as Dirty Grandpa and Neighbors :D ), I think most people would definitely enjoy it at least as much as me :)
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